213 research outputs found

    Ultrapotassic volcanic centres as potential paleogeographic indicators : the Mediterranean Tortonian 'salinity crisis', southern Spain

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    Dated peperites associated with ultrapotassic volcanic centres of the Neogene Volcanic Province of southeast Spain are of particular interest within the complex tectonomagmatic context of the Western Mediterranean because they show clear volcano-sedimentary interactions making them a valuable tool for correlating between Miocene sedimentary basins in the region. Detailed field mapping of two coeval, but geographically separate, ultrapotassic volcanic centres (Zeneta and La Aljorra), and comparison of sedimentary facies and radiometric ages with another at Fortuna, suggest that these centres apparently formed at approximately the same time, late Tortonian, by the same tectonomagmatic process, strike-slip, and in the same, shallow marine, paleogeographical context. Stratigraphic indicators in the Miocene basins suggest that basin-closure initiated in the region during the late Tortonian, prior to the main Mediterranean Messinian salinity crisis. Notably, many of the ultrapotassic volcanic centres are situated close to, and elongated along, the basin margins faults. We suggest, therefore, that movement of basin margin faults that closed the Miocene sedimentary basins causing drying out also facilitated the contemporaneous ascent of ultrapotassic magma. So, volcano-sedimentary interactions may be used to make inferences about both the tectonomagmatic and paleogeographic evolution of a region. In southeast Spain peperites provide evidence that the Tortonian 'salinity crisis' was geographically more widespread, extending to the southeast, than previously recognized

    A precise late Permian 40Ar/ 39Ar age for Central Iberian camptonitic lamprophyres

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    The Avila batholith of central Spain is composed, predominantly, of crustal-melt peraluminous granites cut by small-scale mafic alkaline bodies. Dating of the Gredos sector mafic camptonitic lamprophyre dykes was undertaken to constrain the Late Variscan tectonomagmatic evolution of the region. A well constrained late Permian, Capitanian, age of 264.5 ± 1.3 Ma was obtained by 40Ar/39Ar geochronology using amphibole separates. This new age clearly distinguishes the dykes from other episodes of alkaline mafic magmatism in the region. We suggest that the lamprophyre dykes were emplaced into already solidified granitoids after the tectonic control on magma generation changed from purely extensional to transtensional

    The spatial and compositional evolution of the Jurassic Ghorveh-Dehgolan plutons of the Zagros Orogen, Iran: SHRIMP zircon U-Pb and Sr and Nd isotope evidence

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    The Ghorveh-Dehgolan plutons of the northern Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Zagros Orogen, comprise seven composite intrusive bodies that were generated during northeastward subduction of Neotethys beneath the Iranian sector of the Eurasian plate. Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP dating reveals that the magmatic activity spanned from ~160 to ~140Ma. It started with intrusion of arc-related calc-alkaline mafic to intermediate rocks closely followed by felsic I-type granitoids. This magmatism was post-dated by felsic alkaline A-type granites. In addition to compositional changes over time, the plutons forming the arc young towards the southwest: the north Ghorveh batholith (161±4Ma) and Shanevareh (160±2Ma); Qalaylan (159±3Ma); then central Ghorveh, Galali and Saranjianeh (151±0.2Ma to 148±1Ma); and, lastly, the south Ghorveh batholith (147±3Ma) and Bolbanabad-Havarpan (144±1Ma). Whatever the process driving the changes, be it arc- or ridge-collision with the subducting system, slab roll-back, slab breakoff, subduction initiation transference, etc., the progression from I-type to A-type magmatism appears to mark a significant change from a collisional to an extensional setting in the region in the Late Jurassic. Geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Ghorveh-Dehgolan plutons indicate that Arabian-Nubian-like crust was an important component of the magmatic sources

    Zircon as a tracer of plumbing processes in an active magmatic system: insights from mingled magmas of the 2010 dome collapse, Montserrat, Lesser Antilles Arc, Caribbean

