98 research outputs found

    "Be aware, I am just a bot!": Digitale Kunst- und Kulturvermittlung, ein Praxisbericht

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    Die polizeiliche europäische Zusammenarbeit nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und der Etablierung der polizeilichen Kooperation auf Europäischer Ebene und deren Auswirkungen auf die österreichische Polizeiarbeit. Der besondere Blick gilt hierbei dem Europäischen Polizeiamt Europol und dem Lissabonner Vertrag, der diverse Änderungen für die europäische polizeiliche Kooperation gebracht hat. Unter Berücksichtigung von ausgewählten Integrationstheorien werden die Anfänge und die Entwicklung der polizeilichen Kooperation, sowie die Etablierung des Europäischen Polizeiamtes erläutert. Der sensible Politikbereich der inneren Sicherheit wurde vor dem Vertrag von Lissabon weitestgehend von den Mitgliedsstaaten dominiert. Seit der Implementierung des Vertrages von Lissabon wurde der Bereich nun vollkommen vergemeinschaftet und die Säulenstruktur der Europäischen Union aufgelöst. Daher ist die Einrichtung eines Europäischen Polizeiamtes notwendig geworden. Die mitgliedsstaatlichen Behörden und Ressourcen sind nicht mehr ausreichend um die grenzüberschreitende Kriminalität ausreichend und effektiv zu bekämpfen. Man benötigt eine Kooperation auf Europäischer Ebene, mit Einbeziehung der Mitgliedsstaaten um dieser entgegenwirken zu können. Durch den Vertrag von Lissabon ergeben sich auch für Europol Änderungen. Die Schaffung einer europäischen polizeilichen Zentralstelle hat die Kooperation auf europäischer Ebene hinsichtlich der polizeilichen Zusammenarbeit erleichtert. Europol dient als Informationszentrale und somit wird der Datenaustausch erheblich erleichtert. Die Mitgliedsstaaten können durch die Bereitstellung der Daten von Europol schneller agieren und operativ tätig werden. Auch Österreich hat die Möglichkeit die Informationen und Mittel von Europol zur Prävention und Bekämpfung von Kriminalität zu nutzen. Es muss jedoch gesagt werden, dass die innerstaatliche Polizeiarbeit durch diese Zusammenarbeit nicht negativ tangiert wird. Die nationale Polizeiarbeit findet immer noch auf lokaler Ebene statt.This paper is about police co-operation and existing police co-operation on the European level. The attention lies on the European Police Office Europol and the impact of this institution on the work of the police in Austria. Under the attention of the integration-theoretical approach the development and the improvement of police-co-operation from the beginnings till the establishment of the European Police Office Europol and the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty and his influence when regarding the police co-operation will be explained. For the political area of internal security, there has been a domination of the member states when regarding the politics. Since the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty the political area of internal security has been communitarised. Therefore it was a necessity to establish a European Police Office. Also the national public authorities weren’t efficient enough to counter the cross border criminality. Europol is an effective institution and offers the member states data information so that they can interfere easier and quicker. Also Austria has the opportunity to benefit from the tools of Europol. The police co-operation on the European level in reference to Austrian police work will also be analysed

    Sustainable product development in a circular economy: Implications for products, actors, decision-making support and lifecycle information management

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    The concept of circular economy (CE) is of great interest for manufacturing companies since it provides a framework which allows them to align organisational objectives with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Corporate CE entails the adoption of several value-retention options (R-strategies) throughout companies’ operations, which aim at creating, preserving and recovering the value of assets and products. The sustainable product development (SPD) process, in which around 80% of the total environmental impact of a product is determined, is employed to translate R-strategies into new product requirements. This study is aimed at investigating the implications of R-strategy adoption for decision-making in SPD. The research follows an empirical approach, combining a literature review and in-depth semi-structured interviews with product developers and sustainability experts working in companies operating in the technical material cycles of the CE. Thus, implications for product dimensions, inter- and intraorganisational actors, decision-making support types and lifecycle information flows so that SPD processes further accommodate CE principles into products are investigated. This study reveals new directions to adjust the contextual factors of SPD to further align existing processes with widely expanding CE organisational cultures

    Die Zukunft der Vergangenheit in der Gegenwart

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    The volume contains 18 contributions to an international conference of archivists and historians dealing with the current situation of archives and archival science generally and specifically with the impact of digitization on archival core tasks and on the societal roles of archives

