122 research outputs found

    An ASP-based Approach to Master Surgical Scheduling.

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    The problem of finding Master Surgical Schedules (MSS) consists of scheduling different specialties to the operating rooms of a hospital clinic. To produce a proper MSS, each specialty must be assigned to some operating rooms. The number of assignments is different for each specialty and can vary during the considered planning horizon. Realizing a satisfying schedule is of upmost importance for a hospital clinic. A poorly scheduled MSS may lead to unbalanced specialties availability and increase patients’ waiting list, negatively affecting both the administrative costs of the hospital and the patient satisfaction. In this paper, we present a compact solution based on Answer Set Programming (ASP) to the MSS problem. We tested our solution on different scenarios: experiments show that our ASP solution provides satisfying results in short time, also when compared to other logic-based formalisms. Finally, we describe a web application we have developed for easy usage of our solution

    Технология извлечения структур знаний с использованием аппарата расширенных семантических сетей

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    В статье рассматривается задача извлечения из текстов естественного языка структур знаний: информационных объектов («именованных сущностей»), их свойств, связей и фактов участия в действиях. Для этих целей разработан инструментарий: язык представления знаний (расширенные семантические сети – РСС) и их обработки (язык преобразования структур – ДЕКЛ). На этой основе созданы технологии, которые обладают следующими особенностями. Из текстов извлекаются не отдельные объекты (именованные сущности), а структуры знаний, представляющие связи объектов и их участие в действиях и событиях. Для извлечения структур знаний разработан уникальный семантико-ориентированный лингвистический процессор (ЛП), осуществляющий глубинный анализ текстов ЕЯ и выявляющий десятки типов объектов вместе с их структурами. Процессор ЛП управляется лингвистическими знаниями, представляющими собой декларативные структуры и обеспечивающие быструю настройку ЛП на предметную область и язык. Основой лингвистических знаний являются правила, обладающие высокой степенью избирательности при выявлении объектов («сущностей»), средствами устранения коллизий при их применении. Это позволяет минимизировать шумы и потери.У статті розглядається задача знайдення у текстах природної мови структур знань: інформаційних об’єктів («іменованих сутностей»), їх якостей зв’язків і фактів участі у діях. Для цих цілей розроблений інструментарій: мова представлення знань (розширені семантичні мережі – РСМ) та їх обробки (мова перетворення структур – ДЕКЛ). На цій основі створені технології, що мають наступні особливості. З тестів виділяються не окремі об’єкти (іменовані сутності), а структури знань, що представляють зв’язки об’єктів та їх участь у діях та подіях. З метою виділення структур знань розроблений винятковий семантико-орієнтований лінгвістичний процесор (ЛП), що здійснює глибинний аналіз текстів ЕЯ та виявляє десятки типів об’єктів разом з їх структурами. Процесор ЛП керується лінгвістичними знаннями, які представляють собою декларативні структури та забезпечують швидке настроювання ЛП на предметну сферу та мову. Основою лінгвістичних знань є правила, що мають високий ступінь вибірковості при виявленні об’єктів («сутностей»), засобами усунення колізій при їхньому використанні. Це дозволяє мінімізувати шуми та втрати.The paper is devoted to the extracting of knowledge structures from the natural language texts, i.e. information objects (“Named Entities”), their features, relationships, and participation in the actions and events. For this purpose, the language used for knowledge representation (extended semantic networks/ESN) and tools for processing (language for structure conversion LSC) are considered. On this base, the new technologies are proposed. These technologies have the following features: extraction from the texts of knowledge structures that represent the links of named entities and their participation in actions and events. For the knowledge extraction the unique semantic-oriented language processor (LP) are designed. Processor LP provides the deep analysis of NL-texts and revealing set of objects together with their structures. Processor LP is controlled by the linguistic knowledge, which are declarative structures (on ESN) and which provides the quick tuning of LP on subject area and language, both Russian and English

