301 research outputs found

    The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act: An Analysis of the Confusion in its Application and a Proposal for Reform

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    This Note will first discuss the technical elements of a RICO violation and set forth the four separate crimes that constitute the statute\u27s central provisions. After then examining RICO\u27s crucial statutory definitions and the confusion reflected in their application, this Note will evaluate the various judicial interpretations of the statute and propose a solution for amending the statute that is harmonious with legislative intent and accommodates the needs of both society and the individual

    Quality of Life among Cancer Survivors: Comparison of Multiple Cancers Using iCaRe2

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    Background: The number of cancer survivors continues to increase due to dramatic improvements in cancer treatment, accounting for approximately 5% of the entire population. As cancer survivors continue to live longer, it is important to understand their quality of life (QoL) in order to maximize supportive care efforts. Objectives: In this study, the quality of life (QoL) among patients with different types of cancer was examined. The objectives were to: 1) compare patient-reported outcome measures of QoL using the Short-Form (SF-36) Health Survey scores among patients of different cancer types and 2) identify demographic, oncologic, and clinical factors that are associated with SF-36 QOL scores. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of prospectively collected data from a multi-center cancer registry data collected between January 2007 and February 2020. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to identify demographic and clinical factors that are associated with SF-36 Physical Component Score (PCS) and Mental Component Score (MCS). Findings: Both mental and physical aspects of QoL were affected in all cancer patients, regardless of the type, prognosis, and time since diagnosis and treatment. Individual, socioeconomic, disease, and treatment-related variables were associated with QoL among different cancer populations and should be addressed as part of shared treatment decision-making

    Evaluating lithium diffusion mechanisms in the complex spinel Li2NiGe3O8

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    Lithium-ion diffusion mechanisms in the complex spinel Li2NiGe3O8 have been investigated using solid-state NMR, impedance, and muon spectroscopies. Partial occupancy of migratory interstitial 12d sites is shown to occur at lower temperatures than previously reported. Bulk activation energies for Li+ ion hopping range from 0.43 ± 0.03 eV for powdered samples to 0.53 ± 0.01 eV for samples sintered at 950 °C for 24 h, due to the loss of Li during sintering at elevated temperatures. A lithium diffusion coefficient of 3.89 × 10−12 cm2 s−1 was calculated from muon spectroscopy data for Li2NiGe3O8 at 300 K

    Effects of Processing Strategies and La + Sm Co-Doping on the Thermoelectric Performance of A-Site-Deficient SrTiO3-ÎŽ Ceramics

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    The effect of calcining in either air (VSTO-A) or 5% H2/N2 (VSTO-H) on the thermoelectric performance of La and Sm co-doped A-site-deficient Sr1-3x/2Lax/2Smx/2TiO3-ÎŽ ceramics is reported. All calcined powders were sintered 6 h in 5% H2/N2 at 1773 K to ≄96% relative density. All peaks in X-ray diffraction patterns indexed as a cubic perovskite phase. Scanning electron microscopy revealed grain sizes ~14 and ~10 ÎŒm for VSTO-A and VSTO-H ceramics, respectively. x = 0.30 showed the lowest k (2.99 W/m.K at 973 K) for VSTO-A, whereas x = 0.20 had the lowest (2.67 W/m. K at 973 K) for the VSTO-H ceramics. x = 0.30 VSTO-A showed a thermoelectric figure of merit, ZT = 0.25 (at 973 K), whereas the maximum ZT = 0.30 (at 973 K) was achieved for x = 0.20 VSTO-H ceramics, demonstrating that thermoelectric properties are optimized when all processing is carried out in 5% H2/N2

    Gut Microbiota Composition Modulates the Magnitude and Quality of Germinal Centers during Plasmodium Infections

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    Gut microbiota composition is associated with human and rodent Plasmodium infections, yet the mechanism by which gut microbiota affects the severity of malaria remains unknown. Humoral immunity is critical in mediating the clearance of Plasmodium blood stage infections, prompting the hypothesis that mice with gut microbiota-dependent decreases in parasite burden exhibit better germinal center (GC) responses. In support of this hypothesis, mice with a low parasite burden exhibit increases in GC B cell numbers and parasite-specific antibody titers, as well as better maintenance of GC structures and a more targeted, qualitatively different antibody response. This enhanced humoral immunity affects memory, as mice with a low parasite burden exhibit robust protection against challenge with a heterologous, lethal Plasmodium species. These results demonstrate that gut microbiota composition influences the biology of spleen GCs as well as the titer and repertoire of parasite-specific antibodies, identifying potential approaches to develop optimal treatments for malaria

    The diet of young Neandertals from France, Pech de l’Azé I and Hortus II, reconstructed using dental microwear texture analysis

