280 research outputs found

    Valutazione chimica della qualità della carne di pollo proveniente dai polli da ingrasso alimentati con l’aggiunta del fungo coltivato Agaricus bisporus

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    Opasnosti korištenja antibiotskih poticatelja rasta u hrani za životinje po ljudsko zdravlje i/ili zlouporaba antibiotskih poticatelja rasta, dovele su do zabrane njihove uporabe u Europskoj Uniji (Regulation EC No. 1831/2003). U skladu s člankom 17. Uredbe (EZ-a) br 1831/2003 o dodacima koji se koriste u prehrani životinja, Komisija je utvrdila Registar dodataka hrani za životinje, prema kojem preporučuju prirodni dodatak hrani za životinje, Agaricus bisporus i njegov ekstrakt CoE 543. Stoga, u ovom radu na osnovi dobivenih rezultata udjela bjelančevina i masti u mesu pilića hranjenih uz dodatak pripravka plemenite pečurke Agaricus bisporus, možemo zaključiti da se analizirano meso odlikuje niskom energetskom vrijednosti te se kao takvim može smatrati povoljnim dijetetskim proizvodom namijenjenim za ljudsku prehranu.The eff ect of added supplement from button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus of the quality of broilers meet was researched in this paper. Nutritional content of an animal feed is infl uenced not only by nutrient content but also by many other aspects such as, feed presentation, hygiene, digestibility, and eff ect on health. Usage of antibiotic growth promotors is abandoned in poultry production as well, it is neccesery to fi nd alternative strategies for control and prevention of infections. Broilers buttlock and white meat from seven broilers from each experimental group were taken in order to examine the eff ect of addition of the supplement of white button mushroom to the controlled food intended for broilers on chemical quality of broilers meat using standard chemical methodes. Based on the percentages of water, protein, fat and ash in meat of broilers fed with food additive made of Agaricus bisporus we conclude that it is characterized by a low energy value, and as such can be considered as favorable dietary product, so called ‘’light meat’’ intendedfor human consumption.Die Gefahr vom Gebrauch der antibiotischen Wachstumanreger im Viehfutter auf menschliche Gesundheit und/oder Missbrauch der antibiotischen Wachstumanreger führte zum Verbot für deren Gebrauch in der Europäischen Union (Regulation EC No. 1831/2003). Im Einklang mit Art. 17. der Verordnung (EZ-a) Nr. 1831/2003 über die Zutaten, die bei der Fütterung der Tiere gebraucht werden, bestimmte die zuständige Komission das Register der Zutaten im Viehfutter, womit natürliche Zutaten im Viehfutter empfohlen werden, Agaricus bisporus und dessen Extrakt CoE 543. Wir können deshalb in dieser Arbeit zu dem Schluss kommen, auf Grund der erzielten Resultate über den Anteil von Eiweißstoff en und Fetten im Fleisch der Hühner, gefüttert mit Futter mit Zutaten des Edelegerlings Agaricus bisporus, dass das analysierte Fleisch einen niedrigen energetischen Wert hat, und somit dasselbe als günstiges Diäterzeugnis in der menschlichen Nahrung darstellt.I rischi dell’uso degli stimolatori antibiotici della crescita negli alimenti per animali per la salute umana e/o l’abuso di stimolatori antibiotici della crescita, hanno portato alla proibizione del loro uso nell’Unione Europea (Regolamento CE n. 1831/2003). In conformità all’articolo 17 del Regolamento (UE) n. 1831/2003 sugli additivi che si usano nell’alimentazione degli animali, la Commissione ha stabilito il Registro degli additivi destinati all’alimentazione animale, secondo il quale raccomanda l’additivo naturale Agaricus bisporus nell’alimentazione animale e il suo estratto CoE 543. Dunque, sulla base dei risultati ottenuti della percentuale di proteine e grassi nella carne dei polli alimentati con il supplemento del fungo Agaricus bisporus, possiamo concludere che la carne analizzata si distingue per un basso valore energetico e come tale è da considerarsi come un prodotto dietetico favorevole destinato all’alimentazione umana

    GWAS of Suicide Attempt in Psychiatric Disorders Identifies Association With Major Depression Polygenic Risk Scores

