82 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulations Reproduce Field Observations Showing Transient Weakening During Shear Zone Formation by Diffusional Hydrogen Influx and H2O Inflow

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    Exposures on Holsnøy island (Bergen Arcs, Norway) indicate fluid infiltration through fractures into a dry, metastable granulite, which triggered a kinetically delayed eclogitization, a transient weakening during fluid-rock interaction, and formation of shear zones that widened during shearing. It remains unclear whether the effects of grain boundary-assisted aqueous fluid inflow on the duration of granulite hydration were influenced by a diffusional hydrogen influx accompanying the fluid inflow. To better estimate the fluid infiltration efficiencies and the parameter interdependencies, a 1D numerical model of a viscous shear zone is utilized and validated using measured mineral phase abundance distributions and H2O-contents in nominally anhydrous minerals of the original granulite assemblage to constrain the hydration by aqueous fluid inflow and diffusional hydrogen influx, respectively. Both hydrations are described with a diffusion equation and affect the effective viscosity. Shear zone kinematics are constrained by the observed shear strain and thickness. The model fits the phase abundance and H2O-content profiles if the effective hydrogen diffusivity is approximately one order of magnitude higher than the diffusivity for aqueous fluid inflow. The observed shear zone thickness is reproduced if the viscosity ratio between dry granulite and deforming, reequilibrating eclogite is ∼104 and that between dry granulite and hydrated granulite is ∼102. The results suggest shear velocities <10−2 cm/a, hydrogen diffusivities of ∼10−13±1 m2/s, and a shearing duration of <10 years. This study successfully links and validates field data to a shear zone model and highlights the importance of hydrogen diffusion for shear zone widening and eclogitization

    Numerical Simulations Reproduce Field Observations Showing Transient Weakening During Shear Zone Formation by Diffusional Hydrogen Influx and H<sub>2</sub>O Inflow

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    Exposures on Holsnøy island (Bergen Arcs, Norway) indicate fluid infiltration through fractures into a dry, metastable granulite, which triggered a kinetically delayed eclogitization, a transient weakening during fluid-rock interaction, and formation of shear zones that widened during shearing. It remains unclear whether the effects of grain boundary-assisted aqueous fluid inflow on the duration of granulite hydration were influenced by a diffusional hydrogen influx accompanying the fluid inflow. To better estimate the fluid infiltration efficiencies and the parameter interdependencies, a 1D numerical model of a viscous shear zone is utilized and validated using measured mineral phase abundance distributions and H2O-contents in nominally anhydrous minerals of the original granulite assemblage to constrain the hydration by aqueous fluid inflow and diffusional hydrogen influx, respectively. Both hydrations are described with a diffusion equation and affect the effective viscosity. Shear zone kinematics are constrained by the observed shear strain and thickness. The model fits the phase abundance and H2O-content profiles if the effective hydrogen diffusivity is approximately one order of magnitude higher than the diffusivity for aqueous fluid inflow. The observed shear zone thickness is reproduced if the viscosity ratio between dry granulite and deforming, reequilibrating eclogite is ∼104 and that between dry granulite and hydrated granulite is ∼102. The results suggest shear velocities <10−2 cm/a, hydrogen diffusivities of ∼10−13±1 m2/s, and a shearing duration of <10 years. This study successfully links and validates field data to a shear zone model and highlights the importance of hydrogen diffusion for shear zone widening and eclogitization

    A spectral/finite difference method for simulating large deformations of heterogeneous, viscoelastic materials

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    A numerical algorithm is presented that simulates large deformations of heterogeneous, viscoelastic materials in two dimensions. The algorithm is based on a spectral/finite difference method and uses the Eulerian formulation including objective derivatives ofthe stress tensor in the rheological equations. The viscoelastic rheology is described bythe linear Maxwell model, which consists of an elastic and viscous element connected inseries. The algorithm is especially suitable to simulate periodic instabilities. The derivatives in the direction of periodicity are approximated by spectral expansions, whereas the derivatives in the direction orthogonal to the periodicity are approximated by finite differences. The 1‐D Eulerian finite difference grid consists of centre and nodal points and has variable grid spacing. Time derivatives are approximated with finite differences using an implicit strategy with a variable time step. The performance of the numerical code is demonstrated by calculation, for the first time, of the pressure field evolution during folding of viscoelastic multilayers. The algorithm is stable for viscosity contrasts up to 5 × 105, which demonstrates that spectral methods can be used to simulate dynamical systems involving large material heterogeneities. The successful simulations show that combined spectral/finite difference methods using the Eulerian formulation are a promising tool to simulate mechanical processes that involve large deformations, viscoelastic rheologies and strong material heterogeneitie