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    Les adultes nĂ©andertaliens prĂ©sentent des diffĂ©rences de rĂ©gime alimentaire en fonction de leur palĂ©ohabitat. Nous examinons si les jeunes enfants nĂ©andertaliens de France datant du stade isotopique marins 3 montrent Ă©galement ces distinctions alimentaires Ă  partir de l’étude de la texture des micro-usures dentaires des deuxiĂšmes molaires dĂ©ciduales des individus Pech de l’Azé I, datant d’une phase froide-tempĂ©rĂ©e, et Hortus II, datant d’une phase froid-aride extrĂȘme. L’échantillon comparatif (n=76) comprend des molaires dĂ©ciduales d’agriculteurs-cueilleurs provenant de trois grottes nĂ©olithiques de Belgique, dont Caverne de la Cave Ă  Maurenne (n=5), Sclaigneaux (n=7) et Bois Madame (n=6), ainsi que des agriculteurs de l’époque romaine d’Herculanum (n=15) et mĂ©diĂ©vaux de Canterbury, Angleterre (n=43). Lorsque la complexitĂ© est comparĂ©e Ă  l’anisotropie, Pech de l’Azé I prĂ©sente une valeur Ă©levĂ©e provenant de la mastication de plantes Ă  parties dures ou de particules adhĂ©rentes, ou de la consommation d’aliments mal transformĂ©s ou chargĂ©s de silicates abrasifs. En revanche, Hortus II a une valeur faible, peut-ĂȘtre en raison de l’accĂšs limitĂ© aux parties dures des plantes comme les graines et les noix. Toutefois, Pech de l’Azé I et Hortus II se ressemblent en prĂ©sentant une faible valeur d’anisotropie qui est rĂ©vĂ©latrice de mouvements complexes des mĂąchoires lors de la mastication et sont diffĂ©rents des enfants humains nĂ©olithiques, romains et mĂ©diĂ©vaux qui ont tendance Ă  avoir des valeurs plus Ă©levĂ©es. Les rĂ©gimes alimentaires des enfants nĂ©andertaliens diffĂšrent en fonction du palĂ©ohabitat et sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement plus diversifiĂ©s que ceux des producteurs d’aliments, qu’ils habitent des environnements boisĂ©s ou ouverts.Neandertal adults show differences in diet with respect to paleohabitat. To examine whether Neandertal children of France during Marine Isotope Stage 3 also show these dietary distinctions, the deciduous second molars of Pech de l’Azé I, from a cold-temperate period, and Hortus II from Sub-Phase Vb, an extreme cold-arid interval, were examined using dental microwear texture analysis. The comparative sample (n=76) includes deciduous molars from Neolithic forager-farmers of Belgium, including Caverne de la Cave at Maurenne (n=5), Sclaigneaux (n=7) and Bois Madame (n=6), Roman-era farmers from Herculaneum (n=15) and Medieval agriculturalists from Canterbury, England (n=43). When complexity is compared to anisotropy, Pech de l’Azé I exhibits an elevated value from the mastication of plants with hard parts or adherent particles, or the consumption of foods that were poorly processed or grit-laden, whereas Hortus II presents a low value, perhaps from limited access to hard plant parts such as seeds and nuts. However, Pech de l’Azé I and Hortus II resemble each other in having a low value for anisotropy, which is indicative of complicated movements of the jaws during mastication and are dissimilar to Neolithic, Roman and Medieval human children who tend to have higher values. The diets of Neandertal children differ with respect to paleohabitat and typically were more diverse than those of food producers regardless of whether they inhabited wooded or open environments

    Longitudinal and Transverse Quasi-Elastic Response Functions of Light Nuclei

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    The 3^3He and 4^4He longitudinal and transverse response functions are determined from an analysis of the world data on quasi-elastic inclusive electron scattering. The corresponding Euclidean response functions are derived and compared to those calculated with Green's function Monte Carlo methods, using realistic interactions and currents. Large contributions associated with two-body currents are found, particularly in the 4^4He transverse response, in agreement with data. The contributions of two-body charge and current operators in the 3^3He, 4^4He, and 6^6Li response functions are also studied via sum-rule techniques. A semi-quantitative explanation for the observed systematics in the excess of transverse quasi-elastic strength, as function of mass number and momentum transfer, is provided. Finally, a number of model studies with simplified interactions, currents, and wave functions is carried out to elucidate the role played, in the full calculation, by tensor interactions and correlations.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A Decade of SN1993J: Discovery of Wavelength Effects in the Expansion Rate

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    We have studied the growth of the shell-like radio structure of supernova SN1993J in M81 from September 1993 through October 2003 with very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations at the wavelengths of 3.6, 6, and 18cm. For this purpose, we have developed a method to accurately determine the outer radius (R) of any circularly symmetric compact radio structure like SN1993J. The source structure of SN1993J remains circularly symmetric (with deviations from circularity under 2%) over almost 4000 days. We characterize the decelerated expansion of SN 1993J through approximately day 1500 after explosion with an expansion parameter m=0.845±0.005m= 0.845\pm0.005 (R∝tmR \propto t^{m}). However, from that day onwards the expansion is different when observed at 6 and 18cm. Indeed, at 18cm, the expansion can be well characterized by the same mm as before day 1500, while at 6cm the expansion appears more decelerated, and is characterized by another expansion parameter, m6=0.788±0.015m_{6}= 0.788\pm0.015. Therefore, since about day 1500 on, the radio source size has been progressively smaller at 6cm than at 18cm. These findings are in stark contrast to previous reports by other authors on the details of the expansion. In our interpretation the supernova expands with a single expansion parameter, m=0.845±0.005m= 0.845\pm0.005, and the 6cm results beyond day 1500 are due to physical effects, perhaps also coupled to instrumental limitations. Two physical effects may be involved: (a) a changing opacity of the ejecta to the 6cm radiation, and (b) a radial decrease of the magnetic field in the emitting region. (Long abstract cut. Please, read full abstract in manuscript).Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, accepted in A&

    Direct Determination of Hubble Parameter Using Type IIn Supernovae

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    We introduce a novel approach, a Dense Shell Method (DSM), for measuring distances for cosmology. It is based on original Baade idea to relate absolute difference of photospheric radii with photospheric velocity. We demonstrate that this idea works: the new method does not rely on the Cosmic Distance Ladder and gives satisfactory results for the most luminous Type IIn Supernovae. This allows one to make them good primary distance indicators for cosmology. Fixing correction factors for illustration, we obtain with this method the median distance of 68^{+19}_{-15} (68%CL) Mpc to SN 2006gy and median Hubble parameter 79^{+23}_{-17} (68%CL) km/s/Mpc.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, typos correcte
