80 research outputs found

    Pre-diagnostic copper and zinc biomarkers and colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

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    Adequate intake of copper and zinc, two essential micronutrients, are important for antioxidant functions. Their imbalance may have implications for development of diseases like colorectal cancer (CRC), where oxidative stress is thought to be etiologically involved. As evidence from prospective epidemiologic studies is lacking, we conducted a case-control study nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort to investigate the association between circulating levels of copper and zinc, and their calculated ratio, with risk of CRC development. Copper and zinc levels were measured by reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer in 966 cases and 966 matched controls. Multivariable adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using conditional logistic regression and are presented for the fifth versus first quintile. Higher circulating concentration of copper was associated with a raised CRC risk (OR = 1.50; 95% CI: 1.06, 2.13; P-trend = 0.02) whereas an inverse association with cancer risk was observed for higher zinc levels (OR = 0.65; 95% CI: 0.43, 0.97; P-trend = 0.07). Consequently, the ratio of copper/zinc was positively associated with CRC (OR = 1.70; 95% CI: 1.20, 2.40; P-trend = 0.0005). In subgroup analyses by follow-up time, the associations remained statistically significant only in those diagnosed within 2 years of blood collection. In conclusion, these data suggest that copper or copper levels in relation to zinc (copper to zinc ratio) become imbalanced in the process of CRC development. Mechanistic studies into the underlying mechanisms of regulation and action are required to further examine a possible role for higher copper and copper/zinc ratio levels in CRC development and progression

    A Prospective Evaluation of Plasma Polyphenol Levels and Colon Cancer Risk

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    Polyphenols have been shown to exert biological activity in experimental models of colon cancer; however, human data linking specific polyphenols to colon cancer is limited. We assessed the relationship between pre-diagnostic plasma polyphenols and colon cancer risk in a case-control study nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study. Using high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, we measured concentrations of 35 polyphenols in plasma from 809 incident colon cancer cases and 809 matched controls. We used multivariable adjusted conditional logistic regression models that included established colon cancer risk factors. The false discovery rate (qvalues ) was computed to control for multiple comparisons. All statistical tests were two-sided. After false discovery rate correction and in continuous log2 -transformed multivariable models, equol (odds ratio [OR] per log2 -value, 0.86, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 0.79-0.93; qvalue = 0.01) and homovanillic acid (OR per log2 -value, 1.46, 95% CI = 1.16-1.84; qvalue = 0.02) were associated with colon cancer risk. Comparing extreme fifths, equol concentrations were inversely associated with colon cancer risk (OR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.41-0.91, ptrend = 0.003), while homovanillic acid concentrations were positively associated with colon cancer development (OR = 1.72, 95% CI = 1.17-2.53, ptrend < 0.0001). No heterogeneity for these associations was observed by sex and across other colon cancer risk factors. The remaining polyphenols were not associated with colon cancer risk. Higher equol concentrations were associated with lower risk, and higher homovanillic acid concentrations were associated with greater risk of colon cancer. These findings support a potential role for specific polyphenols in colon tumorigenesis