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    Objective: Over 90% of suicide attempters have a psychiatric diagnosis, however twin and family studies suggest that the genetic etiology of suicide attempt (SA) is partially distinct from that of the psychiatric disorders themselves. Here, we present the largest genome-wide association study (GWAS) on suicide attempt using major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder (BIP) and schizophrenia (SCZ) cohorts from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Method: Samples comprise 1622 suicide attempters and 8786 non-attempters with MDD, 3264 attempters and 5500 non-attempters with BIP and 1683 attempters and 2946 non-attempters with SCZ. SA GWAS were performed by comparing attempters to non-attempters in each disorder followed by meta-analyses across disorders. Polygenic risk scoring was used to investigate the genetic relationship between SA and the psychiatric disorders. Results: Three genome-wide significant loci for SA were found: one associated with SA in MDD, one in BIP, and one in the meta-analysis of SA in mood disorders. These associations were not replicated in independent mood disorder cohorts from the UK Biobank and iPSYCH. No significant associations were found in the meta-analysis of all three disorders. Polygenic risk scores for major depression were significantly associated with SA in MDD (R2=0.25%, P=0.0006), BIP (R2=0.24%, P=0.0002) and SCZ (R2=0.40%, P=0.0006). Conclusions: This study provides new information on genetic associations and demonstrates that genetic liability for major depression increases risk for suicide attempt across psychiatric disorders. Further collaborative efforts to increase sample size hold potential to robustly identify genetic associations and gain biological insights into the etiology of suicide attempt

    The molecular mechanisms associated with the physiological responses to inflammation and oxidative stress in cardiovascular diseases

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    The complex physiological signal transduction networks that respond to the dual challenges of inflammatory and oxidative stress are major factors that promote the development of cardiovascular pathologies. These signaling networks contribute to the development of age-related diseases, suggesting crosstalk between the development of aging and cardiovascular disease. Inhibition and/or attenuation of these signaling networks also delays the onset of disease. Therefore, a concept of targeting the signaling networks that are involved in inflammation and oxidative stress may represent a novel treatment paradigm for many types of heart disease. In this review, we discuss the molecular mechanisms associated with the physiological responses to inflammation and oxidative stress especially in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and emphasize the nature of the crosstalk of these signaling processes as well as possible therapeutic implications for cardiovascular medicine

    The influence of the behavioural inhibition system on the development of PTSD-like symptoms after presentation of a traumatic film in healthy subjects

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    Background:\bf Background: The Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS) as a neural system controlling motivation and behaviour, has previously been linked to multiple mental disorders, including Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). BIS-sensitivity could increase the likelihood of PTSD development after trauma. However, previous studies have largely measured BIS-sensitivity retrospectively (i.e. after trauma, or even after onset of PTSD). Objective:\bf Objective: The study aims to confirm the relationship between BIS-sensitivity prior to trauma and PTSD symptoms. Method:\bf Method: After assessment of BIS-sensitivity, N = 119 healthy participants watched a film with visually disturbing material. After 72 h, participants completed a questionnaire on PTSD-related symptoms (PCL-5). Results:\bf Results: In a multiple linear regression model, BIS-sensitivity significantly predicted PTSD symptoms, even after controlling for the decrease in mood, as well as for participants’ age and sex, two factors that had previously been shown to influence BIS-sensitivity. Conclusions:\bf Conclusions: This is the first study to measure BIS-sensitivity before the occurrence of the (experimental) trauma and strengthens its role as a potential pre-traumatic risk factor.Antecedentes: El Sistema de Inhibición del Comportamiento (SIC) como un sistema neuronal que controla la motivación y el comportamiento, ha sido relacionado previamente con múltiples trastornos mentales, incluido el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT). La sensibilidad-SIC podría aumentar la probabilidad de desarrollo de TEPT después de un trauma. Sin embargo, los estudios previos han medido en gran medida la sensibilidad-SIC de forma retrospectiva (es decir, después de un trauma o incluso después del inicio de TEPT). Objetivo: El estudio tiene como objetivo confirmar la relación entre la sensibilidad-SIC antes del trauma y los síntomas del TEPT. Método: Después de la evaluación de la sensibilidad-SIC, N = 119 participantes sanos vieron una película con material visualmente perturbador. Luego de 72 horas, los participantes completaron un cuestionario sobre síntomas relacionados con el TEPT (PCL-5). Resultados: En un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple, la sensibilidad-SIC predijo significativamente los síntomas del TEPT, incluso después de controlar por disminución de ánimo, así como edad y sexo de los participantes, dos factores que previamente han demostrado influir en la sensibilidad-SIC. Conclusiones: Este es el primer estudio que mide la sensibilidad-SIC antes de la ocurrencia del trauma (experimental) y fortalece su rol como un potencial factor de riesgo pretraumático

