61 research outputs found

    Aircraft noise distribution as a fairness dilemma—A review of aircraft noise through the lens of social justice research

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    Aircraft noise exposure is a health risk and there is evidence that noise annoyance partly mediates the association between noise exposure and stress-related health risks. Thus, approaches to reduce annoyance may be beneficial for health. Annoyance is influenced by manifold non-acoustic factors and perceiving a fair and trustful relationship between the airport and its residents may be one of them. The distribution of aircraft noise exposure can be regarded as a fairness dilemma: while residents living near an airport may seem to have some advantages, the majority of residents living under certain flight routes or in their immediate proximity suffer from the disadvantages of the airport, especially the noise. Moreover, a dilemma exists between the airport’s beneficial economic impact for a region and the physical and psychological integrity of residents. Aircraft noise exposure through the lens of social justice research can help to improve our understanding of noise annoyance. Research indicates that the fairness perceptions of the parties involved can be enhanced by (a) improving individual cost–benefit ratios, (b) providing a fair procedure for deciding upon the noise distribution, and (c) implementing fair social interaction with residents. Based on the review of evidence from social justice research, we derive recommendations on how fairness aspects can be integrated into aircraft noise management with the purpose of improving the relationship between the airport and its residents, to reduce annoyance, and to enhance the acceptance of local aviation and the airport as a neighbor

    Use of a Bayesian belief network to predict the impacts of commercializing non-timber forest products on livelihoods

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    Commercialization of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) has been widely promoted as a means of sustainably developing tropical forest resources, in a way that promotes forest conservation while supporting rural livelihoods. However, in practice, NTFP commercialization has often failed to deliver the expected benefits. Progress in analyzing the causes of such failure has been hindered by the lack of a suitable framework for the analysis of NTFP case studies, and by the lack of predictive theory. We address these needs by developing a probabilistic model based on a livelihood framework, enabling the impact of NTFP commercialization on livelihoods to be predicted. The framework considers five types of capital asset needed to support livelihoods: natural, human, social, physical, and financial. Commercialization of NTFPs is represented in the model as the conversion of one form of capital asset into another, which is influenced by a variety of socio-economic, environmental, and political factors. Impacts on livelihoods are determined by the availability of the five types of assets following commercialization. The model, implemented as a Bayesian Belief Network, was tested using data from participatory research into 19 NTFP case studies undertaken in Mexico and Bolivia. The model provides a novel tool for diagnosing the causes of success and failure in NTFP commercialization, and can be used to explore the potential impacts of policy options and other interventions on livelihoods. The potential value of this approach for the development of NTFP theory is discussed

    Effects of scale, question location, order of response alternatives, and season on self-reported noise annoyance using ICBEN scales : a field experiment

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    The type of noise annoyance scale and aspects of its presentation such as response format or location within a questionnaire and other contextual factors may affect self-reported noise annoyance. By means of a balanced experimental design, the effect of type of annoyance question and corresponding scale (5-point verbal vs. 11-point numerical ICBEN (International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise) scale), presentation order of scale points (ascending vs. descending), question location (early vs. late within the questionnaire), and survey season (autumn vs. spring) on reported road traffic noise annoyance was investigated in a postal survey with a stratified random sample of 2386 Swiss residents. Our results showed that early appearance of annoyance questions was significantly associated with higher annoyance scores. Questionnaires filled out in autumn were associated with a significantly higher annoyance rating than in the springtime. No effect was found for the order of response alternatives. Standardized average annoyance scores were slightly higher using the 11-point numerical scale whereas the percentage of highly annoyed respondents was higher based on the 5-point scale, using common cutoff points. In conclusion, placement and presentation of annoyance questions within a questionnaire, as well as the time of the year a survey is carried out, have small but demonstrable effects on the degree of self-reported noise annoyance

    Volatile Decision Dynamics: Experiments, Stochastic Description, Intermittency Control, and Traffic Optimization

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    The coordinated and efficient distribution of limited resources by individual decisions is a fundamental, unsolved problem. When individuals compete for road capacities, time, space, money, goods, etc., they normally make decisions based on aggregate rather than complete information, such as TV news or stock market indices. In related experiments, we have observed a volatile decision dynamics and far-from-optimal payoff distributions. We have also identified ways of information presentation that can considerably improve the overall performance of the system. In order to determine optimal strategies of decision guidance by means of user-specific recommendations, a stochastic behavioural description is developed. These strategies manage to increase the adaptibility to changing conditions and to reduce the deviation from the time-dependent user equilibrium, thereby enhancing the average and individual payoffs. Hence, our guidance strategies can increase the performance of all users by reducing overreaction and stabilizing the decision dynamics. These results are highly significant for predicting decision behaviour, for reaching optimal behavioural distributions by decision support systems, and for information service providers. One of the promising fields of application is traffic optimization.Comment: For related work see http://www.helbing.or

    Coherent Moving States in Highway Traffic (Originally: Moving Like a Solid Block)

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    Recent advances in multiagent simulations have made possible the study of realistic traffic patterns and allow to test theories based on driver behaviour. Such simulations also display various empirical features of traffic flows, and are used to design traffic controls that maximise the throughput of vehicles in heavily transited highways. In addition to its intrinsic economic value, vehicular traffic is of interest because it may throw light on some social phenomena where diverse individuals competitively try to maximise their own utilities under certain constraints. In this paper, we present simulation results that point to the existence of cooperative, coherent states arising from competitive interactions that lead to a new phenomenon in heterogeneous highway traffic. As the density of vehicles increases, their interactions cause a transition into a highly correlated state in which all vehicles practically move with the same speed, analogous to the motion of a solid block. This state is associated with a reduced lane changing rate and a safe, high and stable flow. It disappears as the vehicle density exceeds a critical value. The effect is observed in recent evaluations of Dutch traffic data.Comment: Submitted on April 21, 1998. For related work see http://www.theo2.physik.uni-stuttgart.de/helbing.html and http://www.parc.xerox.com/dynamics

