761 research outputs found

    Complex, Dynamic Combination of Physical, Chemical and Nutritional Variables Controls Spatio-Temporal Variation of Sandy Beach Community Structure

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    Sandy beach ecological theory states that physical features of the beach control macrobenthic community structure on all but the most dissipative beaches. However, few studies have simultaneously evaluated the relative importance of physical, chemical and biological factors as potential explanatory variables for meso-scale spatio-temporal patterns of intertidal community structure in these systems. Here, we investigate macroinfaunal community structure of a micro-tidal sandy beach that is located on an oligotrophic subtropical coast and is influenced by seasonal estuarine input. We repeatedly sampled biological and environmental variables at a series of beach transects arranged at increasing distances from the estuary mouth. Sampling took place over a period of five months, corresponding with the transition between the dry and wet season. This allowed assessment of biological-physical relationships across chemical and nutritional gradients associated with a range of estuarine inputs. Physical, chemical, and biological response variables, as well as measures of community structure, showed significant spatio-temporal patterns. In general, bivariate relationships between biological and environmental variables were rare and weak. However, multivariate correlation approaches identified a variety of environmental variables (i.e., sampling session, the C:N ratio of particulate organic matter, dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations, various size fractions of photopigment concentrations, salinity and, to a lesser extent, beach width and sediment kurtosis) that either alone or combined provided significant explanatory power for spatio-temporal patterns of macroinfaunal community structure. Overall, these results showed that the macrobenthic community on Mtunzini Beach was not structured primarily by physical factors, but instead by a complex and dynamic blend of nutritional, chemical and physical drivers. This emphasises the need to recognise ocean-exposed sandy beaches as functional ecosystems in their own right

    Sellulêre biomerkerresponse as maatstaf van gevoeligheid van klipmossels (Mollusca) vir kadmiumbesoedeling

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    The original publication is available at http://www.satnt.ac.za/Die bioakkumulasie van kadmium in tussengetyspesies kan stres veroorsaak wat op sellulêre vlak meetbaar is. Verskeie klipmosselspesies kom volop op rotse aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kuslyn voor en kan moontlik vir ekotokiskologiese monitering gebruik word. Die oogmerk van die studie was om sensitiwiteitsdata te verkry wat kan bydrae tot die kies van ’n geskikte spesie vir monitering en die uiteindelike daarstelling van ’n model vir spesie sensitiwiteitsverspreiding (SSV) wat ’n biomerkerrespons as eindpunt gebruik. Die klipmossels Cymbula oculus, Scutellastra longicosta, Cymbula granatina en Scutellastra granularis en watermonsters is in Valsbaai versamel. Analises van kadmium in water en biologiese monsters is met behulp van atoomabsorpsiespektrofotometrie uitgevoer. Blootstellings van organismes aan subletale vlakke van kadmium is uitgevoer in statiese vloeitenks oor ’n periode van drie dae. Daar was ’n matige toename in liggaamskonsentrasies van kadmium oor tyd. Resultate wat by drie blootstellingskonsentrasies gekry is, het geen betekenisvolle verskille in metaalkonsentrasies tussen die verskillende C. oculus monsters uitgewys nie. Betekenisvolle verskille tussen die kontrole en die blootstellingsgroepe vir elke individuele blootstellingstyd is vir die spesie verkry behalwe tussen die kontrole en die 1mg/L CdCl2 blootstellingsgroep na 24 en 72 uur van blootstelling. Cd liggaamskonsentrasies (sagteweefsel) het tussen 4.56 en 21.41μg/g (nat massa) gevarieer. Gemiddelde Cd konsentrasies in sagteweefsel van S. longicosta was aansienlik laer (variërend tussen 1.18 en 19.58 μg/g Cd ) as in weefsel van C. oculus. Die kontrolegroep van hierdie spesie het betekenisvol verskil van die 0.8 en 1 mg/L CdCl2 blootstellings na 48 en 72 uur. Gemiddelde Cd liggaamskonsentrasies in S. granularis was die hoogste van al die blootgestelde spesies en het ’n vlak van 148 μg/g Cd by die hoogste blootstellingskonsentrasie bereik en het betekenisvol verskil van die ander monsters se gemiddeldes met die uitsondering van die 0.8 mg/ L CdCl2 blootstellingsgroep by 72 uur en die 1 mg/L CdCl2 groep by 24 uur. Betekenisvolle verskille is ook verkry vir die liggaamskonsentrasies van Cd van C. granatina tussen die drie verskillende blootstellingskonsentrasies en drie blootstellingstye. Integriteit van lisosoommembrane is bepaal met behulp van die neutraalrooi retensiemetode. Drie van die vier spesies het ’n betekenisvolle afname in retentsietye getoon met ’n toename in Cd konsentrasie. Tussenspesieverskille in gevoelighede vir omgewingsrelevante kadmiumkonsentrasies is deur die biomerkerresponse uitgewys. Gebaseer op die verlaging in NRR tye, is die volgorde van relatiewe gevoeligheid vir kadmium as volg: S. granularis > C. oculus> S. longicosta.> C. granatina.Publishers' Versio

