180 research outputs found

    No evidence for a role of competitive capabilities of adults in causing habitat segregation of diploid and hexaploid Senecio carniolicus (Asteracaeae)

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    Hexaploid individuals of Senecio carniolicus (Asteraceae) predominantly occur in dense swards while diploids prevail in open vegetation. We test whether this habitat segregation is due to differential responses to competition. Linear regression models were used to relate biomass and maximum leaf length of adults to vegetation cover within radii of 20 cm around target individuals. Biomass differed between ploidy levels, but was independent from vegetation cover in both cytotypes. Maximum leaf length of diploids increased with vegetation cover, but remained constant in hexaploids. This suggests that at the adult stage diploids respond to increasing competition by changes in plant architecture rather than changes in resource utilization, while hexaploids are unaffected by competition. Consequently, other factors, such as competitive interactions at earlier life stages, likely are responsible for habitat segregation of diploid and hexaploid S. carniolicus

    Cryptic invasion suggested by a cytogeographic analysis of the halophytic Puccinellia distans complex (Poaceae) in Central Europe

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    Introduction: Despite the wealth of studies dealing with the invasions of alien plants, invasions of alien genotypes of native species (cryptic invasions) have been vastly neglected. The impact of cryptic invasions on the biodiversity of plant communities can, however, be significant. Inland saline habitats and halophytes (i.e., salt-tolerant plant species) are especially threatened by this phenomenon as they inhabit fragmented remnants of largely destroyed habitats, but at the same time some of these halophytic species are rapidly spreading along salt-treated roads. To study potential cryptic invasion of halophytes, the patterns of genome size and ploidy variation in the Puccinellia distans complex (Poaceae), the most rapidly spreading roadside halophyte in Central Europe, were investigated. Methods: DNA flow cytometry with confirmatory chromosome counts were employed to assess ploidy levels of 1414 individuals from 133 populations of the P. distans complex. In addition, climatic niche modelling was used to predict the distributions of selected cytotypes. Results: Eight groups differing in ploidy level and/or genome size were discovered, one diploid (2x; 2n = 14), two tetraploid (4xA, 4xB; 2n = 28), one pentaploid (5x; 2n = 35), three hexaploid (6xA, 6xB, 6xC; 2n = 42), and one heptaploid (7x; 2n = 49). The hexaploids (mostly the 6xC cytotype) were widespread through the study area, spreading intensively in both anthropogenic and natural habitats and probably hybridizing with the natural habitat dwelling tetraploids. In contrast, the non-hexaploid cytotypes rarely spread and were predominantly confined to natural habitats. Discussion: The extensive spread of the hexaploid cytotypes along roadsides has most likely facilitated their incursion into natural habitats. The colonization of new natural habitats by the hexaploids may pose a threat to the indigenous Puccinellia populations by compromising their genetic integrity and/or by outcompeting them

    Next-generation sequencing reveals the impact of repetitive DNA in phylogenetically closely related genomes of Orobanchaceae

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    We used next-generation sequencing to characterize the genomes of nine species of Orobanchaceae of known phylogenetic relationships, different life forms, and including a polyploid species. The study species are the autotrophic, nonparasitic Lindenbergia philippensis, the hemiparasitic Schwalbea americana, and seven nonphotosynthetic parasitic species of Orobanche (Orobanche crenata, Orobanche cumana, Orobanche gracilis (tetraploid), and Orobanche pancicii) and Phelipanche (Phelipanche lavandulacea, Phelipanche purpurea, and Phelipanche ramosa). Ty3/Gypsy elements comprise 1.93%–28.34% of the nine genomes and Ty1/Copia elements comprise 8.09%–22.83%. When compared with L. philippensis and S. americana, the nonphotosynthetic species contain higher proportions of repetitive DNA sequences, perhaps reflecting relaxed selection on genome size in parasitic organisms. Among the parasitic species, those in the genus Orobanche have smaller genomes but higher proportions of repetitive DNA than those in Phelipanche, mostly due to a diversification of repeats and an accumulation of Ty3/ Gypsy elements. Genome downsizing in the tetraploid O. gracilis probably led to sequence loss across most repeat types

    Contamination of imported kernels by unapproved genome-edited varieties poses a major challenge for monitoring and traceability during transport and handling on a global scale: inferences from a study on feral oilseed rape in Austria

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    Novel techniques such as CRISPR/Cas are increasingly being applied for the development of modern crops. However, the regulatory framework for production, labelling and handling of genome-edited organisms varies worldwide. Currently, the European Commission is raising the question whether genome-edited organisms should still be regulated as genetically modified organisms in the future or whether a deregulation should be implemented. In our paper, based on the outcome of a 2-year case study on oilseed rape in Austria, we show that seed spillage during import and subsequent transport and handling activities is a key factor for the unintended dispersal of seeds into the environment, the subsequent emergence of feral oilseed rape populations and their establishment and long-term persistence in natural habitats. These facts must likewise be considered in case of genome-edited oilseed rape contaminants that might be accidentally introduced with conventional kernels. We provide evidence that in Austria a high diversity of oilseed rape genotypes, including some with alleles not known from cultivated oilseed rape in Austria, exists at sites with high seed spillage and low weed management, rendering these sites of primary concern with respect to possible escape of genome-edited oilseed rape varieties into the environment. Since appropriate detection methods for single genome-edited oilseed rape events have only recently started to be successfully developed and the adverse effects of these artificial punctate DNA exchanges remain largely unknown, tracing the transmission and spread of these genetic modifications places high requirements on their monitoring, identification, and traceability

