94 research outputs found

    Gestão da inovação em empresas do setor coureiro-calçadista

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    The changes in the economic scenario have transformed the mode how companies operate, and with that, innovation has been a strong ally to keep themselves competitive in the market. Thinking about the reality of organizations located in the city of Novo Hamburgo, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which for a long time had its economy turned to the leather footwear sector, this article aimed to identify the specificities, needs and lacks of the innovation management process in companies in that sector. A bibliographic review was carried out and data were collected with direct observations and in-depth interview with nine managers from different organizations. It was pointed out that these organizations are still in the early stages of the innovation management process. However, respondents recognize the potential for differentiation that is implicit in the innovation process, but emphasize that high cost, little experience and lack of innovation culture as the main barriers in adopting innovation practices.As mudanças no cenário econômico vêm transformando o modo de atuação das empresas, e, com isso, a inovação têm sido uma forte aliada para se manterem competitivas no mercado. Pensando na realidade das organizações localizadas na Cidade de Novo Hamburgo, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, que durante muito tempo teve sua economia voltada para o setor coureiro-calçadista, este artigo objetivou identificar as especificidades, necessidades e carências do processo de gestão da inovação em empresas do referido setor. Para atender ao exposto, optou-se pelo delineamento metodológico, que iniciou com a revisão bibliográfica e a coleta de dados por meio de observações diretas e entrevista em profundidade com nove gestores de diferentes organizações. Evidenciou-se que as referidas organizações ainda se encontram em estágios iniciais no que diz respeito ao processo de gestão da inovação. Contudo, os entrevistados reconhecem o potencial de diferenciação que está implícito no processo de inovação, mas ressaltam o alto custo, a pouca experiência e a falta de cultura da inovação como as principais barreiras na adoção de práticas de inovação

    « Elles disent...! » : une pièce féministe jouée au cœur de Belsunce (Marseille)

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    En juin 2018, c’est sous l’égide de Louise Michel, interprétée par une jeune fille de 17 ans, que plusieurs femmes, d’âges et de milieux socioculturels variés, ont fait entendre leur voix lors de l’inauguration de la place Louise-Michel. Située au cœur du quartier de Belsunce à Marseille, cette place, d’ordinaire exclusivement occupée par des hommes, s’est soudain peuplée de femmes venues livrer leurs histoires, inspirations, coups de gueule politiques et poétiques. Avec humour et dérision, elles ont interpellé, déconstruit les rôles sociaux, joué avec de nouveaux codes et inventé de nouvelles manières d’être libres. Cet article a pour but de partager cette expérience de création théâtrale participative et d’apporter quelques pistes de réflexion sur la fonction sociale de l’art. En quoi et jusqu’à quel point un travail artistique peut-il activer un questionnement sur les usages d’un lieu public ? Est-ce qu’une création artistique participative peut créer une « nouvelle communauté de sens » pour les participantes, l’auditoire et les passantes et passants qui déambulent sur la place au moment de la représentation ? Comment le groupe prend en charge les questionnements et les mécanismes d’autocensure liés à la peur de s’exprimer dans l’espace public ? Le théâtre peut se présenter comme une arène d’expériences de vie pour un groupe socialement vulnérable, mais suffisamment solide pour créer ses propres stratégies de résistance. C’est pourquoi la réflexion proposée ici s’oriente vers l’analyse d’une expérience concrète de micro-résistance qui questionne l’architecture politique patriarcale, les limites de la citoyenneté, les déplacements géographiques de l’art, la subjectivité et la performativité des participantes, ainsi que la possibilité de créer de nouveaux imaginaires sur la ville et sur les femmes.In June 2018, it was under the aegis of Louise Michel, interpreted by a 17-year-old girl, that several women, of various ages and socio-cultural backgrounds, made their voices heard during the inauguration of the Louise Michel Square. Located in the heart of the Belsunce district in Marseille, this square, usually exclusively occupied by men, was suddenly populated by women who came to share their stories, inspirations, political and poetic rants. With humor and derision, they challenged, deconstructed social roles, played with new codes and invented new ways of being free. The purpose of this article is to share this experience of participatory theatrical creation and to provide some avenues for reflection on the social function of art. Can an artistic work question the uses of a public place? Can a participatory artistic creation create a “new community of meaning” for the participants, the audience and the passers-by who wander through the square at the time of the performance? How did the group deal with the questioning and self-censorship mechanisms linked to the fear of speaking out in the public space? The theater can be seen as an arena of life experiences for a socially vulnerable group, but strong enough to create its own resistance strategies. The reflection proposed here is oriented towards the analysis of a concrete experience of micro-resistance that questions the patriarchal political architecture, the limits of citizenship, the geographical displacements of art, subjectivity and performativity participants, as well as the possibility of creating new imaginations about the city and about women

