248 research outputs found

    The situation of former adolescent self-injurers as young adults: a follow-up study

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    Background: Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescence has been described as comorbid condition in affective or anxiety disorders, as well as borderline personality disorder (BPD) and is a risk factor for later suicide attempts. Prevalence rates of NSSI decline steeply from adolescence to young adulthood. Yet, to the best of our knowledge, the longitudinal development of adolescent psychiatric patients with NSSI into their young adulthood has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to assess current NSSI and psychological impairment of young adults, who had been in treatment for NSSI in their adolescence. Methods: Former patients of the departments of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy in Ulm and Ravensburg, Germany (N = 52), who presented with NSSI in their adolescence, were recruited (average age: 21.5 years (SD = 2.6)). Data was assessed using questionnaires and structured clinical interviews. Two groups of participants with prevailing NSSI and ceased NSSI were compared concerning their current psychological impairment, history of NSSI, suicide attempts, and BPD diagnosis. Results: Around half of all participants had engaged in NSSI within the last year, and around half met diagnostic criteria for BPD. Although there was no significant association between current NSSI and BPD, an earlier age of onset of NSSI and a longer duration of NSSI during adolescence was significantly predictive of adult BPD. Two thirds of participants still met criteria of an axis 1 psychiatric disorder. Suicide attempts were reported by 53.8 % of all participants. Participants with current NSSI were more likely to meet criteria for a current axis 1 disorder, had engaged in NSSI more often in their lifetime, and reported more suicide attempts. Conclusions: Reduction of NSSI from adolescence to young adulthood was lower than described in previous community samples. This may be due to the initial high psychiatric impairment of this sample in adolescence. Early onset of NSSI seemed to be a risk factor for a longer duration of NSSI during adolescence but not for NSSI prevailing into adulthood. However, it was a risk factor for adult BPD. Furthermore, the occurrence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors and prevailing NSSI was highly associated

    Evolution of chlorophyll degradation is associated with plant transition to land

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    Colonization of land by green plants (Viridiplantae) some 500 million years ago was made possible by large metabolic and biochemical adaptations. Chlorophyll, the central pigment of photosynthesis, is highly photo-active. In order to mitigate deleterious effects of pigment accumulation, some plants have evolved a coordinated pathway to deal with chlorophyll degradation end-products, so-called phyllobilins. This pathway has been so far mostly unravelled in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, large-scale comparative phylogenomic coupled to an innovative biochemical characterization strategy of phyllobilins allow a better understanding of how such a pathway appeared in Viridiplantae. Our analysis reveals a stepwise evolution of the canonical pheophorbide a monooxygenase/phyllobilin pathway. It appears to have evolved gradually, first in chlorophyte's chloroplasts, to ensure multicellularity by detoxifying chlorophyll catabolites, and in charophytes outside chloroplasts to allow adaptation of embryophytes to land. At least six out of the eight genes involved in the pathway were already present in the last common ancestor of green plants. This strongly suggests parallel evolution of distinct enzymes catalysing similar reactions in various lineages, particularly for the dephytylation step. Together, our study suggests that chlorophyll detoxification accompanied the transition from water to land, and was therefore of great importance for plant diversification

    Estoque de nutrientes em consórcios de Eucalyptus urograndis, Acacia mearnsii e Zea mays

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509810543This study aimed to determine the nutrient pool in monospecific and mixed stands of Eucalyptus urograndis and Acacia mearnsii in a consortium with Zea mays.The amount determination of nutrients of forest species was carried out in the treatments: 100E (100% of eucalyptus); 100A (100% of black wattle) and 50E:50A (50% of eucalyptus + 50% of black-wattle). On the other hand, for corn, it was carried out in all treatments (100E; 100A, 50E:50A; 75E:25A – 75% of eucalyptus + 25% black-wattle and 25E:75A – 25% of eucalyptus + 75% of black wattle). The delimitation adopted was the one of a randomized block with three replications. The magnitude of the nutrient pool in the agrossilvicultural systems biomass was: N> K > Ca > Mg > P > S, for macronutrients, and Mn > Fe > Zn > B > Cu, for micronutrients. Due to the great export of nutrients through the corn harvest, residues should be kept and it is necessary to make a nutritional reposition, mainly with P, N, K, S and Zn in the following crops, because of the higher amount that are exported with the extraction of the corn tang, which reaches 75.3; 60.6; 59.9; 55.8 e 53.8%, respectively, in relation to the total stocked in the biomass. http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509810543Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar o estoque de nutrientes em povoamentos monoespecíficos e mistos de Eucalyptus urograndis e Acacia mearnsii em consórcio com Zea mays. A determinação da quantidade de nutrientes das espécies florestais foi realizada nos tratamentos: 100E (100% de eucalipto); 100A (100% de acácia-negra) e 50E:50A (50% de eucalipto + 50% de acácia-negra). Já, para o milho foi realizada em todos os tratamentos (100E; 100A; 50E:50A; 75E:25A - 75% de eucalipto + 25% de acácia-negra e 25E:75A - 25% de eucalipto + 75% de acácia-negra). O delineamento adotado foi de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. A magnitude do estoque de nutrientes na biomassa total do sistema agrossilvicultural foi: N > K > Ca > Mg > P > S, para os macronutrientes, e Mn > Fe > Zn > B > Cu, para os micronutrientes. Devido à grande exportação de nutrientes pela colheita da espiga do milho, devem-se manter os resíduos culturais nos sistemas agrossilviculturais e fazer reposição nutricional, principalmente de P, N, K, S e Zn, em cultivos seguintes, em decorrência da grande quantidade que é exportada pela extração da espiga, a qual chega a 75,3; 60,6; 59,9; 55,8 e 53,8%, respectivamente, em relação ao total estocado na biomassa agrícola