    Quality indicators for the management of epithelial ovarian cancer

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    357 p.ill.,SCIENTIFIC REPORT 23 -- 1 INTRODUCTION 23 -- 1.1 OVARIAN CANCER 24 -- 1.1.1 Background 24 -- 1.1.2 Epidemiology of ovarian cancer in Belgium 24 -- 1.2 DISPERSION OF CARE FOR OVARIAN CANCER IN BELGIUM 25 -- 1.3 MEASURING QUALITY 26 -- 2 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE 27 -- 2.1 AIM OF THE STUDY 27 -- 2.2 SCOPE 27 -- 2.3 TARGET AUDIENCE 27 -- 3 METHODOLOGY 28 -- 3.1 STEP 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE TARGET POPULATION: DATA SELECTION AND LINKAGE OF DATABASES 28 -- 3.1.1 Selection of the study population in the Belgian Cancer Registry database 28 -- 3.1.2 Linkage with health insurance data 30 -- 3.1.3 Vital status 31 -- 3.1.4 Pathology reports 31 -- 3.1.5 Data unavailable for assessment of quality indicators 31 -- 3.2 STEP 2: IDENTIFICATION AND SELECTION OF POSSIBLE QUALITY INDICATORS 31 -- 3.2.1 Identification of possible quality indicators 31 -- 3.2.2 Selection process and results 31 -- 3.2.3 Measurability of selected quality indicators 32 -- 3.2.4 Final selection of quality indicators to be fully elaborated 32 -- 3.3 STEP 3: OPERATIONALIZATION OF INDICATORS 34 -- 3.3.1 Technical fiches 35 -- 3.3.2 Defining diagnostic and therapeutic procedures 35 -- 3.3.3 Defining the treatment scheme of the patient 41 -- 3.3.4 Case-mix adjustment 41 -- 3.3.5 Statistical analysis 44 -- 3.4 STEP 4: ASSIGNMENT OF EACH PATIENT TO ONE CENTRE 47 -- 3.5 STEP 5: VALIDATION OF DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC DATA 50 -- 3.5.1 Introduction and methodology 50 -- 3.5.2 Results of the validation of the algorithm to assign each patient to one centre of first diagnosis and one centre of main treatment 51 -- 3.5.3 Validation of the patient and tumour characteristics and of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures 52 -- 3.5.4 Validation of the quality indicator results 56 -- 3.5.5 Conclusion 56 -- 4 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY COHORT 56 -- 4.1 BASELINE DEMOGRAPHICS AND TUMOUR CHARACTERISTICS 57 -- 4.2 MAIN DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES 57 -- 4.3 MAIN THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURES 58 -- 4.3.1 Surgical procedures 58 -- 4.3.2 Chemotherapy (including targeted therapy) 59 -- 4.3.3 Comprehensive treatment (TT01) 59 -- 4.3.4 Treatment schemes 59 -- 5 INDICATOR RESULTS 60 -- 5.1 QUALITY OF DIAGNOSIS AND STAGING IN EPITHELIAL OVARIAN CANCER 60 -- 5.1.1 Multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting (DS01) 60 -- 5.1.2 Genetic testing (DS02) 62 -- 5.1.3 Cyto/histological diagnosis prior to starting chemotherapy (DS03) 65 -- 5.1.4 Minimal staging surgery (DS04) 67 -- 5.1.5 Abdomino-pelvic imaging prior to starting treatment (DS05) 70 -- 5.1.6 Lymph node removal in women with invasive I-IIA epithelial ovarian cancer (DS06) 72 -- 5.1.7 No lymphadenectomy in women with a borderline ovarian tumour (DS07) 74 -- 5.2 QUALITY OF TREATMENT IN EPITHELIAL OVARIAN CANCER 75 -- 5.2.1 Platinum-based chemotherapy, either in combination or as a single agent (CT01) 75 -- 5.2.2 Duration of platinum-based chemotherapy (CT02) 78 -- 5.2.3 Timeliness of chemotherapy (CT03) 82 -- 5.2.4 Timeliness of start of first treatment (TT02) 84 -- 5.2.5 Systemic treatment within 2 weeks of death (EOL) 86 -- 5.3 SAFETY OF CARE IN EPITHELIAL OVARIAN CANCER 88 -- 5.3.1 30-day post-operative complicated recovery (OS01) 88 -- 5.3.2 30-day post-operative mortality (OS02) 90 -- 5.4 1, 2 AND 5-YEAR OBSERVED AND RELATIVE SURVIVAL (OS03) 93 -- 5.5 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN HOSPITAL VOLUME AND OUTCOME 96 -- 5.5.1 Hospital main treatment volume and survival (VO01) 96 -- 5.5.2 Hospital surgical volume and outcome (VO02) 100 -- 5.5.3 Discussion 105 -- 6 STRENGHS AND LIMITATIONS 107 -- 7 CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES FOR THE FUTURE 110 -- RECOMMENDATIONS 116 -- APPENDICES 11

    Exposition solaire, compléments alimentaires en antioxydants et risque de cancers cutanés dans la cohorte de femmes E3N