    Distribution and habitat segregation on different spatial scales among diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid cytotypes of Senecio carniolicus (Asteraceae) in the Eastern Alps

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    The spatial distribution of cytotypes can provide valuable insights into evolutionary patterns of polyploid complexes. In a previous study the macro-scale distribution of the three main cytotypes in Senecio carniolicus (Asteraceae) within the Eastern Alps was characterized. Employing a roughly 12-fold extended sampling, the present study focuses on unravelling patterns of cytotype distribution on the meso- and microscale and on correlating those with ecological properties of the growing sites. DAPI flow cytometry of dried samples was used to determine DNA ploidy level in 5033 individuals from 100 populations spread over the entire Eastern Alpine distribution area of S. carniolicus. Descriptors of microhabitats as well as spatial data were recorded in the field, and analysed with a mixed-effects ANOVA. Extensive variation in DNA ploidy levels (2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x) was detected. Of the main cytotypes, diploids and hexaploids were widespread and had strongly overlapping distributions resulting in the frequent occurrence of cytotype mixtures (half of the investigated populations), whereas tetraploids were disjunctly distributed and occurred in the south-west and the east of the species' distribution area. In spite of the frequent co-occurrence of cytotypes, only 1 % of the samples belonged to secondary cytotypes (3x, 5x, 7x, 8x, 9x). Diploids, tetraploids and hexaploids were altitudinally segregated, but with broad overlap. Similarly, highly significant differences in vegetation and rock cover as well as microhabitat exposure were found between the main cytotypes. Senecio carniolicus shows a remarkable diversity of cytotypes. The distribution of the three main cytotypes (2x, 4x, 6x) has been shaped by Pleistocene glaciations to different extents. Whereas tetraploids are nearly entirely restricted to refugia, hexaploids colonized areas that were extensively glaciated. Diploid and hexaploid individuals often co-occur in mixed populations, where they are spatially and ecologically segregated at both the meso-scale (altitudinal differentiation, exposure of the growing site) and the micro-scale (cover of vegetation and bare rock). With regard to the ecological parameters investigated, the tetraploid cytotype occupies an intermediate position. The rareness of secondary cytotypes suggests the presence of strong pre- or post-zygotic mating barriers

    Rooting and dating maples (Acer) with an uncorrelated-rates molecular clock

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    Simulations suggest that molecular clock analyses can correctly identify the root of a tree even when the clock assumption is severely violated. Clock-based rooting of phylogenies may be particularly useful when outgroup rooting is problematic. Here, we explore relaxed-clock rooting in the Acer/Dipteronia clade of Sapindaceae, which comprises genera of highly uneven species richness and problematic mutual monophyly. Using an approach that does not presuppose rate autocorrelation between ancestral and descendant branches and hence does not require a rooted a priori topology, we analyzed data fromup to seven chloroplast loci for some 50 ingroup species. For comparison,weused midpoint and outgroup rooting and dating methods that rely on rooted input trees, namely penalized likelihood, a Bayesian autocorrelated-rates model, and a strict clock. The chloroplast sequences used here reject a single global substitution rate, and the assumption of autocorrelated rates was also rejected. The root was placed between Acer and Dipteronia by all three rooting methods, albeit with low statistical support. Analyses of Acer diversification with a lineage-through-time plot and different survival models, although sensitive to missing data, suggest a gradual decrease in the average diversification rate. The nine North American species of Acer diverged from their nearest relatives at widely different times: eastern American Acer diverged in the Oligocene and Late Miocene; western American species in the Late Eocene and Mid Miocene; and the Acer core clade, including A. saccharum, dates to the Miocene. Recent diversification in North America is strikingly rare compared to diversification in eastern Asia

    The evolution of the plastid chromosome in land plants: gene content, gene order, gene function

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    This review bridges functional and evolutionary aspects of plastid chromosome architecture in land plants and their putative ancestors. We provide an overview on the structure and composition of the plastid genome of land plants as well as the functions of its genes in an explicit phylogenetic and evolutionary context. We will discuss the architecture of land plant plastid chromosomes, including gene content and synteny across land plants. Moreover, we will explore the functions and roles of plastid encoded genes in metabolism and their evolutionary importance regarding gene retention and conservation. We suggest that the slow mode at which the plastome typically evolves is likely to be influenced by a combination of different molecular mechanisms. These include the organization of plastid genes in operons, the usually uniparental mode of plastid inheritance, the activity of highly effective repair mechanisms as well as the rarity of plastid fusion. Nevertheless, structurally rearranged plastomes can be found in several unrelated lineages (e.g. ferns, Pinaceae, multiple angiosperm families). Rearrangements and gene losses seem to correlate with an unusual mode of plastid transmission, abundance of repeats, or a heterotrophic lifestyle (parasites or myco-heterotrophs). While only a few functional gene gains and more frequent gene losses have been inferred for land plants, the plastid Ndh complex is one example of multiple independent gene losses and will be discussed in detail. Patterns of ndh-gene loss and functional analyses indicate that these losses are usually found in plant groups with a certain degree of heterotrophy, might rendering plastid encoded Ndh1 subunits dispensable

    AFLP data set of Androsace alpina (Primulaceae)

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    Data matrix (samples times locus); samples are abbreviated as AA-XX-Y, where AA is the species acronym, XX is the population number (the same as used in the manuscript), and Y is the individual numbe

    Concatenated plastid sequences of Androsace alpine (Primulaceae)

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    DNA sequences in fasta format; samples are abbreviated as alp-popXX-Y, where alp is the species acronym, popXX is the population number (the same as used in the manuscript), and Y is the individual numbe
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