    Plantio misto de Eucalyptus urograndis e Acacia mearnsii em sistema agroflorestal: I - Produção de biomassa

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    This study aimed to evaluate a mixed stand of Eucalyptus urograndis and Acacia mearnsii in an agroforestry system with corn (Zea mays L.) in Bagé, RS. The design entailed a randomized block with five treatments and three replicates (T1- 100E; T2- 100A; T3- 50E:50A; T4- 75E:25A e T5- 25E:75A), with 4.0 m x 1.5 m planting space. Three lines of corn were planted, between the eucalyptus and/or black-wattle lines. Ten months after the installation, the biomass from forest species were quantified and separated in fractions (leaf, branch and stem). Corn biomass was collected at the end of the cycle and separated in fractions (leaf, straw, grain, corn cob and stem). In mixed stands, the treatment T5 (25E:75A) showed the highest biomass accumulation, being 35.1% in the leaves, 25.8% in branches and 39.1% in stem. The black wattle showed higher growth than the initial eucalyptus, both alone and in the mixed stand. The yield of corn was between 1.01 to 1.26 Mg ha-1, which was not statistically different (p>0.05) between treatments.Objetivou-se com o presente estudo quantificar a biomassa de um plantio misto de Eucalyptus urograndis e Acacia mearnsii em sistema agroflorestal com milho (Zea mays L.) no município de Bagé, RS. O delineamento utilizado foi blocos ao acaso com cinco tratamentos e três repetições (T1- 100E; T2-100A; T3-50E:50A; T4-75E:25A e T5-25E:75A), com espaçamento de 4,0 m x 1,5 m. Foram plantadas três linhas de milho, entre as fileiras de eucalipto e/ou acácia-negra. Aos 10 meses de idade, foi quantificada a biomassa das espécies florestais, que foram separadas por frações (folha, galho e tronco). A biomassa do milho foi coletada no final do ciclo e também separada por frações (folha, palha, grão, sabugo e colmo). Em plantio misto o tratamento T5 (25E:75A) apresentou o maior acúmulo de biomassa, sendo 35,1% nas folhas, 25,8% nos galhos e 39,1% no tronco. A acácia-negra apresentou maior crescimento inicial do que o eucalipto, tanto em monocultivo como em plantio misto. A produtividade do milho ficou entre 1,01 a 1,26 Mg ha-1, não diferindo estatisticamente (p > 0,05) entre os tratamentos

    Verteilungswirkungen eines fortschreitenden Klimawandels

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    Studie zur Verteilungswirkung des Klimawandels bei Unterlassung weiterer Klimaschutzmaßnahmen. Die derzeitig implementierten Klimaschutzmaßnahmen reichen nicht aus, um das 1,5°C-Ziel zu erreichen. Adaptionsmaßnahmen würden Verteilungswirkungen erzeugen, die gerade vulnerable Gruppen stark belasten. Im Rahmen dieser Studie werden daher die Folgen des Klimawandels in den Bedürfnisfeldern Wohnen, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, Verkehr und Mobilität sowie Gesundheit untersucht.Study on the distributional effects of climate change if further climate protection measures are not taken. The currently implemented climate protection measures are not sufficient to achieve the 1.5 °C target. Adaptation measures would produce distribution effects that put a heavy burden on vulnerable groups in particular. As part of this study, the consequences of climate change in the areas of need of housing, nutrition and agriculture, transport and mobility, and health are examined

    Mixed stands of Eucalyptus urograndis and Acacia mearnsii in an agroforestry system: I - Biomass production

