124 research outputs found

    The neural representation of mental beliefs held by two agents

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    Neuroimaging research has demonstrated that mentalizing about false beliefs held by other people recruits the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ). However, earlier work was limited to a single agent that held a false belief. We investigated the effect of two agents that held similar or mixed false and/or true beliefs. Participants saw animated stories with two smurfs holding true or false beliefs (Story phase). At the end of each trial, they were requested to take the perspective of the self or one of the smurfs (Question phase). We predicted that an increasing number of smurfs holding a false belief would increase activation in the TPJ when participants have to report the belief of the smurf, because the incongruent belief should have a stronger influence if it is held by two compared with one agent. This prediction was confirmed as activation in the TPJ during the Story and Question phase increased when more smurfs held a false belief. Taking the perspective of the self led to stronger activation of the TPJ in the two conditions that involved a true belief and weakest activation in the condition of two false beliefs. These data suggest that activation in TPJ depends on the perspective participants take, and that the number of agents holding a false belief influences activation in the TPJ only when taking the agent's perspective

    Low-frequency Analysis of multiconductor transmission lines for crosstalk design rules

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    For early risk assessment in the design of cabling in an aircraft, as well as cable bundle optimization, efficient crosstalk estimations, and dependency of crosstalk with respect to designable parameters are required. A low-frequency technique for analyzing crosstalk in multiconductor transmission lines is presented. The result of this analysis is a closed-form expression for crosstalk in a specific cabling configuration. The technique has been validated via measurements and is used in two examples comprising two wire pairs close to a ground plane and in free space. Low-frequency closed-form expressions for near-end crosstalk are derived for both situations, which directly relate any designable parameter to crosstalk levels. Moreover, these expressions clearly show differences between the cases with and without a ground plane. Specifically, with the ground plane, the decrease in crosstalk when doubling the separation distance is 24 dB for pairs close to the ground, while it is 12 dB in free space. The closed-form expressions are utilized to create an overview of sensitivities of crosstalk to all designable parameters for both configurations. Finally, the low-frequency approximations of the chain parameters are applied to more complex nonuniform transmission lines, yielding more than 20 times faster computations when compared with complete MTL simulations

    Entrepreneurial Intentions of Teams: Sub-Dimensions of Machiavellianism Interact With Team Resilience

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    Machiavellians are often seen as manipulative people who contribute negatively to teams and ventures. However, recent work has shown that Machiavellians can also cooperate and act in pro-social ways in a team context. Thus, some aspects of Machiavellianism might be conducive for teams and team members’ intentions to start a business venture. Most studies in this area have failed to (a) assess the effect of Machiavellianism at the team level, (b) take into account the dimensional nature of Machiavellianism, and (c) assess moderators of these effects. We propose that the combination of Machiavellianism and resilience in teams predict team entrepreneurial intentions (EI). Moreover, we propose that different team level dimensions of Machiavellianism (amoral manipulation, desire for status, desire for control, distrust of others) are differentially related to EI. More specifically, we expect at the team level that amoral manipulation and desire for status are positively related to changes in EI (as teams high on these dimensions feel that they can use unethical practices that give them an advantage in being successful), whereas desire for control and distrust of others should be negatively related to changes in EI (as entrepreneurial teams usually work in less structured situations and need to closely work together). Furthermore, all sub-dimensions of Machiavellianism should interact positively with team resilience as resilience acts as a buffer that protects teams from potential negative effects of Machiavellianism. In a multi-wave study among newly formed teams engaged in entrepreneurship projects, controlling for psychopathy and narcissism, we found partial support for our hypotheses. Results supported our expectations for the “amoral manipulation” and “desire for control” sub-dimensions, but not for the “desire for status” and the “distrust of others” sub-dimensions of Machiavellianism, with distrust of others showing unexpectedly opposite effects. This study contributes to the literature by looking at the dimensions of Machiavellianism at the level of entrepreneurial teams in conjunction with the more positive team characteristic, resilience. Our results indicate that the relationship between Machiavellianism and EI is more complex than previously hypothesized, as the sub-dimensions are s

    Exploring the effect of attachment styles and winning or losing a status contest on testosterone levels

