167 research outputs found

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    Teaching Materials on “Bootstrap” (Project “Noored koodi”)

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    Käesoleva töö eesmärk on tutvustada kooliõpilastele veebiraamistiku Bootstrap põhilisi elemente. Bakalaureusetöö sai alguse projektist „Noored koodi“, täpsemalt vajadusest koostada eestikeelseid lisamaterjale e-kursusele „Veebilehed“. Bakalaureusetöö teoreetilises osas käsitletakse õppemetoodikat, mis sobiks sellele teemale ning e-kursusele tervikuna. Töö praktilises osas on loodud neli peatükki veebiraamistiku Bootstrap kasutamise kohta.The goal of the present thesis is to introduce basic elements of the Bootstrap Web Framework to Estonian pupils. The thesis has started off with the project “Noored koodi”, namely the need to compose additional teaching materials in Estonian for the course “Web de-sign”. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on teaching methodology that can be applied to the present topic and to the e-course in general. The practical part consists of developing the content of the teaching materials

    Beaver Research in the Uvs Nuur Region

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    In 1985, 1988, and 2002 Castor fiber birulai was introduced to the Tes Gol of the Uvs Nuur basin in North-western Mongolia. The beavers migrated through the Republic of Tyva and settled in the middle part of Tes Gol near the Tyvinian-Mongolian border. About 10 colonies were recorded in this region in 2002. Strict protection of Castor fiber birulai has to be ensured in Mongolia and the Republic of Tyva in future

    LECラットにおけるポルフィリン代謝異常について = 第一銅メタロチオネイン由来黄橙蛍光の可視化検出とポルフィリン代謝異常の発見

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    Amount of sampling of analyzed parameters of layers of the basic productive sediments are given. Differentiated multiparametric models of Devonian sediments are considered. Discriminant functions for delimitation of subgroups of Devonian sediments are given

    Holocene Changes in the Distributions of Asian and European Badgers (Carnivora: Mustelidae: Meles) Inferred from Ancient DNA Analysis

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    Although the present-day distributional boundary between the European badger (Meles meles) and the Asian badger (Meles leucurus) is around the Volga River, studies of ancient bone remains have indicated changes in the distribution of M. meles and M. leucurus in the Urals-Volga region during the Holocene. To examine past changes in distribution using genetic data, changes in genetic diversity, and the relationships of Holocene to modern populations, we sequenced ~150 bp of the mitochondrial DNA control region from the 44 ancient badger remains excavated from European Russian, Ural and Western Siberian sites, and we detected 12 haplotypes. Our study revealed Holocene changes in the distributional boundary between these badger species. Meles meles inhabited the Ural Mountains east of the Volga River in the Early Holocene, whereas M. leucurus expanded its distribution westwards, starting ~2500 years ago. Thereafter, M. leucurus rapidly replaced M. meles in the region between the Urals and the Volga, resulting in the present-day boundary in the Volga-Kama region. Among the 12 haplotypes detected, three for M. leucurus and four for M. meles were identical to partial sequences of haplotypes detected in modern populations, indicating considerable genetic continuity between Holocene and modern populations. © 2020 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.We thank Dr Irina Kirillova for providing the badger samples from Tver Province; the Museum of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences for providing specimens; and Dr Mathew Dick for invaluable comments and English editing of the manuscript. We also thank three anonymous reviewers for their helpful input. The study was supported, in part, by a Joint Research Project Grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR nos 19-54-50001 and 18-04-009820), Zoological Institute program no. AAAA-A19-119032590102-7, the Program of Russian Academy of Sciences «Biodiversity» and a grant from the Joint Research Program, Japan Arctic Research Network Center. The authors have no conflicts of interest associated with this manuscript

    Purging of deleterious burden in the endangered Iberian lynx

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    Deleterious mutations continuously accumulate in populations, building up a burden that can threaten their survival, particularly in small populations when inbreeding exposes recessive deleterious effects. Notwithstanding, this process also triggers genetic purging, which can reduce the deleterious burden and mitigate fitness inbreeding depression. Here, we analyzed 20 whole genomes from the endangered Iberian lynx and 28 from the widespread Eurasian lynx, sister species which constitute a good model to study the dynamics of deleterious mutation burden under contrasting demographies, manifested in the consistently smaller population size and distribution area of the Iberian lynx. We also derived analytical predictions for the evolution of the deleterious burden following a bottleneck. We found 11% fewer derived alleles for the more putatively deleterious missense category in the Iberian lynx than in the Eurasian lynx, which, in light of our theoretical predictions, should be ascribed to historical purging. No signs of purging were found in centromeres nor in the X chromosome, where selection against recessive deleterious alleles is less affected by demography. The similar deleterious burden levels for conspecific populations despite their contrasting recent demographies also point to sustained differences in historical population sizes since species divergence as the main driver of the augmented purging in the Iberian lynx. Beyond adding to the ongoing debate on the relationship between deleterious burden and population size, and on the impact of genetic factors in endangered species viability, this work contributes a whole-genome catalog of deleterious variants, which may become a valuable resource for future conservation efforts

    Coat Polymorphism in Eurasian Lynx: Adaptation to Environment or Phylogeographic Legacy?

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    We studied the relationship between the variability and contemporary distribution of pelage phenotypes in one of most widely distributed felid species and an array of environmental and demographic conditions. We collected 672 photographic georeferenced records of the Eurasian lynx throughout Eurasia. We assigned each lynx coat to one of five phenotypes. Then we fitted the coat patterns to different environmental and anthropogenic variables, as well as the effective geographic distances from inferred glacial refugia. A majority of lynx were either of the large spotted (41.5%) or unspotted (uniform, 36.2%) phenotype. The remaining patterns (rosettes, small spots and pseudo-rosettes) were represented in 11.0%, 7.4%, and 3.9% of samples, respectively. Although various environmental variables greatly affected lynx distribution and habitat suitability, it was the effect of least-cost distances from locations of the inferred refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum that explained the distribution of lynx coat patterns the best. Whereas the occurrence of lynx phenotypes with large spots was explained by the proximity to refugia located in the Caucasus/Middle East, the uniform phenotype was associated with refugia in the Far East and Central Asia. Despite the widely accepted hypothesis of adaptive functionality of coat patterns in mammals and exceptionally high phenotypic polymorphism in Eurasian lynx, we did not find well-defined signs of habitat matching in the coat pattern of this species. Instead, we showed how the global patterns of morphological variability in this large mammal and its environmental adaptations may have been shaped by past climatic change.publishedVersio