170 research outputs found


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    This paper does not presume to offer definitive answers to complex questions raised around the new emphasis on "local communities" in Mozambique. Such answers vary and depend upon the sociopolitical histories of each community. Instead, the paper briefly explores the concept of local community in the lexicon of Mozambican law as well as NGO and donor discourse. This paper argues that a simplified representation of local communities as harmonious and homogeneous units served a useful purpose in the era of postwar reconciliation and reconstruction. Now that local communities have begun a process of empowerment, however, these idealized representations must be broadened to more accurately define and address the issues of community territoriality and community representation. This must be done in such a way so as not to promote political polarization nor exacerbate social inequalities predicated on gender, lineage or other biological characteristics.Natural resources -- Government policy -- Mozambique, Natural resources -- Mozambique -- Management -- Citizen participation, Forest management -- Mozambique -- Citizen participation, Decentralization in government -- Mozambique., Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Shush gesture for consumer devices

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    When individuals within a social group fail to silence their devices during events e.g., meetings, theatrical performances, conversations, etc., notifications from a device can lead to a disturbance to the social group. Such disturbance can result in some pique even in everyday social settings, e.g., a family dinner or a face-to-face conversation. This disclosure describes use of physical gestures that a user can perform to shush a phone while simultaneously telegraphing an intention to focus to others. The gestures of the user, and the mode of the consumer device when shushed, are such that other members of a social group are encouraged to similarly shush their phones

    From dwindling ice to headwater lakes: could dams replace glaciers in the European Alps?

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    The potential exploitation of areas becoming ice-free in response to ongoing climate change has rarely been addressed, although it could be of interest from the water management perspective. Here we present an estimate for the potential of mitigating projected changes in seasonal water availability from melting glaciers by managing runoff through reservoirs. For the European Alps we estimate that by the end of the century, such a strategy could offset up to 65% of the expected summer-runoff changes from presently glacierized surfaces. A first-order approach suggests that the retention volume potentially available in the areas becoming deglacierized is in excess of the volume required for achieving the maximal possible mitigation by more than one order of magnitude. Obviously, however, such a strategy cannot compensate for the reduction in annual runoff caused by glacier ice depletion. Our estimates indicate that by 2070–2099, 0.73 ± 0.67 km3 a−1 of this non-renewable component of the water cycle could be missing in Alpine water supplies

    Medios de ComunicaciĂłn en Internet mĂłvil: La televisiĂłn como modelo aĂșn pendiente de Ă©xito

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    La televisiĂłn en el mĂłvil no ha acabado de arrancar comercialmente en la mayor parte de los paĂ­ses europeos. No existe una Ășnica razĂłn que explique esta situaciĂłn. Antes bien, cabe referirse a un conjunto de causas complejas (e interrelacionadas). En el lado de la oferta, deben analizarse aspectos tĂ©cnicos (infraestructuras, estĂĄndares), econĂłmicos (modelos de negocio, disponibilidad de contenido) y normativos. En el lado de la demanda, es necesario investigar cuĂĄl es la utilidad que el servicio realmente (y no teĂłricamente) ofrece al consumidor y las circunstancias en que lo usarĂ­a. El estudio de todos estos factores es el objetivo de este artĂ­culo. Se concluye que la televisiĂłn mĂłvil asentarĂĄ su presencia en el mercado sĂłlo si se sortean algunos de los obstĂĄculos descritos, se pone el foco en el posible usuario (y no en el producto) y se cuenta con cierto apoyo institucional

    Feminist Reflections on the Scope of Labour Law: Domestic Work, Social Reproduction and Jurisdiction

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    Drawing on feminist labour law and political economy literature, I argue that it is crucial to interrogate the personal and territorial scope of labour. After discussing the “commodification” of care, global care chains, and body work, I claim that the territorial scope of labour law must be expanded beyond that nation state to include transnational processes. I use the idea of social reproduction both to illustrate and to examine some of the recurring regulatory dilemmas that plague labour markets. I argue that unpaid care and domestic work performed in the household, typically by women, troubles the personal scope of labour law. I use the example of this specific type of personal service relation to illustrate my claim that the jurisdiction of labour law is historical and contingent, rather than conceptual and universal. I conclude by identifying some of the implications of redrawing the territorial and personal scope of labour law in light of feminist understandings of social reproduction

    Regionalisation and Civil Society in a Time of Austerity: The Cases of Manchester and Sheffield

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    Within the UK and as well as further afield, the spatial delineation of the ’city region’ has seen a renaissance as the de-facto spatial political unit of governance for economic development (Clarke & Cochrane, 2013).  This spatial realignment has been central to the construction of state projects such as the Northern Powerhouse, charged with taking forward the combined agendas of devolution, localism and austerity. The chapter deploys case study research from two city regions (Manchester and Sheffield) to look at the ways in which the city region is being constructed and the different ways in which ‘civil society’ is negotiating its way through this changing governance landscape. It is in this context that the chapter considers how city regions are being built and the ways in which this process is being limited or undermined through austerity

    Viral, bacterial, and fungal infections of the oral mucosa:Types, incidence, predisposing factors, diagnostic algorithms, and management

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    “... As Long as Power Relations Exist ... Yes, There are Inequalities
”1 Social and Educational Inequalities in Greece According to the Views of Female and Male Students of Tertiary Education Institutions

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    The issue of social and more specifically educational inequalities in Greek society and education seems to concern the Greek society less and less nowadays. Scientific research and the contemporary sociological theory have focused on specific areas of interest of the phenomenon, neglecting the issue in its macro sociological dimension, without, of course, this meaning that the frames and fields of analysis that have emerged are of minor importance. The main question that concerns this research is, if social and educational inequalities are recognized today by the Greek social body and on which fields they focus. Do social and educational inequalities exist in Greece? Are they recognizable and how are they manifested? Our research was carried out with two research tools: a questionnaire which includes two attitude scales (social and educational inequalities) (N=800) and another one which contains a single question, which concerns the expression of opinion about whether the sample considers that there are inequalities in the Greek education system, and the justification of its views (N=800). The questionnaires were answered by female and male students of Greek Universities and Technological Educational Institutes. We chose the university student status in the sample, in order to record attitudes and opinions of young people who are considered “favored” by the education system. The analysis showed that the sample considers that, indeed, there are inequalities in Greek society as well as in Greek education and it is able to recognize a significant range of indications of the phenomenon. It seems that the experienced inequality prevailed against the “favorable” treatment which the system “reserved” in this specific sample. DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2017.v7n1p3

    A To Z Retained Ownership, Inc. 2004 Year-End Summary

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    The primary goal of this educational program is to provide information to cow calf producers on how their cattle perform through the feeding and carcass grading phases. This report presents the results of the twelfth year of the retained ownership program
