46 research outputs found

    Pathophysiological mechanisms in Parkinson`s Disease and Dystonia – converging aetiologies

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    In this thesis I used a range of experimental approaches including genetics, enzyme activity measurements, histology and imaging to explore converging pathophysiological mechanisms of Parkinson`s disease and dystonia, two conditions with frequent clinical overlap. First, based on a combined retro- and prospective cohort of patients, using a combination of lysosomal enzyme activity measurements in peripheral blood and brain samples, as well as a target gene approach, I provide first evidence of reduced levels of enzyme activity in Glucocerebrosidase and the presence of GBA mutations, indicating lysosomal abnormality, in a relevant proportion of patients with dystonia of previously unknown origin. Second, based on a retrospective cohort of patients, I detail that a relevant proportion of genetically confirmed mitochondrial disease patients present with a movement disorder phenotype - predominantly dystonia and parkinsonism. Analysing volumetric MRI data, I describe a patterned cerebellar atrophy in these particular patients. This also includes the first cases of isolated dystonia due to mitochondrial disease, adding the latter as a potential aetiology for dystonia of unknown origin. Third, I used a combination of post-GWAS population genetic approaches and tissue-based experiments to explore in how far the strong association between advancing age and Parkinson ́s disease is mediated via telomere length. Although the initial finding of an association between genetically determined telomere length and PD risk did not replicate in independent cohorts, I provide evidence that telomere length in human putamen physiologically shortens with advancing age and 3 is regulated differently than in other brain regions. This is unique in the human brain, implying a particular age-related vulnerability of the striatum, part of the nigro-striatal network, crucially involved in PD pathophysiology. I conclude by discussing the above findings in light of the current literature, expand on their relevance and possible direction of future experiments

    Der Einfluss humanen Wildtyp-Alpha-Synucleins auf die Adulte Neurogenese am Beispiel der transgenen mThy1-Alpha-Synuclein-Maus

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    Einleitung: Das pathologische Charakteristikum des Parkinson-Syndroms ist die Akkumulation und Aggregation von α-Synuclein in Neuronen des Gehirns. Transgene (tg) humanes Wildtyp (h-wt) α-Synuclein-Tiere simulieren bestimmte Aspekte des Parkinson-Syndroms. Die adulte Neurogenese, die Neubildung neuer Neurone im adulten hippocampalen Gyrus dentatus und im System Subventrikularzone – Bulbus olfactorius ist in Modelltieren zum Parkinson-Syndrom verändert. Bei tg hPDGFβ h-wt α-Synuclein-Mäusen ist die Zahl neu gebildeter Neurone durch eine vermehrte Apoptose neu geborener Zellen in Hippocamps und Blubus olfactorius vermindert. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die adulte Neurogenese in Tieren zu analysieren, die h-wt α-Synuclein unter der regulatorischen Kontrolle von mThy1 exprimieren, da diese eine höhere Synuclein-Expression als hPDGFβ h-wt α-Synuclein-Tiere zeigen. Darüberhinaus wurden beide tg Mausstämme bezüglich der Pathologie an Dendriten und synaptischen spines analysiert und mit Kontrollen verglichen. Methoden: Standard Immunhistochemie, Immunfluoreszenz, Konfokalmikroskopie; Hippocampale retrovirale Injektionen mit einem CAG-GFP Konstrukt mit nachfolgender Analyse der Dendriten und synaptischen Spines markierter neu geborener hippocampaler Neurone; Ergebnisse: 1) Im Vergleich zu Kontrollen weisen tg h-wt mThy1 Tiere eine um 38% signifikant verminderte Anzahl reifer hippocampaler Neuroblasten (p=0,04) auf, ohne sich darüber hinaus in Proliferation, Überleben, Differenzierung oder Apoptose neu geborener Neurone von Kontrollen zu unterscheiden. 2) Während Neuroblasten bei hPDGFβ tg Tieren α-Synuclein ab den frühesten Stadien der neuronalen Differenzierung exprimieren, ist dies in mThy1 Tieren erst später - nach dem Stadium Doublecortin-positiver Neuroblasten - der Fall. 3) Tg mThy1 α-Synuclein Tiere weisen aufgrund einer verminderten dopaminergen Differenzierung um 61% weniger dopaminerge neugeborene Neuronen in der Glomerulärzellschicht des Bulbus olfactorius auf (p=0,04). 4) Neu geborene mThy1 und hPDGFβ Neurone weisen signifikant kürzere Dendriten, mThy1 Neurone zusätzlich eine verminderrte Dichte synaptischer spines auf. Zusammenfassung: Die adulte Neurogenese ist bei der tg hPDGFβ α-Synuclein Maus deutlicher vermindert als bei der tg mThy1 Maus – wahrscheinlich aufgrund einer Promotor-abhängig früheren Expression von α-Synuclein. Daher spekulieren wir, dass der Effekt von α-Synuclein auf die adulte hippocampale Neurogenese nicht nur vom quantitativen sondern auch temporalen Expressionsmuster abhängt. Die bekannten Verhaltensdefizite der mThy1 Maus sind wahrscheinlich mit dem durch eine verminderte dopaminerge Differenzierung bedingten signifikanten Unterschied in der Neurogenese im Bulbus olfactorius assoziiert. Die quantifizierten Unterschiede im dendritischen Verzweigungsmuster und Bildung synaptischer spines an neu geborenen Neuronen zwischen mThy1, hPDGFβ und Kontrolltieren spiegelt nicht nur die unterschiedlichen Expressionsmuster der verschiedenen Promotoren wieder, sondern ähnelt auch den neuronalen Dendritenpathologien bei Patienten mit Parkinson-Syndrom