    O funcionamento do político no texto jurídico e nos posts de Blogs

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar o funcionamento do político em posts de blogs e no decreto nº 6583 de 29 de setembro de 2008. Por meio das análises tornou-se possível olhar a movimentação do político na língua no momento em que cada enunciador do post assume a palavra e expõe sua posição diante do acordo ortográfico. Para completar essa análise e termos uma visão mais ampla de todo processo sócio-histórico envolvido nesse contexto, também buscamos observar o movimento do político no texto jurídico que desencadeou as discussões presentes nos blogs. Dessa forma, podemos observar o político e compreender que os sentidos entram em conflito, se dividem, tornam-se outros. Nessa disputa se constituem os lugares de dizer distribuídos de maneira hierarquizada e desigual para os falantes na enunciação.  Essa disputa ocorre permanentemente, pois segundo Guimarães (2005) o político se dá na linguagem e caracteriza-se como incontornável porque o homem sempre irá falar

    Development of caecaloids to study host-pathogen interactions: new insights into immunoregulatory functions of Trichuris muris extracellular vesicles in the caecum.

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    The caecum, an intestinal appendage in the junction of the small and large intestines, displays a unique epithelium that serves as an exclusive niche for a range of pathogens including whipworms (Trichuris spp.). While protocols to grow organoids from small intestine (enteroids) and colon (colonoids) exist, the conditions to culture organoids from the caecum have yet to be described. Here, we report methods to grow, differentiate and characterise mouse adult stem cell-derived caecal organoids, termed caecaloids. We compare the cellular composition of caecaloids with that of enteroids, identifying differences in intestinal epithelial cell populations that mimic those found in the caecum and small intestine. The remarkable similarity in the intestinal epithelial cell composition and spatial conformation of caecaloids and their tissue of origin enables their use as an in vitro model to study host interactions with important caecal pathogens. Thus, exploiting this system, we investigated the responses of caecal intestinal epithelial cells to extracellular vesicles secreted/excreted by the intracellular helminth Trichuris muris. Our findings reveal novel immunoregulatory effects of whipworm extracellular vesicles on the caecal epithelium, including the downregulation of responses to nucleic acid recognition and type-I interferon signalling

    Phytochemical and Antinociceptive, Anti-Inflammatory, and Antioxidant Studies of Smilax larvata

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    The tea of aerial parts of Smilax larvata Griseb. (Smilacaceae) has been ethnopharmacologically used in Southern Brazil due to its anti-inflammatory action. In this study, ethanolic and organic extracts from aerial parts of S. larvata were phytochemically and pharmacologically characterized. The phytochemical analysis of EtOAc extract of S. larvata revealed the presence of three flavonoids, drabanemoroside, kaempferol 3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1→2)-α-L-rhamnopyranoside, and kaempferol, the first two being isolated for the first time in this genus, two phenolic compounds p-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-coumaric acid, and alkaloids. In vitro assays demonstrated a potential antioxidant property of SLG. The treatment with SLG induced a significant reduction of the formalin-evoked flinches in rats, an effect reversed by opioid antagonist naloxone. Treatment with SLG also induced a significant increase in the hot plate latency and a decrease of intestinal motility by 45%. No effect was observed over nociceptive responses induced by a TRPA1 agonist mustard oil or over acetic acid-induced writhing in mice. Together, our data suggested that SLG has an in vivo antinociceptive effect, which seems to be associated with the opioid system activation. These findings support previous claims of medical use of Smilax larvata in the treatment of pain conditions

    Interleukin-22 promotes phagolysosomal fusion to induce protection against Salmonella enterica Typhimurium in human epithelial cells.