    Comparing thin-sheet models with 3-D multilayer models for continental collision

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    Various models have been proposed to explain tectonic deformations during continent collision. A frequently applied model is the thin viscous sheet model which is however not fully 3-D and assumes a priori diffuse thickening as the dominant deformation style. We compare a fully 3-D multilayer numerical model with a corresponding thin viscous sheet numerical model for the scenario of continent indentation. In our comparison we focus on the three basic viscous deformation styles thickening, buckling (folding) and lateral crustal flow. Both numerical models are based on the finite element method (FEM) and employ either a linear or power-law viscous rheology. The 3-D model consists of four layers representing a simplified continental lithosphere: strong upper crust, weak lower crust, strong upper mantle and weak lower mantle. The effective viscosity depth-profile in the 3-D model is used to calculate the depth-averaged effective viscosity used in the thin-sheet model allowing a direct comparison of both models. We quantify the differences in the strain rate and velocity fields, and investigate the evolution of crustal thickening, buckling and crustal flow resulting from the two models for two different phases of deformation: (1) indentation with a constant velocity and (2) gravitational collapse after a decrease of the indenting velocity by a factor of 5. The results indicate that thin-sheet models approximate well the overall large-scale lithospheric deformation, especially during indentation and for a linear viscous rheology. However, in the 3-D model, additional processes such as multilayer buckling and lower crustal flow emerge, which are ignored in the thin-sheet model but dominate the deformation style in the 3-D model within a range of a few hundreds of kilometres around the collision zone and indenter corner. Differences between the 3-D and thin-sheet model are considerably larger for a power-law viscous than for a linear viscous rheology. Buckling and lower crustal flow are significant in the 3-D model with power-law viscous rheology. For example, fibre strain rates due to buckling can be several hundred per cent different to the depth-averaged strain rate and the lateral mass flow of lower crustal material can be up to six times more than the flow of upper crustal material. Our results also show that the horizontal velocity fields of the upper crust and upper mantle remain nearly identical in the 3-D model during indentation despite their mechanical decoupling due to an intermediate weak lower crust. This result questions the validity of using similarities between velocities from the surface global positioning system (GPS) and mantle shear wave splitting data as evidence for a mechanically coupled lithosphere. 3-D multilayer models provide a more complete picture of continental collision than thin-sheet models as they enable studying the timing, locality and relative importance of different processes simultaneously which is especially important for the hundreds of kilometre scale around the collision zone and indenter corners. 3-D models are, however, still computationally challenging and we, therefore, also present results of a computational performance test of several solution algorithm

    Incidence and characteristics of distal radius fractures in a southern Swedish region

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The incidence of distal radius fracture has increased substantially during the last 50 years according to several studies that estimated the overall incidence in various general populations. The incidence of fracture classified according to severity has not been well documented. The aim of this population-based study was to estimate the overall and type-specific incidence rates of distal radius fracture in a representative population in southern Sweden.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>During 2001, all persons older than 18 years with acute distal radius fracture in the southern Swedish region of Northeastern Scania were prospectively recorded. A radiologist classified the fractures according to the AO system and measured volar tilt and ulnar variance. A fracture with volar tilt outside a range of -5° to 20° and/or ulnar variance of 2 mm or greater was defined as displaced.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>335 persons with acute distal radius fracture were recorded during the 1-year period. The overall incidence rate was 26 (95% confidence interval 23–29) per 10,000 person-years. Among women the incidence rate increased rapidly from the age of 50 and reached a peak of 119 per 10,000 person-years in women 80 years and older. The incidence rate among women 50 to 79 years old (56 per 10,000 person-years) was lower than that reported in previous studies of similar populations. Among men the incidence rate was low until the age of 80 years and older when it increased to 28 per 10,000 person-years. Fractures classified as AO type A comprised about 80% of the fractures in women and 64% in men. Almost two-thirds of all fractures were displaced and among men and women 80 years and older more than 80% of the fractures were displaced.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The incidence rate of distal radius fracture in women 50 to 79 years old was lower than previously reported, which may indicate declining incidence in this group. In both sexes, the incidence was highest in the age group of 80 years and older. With a growing number of elderly in the general population, the impact of distal radius fracture in the future may be considerable.</p

