123 research outputs found

    Ética y prevención del consumo de drogas

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    En este artículo se discuten algunas controversias éticas en torno a la prevención del consumo de drogas. Las posiciones favorables al consumo de drogas plantean objeciones éticas a la prevención, especialmente a la prevención mediante la implantación de normas legales que restringen el acceso y el uso de las sustancias. Se apela al control personal o al autocontrol como sustitución de los mecanismos coercitivos o limitadores de las leyes actuales. Sin embargo, no existe ninguna posibilidad de desligar las conductas de autocontrol de las condiciones que las controlan, que, en su mayor parte, son sociales y que, en el último término, vienen ejercidas por las instancias de control tradicionales. Según esto, la existencia de esos controles sociales (normas, leyes, regulaciones, dificultades físicas de acceso, condena moral, etc.) facilita la implantación y el funcionamiento del autocontrol frente a las drogas. La existencia de normas legales que regulan (restringen) el consumo de drogas no ha de enfrentarse al necesario impulso de programas que eduquen a los individuos para no usar drogas o usarlas de forma moderada o responsable. Antes bien, ambos tipos de medidas se complementan para alcanzar ese fin

    The relationship between impulsivity and problem gambling in adolescence

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    Gambling has become one of the most frequently reported addictive behaviors among young people. Understanding risk factors associated with the onset or maintenance of gambling problems in adolescence has implications for its prevention and treatment. The main aim of the present study was to examine the potential relationships between impulsivity and problem gambling in adolescence. Participants were 874 high school students (average age: 15 years old) who were surveyed to provide data on gambling and impulsivity. Selfreported gambling behavior was assessed using the South Oaks Gambling Screen – Revised for Adolescents (SOGS-RA) and impulsivity was measured using the Impulsive Sensation Seeking Questionnaire (ZKPQ), the Barrat Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11-A), and a delay discounting task. The data were analyzed using both a prospective-longitudinal and a cross-sectional design. In the longitudinal analyses, results showed that the impulsivity subscale of the ZKPQ increased the risk of problem gambling (p = 0.003). In the crosssectional analyses, all the impulsivity measures were higher in at-risk/problem gamblers than in non-problem gamblers (p = 0.04; 0.03; and 0.01, respectively). These findings further support the relationship between impulsivity and gambling in adolescence. Moreover, our findings suggest a bidirectional relationship between impulsivity and problem gambling in adolescence. These results have consequences for the development of prevention and treatment programs for adolescents with gambling problems

    Episodic future thinking for the prevention and treatment of health risk behaviors

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    Non-communicable diseases (i.e., cardiovascular, oncological, respiratory, and endocrine diseases) represent the main cause of death and morbidity in the world, with tobacco and alcohol use, an unhealthy diet, and a sedentary lifestyle being the main risk factors. From reinforcer pathology theory, based on behavioral economics (BE), these health risk behaviors are understood as choice disorders, characterized by an excessive valuation of the reinforcer (e.g., the drug) and a preference for immediate reinforcers over delayed ones. Episodic future thinking (EFT) is a psychological intervention that consists of vividly visualizing future events and projecting oneself into them, in order to increase the valuation of the reinforcers associated with the execution of a healthy behavior. This technique shows promising results in reducing impulsive decision-making and increasing health-related behaviors (e.g., abstinence, diet, physical activity)

    Concurrent validity of the alcohol purchase task in relation to alcohol involvement: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction Alcohol demand, as measured by an alcohol purchase task (APT), provides a multidimensional assessment of the relative reinforcing efficacy of alcohol. The objective of this meta-analysis is to critically appraise the existing literature on the concurrent validity of the APT by meta-analysing the cross-sectional relationships between indices of the APT (ie, breakpoint, Omax, Pmax, elasticity and intensity) and alcohol-related measures. It also aims to examine methodological procedures used to obtain APT indices and individual variables as potential moderators on the assessed estimations. Methods and analysis A comprehensive literature search conducted from inception to April 2020 will be conducted in the PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science and Scopus databases. Two authors will independently screen and extract data from articles using a predefined protocol search and extraction forms. Disagreements will be resolved through discussion with two additional reviewers. All results will be tabulated, and a random-effect meta-analysis will be conducted. Participants’ sex, number of prices and APT methodological procedures will be examined as potential moderators on the observed effect sizes. Ethics and dissemination Results of this meta-analysis will characterise the concurrent validity of the APT in the existing literature. Further, the results are anticipated to provide evidence on which index (or indices) is most robustly associated with alcohol use and severity. Ethics approval was not required for this study and the results will be published in a peer-reviewed journal

    Virtual reality for smoking cessation: a case report

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    This study presents a case report describing the use of Virtual Stop Smoking (VSS) program. The VSS includes a multicomponent behavioural approach and a Virtual Reality graded exposure technique. The subject was a 22-year-old female who smoked 20 cigarettes per day. Six weekly 90-minute sessions were conducted once a week over a 6-week period. Measures of efficacy included the number of cigarettes smoked, breath carbon monoxide levels, and self-reported subjective craving. The results obtained supported the efficacy of VSS for smoking cessation

    Evolución de las funciones ejecutivas de adictos a la cocaína tras un año de tratamiento

