125 research outputs found

    FFC NMR Relaxometers on Education Topologies, control techniques and electromagnetic devices

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    Trabalho apresentado em XXIX Conference on Design of circuits and Integrated Systems, 26-28 November, 2014, Madrid, Spain.N/

    Physical pendulum model: Fractional differential equation and memory effects

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    A detailed analysis of pendular motion is presented. Inertial effects, self-oscillation, and memory, together with non-constant moment of inertia, hysteresis, and negative damping are shown to be required for the comprehensive description of the free pendulum oscillatory regime. The effects of very high initial amplitudes, friction in the roller bearing axle, drag, and pendulum geometry are also analyzed and discussed. A model consisting of a fractional differential equation fits and explains high resolution and long-time experimental data gathered from standard action-camera videos.publishersversionpublishe

    1H spin-lattice NMR relaxation in the presence of residual dipolar interactions : Dipolar relaxation enhancement

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    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 668119 (project “IDentIFY”). The role of COST Action CA15209 (European Network on NMR Relaxometry) is also acknowledged.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Um olhar sociológico sobre a praxe académica

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    A praxe académica é um fenómeno social complexo e multidimensional, com raízes históricas antigas, mas permanentemente reinventado. Dele fazem parte um conjunto de práticas ritualizadas através das quais, anualmente, vários estudantes do ensino superior recebem a maior parte dos novos alunos das suas instituições ou cursos. Ainda que apresentem traços que lhes conferem unidade, permitindo a identificação de um conjunto de características nucleares da praxe, essas práticas são heterogéneas e apresentam variações nos diversos contextos em que ocorrem. Enquanto alguns rituais de praxe enfatizam o poder dos estudantes mais antigos e a submissão e disciplinarização dos recém-chegados, outros apresentam uma importante componente festiva e hedonista. Partindo da ideia de que os rituais, quando consequentes, contribuem para a construção da realidade social, esta comunicação analisará os efeitos duráveis que a praxe, através da sua dupla face acima referida, produz no universo estudantil.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Semi-nested PCR para a detecção molecular de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis em amostras de tecido

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    INTRODUCTION: Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic infection caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. METHODS: In this study, a semi-nested PCR for paracoccidioidomycosis diagnosis was developed. The primers ITS1 and ITS4 were used in the first reaction, while the primers MJ03 and ITS1 primer were used in the second reaction. The semi-nested PCR was used to investigate biopsies of five patients with oral lesions that resembled paracoccidioidomycosis. RESULTS: The semi-nested PCR was positive for four samples and negative for a sample from a patient later diagnosed with leishmaniasis. CONCLUSIONS: The new semi-nested PCR describe is useful for aracoccidioidomycosis diagnosis. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMOINTRODUÇÃO: A paracoccidioidomicose é uma infecção sistêmica causada pelo Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo, uma semi-nested PCR foi desenvolvida para o diagnóstico da paracoccidioidomicose. Os oligonucleotídeos iniciadores ITS1 e ITS4 foram usados na primeira reação, enquanto os oligonucleotídeos iniciadores MJ03 e ITS1 foram usados na segunda reação. A semi-nested PCR foi usada para investigar biopsias de cinco pacientes com lesões orais que se assemelhavam a paracoccidioidomicose. RESULTADOS: A semi-nested PCR foi positiva para quatro amostras e negativa para a amostra de um paciente, posteriormente diagnosticado com leishmaniose. CONCLUSÕES: A semi-nested PCR descrita aqui é útil para o diagnóstico da paracoccidioidomicose

    Reference Scenarios and Key Performance Indicators for 5G Ultra-dense Networks

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    The so-called 5G will revolutionize the way we live, and work. In order to demonstrate the profound changes, we can expect to experience within the next 5 to 10 years, we present use cases for the planned research within the TeamUp5G project. Some use cases are strongly linked to the network layer and aim at developing solutions capable of optimizing the main promising benefits of 5G: extremely low latency and extremely high bandwidth (e.g., handle video streams, traffic congestion, user profiles), in the most efficient way possible. Other use cases focus on commercial applications that make use of middleware applications to enhance their performance. The latter fall into two main areas: real-time virtual reality and live video streaming, which are extremely demanding in terms of latency and bandwidth to provide an acceptable QoE/QoS to multiple users. The use cases presented are built assuming that 5G is essential for their support with appropriate QoE/QoS. Key performance indicators and their range of variation are also identified.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Physiological and productive performance of papaya plants irrigated in a semiarid environment