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    A person's ability to form relationships and seek and attain social status affects their chances of survival. We study how anxious and avoidant-attachment styles and subsequent winning or losing affects the testosterone (T) levels of team members playing two status contests. The first is a management game played by teams striving to earn the most profits. Winners and losers emerge due to the cognitive endeavor of the players, which provokes intense status dynamics. Avoidant-attached winners do not show higher T levels whereas anxious-attached winners do. The second is an economic game which is rigged and favors some teams to become richer than others; teams have the option though to trade with each other and reduce the self-perpetuating rich-poor dynamics embedded in the game. Besides attachment styles, we here also explore how authentic pride as a self-conscious emotion affects team members' T levels as players trade with others to create more fairness. As in the first status contest, players' T levels are not significantly affected by their avoidant attachment style, neither as a main effect nor in interaction with winning or losing the game. However, similar to the first game, players' anxious attachment style affects their T levels: anxious-attached players generate significantly higher T levels when winning the game, but only when experiencing high authentic pride during the game. In short, the moderating effects of attachment style on winners' T levels are partly replicated in both status games which allows us to better understand the functioning of working models of attachment styles during and after status contests and gives us a better understanding of working models of attachment styles in general

    Microbial community dynamics in soil depth profiles over 120,000 years of ecosystem development

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    Along a long-term ecosystem development gradient, soil nutrient contents and mineralogical properties change, therefore probably altering soil microbial communities. However, knowledge about the dynamics of soil microbial communities during long-term ecosystem development including progressive and retrogressive stages is limited, especially in mineral soils. Therefore, microbial abundances (quantitative PCR) and community composition (pyrosequencing) as well as their controlling soil properties were investigated in soil depth profiles along the 120,000 years old Franz Josef chronosequence (New Zealand). Additionally, in a microcosm incubation experiment the effects of particular soil properties, i.e., soil age, soil organic matter fraction (mineral-associated vs. particulate), O2 status, and carbon and phosphorus additions, on microbial abundances (quantitative PCR) and community patterns (T-RFLP) were analyzed. The archaeal to bacterial abundance ratio not only increased with soil depth but also with soil age along the chronosequence, coinciding with mineralogical changes and increasing phosphorus limitation. Results of the incubation experiment indicated that archaeal abundances were less impacted by the tested soil parameters compared to Bacteria suggesting that Archaea may better cope with mineral-induced substrate restrictions in subsoils and older soils. Instead, archaeal communities showed a soil age-related compositional shift with the Bathyarchaeota, that were frequently detected in nutrient-poor, low-energy environments, being dominant at the oldest site. However, bacterial communities remained stable with ongoing soil development. In contrast to the abundances, the archaeal compositional shift was associated with the mineralogical gradient. Our study revealed, that archaeal and bacterial communities in whole soil profiles are differently affected by long-term soil development with archaeal communities probably being better adapted to subsoil conditions, especially in nutrient-depleted old soils

    Pharmacokinetic properties of remimazolam in subjects with hepatic or renal impairment

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    BACKGROUND: Remimazolam is a new benzodiazepine for procedural sedation and general anaesthesia. The aim of this study was to characterise its pharmacokinetic properties and safety in renally and hepatically impaired subjects. METHODS: Two separate trials were conducted in patients with hepatic (n=11) or renal impairment (n=11) compared with matched healthy subjects (n=9 and n=12, respectively). The hepatic impairment trial was an open-label adaptive 'Reduced Design' trial, using a single bolus of remimazolam 0.1 mg kg-1 i.v., whereas the renal impairment trial was an open-label trial of a single bolus dose of remimazolam 1.5 mg i.v. Remimazolam plasma concentrations over time were analysed by population pharmacokinetic modelling. RESULTS: Remimazolam pharmacokinetic properties were adequately described by a three-compartment, recirculatory model. Exposure in subjects with severe hepatic impairment was 38.1% higher (i.e. clearance was 38.1% lower) compared with healthy volunteers. This increase caused a slightly delayed recovery (8.0 min for healthy, 12.1 min for moderate, and 16.7 min for severe hepatic impairment). With renal impairment, plasma clearance was comparable with that measured in healthy subjects. Simulations of Cmax after a bolus dose of 10 mg showed no relevant impact of hepatic or renal impairment. The overall incidence of adverse events was low, and all adverse events were mild. CONCLUSIONS: As Cmax after a remimazolam bolus i.v. was not affected by hepatic or renal impairment, no dose adjustments are required. No unexpected adverse events related to remimazolam were seen in subjects with renal or hepatic impairment. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: Hepatic impairment trial: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01790607 (https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01790607). Renal impairment trial: EudraCT Number: 2014-004575-23

