298 research outputs found

    Look au travail quand la fringue conditionne le succès : une analyse des discours écrits de l'entreprise et de la presse dans la prescription d'une pratique vestimentaire pour le milieu de bureau

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    Ce mémoire se concentre sur la pratique vestimentaire en milieu de travail. Plus précisément, il poursuit une analyse de contenu des discours qui ont comme objectif de prescrire une tenue vestimentaire acceptable pour ce que l'on appelle communément le milieu de bureau. Les discours qui servent à l'analyse dans ce mémoire sont des politiques vestimentaires écrites d'entreprise et des articles de presse écrits sur le sujet. Ils sont de langue française, de provenance québécoise ou canadienne et datent des années 1990-2000. La recherche est motivée par le questionnement général suivant: «Comment s'articule le discours de\ud l'entreprise et des médias sur la tenue vestimentaire acceptable en milieu de bureau?». Nous avons choisi d'observer cette question dans la perspective d'une double problématique, soit la pratique vestimentaire comme une activité culturelle porteuse de sens, d'une part, et la pratique vestimentaire au bureau dans un contexte de transformation des entreprises, d'autre part. Le premier volet de notre problématique explore toute la dimension de signification du vêtement et de la pratique vestimentaire dans la mesure où l'objet (le vêtement) et l'activité (s'habiller) ne sont jamais neutres. Avec le second volet, nous considérons les changements qu'a connus la littérature managériale depuis le début des années 1990 avec l'immense promotion des concepts de liberté, d'autonomie, de créativité et de souplesse dans les entreprises, de même que le concept de culture d'entreprise utilisé pour comprendre, expliquer et orienter les entreprises. La recherche fut orientée par une première hypothèse voulant que les discours étudiés soient influencés par ce nouveau contexte managérial, et feraient par conséquent la démonstration de différentes mesures d'assouplissement au niveau de la tenue de travail acceptable pour le milieu de bureau. À cela, nous avons ajouté l'hypothèse que ces mesures d'assouplissement devaient néanmoins se présenter sous une forme d'encadrement pour souligner ainsi l'impossibilité, dans le milieu de bureau, à faire fi de certains grands enjeux reliés à l'apparence vestimentaire (crédibilité, professionnalisme, etc.), et conséquemment l'impossibilité de croire à une complète latitude dans le comportement vestimentaire. Notre recherche nous aura en effet permis de constater que les discours balancent constamment entre deux démarches contradictoires : encadrer d'une part la pratique vestimentaire du travailleur en milieu de bureau, et le libérer d'autre part des contraintes associées à cette pratique. Et malgré la popularité du concept de culture d'entreprise dans le milieu du management, celui-ci n'est pas apparu dans notre analyse comme explicatif des discours que nous avons étudiés. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Pratique vestimentaire, Vêtement, Entreprise, Travail, Bureau, Management, Néomanagement,\ud Culture d'entreprise

    Prédiction du besoin transfusionnel chez le patient traumatisé hémodynamiquement stable par la mesure du lactate capillaire au déchocage

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    Après un accident traumatique environ 25% des patients traumatisés graves hémodynamiquement stables vont être transfusés, avec une morbi-mortalité plus élevée que celle des patients non transfusés. Le lactate sanguin est un marqueur reconnu de transfusion sanguine chez les patients traumatisés. L'objectif de notre étude était d'évaluer si un lactate capillaire supérieur à 3,5mmol/L était prédictif d'une transfusion de plus de 4CGR chez les patients traumatisés graves hémodynamiquement stables. Il s'agit d'une étude prospective observationnelle avec 120 patients inclus. Une différence significative a été retrouvée entre le groupe hyperlactatémie capillaire et le groupe normolactatémie capillaire concernant la transfusion sanguine. La valeur prédictive négative pour la transfusion de 4 CGR était de 100% pour le seuil de 3,5mmol/l. Le lactate capillaire peut donc être un outil intéressant dans l'évaluation des patients traumatisés graves hémodynamiquement stables.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Imposto sobre a transmissão causa mortis e doação de quaisquer bens ou direitos (ITCMD): incidência na extinção de usufruto