    Review-aggregated aspect-based sentiment analysis with ontology features

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    With all the information that is available on the World Wide Web, there is great demand for data mining techniques and sentiment analysis is a particularly popular domain, both in business and research. Sentiment analysis aims to determine the sentiment value, often on a positive–negative scale, for a given product or service based on a set of textual reviews. As fine-grained information is more useful than just a single overall score, modern aspect-based sentiment analysis techniques break down the sentiment and assign sentiment scores to various aspects of the product or service mentioned in the review. In this work, we focus on aspect-based sentim

    Pronounced zonal heterogeneity in Eocene southern high-latitude sea surface temperatures

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    Paleoclimate studies suggest that increased global warmth during the Eocene epoch was greatly amplified at high latitudes, a state that climate models cannot fully reproduce. However, proxy estimates of Eocene near-Antarctic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) have produced widely divergent results at similar latitudes, with SSTs above 20 °C in the southwest Pacific contrasting with SSTs between 5 and 15 °C in the South Atlantic. Validation of this zonal temperature difference has been impeded by uncertainties inherent to the individual paleotemperature proxies applied at these sites. Here, we present multiproxy data from Seymour Island, near the Antarctic Peninsula, that provides well-constrained evidence for annual SSTs of 10–17 °C (1σ SD) during the middle and late Eocene. Comparison of the same paleotemperature proxy at Seymour Island and at the East Tasman Plateau indicate the presence of a large and consistent middle-to-late Eocene SST gradient of ∼7 °C between these two sites located at similar paleolatitudes. Intermediate-complexity climate model simulations suggest that enhanced oceanic heat transport in the South Pacific, driven by deep-water formation in the Ross Sea, was largely responsible for the observed SST gradient. These results indicate that very warm SSTs, in excess of 18 °C, did not extend uniformly across the Eocene southern high latitudes, and suggest that thermohaline circulation may partially control the distribution of high-latitude ocean temperatures in greenhouse climates. The pronounced zonal SST heterogeneity evident in the Eocene cautions against inferring past meridional temperature gradients using spatially limited data within given latitudinal bands

    Neurocognitive functioning and radiologic changes in primary CNS lymphoma patients:results from the HOVON 105/ALLG NHL 24 randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: To analyze the effect of treatment on neurocognitive functioning and the association of neurocognition with radiological abnormalities in primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL). METHODS: One hundred and ninety-nine patients from a phase III trial (HOVON 105/ALLG NHL 24), randomized to standard chemotherapy with or without rituximab, followed in patients ≤60 years old by 30-Gy whole-brain radiotherapy (WBRT), were asked to participate in a neuropsychological evaluation before and during treatment, and up to 2 years posttreatment. Scores were transformed into a standardized z-score; clinically relevant changes were defined as a change in z-score of ≥1 SD. The effect of WBRT was analyzed in irradiated patients. All MRIs were centrally assessed for white matter abnormalities and cerebral atrophy, and their relation with neurocognitive scores over time in each domain was calculated. RESULTS: 125/199 patients consented to neurocognitive evaluation. Statistically significant improvements in neurocognition were seen in all domains. A clinically relevant improvement was seen only in the motor speed domain, without differences between the arms. In the follow-up of irradiated patients (n = 43), no change was observed in any domain score, compared to after WBRT. Small but significant inverse correlations were found between neurocognitive scores over time and changes in white matter abnormalities (regression coefficients: −0.048 to −0.347) and cerebral atrophy (−0.212 to −1.774). CONCLUSIONS: Addition of rituximab to standard treatment in PCNSL patients did not impact neurocognitive functioning up to 2 years posttreatment, nor did treatment with 30-Gy WBRT in patients ≤60 years old. Increased white matter abnormalities and brain atrophy showed weak associations with neurocognition

    Antilymphocyte globulin for matched sibling donor transplantation in patients with myelofibrosis

