1,198 research outputs found

    High-performance polypropylene structures for eco-friendly, fully recyclable composites

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    Open future in eternalist universe

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    In this thesis, will take up the question of open future in eternalist universe. At first glance, eternalism seems to exclude the possibility of open future, since all temporal locations exist on a par, and what ever will be the case in a future time t, is already the case in t. However, we have very strong intuitions about our future being open.Therefore, this Master’s Thesis attempts to find an answer to two research questions: (i) is any notion of open future compatible with eternalist universe; and (ii) if yes, then what would that notion of open future be? I phrase a tentative definition of open future: the future is open if it is not fixed. I will call this tentative notion the strong sense of open future.I will argue that we can have open future in a strong sense if we are willing to accept branching spacetime. If we are not willing to accept branching spacetime, then we can still construenotionof open future, albeitin a weak sense, that is compatible with eternalism. Then, I will argue, our future is open by virtue of decision-making.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5273707*es

    Working Paper 12: Changing Borders in Published Migration Narratives in Norwegian

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    Source at http://www.euborderscapes.eu/This working paper gives some of the interpretations and working hypotheses reached at this stage of my contribution to research within the EUBORDERSCAPES project Working Package 10, Research Task 3: ”Cultural Borders of Europe ‘Bordering’ and ‘Re-bordering’ Europe through Fictional Narratives: The Case of Immigrant ‘Others’”. The paper examines migration literature written and published in Norwegian by the children of migrants or migrants born elsewhere but growing up partly in Norway, for rhetorical and narrative figurations of borders and border-crossings which can provide keys to changing conceptions of borders and to the values these are ascribed. The paper argues for the close connection between border concepts in the corpus and the status of the books as performative acts crossing from private experience to public discourse. This process is often explicitly addressed in the texts themselves and is part of an extended borderscape. I intend later to address further texts, the negotiation of border concepts in the reception of texts, the social context and research literature on migration in Norway, and research literature on migration literature in general

    The Useless Arctic: Exploiting Nature in the Arctic in the 1870s

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    What is the discursive genealogy of an ecological approach to the Arctic? Building on distinctions suggested by Francis Spufford and Gísli Pálsson, this article examines a specific juncture in the history of European–Arctic interaction – the reception of the Austro-Hungarian Arctic Expedition in 1874 – and traces the potential for ecological and relational understandings in what seems to be an orientalist and exploitative material. Examining the medial reception in Austria and in Norway, along with certain key texts in which Arctic wildlife is described, we find that the Norwegian reception of the expedition emphasizes practical issues connected with resource exploitation in the Arctic, while the Austrian reception mostly sees the Arctic as a symbolic resource with which to negotiate issues of identity and modernity. The Austrian discourse revolves around a set of paradoxical contradictions, the most central being those between materialism and idealism and emptiness and fullness; we argue it is the instability of such ambiguities which produces the possibility of a future ecological discourse

    Polynomial Time Calculi

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    This dissertation deals with type systems which guarantee polynomial time complexity of typed programs. Such algorithms are commonly regarded as being feasible for practical applications, because their runtime grows reasonably fast for bigger inputs. The implicit complexity community has proposed several type systems for polynomial time in the recent years, each with strong, but different structural restrictions on the permissible algorithms which are necessary to control complexity. Comparisons between the various approaches are hard and this has led to a landscape of islands in the literature of expressible algorithms in each calculus, without many known links between them. This work chooses Light Affine Logic (LAL) and Hofmann's LFPL, both linearly typed, and studies the connections between them. It is shown that the light iteration in LAL, the fixed point variant of LAL, is expressive enough to allow a (non-trivial) compositional embedding of LFPL. The pull-out trick of LAL is identified as a technique to type certain non-size-increasing algorithms in such a way that they can be iterated. The System T sibling of LAL is developed which seamlessly integrates this technique as a central feature of the iteration scheme and which is proved again correct and complete for polynomial time. Because -iterations of the same level cannot be nested, is further generalised to , which surprisingly can express the impredicative iteration of LFPL and the light iteration of at the same time. Therefore, it subsumes both systems in one, while still being polynomial time normalisable. Hence, this result gives the first bridge between these two islands of implicit computational complexity

    As mulheres na agenda da Organização Mundial de Comércio (OMC)

