51 research outputs found

    The Recent Excitement in High-Density QCD

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    Over the past few months, the theory of QCD at high density has been advanced considerably. It provides new perspectives on, and controlled realizations of, confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. Here I survey the recent developments, and suggest a few directions for future work.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, 2 figures. Invited talk at PANIC `99, Uppsala, Sweden, June 199

    Minimal Potentials with Very Many Minima

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    We demonstrate, by construction, that simple renormalizable matrix potentials with S_N, as opposed to O(N), symmetry can exhibit an exponentially large number of inequivalent deep local minima.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, 2 figures. Additional applications and references adde

    O processo de compras na área pública de saúde do Distrito Federal : estudo de caso na empresa São Bernardo - Soluções Hospitalares

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Administração, 2016.Este estudo tem por objetivo descrever o processo de compras no setor público de saúde do Distrito Federal, passando por suas normas e legislações, assim como também por suas diferentes modalidades. Cita-se, também, seu respectivo controle na atuação da Administração ao se estabelecer requisitos de habilitação para a participação de licitantes em licitações públicas, sob o regime da Lei no. 8.666/93. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com a realização de entrevistas com um dos proprietários da São Bernardo - Soluções Hospitalares, empresa consolidada que atua no ramo de equipamentos hospitalares no DF. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto optou-se pela realização de um estudo qualitativo, cuja metodologia, além do estudo de caso, passa pela realização de pesquisa documental e análise bibliográfica. Os resultados identificam o Pregão Eletrônico como forma mais utilizada de compras no setor e observam-se características que podem ser classificadas como oportunidades ou dificuldades para o relacionamento público-privado


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    Esta pesquisa averiguou a relação entre a medicalização e o processo psicoterápico de crianças. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva e correlacional, desenvolvida a partir da análise de 348 prontuários de pacientes com idade de até 12 anos de ambos os sexos, atendidos pelos estagiários do curso de Psicologia num Serviço de Saúde, no Vale do Rio Pardo/RS, entre 1998 e 2008. A análise foi realizada através do programa estatístico SPSS, versão 11.0, abrangendo médias, frequências, porcentagens e correlação entre variáveis através do teste: qui-quadrado. Como resultados, evidenciamos a queda do número de crianças que buscam o serviço ao longo dos anos e o aumento das que fazem uso de medicação. Além disso, constatou-se que o uso de medicação interferiu diretamente no tempo do tratamento e na evolução da psicoterapia, contribuindo para um prognóstico menos favorável a quem fazia uso, quando comparados aos que não a utilizavam

    Dissection in neuroanatomy: an experience report

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    The dissection belongs to the medical teaching-learning process since ancient times. However, due to the generalization of the practice, the demand for corpses increased so that control of their origin was lost several technological tools are used in the learning of human anatomy, such as anatomical tables and 3D printed organs, which are complementary to a good practice in the field of health. This study report an experience of four medical students performing a practical dissection immersion in neuroanatomy, as well as their perceptions about the evolution of knowledge of the brain structural characteristics. In a maximized perception, it was felt the need to combine ways to teach neuroanatomy in order to unite the theory with the real perception of the organs, enabling an anatomical and physiological understanding close to reality. The use of anatomical atlases in drawings or photographed images is the most traditional study tool and with technological development, digital tools have been gaining ground in this educational scenario. However, the oldest way to study anatomy, visual exploration and dissection of the human body, will always make a great contribution to the study of neuroanatomy. Nonetheless, access to biological materials, for well-founded ethical reasons, is becoming increasingly rare, that is why students who experience these experiences are able to transform the knowledge obtained from unique opportunities into teaching materials accessible to academics in the health area

    Risk-adapted FDG-PET/CT-based follow-up in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma after first-line therapy

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) during follow-up of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) being in complete remission or unconfirmed complete remission after first-line therapy. Patients and methods: DLBCL patients receiving FDG-PET/CT during follow-up were analyzed retrospectively. Confirmatory biopsy was mandatory in cases of suspected disease recurrence. Results: Seventy-five patients were analyzed and 23 (30%) had disease recurrence. The positive predictive value (PPV) of FDG-PET/CT was 0.85. Patients >60 years [P = 0.036, hazard ratio (HR) = 3.82, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-7.77] and patients with symptoms indicative of a relapse (P = 0.015; HR = 4.1; 95% CI 1.20-14.03) had a significantly higher risk for relapse. A risk score on the basis of signs of relapse, age >60 years, or a combination of these factors identified patients at high risk for recurrence (P = 0.041). Conclusions: FDG-PET/CT detects recurrent DLBCL after first-line therapy with high PPV. However, it should not be used routinely and if only in selected high-risk patients to reduce radiation burden and costs. On the basis of our retrospective data, FDG-PET/CT during follow-up is indicated for patients 60 years with and without clinical signs of relaps

    A Gaussian Sum-Rules Analysis of Scalar Glueballs

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    Although marginally more complicated than the traditional Laplace sum-rules, Gaussian sum-rules have the advantage of being able to probe excited and ground states with similar sensitivity. Gaussian sum-rule analysis techniques are applied to the problematic scalar glueball channel to determine masses, widths and relative resonance strengths of low-lying scalar glueball states contributing to the hadronic spectral function. A feature of our analysis is the inclusion of instanton contributions to the scalar gluonic correlation function. Compared with the next-to-leading Gaussian sum-rule, the analysis of the lowest-weighted sum-rule (which contains a large scale-independent contribution from the low energy theorem) is shown to be unreliable because of instability under QCD uncertainties. However, the presence of instanton effects leads to approximately consistent mass scales in the lowest weighted and next-lowest weighted sum-rules. The analysis of the next-to-leading sum-rule demonstrates that a single narrow resonance model does not provide an adequate description of the hadronic spectral function. Consequently, we consider a wide variety of phenomenological models which distribute resonance strength over a broad region---some of which lead to excellent agreement between the theoretical prediction and phenomenological models. Including QCD uncertainties, our results indicate that the hadronic contributions to the spectral function stem from a pair of resonances with masses in the range 0.8--1.6 GeV, with the lighter of the two potentially having a large width.Comment: latex2e, 22 pages, 5 figures. Analysis extended in revised versio

    Near-Maximal Mixing of Scalar Gluonium and Quark Mesons: A Gaussian Sum-Rule Analysis

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    Gaussian QCD sum-rules are ideally suited to the study of mixed states of gluonium (glueballs) and quark (qqˉq\bar q) mesons because of their capability to resolve widely-separated states of comparable strength. The analysis of the Gaussian QCD sum-rules (GSRs) for all possible two-point correlation functions of gluonic and non-strange (I=0I=0) quark scalar (JPC=0++J^{PC}=0^{++}) currents is discussed. For the non-diagonal sum-rule of gluonic and qqˉq\bar q currents we show that perturbative and gluon condensate contributions are chirally suppressed compared to non-perturbative effects of the quark condensate, mixed condensate, and instantons, implying that the mixing of quark mesons and gluonium is of non-perturbative origin. The independent predictions of the masses and relative coupling strengths from the non-diagonal and the two diagonal GSRs are remarkably consistent with a scenario of two states with masses of approximately 1 GeV and 1.4 GeV that couple to significant mixtures of quark and gluonic currents. The mixing is nearly maximal with the heavier mixed state having a slightly larger coupling to gluonic currents than the lighter state.Comment: Updated version contains extended analysis and revised analysis methods. 21 pages, 14 figure