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    Background: Skin cancers are the most common cancers in white-skinned populations. While exposure to solar radiation is the best known risk factor, few studies have allowed a direct comparison of exposure profiles associated with these tumours within a single population, and little is known about the determinants of sun exposure behaviors. Moreover, although antioxidants, which have the ability of scavenging free radicals, are potential candidates for the chemoprevention of skin cancers, the current state of the literature does not allow to make clear conclusions with regards to their role on skin cancer risk.Objectives: The objective of this thesis is to examine the associations between UV exposures and skin cancer risk, to describe the profiles associated with several sun exposure behaviors, and to explore the potential associations between antioxidant dietary supplements and the risk of skin cancer in the French E3N (Étude ÉpidĂ©miologique auprĂšs de femmes de l’Éducation Nationale) study.Results: Our results suggest that the three types of skin cancers are associated with different sun exposure profiles and that sunscreen use, sunbed use, and solar supplement use are associated with both healthy and risky behaviors. In addition, our findings suggest that the use of solar supplements and vitamin E supplements is associated with an increased risk of non-melanoma skin cancers.Conclusions: This work emphasizes the importance of prevention to reduce the prevalence of skin cancers as well as the need to better understand the profiles associated with sun exposure behaviors and their potential impact on the associations with the risk of skin cancer. Furthermore, our results do not support the hypothesis of a protective effect of the consumption of antioxidant dietary supplements on the risk of skin cancer and call for more research in order to better understand their long-term effects on health.Contexte : Les cancers cutanĂ©s sont les cancers les plus frĂ©quents dans les populations de peau blanche. Si l’exposition aux rayonnements ultraviolets est le facteur de risque le plus connu, peu d’études ont permis une comparaison directe des profils d’exposition solaire associĂ©s Ă  ces tumeurs dans une mĂȘme population, et les dĂ©terminants des comportements d’exposition solaire restent peu connus Ă  ce jour. Par ailleurs, bien que les antioxydants, ayant la capacitĂ© de neutraliser les radicaux libres, reprĂ©sentent des candidats potentiels pour la chimioprĂ©vention des cancers cutanĂ©s, l’état actuel des connaissances ne permet pas d’émettre de conclusion claire en ce qui concerne leur rĂŽle vis-Ă -vis du risque de cancers cutanĂ©s.Objectif : L’objectif de cette thĂšse est de prĂ©ciser le lien existant entre l’exposition solaire et le risque de cancers cutanĂ©s, d’explorer les profils associĂ©s Ă  certains comportements d’exposition solaire et d’étudier les associations potentielles entre complĂ©ments alimentaires en antioxydants et risque de cancers cutanĂ©s dans l’étude française E3N (Étude ÉpidĂ©miologique auprĂšs de femmes de l’Éducation Nationale).RĂ©sultats : Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les trois types de cancers cutanĂ©s sont associĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rents profils d'exposition solaire et que l’utilisation de crĂšme solaire, de lampes UV et de complĂ©ments solaires sont associĂ©s Ă  plusieurs habitudes favorables et dĂ©favorables pour la santĂ©. De plus, nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les consommations de complĂ©ments solaires et de complĂ©ments en vitamine E sont associĂ©es Ă  un risque accru de carcinomes cutanĂ©s.Conclusion : Ce travail souligne l’importance de la prĂ©vention pour rĂ©duire la prĂ©valence des cancers cutanĂ©s ainsi que la nĂ©cessitĂ© de mieux comprendre les profils associĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rents comportements d’exposition solaire et leur impact potentiel sur les associations avec le risque de cancers cutanĂ©s. Par ailleurs, nos rĂ©sultats ne soutiennent pas l’hypothĂšse d’un effet protecteur de la consommation de complĂ©ments alimentaires en antioxydants vis-Ă -vis du risque de cancers cutanĂ©s et appellent Ă  davantage de recherches afin de mieux comprendre leurs effets Ă  long terme sur la santĂ©

    Quality indicators for the management of epithelial ovarian cancer : - Short Report