    Tertiary sequence of deformation in a thin-skinned/thick-skinned collision belt: The Zagros Folded Belt (Fars, Iran)

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    International audienceWe describe how thin-skinned/thick-skinned deformation in the Zagros Folded Belt interacted in time and space. Homogeneous fold wavelengths (15.8 ± 5.3 km), tectono-sedimentary evidence for simultaneous fold growth in the past 5.5 ± 2.5 Ma, drainage network organization, and homogeneous peak differential stresses (40 ± 15 MPa) together point to buckling as the dominant process responsible for cover folding. Basin analysis reveals that basement inversion occurred ∼20 Ma ago as the Arabia/Eurasian plate convergence reduced and accumulation of Neogene siliciclastics in foreland basin started. By 10 Ma, ongoing contraction occurred by underplating of Arabian crustal units beneath the Iranian plate. This process represents 75% of the total shortening. It is not before 5 Ma that the Zagros foreland was incorporated into the southward propagating basement thrust wedge. Folds rejuvenated by 3–2 Ma because of uplift driven by basement shortening and erosion. Since then, folds grew at 0.3—0.6 mm/yr and forced the rivers to flow axially. A total shortening of 65–78 km (16–19%) is estimated across the Zagros. This corresponds to shortening rates of 6.5–8 km/Ma consistent with current geodetic surveys. We point out that although thin-skinned deformation in the sedimentary cover may be important, basement-involved shortening should not be neglected as it requires far less shortening. Moreover, for such foreland folded belts involving basement shortening, underplating may be an efficient process accommodating a significant part of the plate convergence

    Tajik Basin: A composite record of sedimentary basin evolution in response to tectonics in the Pamir

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    Investigation of a >6‐km‐thick succession of Cretaceous to Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the Tajik Basin reveals that this depocentre consists of three stacked basin systems that are interpreted to reflect different mechanisms of subsidence associated with tectonics in the Pamir Mountains: a Lower to mid‐Cretaceous succession, an Upper Cretaceous–Lower Eocene succession and an Eocene–Neogene succession. The Lower to mid‐Cretaceous succession consists of fluvial deposits that were primarily derived from the Triassic Karakul–Mazar subduction–accretion complex in the northern Pamir. This succession is characterized by a convex‐up (accelerating) subsidence curve, thickens towards the Pamir and is interpreted as a retroarc foreland basin system associated with northward subduction of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere. The Upper Cretaceous to early Eocene succession consists of fine‐grained, marginal marine and sabkha deposits. The succession is characterized by a concave‐up subsidence curve. Regionally extensive limestone beds in the succession are consistent with late stage thermal relaxation and relative sea‐level rise following lithospheric extension, potentially in response to Tethyan slab rollback/foundering. The Upper Cretaceous–early Eocene succession is capped by a middle Eocene to early Oligocene (ca. 50–30 Ma) disconformity, which is interpreted to record the passage of a flexural forebulge. The disconformity is represented by a depositional hiatus, which is 10–30 Myr younger than estimates for the initiation of India–Asia collision and overlaps in age with the start of prograde metamorphism recorded in the Pamir gneiss domes. Overlying the disconformity, a >4‐km‐thick upper Eocene–Neogene succession displays a classic, coarsening upward unroofing sequence characterized by accelerating subsidence, which is interpreted as a retro‐foreland basin associated with crustal thickening of the Pamir during India–Asia collision. Thus, the Tajik Basin provides an example of a long‐lived composite basin in a retrowedge position that displays a sensitivity to plate margin processes. Subsidence, sediment accumulation and basin‐forming mechanisms are influenced by subduction dynamics, including periods of slab‐shallowing and retreat

    The production and turnover of extramatrical mycelium of ectomycorrhizal fungi in forest soils: role in carbon cycling

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