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    For the first time in the history of the WTO, women were included in the agenda in December 2017, through the Buenos Aires Declaration on Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment. From this context, the question that guides this paper is: what is the contribution of the recent WTO initiative for the Feminist Economy? The main objective is to analyze the potential contribution of the initiative in light of this debate, also considered recent in academia. Through the qualitative approach, primary (official documents) and secondary sources (specialized bibliography, reports), with analytical-descriptive purpose, the text is divided into three parts. The first contextualizes the topic, the second presents most proemint international organizations addressing the topic, while the third, characterizes the work of the WTO. It is concluded that, despite the late insertion and through a non-binding initiative, it will increase the visibility of women’s contribution and challenges to the world trade. Due to its potential to inspire trade policy discussion through gender lenses without, questioning androcentric basis, it contributes to the axis of Gender Economy.As mulheres foram incluídas, pela primeira vez, na agenda da OMC em dezembro de 2017, por meio da Declaração de Buenos Aires sobre Comércio e Empoderamento Econômico das Mulheres. A partir desse contexto, a pergunta que norteia este trabalho é: qual a contribuição da recente iniciativa da OMC para Economia Feminista?  O objetivo geral é analisar a potencial contribuição da iniciativa à luz desse debate, também considerado recente na academia. Por meio da abordagem qualitativa, fontes primárias (documentos oficiais) e secundárias (bibliografia especializada e relatórios), com finalidade analítico-descritiva, o texto é dividido em três partes. A primeira contextualiza a temática, a segunda apresenta as principais organizações internacionais que têm desenvolvido o tema, a fim de que na terceira, seja possível caracterizar o trabalho da OMC. Conclui-se que, apesar da inserção tardia e por meio de uma iniciativa sem vínculo jurídico para os Membros da organização, o espaço permitirá aumentar a visibilidade da contribuição e dos desafios das mulheres no comércio mundial.  Por seu potencial para inspirar discussões das políticas comerciais por meio do recorte de gênero, sem questionar suas bases androcêntricas, sua contribuição alinha-se ao eixo Economia de Gênero

    Funktionelle Charakterisierung der zellulären Rolle des Kandidatengens Valosin containing protein im Pankreaskarzinom

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    Das duktale Adenokarzinom des Pankreas geht noch immer mit einer sehr schlechten Prognose einher. Die 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate liegt lediglich bei etwa 9 %. Aufgrund häufig fehlender Frühsymptome sowie einer frühen Metastasierung befindet sich die Mehrzahl der Patienten bei Diagnosestellung bereits in einem fortgeschrittenen Stadium. Doch auch die Krankheitsfälle, die in einem Frühstadium diagnostiziert werden und somit operabel sind, weisen eine hohe Mortalitätsrate auf. Dies ist unter anderem darauf zurückzuführen, dass sich das Pankreaskarzinom durch eine ausgeprägte Resistenz gegenüber zytostatischer Therapie auszeichnet. Daher wurde in den letzten Jahren vermehrt an Zielstrukturen innerhalb der Tumorzellen geforscht, welche im Rahmen einer „targeted therapy“ pharmakologische Angriffspunkte zur gezielten Tumortherapie darstellen könnten. Eine potenzielle Zielstruktur ist das Protein „Valosin-containing protein“ (VCP), welches in einer vorangegagenen Arbeit der AG Buchholz in einem shRNA-basierten Screening identifiziert wurde. Es wurde bereits in mehreren Publikationen gezeigt, dass VCP, welches eine zentrale Rolle in der proteasomalen Degradation von Proteinen und Polypeptiden spielt, in zahlreichen Tumorentitäten erhöht und mit einer schlechten Prognose assoziiert ist. In dieser Arbeit konnte eine statistisch signifikant erhöhte Expression von VCP in Pankreaskarzinomgewebe sowohl gegenüber Gewebeproben bei chronischer Pankreatitis als auch gegenüber gesundem Pankreasgewebe nachgewiesen werden. Mittels qRT-PCR wurde gezeigt, dass durch die drei verwendeten siRNAs in verschiedenen Pankreaskarzinom-Zelllinien ein suffizienter Knockdown der VCP-mRNA möglich war. Via MTT- sowie BrdU-Assays wurde der Einfluss des Knockdowns auf die Zellviabilität sowie die Proliferation der Tumorzellen untersucht. In allen drei verwendeten Zelllinien konnten bei Transfektion mit siRNA1 und siRNA3 eine statistisch signifikante Reduktion der Zellviabilität und der Zellproliferation nachgewiesen werden. Mithilfe von Western Blots konnte Apoptose als Ursache für die Reduktion der Zellviabilität ausgeschlossen werden. Mittels Western Blot konnte gezeigt werden, dass in den Zellpopulationen mit reduzierter Zellproliferation eine deutliche Hochregulierung des Zellzyklusproteins p21 und eine Herunterregulierung von Cyclin D1 erfolgte. Auffällig war, dass die Transfektion mit siRNA2 in keiner der durchgeführten funktionellen Assays einen Effekt auf Zellviabilität oder Zellproliferation hatte. Hierfür wurden Off-Target-Effekte als mögliche Ursache diskutiert. Zusammenfassend konnten in dieser Arbeit mit der Reduktion der Zellviabilität und Zellproliferation zwei potenzielle Wege gezeigt werden, wie die Herunterregulierung der Expression von VCP antitumorale Wirkung entfalten kann. Die Entschlüsselung der genauen molekularen Grundlagen bleibt zukünftigen Versuchen und Analysen vorbehalten

    Sotsiaalne stratifikatsioon ja ebavõrdsuse taastootmine Jaapani näitel

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    The ocean takes a deep breath

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