    Cellular Automata Simulating Experimental Properties of Traffic Flows

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    A model for 1D traffic flow is developed, which is discrete in space and time. Like the cellular automaton model by Nagel and Schreckenberg [J. Phys. I France 2, 2221 (1992)], it is simple, fast, and can describe stop-and-go traffic. Due to its relation to the optimal velocity model by Bando et al. [Phys. Rev. E 51, 1035 (1995)], its instability mechanism is of deterministic nature. The model can be easily calibrated to empirical data and displays the experimental features of traffic data recently reported by Kerner and Rehborn [Phys. Rev. E 53, R1297 (1996)].Comment: For related work see http://www.theo2.physik.uni-stuttgart.de/helbing.html and http://traffic.comphys.uni-duisburg.de/member/home_schreck.htm

    Aircraft Noise and Quality of Life around Frankfurt Airport

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    In a survey of 2,312 residents living near Frankfurt Airport aircraft noise annoyance and disturbances as well as environmental (EQoL) and health-related quality of life (HQoL) were assessed and compared with data on exposure due to aircraft, road traffic, and railway noise. Results indicate higher noise annoyance than predicted from general exposure-response curves. Beside aircraft sound levels source-related attitudes were associated with reactions to aircraft noise. Furthermore, aircraft noise affected EQoL in general, although to a much smaller extent. HQoL was associated with aircraft noise annoyance, noise sensitivity and partly with aircraft noise exposure, in particular in the subgroup of multimorbid residents. The results suggest a recursive relationship between noise and health, yet this cannot be tested in cross-sectional studies. Longitudinal studies would be recommendable to get more insight in the causal paths underlying the noise-health relationship

    Leq+X - LÀrmexposition, EreignishÀufigkeiten und BelÀstigung:

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    In dieser Studie wird ein Teil der DatensĂ€tze von 4 großen Schweizer und deutschen FluglĂ€rmwirkungsstudien mit Hilfe von logistischen Mehrebenenmodellen re-analysiert. Ziel ist die Untersuchung der Annahmen, dass die Vorhersage a) des Anteils durch FluglĂ€rm hoch belĂ€stigter Personen und b) des Anteils durch FluglĂ€rm hoch schlafgestörter Personen verbessert werden kann, wenn (i) statt des energieĂ€quivalenten Dauerschallpegels alleine entweder zusĂ€tzliche oder alternative, stĂ€rker hĂ€ufigkeitsbasierte FlugverkehrsgerĂ€uschparameter und (ii) zusĂ€tzlich spezifische Flughafencharakteristika als PrĂ€diktoren genutzt werden. Diese Annahmen werden durch die Ergebnisse unterstĂŒtzt, sowohl bezogen auf den Anteil hoch belĂ€stigter Personen, als auch bezogen auf den Anteil hoch schlafgestörter Personen. In this study, part of the data sets from 4 large Swiss and German aircraft noise impact studies are re-analysed using logistic multi-level regression models. The aim is to investigate the assumptions that the prediction of a) the percentage of persons highly annoyed by aircraft noise or b) the percentage of persons highly sleep disturbed by aircraft noise can be improved if (i) instead of the energy-equivalent continuous noise level alone, either additional or alternative, more frequency-based aircraft noise metrics and (ii) also airport-specific characteristics are used as predictors. The results support both assumptions; both regarding the percentage of persons highly annoyed and regarding the percentage of persons highly sleep disturbed. Die Studie wurde von dem Bundesamt fĂŒr Umwelt BAFU, Bern, Schweiz, und der Ruhr-UniversitĂ€t Bochum, Deutschland, gefördert

    A measurement model for general noise reaction in response to aircraft noise

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    In this paper a measurement model for general noise reaction (GNR) in response to aircraft noise is developed to assess the performance of aircraft noise annoyance and a direct measure of general reaction as indicators of this concept. For this purpose GNR is conceptualized as a superordinate latent construct underlying particular manifestations. This conceptualization is empirically tested through estimation of a second-order factor model. Data from a community survey at Frankfurt Airport are used for this purpose (N = 2206). The data fit the hypothesized factor structure well and support the conceptualization of GNR as a superordinate construct. It is concluded that noise annoyance and a direct measure of general reaction to noise capture a large part of the negative feelings and emotions in response to aircraft noise but are unable to capture all relevant variance. The paper concludes with recommendations for the valid measurement of community reaction and several directions for further research.Infrastructures, Systems and ServicesTechnology, Policy and Managemen

    Derivation and Empirical Validation of a Refined Traffic Flow Model

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    The gas-kinetic foundation of fluid-dynamic traffic equations suggested in previous papers [Physica A 219, 375 and 391 (1995)] is further refined by applying the theory of dense gases and granular materials to the Boltzmann-like traffic model by Paveri-Fontana. It is shown that, despite the phenomenologically similar behavior of ordinary and granular fluids, the relations for these cannot directly be transferred to vehicular traffic. The dissipative and anisotropic interactions of vehicles as well as their velocity-dependent space requirements lead to a considerably different structure of the macroscopic traffic equations, also in comparison with the previously suggested traffic flow models. As a consequence, the instability mechanisms of emergent density waves are different. Crucial assumptions are validated by empirical traffic data and essential results are illustrated by figures.Comment: For related work see http://www.theo2.physik.uni-stuttgart.de/helbing.htm
