61 research outputs found

    Making sense of methods – a conversation about qualitative research in library and information studies

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    Currently there is an embarrassment of riches with regards to the range of research methods appropriate for library and information studies [LIS]; including qualitative and quantitative methods as well as ‘mixed methods’. All of this provides a rich body of resources for researchers, but this abundance also has a downside since it can also result in confusion and perplexity amongst researchers as they plan their investigative studies. Contributions such as this special issue are welcome opportunities to resolve and ameliorate this situation, and so in our contribution we seek to address some of these issues in the form of an interchange between two researchers with interests that include, but are not limited to, research in LIS. Between us we have a wide range of publications, as well as 80 plus PhD completions, many of which fall under the heading of LIS – broadly conceived. In particular we would claim specific expertise in Grounded Theory [Bryant] and Action Research [Abbott-Halpin]. Our aim is to seek clarification of some of the key methodological issues; although we realize that this is unlikely to provide any definitive outcome, it may assist those seeking guidance on these matters

    Transposable Element Populations Shed Light on the Evolutionary History of Wheat and the Complex Co-Evolution of Autonomous and Non-Autonomous Retrotransposons

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    Wheat has one of the largest and most repetitive genomes among major crop plants, containing over 85% transposable elements (TEs). TEs populate genomes much in the way that individuals populate ecosystems, diversifying into different lineages, sub-families and sub-populations. The recent availability of high-quality, chromosome-scale genome sequences from ten wheat lines enables a detailed analysis how TEs evolved in allohexaploid wheat, its diploids progenitors, and in various chromosomal haplotype segments. LTR retrotransposon families evolved into distinct sub-populations and sub-families that were active in waves lasting several hundred thousand years. Furthermore, It is shown that different retrotransposon sub-families were active in the three wheat sub-genomes, making them useful markers to study and date polyploidization events and chromosomal rearrangements. Additionally, haplotype-specific TE sub-families are used to characterize chromosomal introgressions in different wheat lines. Additionally, populations of non-autonomous TEs co-evolved over millions of years with their autonomous partners, leading to complex systems with multiple types of autonomous, semi-autonomous and non-autonomous elements. Phylogenetic and TE population analyses revealed the relationships between non-autonomous elements and their mobilizing autonomous partners. TE population analysis provided insights into genome evolution of allohexaploid wheat and genetic diversity of species, and may have implication for future crop breeding

    Tri6 Is a Global Transcription Regulator in the Phytopathogen Fusarium graminearum

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    In F. graminearum, the transcriptional regulator Tri6 is encoded within the trichothecene gene cluster and regulates genes involved in the biosynthesis of the secondary metabolite deoxynivalenol (DON). The Tri6 protein with its Cys2His2 zinc-finger may also conform to the class of global transcription regulators. This class of global transcriptional regulators mediate various environmental cues and generally responds to the demands of cellular metabolism. To address this issue directly, we sought to find gene targets of Tri6 in F. graminearum grown in optimal nutrient conditions. Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by Illumina sequencing (ChIP-Seq) revealed that in addition to identifying six genes within the trichothecene gene cluster, Tri1, Tri3, Tri6, Tri7, Tri12 and Tri14, the ChIP-Seq also identified 192 additional targets potentially regulated by Tri6. Functional classification revealed that, among the annotated genes, ∼40% are associated with cellular metabolism and transport and the rest of the target genes fall into the category of signal transduction and gene expression regulation. ChIP-Seq data also revealed Tri6 has the highest affinity toward its own promoter, suggesting that this gene could be subject to self-regulation. Electro mobility shift assays (EMSA) performed on the promoter of Tri6 with purified Tri6 protein identified a minimum binding motif of GTGA repeats as a consensus sequence. Finally, expression profiling of F. graminearum grown under nitrogen-limiting conditions revealed that 49 out of 198 target genes are differentially regulated by Tri6. The identification of potential new targets together with deciphering novel binding sites for Tri6, casts new light into the role of this transcriptional regulator in the overall growth and development of F. graminearum

    An autoactive NB-LRR gene causes Rht13 dwarfism in wheat

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    Semidwarfing genes have greatly increased wheat yields globally, yet the widely used gibberellin (GA)-insensitive genes Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b have disadvantages for seedling emergence. Use of the GA-sensitive semidwarfing gene Rht13 avoids this pleiotropic effect. Here, we show that Rht13 encodes a nucleotide-binding site/leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) gene. A point mutation in the semidwarf Rht-B13b allele autoactivates the NB-LRR gene and causes a height reduction comparable with Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b in diverse genetic backgrounds. The autoactive Rht-B13b allele leads to transcriptional up-regulation of pathogenesis-related genes including class III peroxidases associated with cell wall remodeling. Rht13 represents a new class of reduced height (Rht) gene, unlike other Rht genes, which encode components of the GA signaling or metabolic pathways. This discovery opens avenues to use autoactive NB-LRR genes as semidwarfing genes in a range of crop species, and to apply Rht13 in wheat breeding programs using a perfect genetic marker

    Chromosome-scale genome assembly provides insights into rye biology, evolution and agronomic potential

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    Rye (Secale cereale L.) is an exceptionally climate-resilient cereal crop, used extensively to produce improved wheat varieties via introgressive hybridization and possessing the entire repertoire of genes necessary to enable hybrid breeding. Rye is allogamous and only recently domesticated, thus giving cultivated ryes access to a diverse and exploitable wild gene pool. To further enhance the agronomic potential of rye, we produced a chromosome-scale annotated assembly of the 7.9-gigabase rye genome and extensively validated its quality by using a suite of molecular genetic resources. We demonstrate applications of this resource with a broad range of investigations. We present findings on cultivated rye's incomplete genetic isolation from wild relatives, mechanisms of genome structural evolution, pathogen resistance, low-temperature tolerance, fertility control systems for hybrid breeding and the yield benefits of rye-wheat introgressions.Peer reviewe