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    37 p.ill.,KEY MESSAGES 1 -- SHORT REPORT 3 -- 1. BACKGROUND 6 -- 1.1. QUALITY IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES IN ONCOLOGY 6 -- 1.2. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF OVARIAN CANCER 6 -- 1.3. SCOPE 6 -- 1.4. AIM OF THE STUDY 7 -- 2. DATA AND METHODS 7 -- 2.1. IDENTIFICATION AND SELECTION OF QUALITY INDICATORS 7 -- 2.2. DATA SELECTION AND LINKAGE OF DATABASES 7 -- 2.3. DEFINITION OF SURGERY BASED ON PATHOLOGY REPORTS 8 -- 2.4. CASE-MIX ADJUSTMENT 8 -- 2.5. STATISTICAL ANALYSES 8 -- 2.6. ASSIGNMENT OF PATIENTS TO A CENTRE 9 -- 2.7. VALIDATION STUDY AND SUBSEQUENT DATA CHECKS 9 -- 3. QUALITY OF CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH EPITHELIAL OVARIAN CANCER 10 -- 3.1. BASELINE DEMOGRAPHICS AND TUMOUR CHARACTERISTICS 10 -- 3.2. MAIN THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURES 11 -- 3.3. RESULTS FOR 15 QUALITY INDICATORS 12 -- 3.3.1. Diagnosis and staging 14 -- 3.3.2. Treatment 16 -- 3.3.3. Safety of care – 30-day complicated recovery and mortality after surgery 18 -- 3.3.4. Survival after the diagnosis of epithelial ovarian cancer 19 -- 3.4. ASSOCIATION BETWEEN HOSPITAL VOLUME AND OUTCOMES 21 -- 3.4.1. Dispersion of care 21 -- 3.4.2. Hospital main treatment volume 22 -- 3.4.3. Hospital surgical volume 23 -- 3.4.4. Discussion 24 -- 4. STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS 25 -- 5. CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES FOR THE FUTURE 27 -- RECOMMENDATIONS 30 -- REFERENCES 3

    Sun exposure, antioxidant dietary supplements and skin cancer risk in the E3N cohort ofwomen

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    Contexte : Les cancers cutanĂ©s sont les cancers les plus frĂ©quents dans les populations de peau blanche. Si l’exposition aux rayonnements ultraviolets est le facteur de risque le plus connu, peu d’études ont permis une comparaison directe des profils d’exposition solaire associĂ©s Ă  ces tumeurs dans une mĂȘme population, et les dĂ©terminants des comportements d’exposition solaire restent peu connus Ă  ce jour. Par ailleurs, bien que les antioxydants, ayant la capacitĂ© de neutraliser les radicaux libres, reprĂ©sentent des candidats potentiels pour la chimioprĂ©vention des cancers cutanĂ©s, l’état actuel des connaissances ne permet pas d’émettre de conclusion claire en ce qui concerne leur rĂŽle vis-Ă -vis du risque de cancers cutanĂ©s.Objectif : L’objectif de cette thĂšse est de prĂ©ciser le lien existant entre l’exposition solaire et le risque de cancers cutanĂ©s, d’explorer les profils associĂ©s Ă  certains comportements d’exposition solaire et d’étudier les associations potentielles entre complĂ©ments alimentaires en antioxydants et risque de cancers cutanĂ©s dans l’étude française E3N (Étude ÉpidĂ©miologique auprĂšs de femmes de l’Éducation Nationale).RĂ©sultats : Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les trois types de cancers cutanĂ©s sont associĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rents profils d'exposition solaire et que l’utilisation de crĂšme solaire, de lampes UV et de complĂ©ments solaires sont associĂ©s Ă  plusieurs habitudes favorables et dĂ©favorables pour la santĂ©. De plus, nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les consommations de complĂ©ments solaires et de complĂ©ments en vitamine E sont associĂ©es Ă  un risque accru de carcinomes cutanĂ©s.Conclusion : Ce travail souligne l’importance de la prĂ©vention pour rĂ©duire la prĂ©valence des cancers cutanĂ©s ainsi que la nĂ©cessitĂ© de mieux comprendre les profils associĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rents comportements d’exposition solaire et leur impact potentiel sur les associations avec le risque de cancers cutanĂ©s. Par ailleurs, nos rĂ©sultats ne soutiennent pas l’hypothĂšse d’un effet protecteur de la consommation de complĂ©ments alimentaires en antioxydants vis-Ă -vis du risque de cancers cutanĂ©s et appellent Ă  davantage de recherches afin de mieux comprendre leurs effets Ă  long terme sur la santĂ©.Background: Skin cancers are the most common cancers in white-skinned populations. While exposure to solar radiation is the best known risk factor, few studies have allowed a direct comparison of exposure profiles associated with these tumours within a single population, and little is known about the determinants of sun exposure behaviors. Moreover, although antioxidants, which have the ability of scavenging free radicals, are potential candidates for the chemoprevention of skin cancers, the current state of the literature does not allow to make clear conclusions with regards to their role on skin cancer risk.Objectives: The objective of this thesis is to examine the associations between UV exposures and skin cancer risk, to describe the profiles associated with several sun exposure behaviors, and to explore the potential associations between antioxidant dietary supplements and the risk of skin cancer in the French E3N (Étude ÉpidĂ©miologique auprĂšs de femmes de l’Éducation Nationale) study.Results: Our results suggest that the three types of skin cancers are associated with different sun exposure profiles and that sunscreen use, sunbed use, and solar supplement use are associated with both healthy and risky behaviors. In addition, our findings suggest that the use of solar supplements and vitamin E supplements is associated with an increased risk of non-melanoma skin cancers.Conclusions: This work emphasizes the importance of prevention to reduce the prevalence of skin cancers as well as the need to better understand the profiles associated with sun exposure behaviors and their potential impact on the associations with the risk of skin cancer. Furthermore, our results do not support the hypothesis of a protective effect of the consumption of antioxidant dietary supplements on the risk of skin cancer and call for more research in order to better understand their long-term effects on health