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    The use of antihuman T-lymphocyte immunoglobulin in the setting of transplantation from an HLA-matched related donor is still much debated. Acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease are the main causes of morbidity and mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with myelofibrosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of antihuman T-lymphocyte immunoglobulin in a large cohort of patients with myelofibrosis (n= 287). The cumulative incidences of grade II-IV acute graft-versus-host disease among patients who were or were not given antihuman T-lymphocyte immunoglobulin were 26% and 41%, respectively. The corresponding incidences of chronic graft-versus-host disease were 52% and 55%, respectively. Non-adjusted overall survival, disease-free survival and non-relapse mortality rates were 55% versus 53%, 49% versus 45%, and 32% versus 31%, respectively, among the patients who were or were not given antihuman T-lymphocyte immunoglobulin. An adjusted model confirmed that the risk of acute graft-versus-host disease was lower following antihuman T-lymphocyte immunoglobulin (hazard ratio, 0.54; P= 0.010) while it did not decrease the risk of chronic graft-versus-host disease. The hazard ratios for overall survival and non-relapse mortality were 0.66 and 0.64, with P-values of 0.05 and 0.09, respectively. Antihuman T-lymphocyte immunoglobulin did not influence disease-free survival, graft-versus-host disease, relapse-free survival or relapse risk. In conclusion, in the setting of matched related transplantation in myelofibrosis patients, this study demonstrates that antihuman T-lymphocyte immunoglobulin decreases the risk of acute graft-versushost disease without increasing the risk of relapse.Peer reviewe

    Isoprenoidal GDGTs and GDDs associated with anoxic lacustrine environments

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    We examined membrane-spanning archaeal lipids using ultra high pressure liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) in a suite of sediment samples from both cored sequences (Messel oil shale and Lake Chala) and surface sediments (Azorean lakes) encompassing ancient and modern (Eocene to Present) lacustrine environments. Additionally we compared the lacustrine data to those of marine (Mediterranean cored sequences, Arabian Sea surface sediments and Monterey outcrop sediments) and hypersaline sediments (Vena del Gesso marls) as well as marine suspended particulate matter (SPM) from the Black Sea. Regular isoprenoidal glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) and glycerol dialkyl diethers (GDDs) were the most abundant membrane-spanning lipids in all investigated settings (>90 % and 84 % respectively). Interestingly, GDGTs with a cyclohexyl ring (S-GDGTs) were also present in almost all investigated lake sediments, in relative abundances of ca. 2–7 % and, for the first time, also their S-GDD counterparts were detected (2–10 %). The producers of S-GDGTs are still unknown, however our results show that it is likely that bottom water anoxia (both seasonally induced or permanent) is the driving factor for the production of these lipids, whereas previous studies suggested euxinia was required for production. Unsaturated GDGTs (uns-GDGTs, ca. 2 %) were only detected in Lake Chala sediments and surface sediments from Azorean lakes, but without accompanying uns-GDDs. GMGTs, glycerol monoalkyl glycerol tetraethers, were present in Messel oil shale and marine samples, while GMDs were only found in Messel oil shale

    Clinical utility of plasma-based comprehensive molecular profiling in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

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    PURPOSE Comprehensive molecular profiling (CMP) plays an essential role in clinical decision making in metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (mNSCLC). Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis provides possibilities for molecular tumor profiling. In this study, we aim to explore the additional value of centralized ctDNA profiling next to current standard-of-care protocolled tissue-based molecular profiling (SoC-TMP) in the primary diagnostic setting of mNSCLC in the Netherlands. METHODS Pretreatment plasma samples from 209 patients with confirmed mNSCLC were analyzed retrospectively using the NGS AVENIO ctDNA Targeted Kit (Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland) and compared with paired prospective pretreatment tissue-based molecular profiling from patient records. The AVENIO panel is designed to detect single-nucleotide variants, copy-number variations, insertions or deletions, and tyrosine kinase fusion in 17 genes. RESULTS Potentially targetable drivers were detected with SoC-TMP alone in 34.4% of patients. Addition of clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential-corrected, plasma-based CMP increased this to 39.7% (P,.001). Concordance between SoC-TMP and plasma-CMP was 86.6% for potentially targetable drivers. Clinical sensitivity of plasma-CMP was 75.2% for any oncogenic driver. Specificity and positive predictive value were more than 90% for all oncogenic drivers. CONCLUSION Plasma-CMP is a reliable tool in the primary diagnostic setting, although it cannot fully replace SoC-TMP. Complementary profiling by combined SoC-TMP and plasma-CMP increased the proportion of patients who are eligible for targeted treatment