    Age-related telomere attrition in the human putamen

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    Age is a major risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases. Shortening of leucocyte telomeres with advancing age, arguably a measure of "biological" age, is a known phenomenon and epidemiologically correlated with age-related disease. The main mechanism of telomere shortening is cell division, rendering telomere length in post-mitotic cells presumably stable. Longitudinal measurement of human brain telomere length is not feasible, and cross-sectional cortical brain samples so far indicated no attrition with age. Hence, age-related changes in telomere length in the brain and the association between telomere length and neurodegenerative diseases remain unknown. Here, we demonstrate that mean telomere length in the putamen, a part of the basal ganglia, physiologically shortens with age, like leukocyte telomeres. This was achieved by using matched brain and leukocyte-rich spleen samples from 98 post-mortem healthy human donors. Using spleen telomeres as a reference, we further found that mean telomere length was brain region-specific, as telomeres in the putamen were significantly shorter than in the cerebellum. Expression analyses of genes involved in telomere length regulation and oxidative phosphorylation revealed that both region- and age-dependent expression pattern corresponded with region-dependent telomere length dynamics. Collectively, our results indicate that mean telomere length in the human putamen physiologically shortens with advancing age and that both local and temporal gene expression dynamics correlate with this, pointing at a potential mechanism for the selective, age-related vulnerability of the nigro-striatal network

    Heterogeneity of prodromal Parkinson symptoms in siblings of Parkinson disease patients.

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    A prodromal phase of Parkinson's disease (PD) may precede motor manifestations by decades. PD patients' siblings are at higher risk for PD, but the prevalence and distribution of prodromal symptoms are unknown. The study objectives were (1) to assess motor and non-motor features estimating prodromal PD probability in PD siblings recruited within the European PROPAG-AGEING project; (2) to compare motor and non-motor symptoms to the well-established DeNoPa cohort. 340 PD siblings from three sites (Bologna, Seville, Kassel/Goettingen) underwent clinical and neurological evaluations of PD markers. The German part of the cohort was compared with German de novo PD patients (dnPDs) and healthy controls (CTRs) from DeNoPa. Fifteen (4.4%) siblings presented with subtle signs of motor impairment, with MDS-UPDRS-III scores not clinically different from CTRs. Symptoms of orthostatic hypotension were present in 47 siblings (13.8%), no different to CTRs (p = 0.072). No differences were found for olfaction and overall cognition; German-siblings performed worse than CTRs in visuospatial-executive and language tasks. 3/147 siblings had video-polysomnography-confirmed REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), none was positive on the RBD Screening Questionnaire. 173/300 siblings had <1% probability of having prodromal PD; 100 between 1 and 10%, 26 siblings between 10 and 80%, one fulfilled the criteria for prodromal PD. According to the current analysis, we cannot confirm the increased risk of PD siblings for prodromal PD. Siblings showed a heterogeneous distribution of prodromal PD markers and probability. Additional parameters, including strong disease markers, should be investigated to verify if these results depend on validity and sensitivity of prodromal PD criteria, or if siblings' risk is not elevated

    Metabolite and lipoprotein profiles reveal sex-related oxidative stress imbalance in de novo drug-naive Parkinson's disease patients

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is the neurological disorder showing the greatest rise in prevalence from 1990 to 2016. Despite clinical definition criteria and a tremendous effort to develop objective biomarkers, precise diagnosis of PD is still unavailable at early stage. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have used omic methods to unveil the molecular basis of PD, providing a detailed characterization of potentially pathological alterations in various biological specimens. Metabolomics could provide useful insights to deepen our knowledge of PD aetiopathogenesis, to identify signatures that distinguish groups of patients and uncover responsive biomarkers of PD that may be significant in early detection and in tracking the disease progression and drug treatment efficacy. The present work is the first large metabolomic study based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with an independent validation cohort aiming at the serum characterization of de novo drug-naive PD patients. Here, NMR is applied to sera from large training and independent validation cohorts of German subjects. Multivariate and univariate approaches are used to infer metabolic differences that characterize the metabolite and the lipoprotein profiles of newly diagnosed de novo drug-naive PD patients also in relation to the biological sex of the subjects in the study, evidencing a more pronounced fingerprint of the pathology in male patients. The presence of a validation cohort allowed us to confirm altered levels of acetone and cholesterol in male PD patients. By comparing the metabolites and lipoproteins levels among de novo drug-naive PD patients, age- and sex-matched healthy controls, and a group of advanced PD patients, we detected several descriptors of stronger oxidative stress