    Kwaliteitsindicatoren voor de aanpak van eierstokkanker : – synthese

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    29 p.ill.,Het Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (KCE) publiceert een set van 15 kwaliteitsindicatoren voor de behandeling van eierstokkanker. Dit maakt deel uit van een continu proces om de kwaliteit van de kankerzorg in BelgiĂ« te verbeteren en is reeds met succes toegepast bij andere types kanker. De 15 indicatoren werden berekend voor alle ziekenhuizen, die een individueel feedbackrapport van de Stichting Kankerregister zullen ontvangen, zodat zij hun sterke en zwakke punten kunnen identificeren en waar nodig de zorg verbeteren. In een tweede deel toont de studie aan dat de kans van patiĂ«nten op overleven duidelijk hoger is in ziekenhuizen die elk jaar een groot aantal patiĂ«nten behandelen. Het KCE pleit er dan ook voor de behandeling van eierstokkanker in een beperkt aantal referentiecentra te concentreren. Bij de erkenning van deze referentiecentra mag het aantal behandelde patiĂ«nten zeker niet het enige criterium zijn.VOORWOORD 1 -- &#61550; KERN-BOODSCHAPPEN 2 -- 1. CONTEXT EN DOELSTELLINGEN 7 -- 1.1. HET BELGISCH SYSTEEM TER VERBETERING VAN DE KWALITEIT VAN ZORG IN DE -- ONCOLOGIE 7 -- 1.2. EIERSTOKKANKER 8 -- 1.3. DOELSTELLINGEN VAN DEZE STUDIE 8 -- 2. GEGEVENS EN METHODEN 9 -- 2.1. IDENTIFICATIE EN SELECTIE VAN DE KWALITEITSINDICATOREN 9 -- 2.2. DOELPOPULATIE VAN DE STUDIE 9 -- 2.2.1. Gegevensbronnen 9 -- 2.2.2. Meer dan 5.000 patiĂ«nten in de studie opgenomen tussen 2014 en 2018 10 -- 2.2.3. Toegepaste behandelingen 11 -- 2.2.4. Andere kenmerken die in aanmerking werden genomen in de analyses 11 -- 2.2.5. Toewijzing van elke patiĂ«nte aan een ziekenhuis 11 -- 2.3. VALIDATIESTUDIE 12 -- 3. RESULTATEN VAN DE KWALITEITSINDICATOREN 12 -- 3.1. DIAGNOSE EN STADIËRING 14 -- 3.2. CHEMOTHERAPIE 16 -- 3.3. COMPLICATIES, STERFTE EN OVERLEVING 17 -- 4. INVLOED VAN HET ZIEKENHUISVOLUME OP DE RESULTATEN 18 -- 4.1. GROTE VERSNIPPERING VAN DE ZORG 18 -- 4.2. VERBAND TUSSEN HET ZIEKENHUISVOLUME VAN BEHANDELING EN DE OVERLEVING IN BELGIË 19 -- 4.3. VERBAND TUSSEN HET CHIRURGISCH VOLUME VAN HET ZIEKENHUIS EN DE OVERLEVING IN BELGIË 19 -- 4.4. LITERATUURSTUDIE 20 -- 5. CONCLUSIE 21 -- AANBEVELINGEN 24 -- REFERENTIES 2