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    This project has received funding from the European Union's Hori-zon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 749611 (JHS) . We also ac-knowledge funding from the Natural Environment Research Council Isotope Geoscience Facilities Steering Committee, grant IP-1746-1117 (JB) . The work has been financially supported by the Spanish grant CGL 2017-84469-P (JHS) . Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA. Alexander Varychev at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and Jeremy Rushton at the British Geological Survey, U.K., are thanked for help with analytical work. Jose Luis Macias is thanked for editorial handling. We are obliged to two anonymous reviewers for the time and effort they took to help us improve the clarity and rigour of our interpretations. 19Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, erupted from 1995 to 2010, with activity including dome growth, destructive pyroclastic density currents and Vulcanian explosions. Monitoring data, such as gas emissions, show the system is still in a state of unrest. The recent eruptions provide an opportunity to study, in real time, a complex subduction-related subvolcanic transaustal melt-mush reservoir, its magma fluxes, and the timing of crystal and melt storage prior to eruptive paroxysms. How and when mush destabilisation occurs prior to volcanic eruptions continues to be a question of intense debate. Evidence of mafic magma intrusion, a potential eruptive trigger, is preserved in enclaves with quenched and diffuse margins that are mingled with crystal-rich andesite. Here, in this first study of Soufriere Hills Volcano zircon, we report zircon ages and compositions for mafic-intermediate enclaves and host andesites from the most recent dome collapse in 2010 to place temporal constraints on magma reservoir processes. Zircon U-238-Th-230 ages disequilibrium crystallisation ages ranging between c. 2-250 ka constrain the longevity of the magmatic plumbing system. Uniform Hf isotopes, epsilon Hf 11.3 +/- 12 to 14.6 +/- 1.5, indicate invariant compositions that are typical for island arc magma sources. Zircon trace element concentrations and Ti-in-zircon crystallisation temperatures indicate crystallisation in isolated, small-volume, lenses with variable fractions of melt of heterogeneous compositions. We suggest amalgamation of assorted crystal cargoes from these lenses occurred prior to eruption during mush destabilisation triggered by mafic magma recharge. Zircon textures, on the other hand, shed light on recent centimetre-scale magma mingling immediately prior to eruption. Euhedral-subhedral zircon is preferentially preserved in or near quenched contacts of the least-evolved enclave and host andesite. By contrast, reheating of the andesite by the mafic magma recharge in the presence of zircon-undersaturated melts promoted zircon resorption. This led to the formation of subhedral-anhedral corroded zircon that is typical in the host andesite mush. Zircon thus reveals processes ranging from 100,000s of years of andesite storage to short-term partial destruction in response to transient heating and magma mixing events.European Commission 749611Natural Environment Research Council Isotope Geoscience Facilities Steering Committee IP-1746-1117Spanish Government CGL 2017-84469-PUniversidad de Granada/CBU

    Party finance reform as constitutional engineering? The effectiveness and unintended consequences of party finance reform in France and Britain

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    In both Britain and France, party funding was traditionally characterized by a laissez faire approach and a conspicuous lack of regulation. In France, this was tantamount to a 'legislative vacuum'. In the last two decades, however, both countries have sought to fundamentally reform their political finance regulation regimes. This prompted, in Britain, the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, and in France a bout of 'legislative incontinence' — profoundly transforming the political finance regime between 1988 and 1995. This article seeks to explore and compare the impacts of the reforms in each country in a bid to explain the unintended consequences of the alternative paths taken and the effectiveness of the new party finance regime in each country. It finds that constitutional engineering through party finance reform is a singularly inexact science, largely due to the imperfect nature of information, the limited predictability of cause and effect, and the constraining influence of non-party actors, such as the Constitutional Council in France, and the Electoral Commission in Britain

    Oh, Jeremy Corbyn! Why did Labour Party membership soar after the 2015 general election?

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    This article investigates the remarkable surge in individual membership of the Labour Party after the general election of May 2015, particularly after Jeremy Corbyn was officially nominated as a candidate for the leadership in June of that year. Using both British Election Study and Party Members Project data, we explain the surge by focussing on the attitudinal, ideological and demographic characteristics of the members themselves. Findings suggest that, along with support for the leader and yearning for a new style of politics, feelings of relative deprivation played a significant part: many ‘left-behind’ voters (some well-educated, some less so) joined Labour for the first time when a candidate with a clearly radical profile appeared on the leadership ballot. Anti-capitalist and left-wing values mattered too, particularly for those former members who decided to return to the party

    A novel approach for evaluating contact patterns and risk mitigation strategies for COVID-19 in English primary schools with application of structured expert judgement

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    Personal contacts drive COVID-19 infections. After being closed (23 March 2020) UK primary schools partially re-opened on 1 June 2020 with social distancing and new risk mitigation strategies. We conducted a structured expert elicitation of teachers to quantify primary school contact patterns and how contact rates changed upon re-opening with risk mitigation measures in place. These rates, with uncertainties, were determined using a performance-based algorithm. We report mean number of contacts per day for four cohorts within schools, with associated 90% confidence ranges. Prior to lockdown, younger children (Reception and Year 1) made 15 contacts per day [range 8.35] within school, older children (Year 6) 18 contacts [range 5.55], teaching staff 25 contacts [range 4.55] and non-classroom staff 11 contacts [range 2.27]. After re-opening, the mean number of contacts was reduced by 53% for young children, 62% for older children, 60% for classroom staff and 64% for other staff. Contacts between teaching and non-teaching staff reduced by 80%. The distributions of contacts per person are asymmetric with heavy tail reflecting a few individuals with high contact numbers. Questions on risk mitigation and supplementary structured interviews elucidated how new measures reduced daily contacts in-school and contribute to infection risk reduction

