738 research outputs found

    Optical properties of black silicon structures ALD-coated with Al 2 O 3

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    Atomic layer deposited (ALD) Al 2 O 3 coatings were applied on black silicon (b-Si) structures. The coated nanostructures were investigated regarding their reflective and transmissive behaviour. For a systematic study of the influence of the Al 2 O 3 coating, ALD coatings with a varying layer thickness were deposited on three b-Si structures with different morphologies. With a scanning electron microscope the morphological evolution of the coating process on the structures was examined. The optical characteristics of the different structures were investigated by spectral transmission and reflection measurements. The usability of the structures for highly efficient absorbers and antireflection (AR) functionalities in the different spectral regions is discussed

    Signatures of impulsive localized heating in the temperature distribution of multi-stranded coronal loops

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    We study the signatures of different coronal heating regimes on the differential emission measure (DEM) of multi-stranded coronal loops by means of hydrodynamic simulations. We consider heating either uniformly distributed along the loops or localized close to the chromospheric footpoints, in both steady and impulsive conditions. Our simulations show that condensation at the top of the loop forms when the localized heating is impulsive with a pulse cadence time shorter than the plasma cooling time, and the pulse energy is below a certain threshold. A condensation does not produce observable signatures in the global DEM structure. Conversely, the DEM coronal peak is found sensitive to the pulse cadence time. Our simulations can also give an explanation of the warm overdense and hot underdense loops observed by TRACE, SOHO and Yohkoh. However, they are unable to reproduce both the transition region and the coronal DEM structure with a unique set of parameters, which outlines the need for a more realistic description of the transition region.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    The "Solar Model Problem" Solved by the Abundance of Neon in Stars of the Local Cosmos

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    The interior structure of the Sun can be studied with great accuracy using observations of its oscillations, similar to seismology of the Earth. Precise agreement between helioseismological measurements and predictions of theoretical solar models has been a triumph of modern astrophysics (Bahcall et al. 2005). However, a recent downward revision by 25-35% of the solar abundances of light elements such as C, N, O and Ne (Asplund et al. 2004) has broken this accordance: models adopting the new abundances incorrectly predict the depth of the convection zone, the depth profiles of sound speed and density, and the helium abundance (Basu Antia 2004, Bahcall et al. 2005). The discrepancies are far beyond the uncertainties in either the data or the model predictions (Bahcall et al. 2005b). Here we report on neon abundances relative to oxygen measured in a sample of nearby solar-like stars from their X-ray spectra. They are all very similar and substantially larger than the recently revised solar value. The neon abundance in the Sun is quite poorly determined. If the Ne/O abundance in these stars is adopted for the Sun the models are brought back into agreement with helioseismology measurements (Antia Basu 2005, Bahcall et al. 2005c).Comment: 13 pages, 3 Figure

    TRPV1-expressing primary afferents generate behavioral responses to pruritogens via multiple mechanisms

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    The mechanisms that generate itch are poorly understood at both the molecular and cellular levels despite its clinical importance. To explore the peripheral neuronal mechanisms underlying itch, we assessed the behavioral responses (scratching) produced by s.c. injection of various pruritogens in PLCβ3- or TRPV1-deficient mice. We provide evidence that at least 3 different molecular pathways contribute to the transduction of itch responses to different pruritogens: 1) histamine requires the function of both PLCβ3 and the TRPV1 channel; 2) serotonin, or a selective agonist, α-methyl-serotonin (α-Me-5-HT), requires the presence of PLCβ3 but not TRPV1, and 3) endothelin-1 (ET-1) does not require either PLCβ3 or TRPV1. To determine whether the activity of these molecules is represented in a particular subpopulation of sensory neurons, we examined the behavioral consequences of selectively eliminating 2 nonoverlapping subsets of nociceptors. The genetic ablation of MrgprD^+ neurons that represent ≈90% of cutaneous nonpeptidergic neurons did not affect the scratching responses to a number of pruritogens. In contrast, chemical ablation of the central branch of TRPV1+ nociceptors led to a significant behavioral deficit for pruritogens, including α-Me-5-HT and ET-1, that is, the TRPV1-expressing nociceptor was required, whether or not TRPV1 itself was essential. Thus, TRPV1 neurons are equipped with multiple signaling mechanisms that respond to different pruritogens. Some of these require TRPV1 function; others use alternate signal transduction pathways

    DIP-2 suppresses ectopic neurite sprouting and axonal regeneration in mature neurons.