    Hypoechogenicity of brainstem raphe in long-COVID syndrome - less common but independently associated with depressive symptoms

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    Objective\bf Objective Long coronavirus disease (Long-COVID) syndrome is a hitherto poorly understood phenomenon with a broad spectrum of symptoms, including depression and anxiety. Depressive symptoms have been associated with brainstem raphe (BR) alterations in transcranial sonography (TCS) that might reflect dysfunction of the serotonergic system. The primary aim was to investigate the connection of BR alterations with depressive and anxiety symptoms in patients with Long-COVID syndrome. Methods\bf Methods In a cross-sectional study design, we included outpatients fulfilling the criteria of Long-COVID syndrome. All patients were examined by TCS in the axial plane with focus on BR signal alterations. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to test for symptoms of anxiety and depression. Results\bf Results We included n\it n = 70 patients with Long-COVID syndrome, of which 28.6% (n\it n = 20) exhibited a reduced echogenicity of BR in the TCS examination. Patients with hypoechogenic BR had higher subscores for anxiety and depression compared to normoechogenic patients (HADS depression: median 8 versus 5.5, p\it p = 0.006; HADS anxiety: median 9 versus 6.5, p\it p = 0.006). After adjustment for reasonable confounders, only the odds ratio (OR) for relevant depressive symptoms was higher among Long-COVID patients with hypoechogenic raphe (adjusted OR 3.884, 95% CI 1.244–12.123). Discussion\bf Discussion Hypoechogenic BR alterations are independently associated with depressive symptoms in Long-COVID patients but are not highly frequent. Future studies should investigate whether the hypoechogenicity of the BR is a direct consequence or whether it reflects a priori a higher susceptibility to depressive symptoms after COVID-19, thus enabling to identify COVID-19 patients at higher risk of developing Long-COVID depressive symptoms

    Cross-sectional area reference values for peripheral nerve ultrasound in adults

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    Background and purpose Measurement of the cross-sectional area (CSA) of peripheral nerves using ultrasound is useful in the evaluation of focal lesions like entrapment syndromes and inflammatory polyneuropathies. Here, a systematic review and meta-analysis of published CSA reference values for upper extremity nerves was performed. Methods Available to date nerve ultrasound studies on healthy adults were included and a meta-analysis for CSA was provided of the following nerves: median nerve at the wrist, forearm, upper arm; ulnar nerve at the Guyon's canal, forearm, elbow, upper arm; radial nerve at the upper arm. Regression and correlation analyses for age, gender, height, weight, geographic continents and publication year are reported. Results Seventy-four studies with 4186 healthy volunteers (mean age 42.7 years) and 18,226 examined nerve sites were included. The calculated mean pooled CSA of the median nerve at the wrist was 8.3 mm2^{2} (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 7.9–8.7, n\it n = 4071), at the forearm 6.4 mm2^{2} (95% CI 5.9–6.9, n\it n = 3021), at the upper arm 8.3 mm2^{2} (95% CI 7.5–9.0, n\it n = 1388), of the ulnar nerve at the Guyon's canal 4.1 mm2^{2} (95% CI 3.6–4.6, n\it n = 1688), at the forearm 5.2 mm2^{2} (95% CI 4.8–5.7, n\it n = 1983), at the elbow 5.9 mm2^{2} (95% CI 5.4–6.5, n\it n = 2551), at the upper arm 6.6 mm2^{2} (95% CI 5.1–6.1, n = 1737) and of the radial nerve 5.1 mm2^{2} (95% CI 4.0–6.2, n\it n = 1787). Substantial heterogeneity across studies (I\it I2^{2} > 50%) was found only for the radial nerve. Subgroup analysis revealed a positive effect of age for the median nerve at the wrist and for height and weight for different sites of the ulnar nerve. Conclusion The first meta-analysis on CSA reference values for the upper extremities with no or only low heterogeneity of reported CSA values in most nerve sites is provided. Our data facilitate the goal of an international standardized evaluation protocol