    Zircon double-dating, trace element and O isotope analysis to decipher late Pleistocene explosive-effusive eruptions from a zoned ocean-island magma system, Ascension Island

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    In this first detailed study of zircon from Ascension Island, South Atlantic, we take a novel approach combining trace element and O isotope compositional data with double-dating (disequilibrium 238U–230Th and (U–Th)/He) to decipher timescales and dynamics of magmatic processes. The Echo Canyon (EC) sequence comprises small-volume explosive-effusive eruptions of trachyte that tapped a compositionally zoned magma system. Associated volcanic hazards may be constrained from the age of volcanism, duration of magma storage, and magma source and plumbing system character. Zircon U–Th–Pb dating of lithic lava clasts has revealed recurrent evolved volcanism at 1.34 and 0.6 Ma, and 95 ka. The (U–Th)/He zircon cooling ages indicate that most of the EC explosive-effusive sequence erupted in a brief episode at ca. 95 ka. Additionally, uniform 238U–230Th zircon crystallisation ages suggest moderately protracted magma storage with melt present at depth for at most 103–104 years before eruption. The enriched character of zircon trace element compositions, relative to MORB, in the absence of a continental crustal signature in the oxygen isotope values (δ18O range 2.67–5.63‰), suggests the presence of an enriched component in the EC magma source. Furthermore, low δ18O zircon compositions imply assimilation of high temperature hydrothermally altered country rock by the source magma. The mineral assemblage in crystal-poor pumices indicates equilibrium storage conditions: zircon saturation and Ti-in-zircon crystallisation temperatures are consistent with alkali feldspar-melt temperatures. Significantly, zircon crystals were preserved both as macrocryst inclusions and in the groundmass of EC explosive and effusive deposits. These rocks preserve evidence of magma evolution by fractional crystallisation. This process led to pre-eruptive compositional stratification, which is evidenced in the range of whole-rock major and trace element compositions and zircon Zr/Hf values. Notably, zircon crystallisation and cooling ages derived from pumice, lava, and accidental lithic lava clasts in highly explosive pyroclastic deposits, have revealed episodes of evolved magmatism that would otherwise have gone undetected. In addition, the zircon trace element and isotope compositions, in combination with the range of crystallisation ages, evidence progressively deeper tapping of less evolved magma stored in discrete lenses. Thus, a combined zircon geochronological-geochemical approach can place constraints on the ca. 0.6 Ma recurrence of past explosive-effusive pulses of millennial to decamillennial duration and their enriched magma sources. This information is relevant for assessing hazards and informing monitoring and forecasting efforts to assist in managing associated risks for small ocean island volcanoes with particularly vulnerable populations and infrastructure

    Zippin’ up my boots, goin’ back to my roots: Radical left parties in Southern Europe

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    Radical left parties actively encourage the participation of their members in internal decision-making and insist on promoting organised links to trade unions and social movements. As a party family, they deviate from what is considered to be the trend in which Western political parties have turned their backs on their social roots. Drawing on the experience of South European radical left parties from the fall of the Berlin Wall until the recent financial crisis, we argue that ideology, electoral incentives, party competition and external events explain the radical left's pronounced emphasis on linkage, while organisational trajectory explains variation within the party family in terms of the linkage strategies pursued

    Judicial decision-making within political parties: A political approach

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    How do German intra-party tribunals manage internal conflicts? More specifically, why do they accept some cases for trial but reject others? Required by law to strictly adhere to implement rule of law standards, German intra-party tribunals are designed to insulate conflict regulation from politics. Meanwhile, research on judicial politics highlights the role of political and strategic considerations in accepting cases for trial. Building on the latter, we develop a theory that emphasizes tribunals’ political concerns such as winning elections. We test our hypotheses with a mixed-effects logit model on a novel data set covering 1088 tribunal decisions in six German parties from 1967 until 2015. Our findings indicate that political factors exert a strong effect on tribunal case acceptance. Tribunals are more likely to accept cases when suffering electoral loss and after losing government office. Moreover, tribunals dismiss cases more easily when their parties display relatively high levels of policy agreement
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