    Exposition solaire, compléments alimentaires en antioxydants et risque de cancers cutanés dans la cohorte de femmes E3N

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    Background: Skin cancers are the most common cancers in white-skinned populations. While exposure to solar radiation is the best known risk factor, few studies have allowed a direct comparison of exposure profiles associated with these tumours within a single population, and little is known about the determinants of sun exposure behaviors. Moreover, although antioxidants, which have the ability of scavenging free radicals, are potential candidates for the chemoprevention of skin cancers, the current state of the literature does not allow to make clear conclusions with regards to their role on skin cancer risk.Objectives: The objective of this thesis is to examine the associations between UV exposures and skin cancer risk, to describe the profiles associated with several sun exposure behaviors, and to explore the potential associations between antioxidant dietary supplements and the risk of skin cancer in the French E3N (Étude ÉpidĂ©miologique auprĂšs de femmes de l’Éducation Nationale) study.Results: Our results suggest that the three types of skin cancers are associated with different sun exposure profiles and that sunscreen use, sunbed use, and solar supplement use are associated with both healthy and risky behaviors. In addition, our findings suggest that the use of solar supplements and vitamin E supplements is associated with an increased risk of non-melanoma skin cancers.Conclusions: This work emphasizes the importance of prevention to reduce the prevalence of skin cancers as well as the need to better understand the profiles associated with sun exposure behaviors and their potential impact on the associations with the risk of skin cancer. Furthermore, our results do not support the hypothesis of a protective effect of the consumption of antioxidant dietary supplements on the risk of skin cancer and call for more research in order to better understand their long-term effects on health.Contexte : Les cancers cutanĂ©s sont les cancers les plus frĂ©quents dans les populations de peau blanche. Si l’exposition aux rayonnements ultraviolets est le facteur de risque le plus connu, peu d’études ont permis une comparaison directe des profils d’exposition solaire associĂ©s Ă  ces tumeurs dans une mĂȘme population, et les dĂ©terminants des comportements d’exposition solaire restent peu connus Ă  ce jour. Par ailleurs, bien que les antioxydants, ayant la capacitĂ© de neutraliser les radicaux libres, reprĂ©sentent des candidats potentiels pour la chimioprĂ©vention des cancers cutanĂ©s, l’état actuel des connaissances ne permet pas d’émettre de conclusion claire en ce qui concerne leur rĂŽle vis-Ă -vis du risque de cancers cutanĂ©s.Objectif : L’objectif de cette thĂšse est de prĂ©ciser le lien existant entre l’exposition solaire et le risque de cancers cutanĂ©s, d’explorer les profils associĂ©s Ă  certains comportements d’exposition solaire et d’étudier les associations potentielles entre complĂ©ments alimentaires en antioxydants et risque de cancers cutanĂ©s dans l’étude française E3N (Étude ÉpidĂ©miologique auprĂšs de femmes de l’Éducation Nationale).RĂ©sultats : Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les trois types de cancers cutanĂ©s sont associĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rents profils d'exposition solaire et que l’utilisation de crĂšme solaire, de lampes UV et de complĂ©ments solaires sont associĂ©s Ă  plusieurs habitudes favorables et dĂ©favorables pour la santĂ©. De plus, nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les consommations de complĂ©ments solaires et de complĂ©ments en vitamine E sont associĂ©es Ă  un risque accru de carcinomes cutanĂ©s.Conclusion : Ce travail souligne l’importance de la prĂ©vention pour rĂ©duire la prĂ©valence des cancers cutanĂ©s ainsi que la nĂ©cessitĂ© de mieux comprendre les profils associĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rents comportements d’exposition solaire et leur impact potentiel sur les associations avec le risque de cancers cutanĂ©s. Par ailleurs, nos rĂ©sultats ne soutiennent pas l’hypothĂšse d’un effet protecteur de la consommation de complĂ©ments alimentaires en antioxydants vis-Ă -vis du risque de cancers cutanĂ©s et appellent Ă  davantage de recherches afin de mieux comprendre leurs effets Ă  long terme sur la santĂ©

