51 research outputs found

    URANOS v1.0 – the Ultra Rapid Adaptable Neutron-Only Simulation for Environmental Research

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    The understanding of neutron transport by Monte Carlo simulations led to major advancements towards precise interpretation of measurements. URANOS (Ultra Rapid Neutron-Only Simulation) is a free software package which has been developed in the last few years in cooperation with particle physics and environmental sciences, specifically for the purposes of cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS). Its versatile user interface and input/output scheme tailored for CRNS applications offers hydrologists straightforward access to model individual scenarios and to directly perform advanced neutron transport calculations. The geometry can be modeled layer-wise, whereas in each layer a voxel geometry is extruded using a two-dimensional map from pixel images representing predefined materials and allowing for the construction of objects on the basis of pixel graphics without a three-dimensional editor. It furthermore features predefined cosmic-ray neutron spectra and detector configurations and also allows for a replication of important site characteristics of study areas – from a small pond to the catchment scale. The simulation thereby gives precise answers to questions like from which location do neutrons originate? How do they propagate to the sensor? What is the neutron's response to certain environmental changes? In recent years, URANOS has been successfully employed by a number of studies, for example, to calculate the cosmic-ray neutron footprint, signals in complex geometries like mobile applications on roads, urban environments and snow patterns.</p

    Comment on ‘Examining the variation of soil moisture from cosmic‑ray neutron probes footprint: experimental results from a COSMOS‑UK site’ by Howells, O.D., Petropoulos, G.P., et al., Environ Earth Sci 82, 41 (2023)

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    The published article by Howells et al. (2023) attempts to empirically derive the lateral footprint for a single cosmic-ray neutron sensor (CRNS), which is part of the COSMOS-UK network (Evans et al. 2016). The main result is the “true” footprint to be 50 m in radius, substantially smaller than previously published estimates. Their conclusion contradicts more than 15 peer-reviewed studies and more than a decade of research on the subject conducted by various international research groups, and thus, it would be considered as a ground-breaking finding if the methods were scientifically sound. However, the methods and arguments presented by the authors have major errors and the presented conclusions are consequently wrong

    A change in perspective: downhole cosmic-ray neutron sensing for the estimation of soil moisture

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    Above-ground cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS) allows for the non-invasive estimation of the field-scale soil moisture content in the upper decimetres of the soil. However, large parts of the deeper vadose zone remain outside of its observational window. Retrieving soil moisture information from these deeper layers requires extrapolation, modelling or other methods, all of which come with methodological challenges. Against this background, we investigate CRNS for downhole soil moisture measurements in deeper layers of the vadose zone. To render calibration with in situ soil moisture measurements unnecessary, we rescaled neutron intensities observed below the terrain surface with intensities measured above a waterbody. An experimental set-up with a CRNS sensor deployed at different depths of up to 10 m below the surface in a groundwater observation well combined with particle transport simulations revealed the response of downhole thermal neutron intensities to changes in the soil moisture content at the depth of the downhole neutron detector as well as in the layers above it. The simulation results suggest that the sensitive measurement radius of several decimetres, which depends on soil moisture and soil bulk density, exceeds that of a standard active neutron probe (which is only about 30 cm). We derived transfer functions to estimate downhole neutron signals from soil moisture information, and we describe approaches for using these transfer functions in an inverse way to derive soil moisture from the observed neutron signals. The in situ neutron and soil moisture observations confirm the applicability of these functions and prove the concept of passive downhole soil moisture estimation, even at larger depths, using cosmic-ray neutron sensing.</p

    The ScaleX campaign: scale-crossing land-surface and boundary layer processes in the TERENO-preAlpine observatory

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    Augmenting long-term ecosystem-atmosphere observations with multidisciplinary intensive campaigns aims at closing gaps in spatial and temporal scales of observation for energy- and biogeochemical cycling, and at stimulating collaborative research. ScaleX is a collaborative measurement campaign, co-located with a long-term environmental observatory of the German TERENO (TERrestrial ENvironmental Observatories) network in mountainous terrain of the Bavarian Prealps, Germany. The aims of both TERENO and ScaleX include the measurement and modeling of land-surface atmosphere interactions of energy, water, and greenhouse gases. ScaleX is motivated by the recognition that long-term intensive observational research over years or decades must be based on well-proven, mostly automated measurement systems, concentrated on a small number of locations