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    Papaya tree has great economic importance and potential of cultivation in semiarid environment. However, water scarcity in this region may inhibits photosynthetic activity and limit the production of this crop, being necessary to use strategies of irrigation management that rationalize water and allow the production of the plants without affecting photosynthetic activity. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the physiological and productive performance of papaya “Calimosa” under different water replacement rates in semiarid environment. Papaya plants were irrigated with four water replacement rates (50, 75, 100 and 125% ETo) from 30 days after transplant of seedlings to the experimental area.  At 10 months after transplant were realized evaluations of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence, and at 12 months after transplant, it was started harvesting fruits to determine the yield. Water replacement rates significantly influenced the parameters of gas exchange of papaya with better results on rates of 125% ETo. However, application of water replacement rates of 100% ETo provide conditions adequate for the activity of gas exchange and better quantum efficiency of photosystem II, that contribute to fruit production in papaya. With rates less than 75% ETo occur drastic reductions in gas exchange, quantum efficiency of photosystem II, and fruit production of papaya, which impairs its cultivation in semiarid environments

    Structural, morphological, and magnetic characterizations of (FexMn1-x)2O3 nanocrystals: A comprehensive stoichiometric determination

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    Iron manganese trioxide (FexMn1-x)2O3 nanocrystals were synthesized by the sol-gel method. The 80 K Mossbauer spectrum was well-fitted using two doublets representing the 8b and 24d crystallographic sites of the (FexMn1-x)2O3 phase and two weak extra sextets which were attributed to crystalline and amorphous hematite. Our findings showed formation of a bixbyite primary phase. The Raman spectrum exhibits six Raman active modes, typical of (Fe,Mn)2O3, and two extra Raman modes associated with the secondary hematite phase. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis confirmed the presence of oxygen vacancy onto the (FexMn1-x)2O3 particle surface, with varying oxidation states. X-band magnetic resonance data revealed a single broad resonance line in the whole temperature range (3.8 K - 300 K). The temperature dependence of both resonance field and resonance linewidth shows a remarkable change in the range of 40 - 50 K, herein credited to surface spin glass behavior. The model picture used assumes (FexMn1-x)2O3 nanoparticles with a core-shell structure. Results indicate that below about 50 K the spin system of shell reveals a paramagnetic to spin glass-like transition upon cooling, with a critical temperature estimated at 43 K. In the higher temperature range, the superparamagnetic hematite (secondary) phase contributes remarkably to the temperature dependence of the resonance linewidth. Zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and fieldcooled (FC) data show strong irreversibility and a peak in the ZFC curve at 33 K, attributed to a paramagnetic-ferrimagnetic transition of the main phase. Hysteresis curve at 5 K shows a low coercive field of 4 kOe, with the magnetization not reaching saturation at 70 kOe, suggesting the occurrence of a ferrimagnetic core with a magnetic disorder at surface, characteristic of core-shell spin-glass-like behavior

    Efeitos do exercício físico na aptidão física e funções cognitivas de idosos / Effects of physical exercise on physical fitness and cognitive functions of elderly

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    Objetivo: Este estudo avalia a eficácia do exercício físico com pesos livres na aptidão física e funções cognitivas de idosos. Método: Intervenção com 24 idosos (60 a 80 anos). Participaram de exercício físico regular em 18 sessões, duas vezes na semana, com uma hora de duração, realizado em cadeira convencional com uso de pesos livres (1 a 2 Kg) para membros inferiores e superiores. Coleta de dados: instituição de aposentados em uma cidade do interior de São Paulo; foram avaliados antes e após a intervenção: Questionário-Sócio-econômico-demográfico-saúde, MEEM, IPAQ adaptado, ”Functional Fitness Test”. Resultado: O “Teste de Wilcoxon” foi significante para o Score Total MEEM (p < 0,001), indicando que houve aumento significativo  do Score Total MEEM após intervenção, (mediana dos escores antes 26,5 e após 28,5); resultado do teste t foi significante e evidenciaram ganho na aptidão física: PotênciaAeróbica (p<0,001), média Antes intervenção 66,1(DP=19,8), média após 80,8(DP=19,4); Força MM  Superiores (p<0,001), média  Antes intervenção 13,7(DP=3,3) após 20,7(DP=4,1); M  Inferiores  (p<0,001), média Antes intervenção 10,4(DP=2,4) após 14,0(DP=3,3); Veloc Normal Andar (p<0,001), média Antes intervenção 3,9(DP=0,6), após 3,1(DP=0,5) Veloc  Máx Andar  média Antes intervenção 2,6(DP=0,4) após 2,4(DP=0,5) Conclusão: O exercício físico exerceu impacto positivo na aptidão física e contribuiu para um melhor funcionamento cognitivo dos idosos. Verificou-se que à medida que a capacidade física do indivíduo aumenta, melhora sua conexão corpo-cérebro. A pesquisa indica uma inovação no que se refere a programa de exercício físico com pesos livres, realizado em cadeira convencional. É de fácil aplicabilidade e baixo custo. Recomenda-se implantação em políticas públicas de promoção da saúde, prevenção de doenças do envelhecimento