    Indicateurs de qualitĂ© pour la prise en charge du cancer de l’ovaire : – SynthĂšse

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    29 p.ill.,Le Centre fĂ©dĂ©ral d’Expertise des Soins de santĂ© (KCE) publie un ensemble de 15 indicateurs de qualitĂ© pour la prise en charge du cancer de l’ovaire. Cette dĂ©marche s’inscrit dans un processus continu d’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© des soins en oncologie en Belgique et a dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e avec fruit pour d’autres types de cancers. Les rĂ©sultats des 15 indicateurs ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©s au niveau national, et tous les hĂŽpitaux recevront ensuite un rapport d'Ă©valuation individuel envoyĂ© par la Fondation Registre du Cancer. Cela leur permettra d'identifier leurs points forts et leurs points faibles et d'amĂ©liorer leurs pratiques si nĂ©cessaire. Dans une seconde partie, l’étude a dĂ©montrĂ© que les chances de survie sont nettement plus Ă©levĂ©es dans les hĂŽpitaux qui traitent un grand nombre de patientes chaque annĂ©e. Le KCE plaide donc pour une concentration de la prise en charge du cancer de l’ovaire dans un nombre limitĂ© de centres de rĂ©fĂ©rence. La reconnaissance de ces centres de rĂ©fĂ©rence ne doit cependant pas se baser sur le seul nombre de patientes traitĂ©es.PRÉFACE 1 -- MESSAGES CLÉS 2 -- 1. CONTEXTE ET OBJECTIFS 6 -- 1.1. LE SYSTÈME BELGE D’AMÉLIORATION DE LA QUALITÉ DES SOINS EN ONCOLOGIE 6 -- 1.2. LE CANCER DE L’OVAIRE 7 -- 1.3. OBJECTIFS DE CETTE ÉTUDE 7 -- 2. DONNÉES ET MÉTHODES 8 -- 2.1. IDENTIFICATION ET SÉLECTION DES INDICATEURS DE QUALITÉ 8 -- 2.2. POPULATION CIBLE DE CETTE ÉTUDE 8 -- 2.2.1. Sources de donnĂ©es 8 -- 2.2.2. Plus de 5 000 patientes incluses entre 2014 et 2018 9 -- 2.2.3. Traitements administrĂ©s 10 -- 2.2.4. Autres caractĂ©ristiques prises en compte 10 -- 2.2.5. Assignation de chaque patiente Ă  un hĂŽpital 10 -- 2.3. ÉTUDE DE VALIDATION 10 -- 3. RÉSULTATS DES INDICATEURS DE QUALITÉ 11 -- 3.1. DIAGNOSTIC ET STADIFICATION 13 -- 3.2. CHIMIOTHÉRAPIE 14 -- 3.3. COMPLICATIONS, MORTALITÉ ET SURVIE 15 -- 4. IMPACT DU VOLUME HOSPITALIER SUR LES RÉSULTATS 16 -- 4.1. GRANDE DISPERSION DES SOINS EN BELGIQUE 16 -- 4.2. RELATION ENTRE LE VOLUME HOSPITALIER DE PRISE EN CHARGE THÉRAPEUTIQUE ET LA SURVIE EN BELGIQUE 17 -- 4.3. RELATION ENTRE LE VOLUME CHIRURGICAL HOSPITALIER ET LA SURVIE EN BELGIQUE 18 -- 4.4. REVUE DE LITTÉRATURE INTERNATIONALE 18 -- 5. CONCLUSION 19 -- RECOMMANDATIONS 22 -- RÉFÉRENCES 2