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    Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) play a key role in regulating immune responses and controlling infection. However, the direct role of IECs in restricting pathogens remains incompletely understood. Here, we provide evidence that IL-22 primed intestinal organoids derived from healthy human induced pluripotent stem cells (hIPSCs) to restrict Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium SL1344 infection. A combination of transcriptomics, bacterial invasion assays, and imaging suggests that IL-22-induced antimicrobial activity is driven by increased phagolysosomal fusion in IL-22-pretreated cells. The antimicrobial phenotype was absent in hIPSCs derived from a patient harboring a homozygous mutation in the IL10RB gene that inactivates the IL-22 receptor but was restored by genetically complementing the IL10RB deficiency. This study highlights a mechanism through which the IL-22 pathway facilitates the human intestinal epithelium to control microbial infection

    Glyburide Is Anti-inflammatory and Associated with Reduced Mortality in Melioidosis

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    Patients with diabetes have better survival from septic melioidosis than patients who without diabetes. This difference was seen only in patients taking glyburide prior to presentation and was associated with an anti-inflammatory effect of glyburide

    Proyectos de recuperación patrimonial y ambiental. Aplicación del método y puesta en valor de la Calzada México Tacuba y el Parque América, Polanco

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    187 páginas. Especialización en Diseño.La presente tesina se realizó analizando dos zonas distintas dentro de la Ciudad de México, de las cuales se recopiló información bibliográfica para conocer la importancia de los valores presentes en sus paisajes con la finalidad de contribuir en la identificación y salvaguarda de cada uno de sus elementos para su posible puesta en valor y consolidación como Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad. En la primera parte, se toma como sitio de estudio, la Calzada México Tacuba del tramo que corre a partir de la zona de panteones en la Avenida Ingenieros Militares, hasta la Avenida Circuito Interior Melchor Ocampo, abarcando colonias de las Alcaldías Miguel Hidalgo y Azcapotzalco; sitio que posee una basta riqueza histórica, patrimonial y cultural al ser la primer calzada edificada en la ciudad y misma que gracias a que aún conserva en su mayoría el trazo original, durante el 2021, fuera propuesta su declaratoria como “Patrimonio de la Humanidad” ante la UNESCO. En la segunda parte, el sitio de estudio se trata del Parque América ubicado en la colonia Polanco, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo, el cual, por sus valores patrimoniales y estéticos, fue elegido por el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), como el sitio correcto para llevar a cabo la reordenación paisajística del mismo y la reubicación para la salvaguarda del inconmensurable valor cultural del Monumento Escultórico de Cristóbal Colón, que es un hito histórico y patrimonial del Siglo XIX para la Ciudad de México. Para la comprensión del paisaje de ambos proyectos, se elaboró la interpretación de los valores históricos, patrimoniales, estéticos, simbólicos, naturales, sociales y productivos que nos ayudaron a realizar una lectura estructurada del sitio para entender de mejor manera su entorno, y a determinar las directrices de diseño para lograr un equilibrio en el patrimonio paisajístico de ambos complejos culturales. Las propuestas de diseño de esta investigación, se centran en integrar a ambos sitios, el patrimonio histórico cultural que los representa, junto con el bienestar y la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. Se busca que la contemplación, disfrute y usos de los espacios y el paisaje se encuentren en óptimas condiciones, generando un impacto positivo, tanto en el ámbito social, en el económico y en el ambiental. Finalmente, a partir de las investigaciones y propuestas realizadas, se plantean una serie de conclusiones que son la base para la correcta recuperación y conservación de ambos sitios de estudio

    MAPK Pathway under Chronic Copper Excess in Green Macroalgae (Chlorophyta): Influence on Metal Exclusion/Extrusion Mechanisms and Photosynthesis

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    There is currently no information regarding the role that whole mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways play in counteracting environmental stress in photosynthetic organisms. To address this gap, we exposed Ulva compressa to chronic levels of copper (10 µM) specific inhibitors of Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinases (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal Kinases (JNK), and Cytokinin Specific Binding Protein (p38) MAPKs alone or in combination. Intracellular copper accumulation and photosynthetic activity (in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence) were measured after 6 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 6 days of exposure. By day 6, when one (except JNK) or more of the MAPK pathways were inhibited under copper stress, there was a decrease in copper accumulation compared with algae exposed to copper alone. When at least two MAPKs were blocked, there was a decrease in photosynthetic activity expressed in lower productivity (ETRmax), efficiency (αETR), and saturation of irradiance (EkETR), accompanied by higher non-photochemical quenching (NPQmax), compared to both the control and copper-only treatments. In terms of accumulation, once the MAPK pathways were partially or completely blocked under copper, there was crosstalk between these and other signaling mechanisms to enhance metal extrusion/exclusion from cells. Crosstalk occurred among MAPK pathways to maintain photosynthesis homeostasis, demonstrating the importance of the signaling pathways for physiological performance. This study is complemented by a parallel/complementary article Rodríguez-Rojas et al. on the role of MAPKs in copper-detoxification.</jats:p