    Die Zukunft der Vergangenheit in der Gegenwart

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    The volume contains 18 contributions to an international conference of archivists and historians dealing with the current situation of archives and archival science generally and specifically with the impact of digitization on archival core tasks and on the societal roles of archives.Der Band enthält 18 Beiträge einer internationalen Tagung von ArchivarInnen und HistorikerInnen, die sich mit der aktuellen Situation von Archivwesen und Archivwissenschaft allgemein und speziell mit den Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die archivischen Kerntätigkeiten und die gesellschaftlichen Rollen der Archive befassen

    Impact of solid-electrolyte interphase reformation on capacity loss in silicon-based lithium-ion batteries

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    High-density silicon composite anodes show large volume changes upon charging/discharging triggering the reformation of the solid electrolyte interface (SEI), an interface initially formed at the silicon surface. The question remains how the reformation process and accompanied material evolution, in particular for industrial up-scalable cells, impacts cell performance. Here, we develop a correlated workflow incorporating X-ray microscopy, field-emission scanning electron microscopy tomography, elemental imaging and deep learning-based microstructure quantification suitable to witness the structural and chemical progression of the silicon and SEI reformation upon cycling. The nanometer-sized SEI layer evolves into a micron-sized silicon electrolyte composite structure at prolonged cycles. Experimental-informed electrochemical modelling endorses an underutilisation of the active material due to the silicon electrolyte composite growth affecting the capacity. A chemo-mechanical model is used to analyse the stability of the SEI/silicon reaction front and to investigate the effects of material properties on the stability that can affect the capacity loss

    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on characteristics, extent and trends in child maltreatment in 34 Euro-CAN COST Action countries: a scoping review protocol.

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    Introduction While the factors commonly associated with an increased risk of child maltreatment (CM) were found to be increased during COVID-19, reports of actual maltreatment showed varying trends. Similarly, evidence regarding the impact of COVID-19 on CM within the European Cooperation on Science and Technology and Network Collaborative (COST) Action countries remains inconsistent. This scoping review aims to explore the extent and nature of evidence pertaining to CM within the countries affiliated with the Child Abuse and Neglect in Europe Action Network (Euro-CAN), funded by the COST. Methods and analysis Key electronic databases were searched to identify eligible papers, reports and other material published between January 2020 and April 2023: PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Social Policy and Practice, Scopus and Web of Science. To cover the breadth of evidence, a systematic and broad search strategy was applied using a combination of keywords and controlled vocabulary for four concepts: children, maltreatment, COVID-19 and Euro-CAN countries, without restrictions on study design or language. Grey literature was searched in OpenGrey and Google Scholar. Two reviewers will independently screen full-text publications for eligibility and undertake data extraction, using a customised grid. The screening criteria and data charting will be piloted by the research team.The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) extension for scoping reviews will be followed to present the results. Results will be summarised in a tabular form and narratively. Ethics and dissemination This review will identify and summarise publicly available data, without requiring ethical approval. The findings will be disseminated to the Euro-CAN Network and reported to the COST Association. They will also be published in a peer-reviewed journal. This protocol is registered on Open Science Framework

    Sex differences in zonulin in affective disorders and associations with current mood symptoms

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    Zonulin measurement was funded by Institut Allergosan (Graz, Austria).Introduction: The bidirectional connection between the brain and the gut within psychiatric entities has gained increasing scientific attention over the last years. As a regulator of intestinal permeability, zonulin acts as a key player on the interface of this interplay. Like several psychiatric disorders, intestinal permeability was associated with inflammation in previous findings. Methods: In this study we explored differences in zonulin serum levels in currently depressed (n = 55) versus currently euthymic (n = 37) individuals with an affective disorder. Further, we explored sex differences and possible influences on zonulin and affective symptoms like medication, age, body mass index, and smoking status. Results: Serum zonulin was significantly higher in females than in men independent from affective status (z = -2.412, p = .016). More specifically, females in the euthymic subgroup had higher zonulin levels than euthymic men (z = -2.114, p = .035). There was no difference in zonulin serum levels in individuals taking or not taking a specific psychopharmacotherapy. We found no correlation between zonulin serum levels and depression severity. Discussion: Increased serum zonulin levels as a proxy for increased intestinal permeability in women may indicate a state of elevated susceptibility for depression-inducing stimuli.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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