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    Exposição da legislação estadual do Rio de Janeiro em relação ao Imposto Sobre a Transmissão Causa Mortis e Doação de Quaisquer Bens ou Direitos e a sua suposta incidência nas hipóteses de extinção de usufruto. Para tanto, serão analisadas as Leis nºs 1.427/89 e 7.174/15, e suas possíveis inconstitucionalidades, bem como a vasta jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do referido Estado, considerada a rica “interdisciplina” com o Direito Civil. O estudo será dividido em quatro capítulos, sendo o primeiro as considerações gerais sobre o instituto civil do usufruto, e, na sequência, as especificidades do tributo núcleo do trabalho, qual seja o ITCMD. No terceiro capítulo, serão trazidos à tona os argumentos que respaldam a não incidência do referido imposto, sendo fortalecida a tese no quarto e último capítulo onde será compilado o entendimento jurisprudencial do egrégio Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro

    Modulation by epidermal growth factor of the basal 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor level and the heterologous up-regulation of the 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor in clonal osteoblast-like cells

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    The effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on basal 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)2D3) receptor level and on parathyroid hormone (PTH)-induced 1,25-(OH)2D3 (OH)2D3 receptor up-regulation were studied in the phenotypically osteoblastic cell line UMR 106. EGF in concentrations exceeding 0.1 ng/ml reduced the number of 1,25(OH)2D3 binding sites without changing the binding affinity. Maximal reduction was 30% at about 1 ng/ml. This reduction was independent of a change in cAMP content. EGF dose-dependently attenuated both PTH-induced 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor up-regulation and PTH-stimulated cAMP production without and effect on the ED50 of the PTH effects. For both PTH responses the IC50 and the maximal effective dose were similar, 0.1 ng/ml an 1 ng/ml EGF, respectively. Reduction was first seen at 0.01 ng/ml EGF. At this concentration. EGF reduced PTH-stimulated 1,25-(OH)2D3 receptor binding without an inhibition of the cAMP response. Time-course studies with 1 ng/ml EGF revealed that at 2 h preincubation EGF reduced the heterologous up regulation by PTH, and maximal inhibition was seen after 4 h. In contrast, PTH-stimulated cAMP production was just significantly inhibited only after 6 h, with 60% inhibition after 24 h preincubation. The effects of prostaglandin E2 and forskolin on both 1,25(OH)2D3 binding and cAMP production were inhibited in a similar fashion. On the other hand, dibutyryl cAMP- and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthinestimulated 1,25(OH)2D3 binding were not affected by EGF. Taken together, our results demonstrate that EGF reduces both the basal number of 1,25(OH)2D3 binding sites and the heterologous up-regulation of the 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor. The current data suggest that EGF reduces heterologous upregulation of the 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor independent of as well as dependent on the cAMP messenger system. The EGF effect is not primarily located at the PTH receptor, at cAMP phosphodiesterase, or at protein kinase A level

    Bioincompatible Impact of Different Peritoneal Dialysis Fluid Components and Therapeutic Interventions as Tested in a Rat Peritoneal Dialysis Model

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    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is associated with functional and structural changes of the peritoneal membrane. In this paper, we describe the impact of different factors contributing to peritoneal incompatibility of PD fluid installation including presence of a catheter, volume loading, and the PD fluid components itself. These factors initiate recruitment and activation of peritoneal immune cells such as macrophages and mast cells, as well as activation of peritoneal cells as mesothelial cells in situ. We provide an overview of PD-associated changes as seen in our rat PD-exposure model. Since these changes are partly reversible, we finally discuss therapeutic strategies in the rat PD model with possible consequences of long-term PD in the relevant human setting

    The Dipole Moments and Molar Refractions of Several Trans-Beta-Nitrostyrenes

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    The dipole moments and molar refractions are reported for p-nitrostyrene (4.24 D, 44.3 ml.), trans-betanitrostyrene (4.50 D, 45.7 ml.), the p-methoxy (5.45 D, 56.3 ml.), p-methyl (4.97 D, 52.0 ml.), p-fluoro (3-12 D, 45.5ml), p-chloro (2.90 D, 51.8 ml.), p-bromo (3.02 D, 54.4 ml.), p-iodo (3.26 D, 58.0 ml.), p-nitro (0.83 D, 52.0 ml.), and p-cyano 0.96 D, 47.9 ml.) derivatives of trans-beta-nitrostyrene. It is suggested that the large dipole moments obtained for the p-nitro and p-cyano-beta-nitrostyrenes may be due to unusually large atomic polarizations which would not be taken into consideration by the present method of measurement and calculation


