23 research outputs found

    What About Susan? Gender in Narnia

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    Critics of C.S. Lewis argue that his misogyny is present in his portrayal of female characters. While Lewis himself was self-contradictory in his attitudes towards women, his depictions of female characters in The Chronicles of Narnia are both realistic and progressive. Both the male and female characters throughout the series demonstrate individual strengths and weaknesses that are not dependent on their gender. The criticism against Lewis focuses on his treatment of Susan, especially regarding her being the only child not to return to Narnia at the end of the series. Unlike what the critics argue, however, Susan is not excluded simply for her sexuality

    The Reflected (Un)Real: Space in Ingeborg Bachmann’s “Probleme Probleme”

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    In her 1977 short story “Probleme Probleme,” Ingeborg Bachmann plays with space and representations of reality in a way that reflects the disillusionment of Austria’s post-war generation. Beatrix’s two desires in the short story – to look at herself in the mirror and to sleep – both suggest a resistance to living in the real world and a dependence on the illusions of her dreams, mirrors, and the beauty salon. Although the older patrons of the salon and Beatrix try to hide from the responsibility for the past and present, the mirrors and the salon prove to be temporary illusions that are unsustainable. Sleep and mirrors become ways to avoid reality rather than coming to terms with it, which, for Bachmann, is ultimately unproductive and naïve

    “Around we go”: The Apocalypse as Revolution and Revelation in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas

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    The tradition of global disasters in literature is long-standing and David Mitchell contributes to that discussion. For him, the possibility of political, social, and environmental collapse is imminent based on patterns he traced throughout human history. One common thread Mitchell weaves throughout his works is the presence and the relevance of the apocalyptic. In his best known work, Cloud Atlas, Mitchell explores the cyclical trends of humanity across time and space, including the recurrence of predacity, cruelty, and systematic oppression. Rather than being overwhelmed by a nihilistic reality, Mitchell centers Cloud Atlas around recurring figures of revolution, resisting and fighting against those tendencies. Throughout the connected world of Mitchell’s novels, he explores the problem of truth and the soul and how they are inextricably tied with the reality of the apocalypse. The apocalypse in Cloud Atlas and The Bone Clocks becomes representative of the culmination of revelations and revolutions, and in that sense, it becomes a reminder of past truths and a warning about the future. Despite the harrowing path of humanity Mitchell depicts in his novels, he maintains optimism as he pushes back against postmodern conceptions of truth and the soul. The prominence of cycles within the narratives not only point to the eternity of evil and predatory forces but also suggest the recurrence of forces of resistance and a deep hope in the possibilities of the future

    Our Greatest Weapon: The Rhetoric of Invasion in Arrival and Independence Day

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    Inside of every alien invasion story is a central ‘us vs. them’ mentality that carries the thematic and moral weight of the story. Because of this, alien invasion films can be viewed through a postcolonial lens that reveals the destructive implications of colonialism, including a fear of the foreign and the figure of the white savior. Roland Emmerich’s Independence Day (1996) and Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival (2016) are no exception to this. Although both films are about aliens coming to Earth, the perspectives they follow in telling the story, their depictions of the military and scientists, their commentary on the role of communication, and the outcomes of the conflict make the films inverted reflections of each other. With the excessive patriotic rhetoric and imagery of Independence Day and Arrival’s commentary on communication and militarism, the language of these films are seemingly opposed to each other, but both ultimately reveal the importance of that language in negotiating conflict and either challenging or conforming to the simplistic ‘us vs. them’ binary present in both of the films

    Ancient encaustic: An experimental exploration of technology, ageing behaviour and approaches to analytical investigation

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    The composition of the ancient wax-based painting technique known as encaustic has long been the subject of debate. Ancient sources provide few details of the technology, and modern understanding of the medium is restricted to theoretical interpretation and experimental observation. In this multi-analytical collaborative study, a number of analytical approaches were used to investigate the physical and molecular properties of a range of experimentally prepared encaustic paints before and after ageing. Analysis using gas chromatography mass spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (invasive and non-invasive), X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis demonstrated how differences in the technology of production alter the properties and composition of the medium and showed how these are modified by the addition of pigment and the effects of ageing. Comparison of results from the different analytical techniques highlights the benefit of an integrated analytical approach to the analysis of ancient encaustic paints and the fundamental importance of insights from invasive study to evaluating the results of non-invasive analysis

    Differential Producibility Analysis (DPA) of Transcriptomic Data with Metabolic Networks: Deconstructing the Metabolic Response of M. tuberculosis

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    A general paucity of knowledge about the metabolic state of Mycobacterium tuberculosis within the host environment is a major factor impeding development of novel drugs against tuberculosis. Current experimental methods do not allow direct determination of the global metabolic state of a bacterial pathogen in vivo, but the transcriptional activity of all encoded genes has been investigated in numerous microarray studies. We describe a novel algorithm, Differential Producibility Analysis (DPA) that uses a metabolic network to extract metabolic signals from transcriptome data. The method utilizes Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) to identify the set of genes that affect the ability to produce each metabolite in the network. Subsequently, Rank Product Analysis is used to identify those metabolites predicted to be most affected by a transcriptional signal. We first apply DPA to investigate the metabolic response of E. coli to both anaerobic growth and inactivation of the FNR global regulator. DPA successfully extracts metabolic signals that correspond to experimental data and provides novel metabolic insights. We next apply DPA to investigate the metabolic response of M. tuberculosis to the macrophage environment, human sputum and a range of in vitro environmental perturbations. The analysis revealed a previously unrecognized feature of the response of M. tuberculosis to the macrophage environment: a down-regulation of genes influencing metabolites in central metabolism and concomitant up-regulation of genes that influence synthesis of cell wall components and virulence factors. DPA suggests that a significant feature of the response of the tubercle bacillus to the intracellular environment is a channeling of resources towards remodeling of its cell envelope, possibly in preparation for attack by host defenses. DPA may be used to unravel the mechanisms of virulence and persistence of M. tuberculosis and other pathogens and may have general application for extracting metabolic signals from other “-omics” data

    Global wealth disparities drive adherence to COVID-safe pathways in head and neck cancer surgery

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    Identification of Palytoxin–Ca 2+

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    More than 40 years after its isolation, the understanding of how palytoxin interacts with biological systems has yet to be fully determined. The Na(+),K(+)-ATPase pump constitutes a molecular receptor for palytoxin that is able to convert the pump into an open channel, with consequent loss of cellular K(+) and remarkable rise of cytosolic Na(+) levels. In addition, a slight permeability to Ca(2+) is detected when palytoxin binds to the pump. It has been demonstrated that the increase of cytosolic free Ca(2+) concentration gives rise to downstream events ultimately leading to cell death. The widely accepted recognition of the dependence of important cellular events on calcium ion concentration propelled us to investigate the occurrence of palytoxin-Ca(2+) complex in aqueous solution by NMR- and molecular modeling-based approach. We identified two specific regions of palytoxin where Ca(2+) is preferentially coordinated. This study constitutes the first characterization of a calcium complex with palytoxin and, as such, is expected to support the investigation of the toxin molecular bioactivity