    Genetic parameters of testicular measurements in Merino rams and the influence of scrotal circumference on total flock fertility

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    Genetic parameter estimates for scrotal circumference (SC), testis diameter (TD) and two-tooth liveweight (LW) were obtained for 1380 two-tooth Merino rams born from 1986 to 1998 on the Tygerhoek Experimental Farm. The effect of SC of service sires (n = 263) on ewe fertility was also investigated. Year of birth, selection group and LW were significant sources of variation for both SC and TD. SC had a significant effect on ewe fertility. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.29 to 0.40, 0.25 to 0.38 and from 0.49 to 0.52 for SC, TD and LW, respectively. Adjustment for LW decreased heritability estimates of SC and TD and the genetic correlations between the latter traits. Rams with an unadjusted SC of less than 30 cm should not be used. South African Journal of Animal Science Vol.32(2) 2002: 76-8

    Ondersoek na seleksiemaatstawwe by Afrinoskape. Genetiese parameters van groei- en woleienskappe

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    Investigation of selection criteria for Afrino sheep. Genetic parameters of growth and wool traits. The data used in this study were obtained from the Carnarvon Afrino stud. The genetic and phenotypic parameters for the various growth and wool traits were estimated by means of Henderson's Method III. The following traits were considered as possible selection criteria for ram selection: weaning weight (h2 = 0,21 ± O,07), yearling weight (h2 = 0,22 ± 0,07), ADG: weaning-year-old (h2 = 0,22 ± 0,07), Kleiber: weaning-year-old (h = 0,23 ± 0,07), and eighteen-month mass (h2 = 0,28 ± 0,08). However, the traits yearling weight, ADG: weaning-year-old and eighteen month mass cannot be considered as possible selection criteria because of their undesirable genetic correlations with birth mass and eighteen-month mass. Kleiber: weaning-year-old had a non-significant negative genetic correlation of -0,12 ± 0,22 with birth mass, a medium positive correlation with yearling weight (0,35 ± 0,21) and it is almost unrelated to eighteen-month mass (rg = 0,10 ± 0,22). At 12 months of age, rams can be selected on the basis of the following selection index: I=3 X weaning mass -- 1 X Kleiber: weaning-year-old- 18 X fibre diameter.Ondersoek is ingestel na geskikte seleksiemaatstawwe vir Afrino-skape. Data vanaf die Camarvonse Afrinokudde is vir hierdie ondersoek gebruik. Genetiese en fenotipiese parameters van die onderskeie groei- en woleienskappe is met behulp van Henderson se Metode III beraam. Die volgende eienskappe is as moontlike seleksiemaatstawwe vir ramseleksie oorweeg: speenmassa (h2 = 0,21 ± 0,07), jaarmassa (h2 = 0,22 ± 0,07), GDT: speen-jaar (h2 = 0,22 ± 0,07), Kleiber: speen-jaar (h2 = 0,23 ± 0,07), en agtienmaandemassa (h2 = 0,28 ± 0,08). Jaarmassa, GDT: speenjaar en agtienmaandemassa is as gevolg van hul ongunstige genetiese korrelasies met geboortemassa en agtienmaandemassa as seleksiemaatstawwe geelimineer. Kleiber: speen-jaar het 'n nie-betekenisvolle negatiewe korrelasie van -0,12 ± 0,22 met geboortemassa, 'n matig-positiewe korrelasie van 0,35 ± 0,21 met jaarmassa en is feitlik onafhanklik van agtienmaandemassa (rg = 0,10 ± 0,22). Ramme kan op 12-maande-ouderdom op grond van die volgende seleksie-indeks geselekteer word: I = 3 X speenmassa + 1 X Kleiber: speen-jaar - 18 X veseldikte.Keywords: Afrino, genetic parameters, growth traits, Kleiber ratio

    Global warming is causing a more pronounced dip in marine species richness around the equator

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    The latitudinal gradient in species richness, with more species in the tropics and richness declining with latitude, is widely known and has been assumed to be stable over recent centuries. We analyzed data on 48,661 marine animal species since 1955, accounting for sampling variation, to assess whether the global latitudinal gradient in species richness is being impacted by climate change. We confirm recent studies that show a slight dip in species richness at the equator. Moreover, richness across latitudinal bands was sensitive to temperature, reaching a plateau or declining above a mean annual sea surface temperature of 20 °C for most taxa. In response, since the 1970s, species richness has declined at the equator relative to an increase at midlatitudes and has shifted north in the northern hemisphere, particularly among pelagic species. This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis that climate change is impacting the latitudinal gradient in marine biodiversity at a global scale. The intensification of the dip in species richness at the equator, especially for pelagic species, suggests that it is already too warm there for some species to survive.acceptedVersio