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    Objetivou-se com o presente estudo quantificar a biomassa de um plantio misto de Eucalyptus urograndis e Acacia mearnsii em sistema agroflorestal com milho ( Zea mays L.) no munic\uedpio de Bag\ue9, RS. O delineamento utilizado foi blocos ao acaso com cinco tratamentos e tr\ueas repeti\ue7\uf5es (T1- 100E; T2-100A; T3-50E:50A; T4-75E:25A e T5-25E:75A), com espa\ue7amento de 4,0 m x 1,5 m. Foram plantadas tr\ueas linhas de milho, entre as fileiras de eucalipto e/ou ac\ue1cia-negra. Aos 10 meses de idade, foi quantificada a biomassa das esp\ue9cies florestais, que foram separadas por fra\ue7\uf5es (folha, galho e tronco). A biomassa do milho foi coletada no final do ciclo e tamb\ue9m separada por fra\ue7\uf5es (folha, palha, gr\ue3o, sabugo e colmo). Em plantio misto o tratamento T5 (25E:75A) apresentou o maior ac\ufamulo de biomassa, sendo 35,1% nas folhas, 25,8% nos galhos e 39,1% no tronco. A ac\ue1cia-negra apresentou maior crescimento inicial do que o eucalipto, tanto em monocultivo como em plantio misto. A produtividade do milho ficou entre 1,01 a 1,26 Mg ha-1, n\ue3o diferindo estatisticamente (p < 0,05) entre os tratamentos.This study aimed to evaluate a mixed stand of Eucalyptus urograndis and Acacia mearnsii in an agroforestry system with corn ( Zea mays L.) in Bag\ue9, RS. The design entailed a randomized block with five treatments and three replicates (T1- 100E; T2- 100A; T3- 50E:50A; T4- 75E:25A e T5- 25E:75A), with 4.0 m x 1.5 m planting space. Three lines of corn were planted, between the eucalyptus and/or black-wattle lines. Ten months after the installation, the biomass from forest species were quantified and separated in fractions (leaf, branch and stem). Corn biomass was collected at the end of the cycle and separated in fractions (leaf, straw, grain, corn cob and stem). In mixed stands, the treatment T5 (25E:75A) showed the highest biomass accumulation, being 35.1% in the leaves, 25.8% in branches and 39.1% in stem. The black wattle showed higher growth than the initial eucalyptus, both alone and in the mixed stand. The yield of corn was between 1.01 to 1.26 Mg ha-1, which was not statistically different (p<0.05) between treatments

    Evolution of chlorophyll degradation is associated with plant transition to land

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    Colonization of land by green plants (Viridiplantae) some 500 million years ago was made possible by large metabolic and biochemical adaptations. Chlorophyll, the central pigment of photosynthesis, is highly photo-active. In order to mitigate deleterious effects of pigment accumulation, some plants have evolved a coordinated pathway to deal with chlorophyll degradation end-products, so-called phyllobilins. This pathway has been so far mostly unravelled in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, large-scale comparative phylogenomic coupled to an innovative biochemical characterization strategy of phyllobilins allow a better understanding of how such a pathway appeared in Viridiplantae. Our analysis reveals a stepwise evolution of the canonical pheophorbide a monooxygenase/phyllobilin pathway. It appears to have evolved gradually, first in chlorophyte's chloroplasts, to ensure multicellularity by detoxifying chlorophyll catabolites, and in charophytes outside chloroplasts to allow adaptation of embryophytes to land. At least six out of the eight genes involved in the pathway were already present in the last common ancestor of green plants. This strongly suggests parallel evolution of distinct enzymes catalysing similar reactions in various lineages, particularly for the dephytylation step. Together, our study suggests that chlorophyll detoxification accompanied the transition from water to land, and was therefore of great importance for plant diversification

    Forecasting global and multi-level thermospheric neutral density and ionospheric electron content by tuning models against satellite-based accelerometer measurements

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    Global estimation of thermospheric neutral density (TND) on various altitudes is important for geodetic and space weather applications. This is typically provided by models, however, the quality of these models is limited due to their imperfect structure and the sensitivity of their parameters to the calibration period. Here, we present an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF)-based calibration and data assimilation (C/DA) technique that updates the model’s states and simultaneously calibrates its key parameters. Its application is demonstrated using the TND estimates from on-board accelerometer measurements, e.g., those of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission (at ∼410 km altitude), as observation, and the frequently used empirical model NRLMSISE-00. The C/DA is applied here to re-calibrate the model parameters including those controlling the influence of solar radiation and geomagnetic activity as well as those related to the calculation of exospheric temperature. The resulting model, called here ‘C/DA-NRLMSISE-00’, is then used to now-cast TNDs and individual neutral mass compositions for 3 h, where the model with calibrated parameters is run again during the assimilation period. C/DA-NRLMSISE-00 is also used to forecast the next 21 h, where no new observations are introduced. These forecasts are unique because they are available globally and on various altitudes (300–600 km). To introduce the impact of the thermosphere on estimating ionospheric parameters, the coupled physics-based model TIE-GCM is run by replacing the O2, O1, He and neutral temperature estimates of the C/DA-NRLMSISE-00. Then, the non-assimilated outputs of electron density (Ne) and total electron content (TEC) are validated against independent measurements. Assessing the forecasts of TNDs with those along the Swarm-A (∼467 km), -B (∼521 km), and -C (∼467 km) orbits shows that the root-mean-square error (RMSE) is considerably reduced by 51, 57 and 54%, respectively. We find improvement of 30.92% for forecasting Ne and 26.48% for TEC compared to the radio occulation and global ionosphere maps (GIM), respectively. The presented C/DA approach is recommended for the short-term global multi-level thermosphere and enhanced ionosphere forecasting applications