1,608 research outputs found


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    A large literature exists on measuring the allocative and technical efficiency of a set of firms. A segment of this literature uses data envelopment analysis (DEA), creating relative efficiency rankings that are nonstochastic and thus cannot be evaluated according to the precision of the rankings. A parallel literature uses econometric techniques to estimate stochastic production frontiers or distance functions, providing at least the possibility of computing the precision of the resulting efficiency rankings. Recently, Horrace and Schmidt (2000) have applied sampling theoretic statistical techniques known as multiple comparisons with control (MCC) and multiple comparisons with the best (MCB) to the issue of measuring the precision of efficiency rankings. This paper offers a Bayesian multiple comparison alternative that we argue is simpler to implement, gives the researcher increased exibility over the type of comparison made, and provides greater, and more in-tuitive, information content. We demonstrate this method on technical efficiency rankings of a set of U.S. electric generating firms derived within a distance function framework.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    The Outer Limits of Gang Injunctions

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    Almost a decade ago, the California Supreme Court endorsed the use of public nuisance injunctions as a means to control street gangs. Public nuisance injunctions against gangs ( gang injunctions ), which result from civil suits filed by district or city attorneys, prohibit the nuisance conduct within a prescribed geographical area, focusing on the turf\u27 claimed by the gang. In People ex rel. Gallo v. Acuna, the California Supreme Court upheld an injunction against thirty-eight named members of a San Jose gang in a four square block area where none of the gang members lived. The court described the neighborhood as an occupied territory and its residents as prisoners in their own homes. To resolve the public nuisance posed by the gang, the Acuna injunction contained a controversial provision prohibiting gang members from publicly associating with each other. The California Supreme Court declared the provision constitutional; such provisions are now common in gang injunctions. Gang injunctions today also frequently limit otherwise legal behavior beyond public association, such as being out after dark, possession of various objects, making gang-related hand signals, and wearing gang colors. Many of the substantive constitutional rights issues raised by Acuna have been critiqued by commentators, but numerous gang injunctions have been imposed since Acuna was decided. Two distinct developments in gang injunction usage warrant deeper examination than existing scholarship provides

    The Effects of Children's Time Use and Home and Neighborhood Quality on their Body Weight and Cognitive/Behavioral Development

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    We estimate a directional distance function to assess the impacts of multiple time-varying parent and child inputs on a cluster of jointly produced child outcomes for children aged 7 to 13 years. The directional distance function specification avoids several well-known empirical problems associated with analysis of household production data, namely, the need to aggregate inputs and outputs, assume separability among inputs and outputs, or estimate reduced form equations. Using a balanced panel of families from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth-Child Sample for 1996 to 2000, we assess the marginal contributions of home and neighborhood environmental quality and children's time allocations, on their math and reading performance, behavior problems, and body mass index. We also measure productivity growth, technical change, efficiency change, and technical efficiency for production of child outcomes. Our results indicate significant jointness among good and bad child outcomes. Significant improvements in children's good outcomes and reductions in bad outcomes are also associated with a better home and parent perceived neighborhood environment, Head Start participation, and increased family time spent together during meals. Children's productivity growth is found to be highest at age 8 years and diminishes thereafter.Health Economics and Policy, Labor and Human Capital,

    OH yields from the CH3CO+O-2 reaction using an internal standard

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    Laser flash photolysis of CH3C(O)OH at 248 nm was used to create equal zero time yields of CH3CO and OH. The absolute OH yield from the CH3CO + O2 (+M) reaction was determined by following the OH temporal profile using the zero time OH concentration as an internal standard. The OH yield from CH3CO + O2 (+M) was observed to decrease with increasing pressure with an extrapolated zero pressure yield close to unity (1.1 ± 0.2, quoted uncertainties correspond to 95% confidence limits). The results are in quantitative agreement with those obtained from 248 nm acetone photolysis in the presence of O2

    Statistical inference in efficient production with bad inputs and outputs using latent prices and optimal directions

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    Researchers employ the directional distance function (DDF) to estimate multiple-input and multiple-output production, firm inefficiency, and productivity growth. We relax restrictive assumptions by computing optimal directions subject to profit maximization and cost minimization, correct for the potential endogeneity of inputs and outputs, estimate latent prices for bad outputs, measure firms’ responses to shadow prices rather than actual prices, and introduce an unobserved productivity term into the DDF. For an unbalanced panel of U.S. electric utilities, a model assuming profit-maximization outperforms one assuming cost-minimization, while lagged productivity and energy price have the greatest effect on productivity

    Integrating best practice and filling knowledge gaps in remote Aboriginal diabetes detection and care: Improving case detection and service delivery

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    This pilot project will provide detailed feedback on the results of previous studies to participating services. During discussions with clinic and management staff, barriers and enablers to implementing a new screening protocol using HbA1c testing will be determined. The project will also conduct a clinical systems and software / data quality needs assessment at participating sites, documenting strategies to improve diabetes programs and monitor short term changes resulting from the audit.The research reported in this paper is a project of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute which is supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research Evaluation and Development Strategy
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