    Cretaceous fossils from the Orapa Diamond Mine

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    Main articleThe Orapa kimberlite pipe, situated in north-central Botswana, is well-known for its rich reserves of diamonds. It is indeed one of the largest and richest diamond mines in the world. The kimberlite magma transporting the diamonds from the upper mantle erupted through a sequence ofKaroo-aged rocks before the deposition ofthe Kalahari Sands. This eruption has been radiometrically dated at early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Coniacian). When volcanism ceased, a succession of epiclastic crater lake sediments was deposited above the kimberlite plug. Analysis of these sediments, which mostly comprise the results of mudflows and debris flows and fmer sediments during quiescenttimes, suggests that most of the sediments within the crater were deposited rapidly as mass flows, and were therefore mobilised soon after the volcanic eruption. Buried within the fine-grained sediments is a unique assemblage of fossils including flowering plants and many whole-bodied insects. The fossils are commonly exquisitely preserved in extremely fine-grained mudstone. Interpretation of the sedimentary facies and fossils is that the mid-Cretaceous climate of central Botswana was temperate, seasonal and wet, and the area surrounding the crater was forested. The fossils represent the recovery of the biota of the area after the violent eruptions of Orapa and other nearby kimberlite fissures and pipes. The fossils have contributed considerably to our understanding of mid-Cretaceous insects and flowering plants and suggest intimate relationships between the two at an early stage in the radiation of flowering plants. It seems that southern Gondwana (including southern Africa) was a centre of diversification for both insects and angiosperms in the mid-Cretaceous.Friends of the Museum, Gaborone; Debswana (Orapa); University of the Witwatersrand; South African Foundation for Research Developmen

    Responses of Marine Organisms to Climate Change across Oceans

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    Climate change is driving changes in the physical and chemical properties of the ocean that have consequences for marine ecosystems. Here, we review evidence for the responses of marine life to recent climate change across ocean regions, from tropical seas to polar oceans. We consider observed changes in calcification rates, demography, abundance, distribution, and phenology of marine species. We draw on a database of observed climate change impacts on marine species, supplemented with evidence in the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. We discuss factors that limit or facilitate species’ responses, such as fishing pressure, the availability of prey, habitat, light and other resources, and dispersal by ocean currents. We find that general trends in species’ responses are consistent with expectations from climate change, including shifts in distribution to higher latitudes and to deeper locations, advances in spring phenology, declines in calcification, and increases in the abundance of warm-water species. The volume and type of evidence associated with species responses to climate change is variable across ocean regions and taxonomic groups, with predominance of evidence derived from the heavily-studied north Atlantic Ocean. Most investigations of the impact of climate change being associated with the impacts of changing temperature, with few observations of effects of changing oxygen, wave climate, precipitation (coastal waters), or ocean acidification. Observations of species responses that have been linked to anthropogenic climate change are widespread, but are still lacking for some taxonomic groups (e.g., phytoplankton, benthic invertebrates, marine mammals)

    Sandy-beach ecosystems:their health, resilience and management

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    Responses of marine organisms to climate change across oceans

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    Climate change is driving changes in the physical and chemical properties of the ocean that have consequences for marine ecosystems. Here, we review evidence for the responses of marine life to recent climate change across ocean regions, from tropical seas to polar oceans. We consider observed changes in calcification rates, demography, abundance, distribution, and phenology of marine species. We draw on a database of observed climate change impacts on marine species, supplemented with evidence in the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. We discuss factors that limit or facilitate species\u27 responses, such as fishing pressure, the availability of prey, habitat, light and other resources, and dispersal by ocean currents. We find that general trends in species\u27 responses are consistent with expectations from climate change, including shifts in distribution to higher latitudes and to deeper locations, advances in spring phenology, declines in calcification, and increases in the abundance of warm-water species. The volume and type of evidence associated with species responses to climate change is variable across ocean regions and taxonomic groups, with predominance of evidence derived from the heavily-studied north Atlantic Ocean. Most investigations of the impact of climate change being associated with the impacts of changing temperature, with few observations of effects of changing oxygen, wave climate, precipitation (coastal waters), or ocean acidification. Observations of species responses that have been linked to anthropogenic climate change are widespread, but are still lacking for some taxonomic groups (e.g., phytoplankton, benthic invertebrates, marine mammals)