    A Sensitivity Study of the Enceladus Torus

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    We have developed a homogeneous model of physical chemistry to investigate the neutral-dominated, water-based Enceladus torus. Electrons are treated as the summation of two isotropic Maxwellian distributions-a thermal component and a hot component. The effects of electron impact, electron recombination, charge exchange, and photochemistry are included. The mass source is neutral H2_2O, and a rigidly-corotating magnetosphere introduces energy via pickup of freshly-ionized neutrals. A small fraction of energy is also input by Coulomb collisions with a small population (<< 1%) of supra-thermal electrons. Mass and energy are lost due to radial diffusion, escaping fast neutrals produced by charge exchange and recombination, and a small amount of radiative cooling. We explore a constrained parameter space spanned by water source rate, ion radial diffusion, hot-electron temperature, and hot-electron density. The key findings are: (1) radial transport must take longer than 12 days; (2) water is input at a rate of 100--180 kg s1^{-1}; (3) hot electrons have energies between 100 and 250 eV; (4) neutrals dominate ions by a ratio of 40:1 and continue to dominate even when thermal electrons have temperatures as high as \approx 5 eV; (5) hot electrons do not exceed 1% of the total electron population within the torus; (6) if hot electrons alone drive the observed longitudinal variation in thermal electron density, then they also drive a significant variation in ion composition.Comment: 9 pages text, 3 tables, 9 figure

    Recommendations for optimal interdisciplinary management and healthcare settings for patients with rare neurological diseases

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    BackgroundIn 2017, the German Academy for Rare Neurological Diseases (Deutsche Akademie fur Seltene Neurologische Erkrankungen;DASNE) was founded to pave the way for an optimized personalized management of patients with rare neurological diseases (RND) in all age groups. Since then a dynamic national network for rare neurological disorders has been established comprising renowned experts in neurology, pediatric neurology, (neuro-) genetics and neuroradiology. DASNE has successfully implemented case presentations and multidisciplinary discussions both at yearly symposia and monthly virtual case conferences, as well as further educational activities covering a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary expertise associated with RND. Here, we present recommendation statements for optimized personalized management of patients with RND, which have been developed and reviewed in a structured Delphi process by a group of experts.MethodsAn interdisciplinary group of 37 RND experts comprising DASNE experts, patient representatives, as well as healthcare professionals and managers was involved in the Delphi process. First, an online collection was performed of topics considered relevant for optimal patient care by the expert group. Second, a two-step Delphi process was carried out to rank the importance of the selected topics. Small interdisciplinary working groups then drafted recommendations. In two consensus meetings and one online review round these recommendations were finally consented.Results38 statements were consented and grouped into 11 topics: health care structure, core neurological expertise and core mission, interdisciplinary team composition, diagnostics, continuous care and therapy development, case conferences, exchange / cooperation between Centers for Rare Diseases and other healthcare partners, patient advocacy group, databases, translation and health policy.ConclusionsThis German interdisciplinary Delphi expert panel developed consented recommendations for optimal care of patients with RND in a structured Delphi process. These represent a basis for further developments and adjustments in the health care system to improve care for patients with RND and their families

    Planning and Development of Social Services for Persons with Disabilities

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    Soziale Dienste zur Unterstützung von Menschen mit Behinderungen haben sich in den letzten Jahren dynamisch entwickelt und unterliegen auch aktuell einem erheblichen Veränderungsdruck. Die Forschungsarbeiten, die in diesem Band versammelt sind, haben die Entwicklung hin zu einer inklusionsorientierten Unterstützung in zahlreichen Projekten auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen aktiv begleitet.Social services to support persons with disabilities have developed dynamically in recent years and are currently subject to considerable pressure to change. The research work collected in this volume has actively accompanied the development towards inclusion-oriented support in numerous projects at different levels