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    Introducción: Numerosos estudios han confirmado la presencia de alteraciones en las funciones ejecutivas de adictos a la cocaína, pero pocos han investigado el curso temporal y patrón evolutivo de estos déficits. Los objetivos del presente estudio consistieron en (1) evaluar el perfil neuropsicológico de consumidores de cocaína que han completado un año de tratamiento, (2) describir la evolución de los déficits a lo largo del tratamiento y discutir qué variables pueden mediar su recuperación. Material y Método: 50 pacientes en tratamiento por adicción a la cocaína fueron reclutados aleatoriamente en el programa ambulatorio de Proyecto Hombre Asturias. Durante la admisión al programa y tras completar doce meses de tratamiento se aplicó un protocolo de evaluación neuropsicológica sensible a la detección de alteraciones en diferentes componentes de las funciones ejecutivas. Resultados: en general se encontró una tendencia hacia la mejoría en las puntuaciones en la batería neuropsicológica tras doce meses de tratamiento, aunque no en todas las tareas. El rendimiento neuropsicológico en pruebas relacionadas con atención y fluidez mejoró, se mantuvo estable en tareas relacionadas con control inhibitorio y empeoró en tareas de flexibilidad mental. Discusión: se produjo una mejoría global del rendimiento neuropsicológico, por lo que se puede pensar en la posibilidad de reversibilidad de las alteraciones en las funciones ejecutivas en pacientes adictos a la cocaína

    Insights from behavioral economics to characterize substance use involvement in adolescents: a cluster analysis

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    Reinforcement pathology (RP), a framework rooted in behavioral economics, has contributed to advances in the etiology and treatment of substance use. Drug demand and delay discounting (DD) have gained considerable interest, as they inform on the risk for escalation to substance use as well as treatment-specific targets. No prior study conducted in Spain has explored the interplay of demand and DD in adolescents. This study was aimed to: 1) identify whether DD and alcohol demand can yield empirically driven subgroups, and 2) examine differences in substance use involvement. The sample comprised 107 (% females = 54.2) adolescents (M=15.46, SD=1.25) from a high school in Asturias (Spain). Participants filled out an ad-hoc survey on substance use over the prior 30 days and one year. A 20-item alcohol purchase task (APT) was used to assess the reinforcing value of alcohol. The 21-item Monetary Choice Questionnaire evaluated impulsive choice. Two subgroups emerged: Cluster 1 (n = 72) and Cluster 2 (n = 35). Participants in C2 consistently showed higher impulsivity and demand for alcohol, signifying lower responsiveness to alcohol pricing. As compared to C1, those in C2 had a higher prevalence of past-month substance use [C1: 26/72 (36.1%) vs. C2: 33/35 (94.3%), p <.001], and a greater frequency of drunkenness [p <.001] and binge drinking episodes [p <.001]. RP differentiate between subgroups of adolescent substance users with patterns of more versus less substance use involvement. The existence of specific drug use subpopulations should be considered when designing environmental preventive policiesLa economía conductual para caracterizar el uso de drogas en adolescentes: análisis de cluster. La patología del refuerzo (PR), basada en la economía conductual, ha contribuido al avance de la etiología y el tratamiento de drogas. La demanda y el descuento por demora (DD) informan sobre el incremento en el consumo y los objetivos de tratamiento. Ningún estudio realizado en España ha examinado la interacción entre ambas variables en adolescentes. Los objetivos fueron: 1) identificar si el DD y la demanda de alcohol pueden identificar distintos subgrupos y, 2) examinar sus diferencias en el consumo de sustancias. La muestra incluyó 107 (% mujeres = 54,2) adolescentes (M =15,46, DT =1,25) de enseñanza obligatoria en Asturias (España). Se evaluó el consumo de drogas en los últimos 30 días y el último año. El poder reforzante del alcohol se evaluó mediante una tarea de compra de 20 ítems (APT). La toma de decisiones impulsiva se evaluó mediante el Cuestionario de Elección Monetaria. Se identificaron dos subgrupos: Grupo 1 (n = 72) y Grupo 2 (n = 35). El Grupo 2 mostró una demanda e impulsividad más elevada, indicando menor sensibilidad a incrementos en el precio. Comparado con el Grupo 1, el 2 obtuvo una prevalencia más elevada de consumo en el último mes [G1: 26/72 (36,1%) vs. G2: 33/35 (94,3%), p <,001], mayor frecuencia de borracheras (p <,001) y episodios de consumo intensivo de alcohol (p <,001). La PR permite caracterizar e identificar grupos con distintos patrones de consumo de sustancias. La existencia de distintos perfiles debería ser considerada a la hora de desarrollar políticas preventiva

    Validation of the Food Purchase Task (FPT) in a clinical sample of smokers with overweight and obesity

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    [EN] Obesity is a major health problem associated with disease burden and mortality. In this context, analyzing food as a powerful reinforcer from a behavioral economics framework could be relevant for the treatment and prevention of obesity. The purposes of this study were to validate a food purchase task (FPT) in a clinical sample of Spanish smokers with overweight and obesity and to assess the internal structure of the FPT. We also analyzed the clinical utility of single-item breakpoint (i.e., commodity price that suppresses demand). A total of 120 smokers [% females: 54.2; Mage = 52.54; SD = 10.34] with overweight and obesity completed the FPT and weight/eating-related variables. Principal component analysis was used to examine the FPT structure, and a set of correlations were used to examine the relationship between the FPT, eating and weight-related variables. The FPT demonstrated robust convergent validity with other measures of eating. Higher food demand was related to higher food craving (r = .33), more binge eating problems (r = .39), more weight gain concerns (r = .35), higher frequency of both controlled (r = .37) and uncontrolled (r = .30) grazing, as well as to an eating style in response to emotions (r = .34) and external eating (r = .34). Of the demand indices, Intensity and Omax showed the highest magnitudes of effects. The FPT factors, persistence and amplitude, do not improve individual FPT indices; and the single-item breakpoint was not related to any eating or weight variable. The FPT is a valid measure of food reinforcement with potential clinical utility in smokers with obesity/overweight.S