    Multiple Independent Genetic Factors at NOS1AP Modulate the QT Interval in a Multi-Ethnic Population

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    Extremes of electrocardiographic QT interval are associated with increased risk for sudden cardiac death (SCD); thus, identification and characterization of genetic variants that modulate QT interval may elucidate the underlying etiology of SCD. Previous studies have revealed an association between a common genetic variant in NOS1AP and QT interval in populations of European ancestry, but this finding has not been extended to other ethnic populations. We sought to characterize the effects of NOS1AP genetic variants on QT interval in the multi-ethnic population-based Dallas Heart Study (DHS, n = 3,072). The SNP most strongly associated with QT interval in previous samples of European ancestry, rs16847548, was the most strongly associated in White (P = 0.005) and Black (P = 3.6×10−5) participants, with the same direction of effect in Hispanics (P = 0.17), and further showed a significant SNP × sex-interaction (P = 0.03). A second SNP, rs16856785, uncorrelated with rs16847548, was also associated with QT interval in Blacks (P = 0.01), with qualitatively similar results in Whites and Hispanics. In a previously genotyped cohort of 14,107 White individuals drawn from the combined Atherosclerotic Risk in Communities (ARIC) and Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) cohorts, we validated both the second locus at rs16856785 (P = 7.63×10−8), as well as the sex-interaction with rs16847548 (P = 8.68×10−6). These data extend the association of genetic variants in NOS1AP with QT interval to a Black population, with similar trends, though not statistically significant at P<0.05, in Hispanics. In addition, we identify a strong sex-interaction and the presence of a second independent site within NOS1AP associated with the QT interval. These results highlight the consistent and complex role of NOS1AP genetic variants in modulating QT interval

    Characteristics and outcomes of older patients hospitalised for COVID-19 in the first and second wave of the pandemic in The Netherlands:the COVID-OLD study

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    BACKGROUND: as the coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic progressed diagnostics and treatment changed. OBJECTIVE: to investigate differences in characteristics, disease presentation and outcomes of older hospitalised COVID-19 patients between the first and second pandemic wave in The Netherlands. METHODS: this was a multicentre retrospective cohort study in 16 hospitals in The Netherlands including patients aged ≥ 70 years, hospitalised for COVID-19 in Spring 2020 (first wave) and Autumn 2020 (second wave). Data included Charlson comorbidity index (CCI), disease severity and Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS). Main outcome was in-hospital mortality. RESULTS: a total of 1,376 patients in the first wave (median age 78 years, 60% male) and 946 patients in the second wave (median age 79 years, 61% male) were included. There was no relevant difference in presence of comorbidity (median CCI 2) or frailty (median CFS 4). Patients in the second wave were admitted earlier in the disease course (median 6 versus 7 symptomatic days; P < 0.001). In-hospital mortality was lower in the second wave (38.1% first wave versus 27.0% second wave; P < 0.001). Mortality risk was 40% lower in the second wave compared with the first wave (95% confidence interval: 28–51%) after adjustment for differences in patient characteristics, comorbidity, symptomatic days until admission, disease severity and frailty. CONCLUSIONS: compared with older patients hospitalised in the first COVID-19 wave, patients in the second wave had lower in-hospital mortality, independent of risk factors for mortality. The better prognosis likely reflects earlier diagnosis, the effect of improvement in treatment and is relevant for future guidelines and treatment decisions