    Shifting the limits in wheat research and breeding using a fully annotated reference genome

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    Introduction: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the most widely cultivated crop on Earth, contributing about a fifth of the total calories consumed by humans. Consequently, wheat yields and production affect the global economy, and failed harvests can lead to social unrest. Breeders continuously strive to develop improved varieties by fine-tuning genetically complex yield and end-use quality parameters while maintaining stable yields and adapting the crop to regionally specific biotic and abiotic stresses. Rationale: Breeding efforts are limited by insufficient knowledge and understanding of wheat biology and the molecular basis of central agronomic traits. To meet the demands of human population growth, there is an urgent need for wheat research and breeding to accelerate genetic gain as well as to increase and protect wheat yield and quality traits. In other plant and animal species, access to a fully annotated and ordered genome sequence, including regulatory sequences and genome-diversity information, has promoted the development of systematic and more time-efficient approaches for the selection and understanding of important traits. Wheat has lagged behind, primarily owing to the challenges of assembling a genome that is more than five times as large as the human genome, polyploid, and complex, containing more than 85% repetitive DNA. To provide a foundation for improvement through molecular breeding, in 2005, the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium set out to deliver a high-quality annotated reference genome sequence of bread wheat. Results: An annotated reference sequence representing the hexaploid bread wheat genome in the form of 21 chromosome-like sequence assemblies has now been delivered, giving access to 107,891 high-confidence genes, including their genomic context of regulatory sequences. This assembly enabled the discovery of tissue- and developmental stage–related gene coexpression networks using a transcriptome atlas representing all stages of wheat development. The dynamics of change in complex gene families involved in environmental adaptation and end-use quality were revealed at subgenome resolution and contextualized to known agronomic single-gene or quantitative trait loci. Aspects of the future value of the annotated assembly for molecular breeding and research were exemplarily illustrated by resolving the genetic basis of a quantitative trait locus conferring resistance to abiotic stress and insect damage as well as by serving as the basis for genome editing of the flowering-time trait. Conclusion: This annotated reference sequence of wheat is a resource that can now drive disruptive innovation in wheat improvement, as this community resource establishes the foundation for accelerating wheat research and application through improved understanding of wheat biology and genomics-assisted breeding. Importantly, the bioinformatics capacity developed for model-organism genomes will facilitate a better understanding of the wheat genome as a result of the high-quality chromosome-based genome assembly. By necessity, breeders work with the genome at the whole chromosome level, as each new cross involves the modification of genome-wide gene networks that control the expression of complex traits such as yield. With the annotated and ordered reference genome sequence in place, researchers and breeders can now easily access sequence-level information to precisely define the necessary changes in the genomes for breeding programs. This will be realized through the implementation of new DNA marker platforms and targeted breeding technologies, including genome editing

    Artificial Intelligence: A Promising Tool in Exploring the Phytomicrobiome in Managing Disease and Promoting Plant Health

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    There is increasing interest in harnessing the microbiome to improve cropping systems. With the availability of high—throughput and low—cost sequencing technologies, gathering microbiome data is becoming more routine. However, the analysis of microbiome data is challenged by the size and complexity of the data, and the incomplete nature of many microbiome databases. Further, to bring microbiome data value, it often needs to be analyzed in conjunction with other complex data that impact on crop health and disease management, such as plant genotype and environmental factors. Artificial intelligence (AI), boosted through deep learning (DL), has achieved significant breakthroughs and is a powerful tool for managing large complex datasets such as the interplay between the microbiome, crop plants, and their environment. In this review, we aim to provide readers with a brief introduction to AI techniques, and we introduce how AI has been applied to areas of microbiome sequencing taxonomy, the functional annotation for microbiome sequences, associating the microbiome community with host traits, designing synthetic communities, genomic selection, field phenotyping, and disease forecasting. At the end of this review, we proposed further efforts that are required to fully exploit the power of AI in studying phytomicrobiomes

    Transposable element populations shed light on the evolutionary history of wheat and the complex co-evolution of autonomous and non-autonomous retrotransposons

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    Abstract Wheat has one of the largest and most repetitive genomes among major crop plants, containing over 85% transposable elements (TEs). TEs populate genomes much in the way that individuals populate ecosystems, diversifying into different lineages, sub-families and sub-populations. The recent availability of high-quality, chromosome-scale genome sequences from ten wheat lines enables a detailed analysis how TEs evolved in allohexaploid wheat, its diploids progenitors, and in various chromosomal haplotype segments. LTR retrotransposon families evolved into distinct sub-populations and sub-families that were active in waves lasting several hundred thousand years. Furthermore, It is shown that different retrotransposon sub-families were active in the three wheat sub-genomes, making them useful markers to study and date polyploidization events and chromosomal rearrangements. Additionally, haplotype-specific TE sub-families are used to characterize chromosomal introgressions in different wheat lines. Additionally, populations of non-autonomous TEs co-evolved over millions of years with their autonomous partners, leading to complex systems with multiple types of autonomous, semi-autonomous and non-autonomous elements. Phylogenetic and TE population analyses revealed the relationships between non-autonomous elements and their mobilizing autonomous partners. TE population analysis provided insights into genome evolution of allohexaploid wheat and genetic diversity of species, and may have implication for future crop breeding
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