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    Neuronal morphology and circuitry established during early development must often be maintained over the entirety of animal lifespans. Compared with neuronal development, the mechanisms that maintain mature neuronal structures and architecture are little understood. The conserved disco-interacting protein 2 (DIP2) consists of a DMAP1-binding domain and two adenylate-forming domains (AFDs). We show that the Caenorhabditis elegans DIP-2 maintains morphology of mature neurons. dip-2 loss-of-function mutants display a progressive increase in ectopic neurite sprouting and branching during late larval and adult life. In adults, dip-2 also inhibits initial stages of axon regeneration cell autonomously and acts in parallel to DLK-1 MAP kinase and EFA-6 pathways. The function of DIP-2 in maintenance of neuron morphology and in axon regrowth requires its AFD domains and is independent of its DMAP1-binding domain. Our findings reveal a new conserved regulator of neuronal morphology maintenance and axon regrowth after injury

    Schwann Cell Autocrine and Paracrine Regulatory Mechanisms, Mediated by Allopregnanolone and BDNF, Modulate PKCε in Peripheral Sensory Neurons

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    Protein kinase type C-\u3b5 (PKC\u3b5) plays important roles in the sensitization of primary afferent nociceptors, such as ion channel phosphorylation, that in turn promotes mechanical hyperalgesia and pain chronification. In these neurons, PKC\u3b5 is modulated through the local release of mediators by the surrounding Schwann cells (SCs). The progesterone metabolite allopregnanolone (ALLO) is endogenously synthesized by SCs, whereas it has proven to be a crucial mediator of neuron-glia interaction in peripheral nerve fibers. Biomolecular and pharmacological studies on rat primary SCs and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neuronal cultures were aimed at investigating the hypothesis that ALLO modulates neuronal PKC\u3b5, playing a role in peripheral nociception. We found that SCs tonically release ALLO, which, in turn, autocrinally upregulated the synthesis of the growth factor brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Subsequently, glial BDNF paracrinally activates PKC\u3b5 via trkB in DRG sensory neurons. Herein, we report a novel mechanism of SCs-neuron cross-talk in the peripheral nervous system, highlighting a key role of ALLO and BDNF in nociceptor sensitization. These findings emphasize promising targets for inhibiting the development and chronification of neuropathic pain

    A solar active region loop compared with a 2D MHD model

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    We analyzed a coronal loop observed with the Normal Incidence Spectrometer (NIS), which is part of the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The measured Doppler shifts and proper motions along the selected loop strongly indicate unidirectional flows. Analysing the Emission Measure Curves of the observed spectral lines, we estimated that the temperature along the loop was about 380000 K. We adapted a solution of the ideal MHD steady equations to our set of measurements. The derived energy balance along the loop, as well as the advantages/disadvantages of this MHD model for understanding the characteristics of solar coronal loops are discussed.Comment: A&A in press, 10 pages, 6 figure

    HI Observations of Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    We have used the Nancay Radio Telescope to obtain new global HI data for 16 giant low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies. Our targets have optical luminosities and disk scale lengths at the high end for spiral galaxies (L_B~10^10 Lsun and h_r>~6 kpc for H_0=75 km/s/Mpc), but they have diffuse stellar disks, with mean disk surface brightnesses ~1 magnitude or more fainter than normal giant spirals. Thirteen of the galaxies previously had been detected in HI by other workers, but the published HI observations were either confused, resolved by the telescope beam, of low signal-to-noise, or showed significant discrepancies between different authors. For the other 3 galaxies, no HI data were previously available. Several of the galaxies were resolved by the Nancay 3.6' E-W beam, so global parameters were derived from multiple-point mapping observations. Typical HI masses for our sample are ~10^10 Msun, with M_HI/L_B=0.3-1.7 (in solar units). All of the observed galaxies have published optical surface photometry, and we have compiled key optical measurements for these objects from the literature. We frequently find significant variations among physical parameters of giant LSB galaxies reported by various workers.Comment: accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplements; 14 pages; improved table formattin

    A neutron star candidate in the long-period binary 56 UMa

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    56 UMa is a wide binary system that contains a chemically peculiar red giant and a faint companion. Due to its surface chemical abundances, the red giant was classified as a barium (Ba) star. This implies that the companion has to be a white dwarf, since Ba stars form when mass is transferred to them from an s-process rich Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) star. However, in the case of 56 UMa, the companion might be too massive to be the progeny of an AGB star that efficiently produced s-process elements such as barium. In this Letter, we revisit the orbital parameters of the system and perform a full spectral analysis with the goal of investigating the Ba-star classification of the giant and unravelling the nature of its faint companion. We combined radial-velocity and astrometric data to refine the orbital parameters of the system, including the orbital inclination and the companion mass. Then, we re-determined the stellar parameters of the giant and its chemical abundances using high-resolution HERMES spectra. Finally, we investigated the morphology of the interstellar gas in the vicinity of the system. The faint component in 56 UMa has a mass of 1.31±0.121.31 \pm 0.12 M_{\odot}, which, together with the mixed s+r abundance profile of the red giant, confirms that the giant is not a standard barium star. Additionally, the clear identification of a cavity surrounding 56 UMa could indicate that a supernova explosion occurred about 10 5 years ago in the system, suggesting that the faint companion might be a neutron star. However, finding an evolutionary scenario that explains all the observables is not trivial, so we discuss different possible configurations of the system and their respective merits.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A