    Cross-sectional area reference values for peripheral nerve ultrasound in adults

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    Background and purpose\textbf {Background and purpose} Measurement of the cross-sectional area (CSA) of peripheral nerves using ultrasound is useful in the evaluation of focal lesions such as entrapment syndromes and inflammatory polyneuropathies. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of published CSA reference values for lower extremity nerves. Methods\bf Methods We included available-to-date nerve ultrasound studies on healthy adults and provide meta-analysis for CSA of the following nerves: fibular nerve at fibular head, popliteal fossa; tibial nerve at popliteal fossa, malleolus; and sural nerve at the level of the two heads of gastrocnemius muscle. We report regression and correlation analyses for age, gender distribution, height, weight, and geographic continent. Results\bf Results We included 16 studies with 1001 healthy volunteers (mean age = 47.9 years) and 4023 examined nerve sites. Calculated mean pooled CSA of fibular nerve at fibular head was 8.4 mm2 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 6.8–9.9 mm2, n = 1166), at popliteal fossa was 7.9 mm2 (95% CI = 6.6–9.2 mm2, n = 995), of tibial nerve at popliteal fossa was 25.9 mm2 (95% CI = 17.5–34.4 mm2, n = 771), at malleolus was 10.0 mm2 (95% CI = 7.7–12.4 mm2, n = 779), and of sural nerve was 2.4 mm2 (95% CI = 1.7–3.1 mm2, n = 312). Substantial heterogeneity across studies (I2 > 50%) was found only for tibial nerve at popliteal fossa. Subgroup analysis revealed a lower CSA of tibial nerve at popliteal fossa and sural nerve in studies conducted in Europe than in North America and New Zealand. Conclusions\bf Conclusions We provide the first meta-analysis on CSA reference values for the lower extremities with no or low heterogeneity of reported CSA values in all nerve sites except tibial nerve at popliteal fossa. Our data facilitate the goal of an international standardized evaluation protocol

    Cross-sectional area reference values for peripheral nerve ultrasound in adults

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    Background and purpose\textbf {Background and purpose} Measurement of the cross-sectional area (CSA) of cervical nerve roots using ultrasound is useful in the evaluation of inflammatory polyneuropathies, and measurement of CSA of the vagal nerve might give information about involvement of the autonomic nervous system. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of published CSA reference values for cervical nerve roots and vagal nerve. Methods\bf Methods We included available-to-date nerve ultrasound studies on healthy adults and provide meta-analysis for CSA of the following nerves: cervical nerve roots C5, C6, and C7 as well as vagal nerve in the carotid sheath at the carotid bifurcation level. We report regression and correlation analyses for age, gender, height, weight, and geographic continent. Results\bf Results We included 11 studies with 885 healthy volunteers (mean age = 42.7 years) and 3149 examined nerve sites. Calculated mean pooled CSA of C5 root was 5.6 mm2^{2} (95% confidence interval [CI] = 4.6–6.7 mm2^{2}, n\it n = 911), of C6 root was 8.8 mm2^{2} (95% CI = 7.4–10.3 mm2^{2}, n\it n = 909), of C7 root was 9.5 mm2^{2} (95% CI = 8.0–10.9 mm2^{2}, n\it n = 909), and of vagal nerve was 2.2 mm2^{2} (95% CI = 1.5–2.9 mm2^{2}, n\it n = 420). No heterogeneity was found across studies for any site. Subgroup analysis revealed no significant effects of age, gender, height, weight, and geographic continent on CSA for any of these nerve sites. Conclusions\bf Conclusions We provide the first meta-analysis on CSA reference values for the cervical nerve roots and the vagal nerve, with no heterogeneity of reported CSA values at all nerve sites. Our data facilitate the goal of an international standardized evaluation protocol