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    A Mouse Model for Chikungunya: Young Age and Inefficient Type-I Interferon Signaling Are Risk Factors for Severe Disease

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a re-emerging arbovirus responsible for a massive outbreak currently afflicting the Indian Ocean region and India. Infection from CHIKV typically induces a mild disease in humans, characterized by fever, myalgia, arthralgia, and rash. Cases of severe CHIKV infection involving the central nervous system (CNS) have recently been described in neonates as well as in adults with underlying conditions. The pathophysiology of CHIKV infection and the basis for disease severity are unknown. To address these critical issues, we have developed an animal model of CHIKV infection. We show here that whereas wild type (WT) adult mice are resistant to CHIKV infection, WT mouse neonates are susceptible and neonatal disease severity is age-dependent. Adult mice with a partially (IFN-α/βR+/−) or totally (IFN-α/βR−/−) abrogated type-I IFN pathway develop a mild or severe infection, respectively. In mice with a mild infection, after a burst of viral replication in the liver, CHIKV primarily targets muscle, joint, and skin fibroblasts, a cell and tissue tropism similar to that observed in biopsy samples of CHIKV-infected humans. In case of severe infections, CHIKV also disseminates to other tissues including the CNS, where it specifically targets the choroid plexuses and the leptomeninges. Together, these data indicate that CHIKV-associated symptoms match viral tissue and cell tropisms, and demonstrate that the fibroblast is a predominant target cell of CHIKV. These data also identify the neonatal phase and inefficient type-I IFN signaling as risk factors for severe CHIKV-associated disease. The development of a permissive small animal model will expedite the testing of future vaccines and therapeutic candidates

    Does IV Iron Induce Plasma Oxidative Stress in Critically Ill Patients? A Comparison With Healthy Volunteers*

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    Objective: To compare the oxidative stress induced by IV iron infusion in critically ill patients and in healthy volunteers. Design: Multicenter, interventional study. Setting: Two ICUs and one clinical research center. Subjects: Anemic critically ill patients treated with IV iron and healthy volunteers. Interventions: IV infusion of 100 mg of iron sucrose. Measurements and Main Results: Thirty-eight anemic patients (hemoglobin, median [interquartile range] = 8.4 g/dL [7.7–9.2]) (men, 25 [66%]; aged 68 yr [48–77]; Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, 48.5 [39–59]) and 39 healthy volunteers (men, 18 [46%]; aged 42.1 yr [29–50]) were included. Blood samples were drawn before (H0) and 2, 6, and 24 hours (H2, H6, and H24) after a 60-minute iron infusion for the determination of nontransferrin bound iron, markers of lipid peroxidation—8α-isoprostanes, protein oxidation—advanced oxidized protein product, and glutathione reduced/oxidized. Iron infusion had no effect on hemodynamic parameter in patients and volunteers. At baseline, patients had much higher interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, and hepcidin levels. 8α-isoprostanes was also higher in patients at baseline (8.5 pmol/L [6.5–12.9] vs 4.6 pmol/L [3.5–5.5]), but the area under the curve above baseline from H0 to H6 was not different (p = 0.38). Neither was it for advanced oxidized protein product and nontransferrin bound iron. The area under the curve above baseline from H0 to H6 (glutathione reduced/oxidized) was lower in volunteers (p = 0.009). Eight patients had a second set of dosages (after the fourth iron infusion), showing higher increase in 8α-isoprostanes. Conclusions: In our observation, IV iron infusion does not induce more nontransferrin bound iron, lipid, or protein oxidation in patients compared with volunteers, despite higher inflammation, oxidative stress, and hepcidin levels and lower antioxidant at baseline. In contrary, iron induces a greater decrease in antioxidant, compatible with higher oxidative stress in volunteers than in critically ill patients

    Use of IRF-3 and/or IRF-7 Knockout Mice To Study Viral Pathogenesis: Lessons from a Murine Retrovirus-Induced AIDS Model

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    Interferon regulatory factor (IRF) regulation of the type I interferon response has not been extensively explored in murine retroviral infections. IRF-3(-/-) and select IRF-3/7(-/-) mice were resistant to LP-BM5-induced pathogenesis. However, further analyses strongly suggested that resistance could be attributed to strain 129-specific contamination of the known retrovirus resistance gene Fv1. Therefore, caution should be taken when interpreting phenotypes observed in these knockout mice, as strain 129-derived genetic polymorphisms may explain observed differences