    Heterogeneity of prodromal Parkinson symptoms in siblings of Parkinson disease patients

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    Abstract: A prodromal phase of Parkinson’s disease (PD) may precede motor manifestations by decades. PD patients’ siblings are at higher risk for PD, but the prevalence and distribution of prodromal symptoms are unknown. The study objectives were (1) to assess motor and non-motor features estimating prodromal PD probability in PD siblings recruited within the European PROPAG-AGEING project; (2) to compare motor and non-motor symptoms to the well-established DeNoPa cohort. 340 PD siblings from three sites (Bologna, Seville, Kassel/Goettingen) underwent clinical and neurological evaluations of PD markers. The German part of the cohort was compared with German de novo PD patients (dnPDs) and healthy controls (CTRs) from DeNoPa. Fifteen (4.4%) siblings presented with subtle signs of motor impairment, with MDS-UPDRS-III scores not clinically different from CTRs. Symptoms of orthostatic hypotension were present in 47 siblings (13.8%), no different to CTRs (p = 0.072). No differences were found for olfaction and overall cognition; German-siblings performed worse than CTRs in visuospatial-executive and language tasks. 3/147 siblings had video-polysomnography-confirmed REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), none was positive on the RBD Screening Questionnaire. 173/300 siblings had <1% probability of having prodromal PD; 100 between 1 and 10%, 26 siblings between 10 and 80%, one fulfilled the criteria for prodromal PD. According to the current analysis, we cannot confirm the increased risk of PD siblings for prodromal PD. Siblings showed a heterogeneous distribution of prodromal PD markers and probability. Additional parameters, including strong disease markers, should be investigated to verify if these results depend on validity and sensitivity of prodromal PD criteria, or if siblings’ risk is not elevated

    Identification of novel risk loci, causal insights, and heritable risk for Parkinson's disease: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies

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    Background Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in Parkinson's disease have increased the scope of biological knowledge about the disease over the past decade. We aimed to use the largest aggregate of GWAS data to identify novel risk loci and gain further insight into the causes of Parkinson's disease. Methods We did a meta-analysis of 17 datasets from Parkinson's disease GWAS available from European ancestry samples to nominate novel loci for disease risk. These datasets incorporated all available data. We then used these data to estimate heritable risk and develop predictive models of this heritability. We also used large gene expression and methylation resources to examine possible functional consequences as well as tissue, cell type, and biological pathway enrichments for the identified risk factors. Additionally, we examined shared genetic risk between Parkinson's disease and other phenotypes of interest via genetic correlations followed by Mendelian randomisation. Findings Between Oct 1, 2017, and Aug 9, 2018, we analysed 7·8 million single nucleotide polymorphisms in 37 688 cases, 18 618 UK Biobank proxy-cases (ie, individuals who do not have Parkinson's disease but have a first degree relative that does), and 1·4 million controls. We identified 90 independent genome-wide significant risk signals across 78 genomic regions, including 38 novel independent risk signals in 37 loci. These 90 variants explained 16–36% of the heritable risk of Parkinson's disease depending on prevalence. Integrating methylation and expression data within a Mendelian randomisation framework identified putatively associated genes at 70 risk signals underlying GWAS loci for follow-up functional studies. Tissue-specific expression enrichment analyses suggested Parkinson's disease loci were heavily brain-enriched, with specific neuronal cell types being implicated from single cell data. We found significant genetic correlations with brain volumes (false discovery rate-adjusted p=0·0035 for intracranial volume, p=0·024 for putamen volume), smoking status (p=0·024), and educational attainment (p=0·038). Mendelian randomisation between cognitive performance and Parkinson's disease risk showed a robust association (p=8·00 × 10−7). Interpretation These data provide the most comprehensive survey of genetic risk within Parkinson's disease to date, to the best of our knowledge, by revealing many additional Parkinson's disease risk loci, providing a biological context for these risk factors, and showing that a considerable genetic component of this disease remains unidentified. These associations derived from European ancestry datasets will need to be followed-up with more diverse data. Funding The National Institute on Aging at the National Institutes of Health (USA), The Michael J Fox Foundation, and The Parkinson's Foundation (see appendix for full list of funding sources)