10 research outputs found

    Purchasing power parity and FX rates since the financial crises

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    This master's thesis examines the behavior of purchasing power parity (PPP) and exchange rates in the period following the financial crisis. The study focuses on three currency pairs: CHF/EUR, CHF/BRL, and CHF/ZMW. The analysis begins by comparing the nominal exchange rates with the corresponding PPP rates for each currency pair. The movements of the real exchange rates are then observed. To further investigate the behavior of the real exchange rates, a mean reversion test is conducted. The logarithmic returns of the real exchange rates are utilized in this test, and the Dickey-Fuller test is applied using the Python program. The results of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test provide evidence for rejecting the null hypothesis, suggesting that the real exchange rates of each currency pair are mean reverting. The findings of this thesis contribute to the understanding of how real exchange rates behaved toward PPP in the post-financial crisis period

    India as a global security actor

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    Thanks to sustained economic growth and key investments in military capabilities, India will face growing demands from within and the international community to seek and play a greater role in global security affairs. The values and interests likely to guide India’s future behavior will be a mixture of old and new, eastern and western. India’s international aspirations have an important pre-history, covered in this chapter’s first section where non-alignment, as idea and practice, is explored for its enduring significance. India’s relevance as a security actor is assessed in terms of its activities and capacity to influence developments within two security zones of major contemporary importance: Afghanistan and the Indian Ocean. Finally, a section on the constraints and challenges examines India’s ability to navigate a multi-polar world, the fallout and gains of nuclearization, the 2008 Indo-US nuclear deal, as well as ‘the weaknesses from within’ in terms of human security


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    FlĂŒchter A, Schöttli J. Introduction. In: FlĂŒchter A, Schöttli J, eds. The Dynamics of Transculturality. Concepts and Institutions in Motion. Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context. Cham: Springer; 2015: 1-23.The overarching theme for the 2010 Annual Conference of the Cluster, Asia and Europe in a Global Context was dynamics of transculturality and the processes of transculturalisation through concepts and institutions in the field of politics and religion. In the last decade, transculturality has become an oft––perhaps too-often––used term, and has in the process arguably lost some of its heuristic value. This edited volume begins with a more precise concept of transculturality, but it also mirrors the discussions about transculturality and asymmetric flows that have taken place in the first 5 years of the Cluster. As a starting point, this introduction will examine the notion of transculturality as a theoretical perspective and heuristic instrument, it will then move on to present the main focus of this volume: the dynamics of transculturality in the realms of politics and religion. The third part of this introduction will consider a number of concepts that are available to a transcultural perspective and discuss those employed by the authors in this book

    The Dynamics of Transculturality. Concepts and Institutions in Motion

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    FlĂŒchter A, Schöttli J, eds. The Dynamics of Transculturality. Concepts and Institutions in Motion. Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context. Cham: Springer; 2015

    α<sub>1</sub>-Adrenergic stimulation causes Mg<sup>2+</sup> release from perfused rat liver

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    The possibility that Mg2+ mobilization is stimulated in perfused liver by α1-adrenergic agonists was studied by measuring Mg2+ release in response to 0.5 and 20ΌM phenylephrine. During preperfusion exogenous Mg2+ was added to the medium to give 1.2 mM. 5 min before starting the addition of phenylephrine the infusion of exogenous Mg2+ was stopped. Mg2+ in the perfusate leaving the liver was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Analysis of the Mg2+ decay curves with two exponential models indicated that phenylephrine caused dose-dependent Mg2+ release from perfused rat livers

    Zeitgeschichtliche HintergrĂŒnde aktueller Konflikte VI: Vortragsreihe an der ETH ZĂŒrich. Sommersemester 1996

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    Der vorliegende Band ist eine Zusammenstellung der Referate, die im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe Zeitgeschichtliche HintergrĂŒnde aktueller Konflikte VI prĂ€sentiert wurden. Im Mittelpunkt stehen unter anderem die Entwicklungen in der Region der Grossen Seen in Afrika, die Probleme der Stasi-Akten in Berlin und die Spannungen um ein neues DemokratieverstĂ€ndnis, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der praktischen Friedensarbeit in Bosnien, die Probleme rund um die Übergabe Hongkongs an die Volksrepublik China, die von nuklearer Gefahr ĂŒberschatteten Spannungen in Nordkorea sowie der Nuklearschmuggel und der nukleare Terrorismus allgemein.ISSN:1423-389

    A ‘special case’ between independence and interdependence: Cold War studies and Cold War politics in post-Cold War Switzerland

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