74 research outputs found

    Privacidad y libertad de expresión en el ámbito de las TIC

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    Ensayo para la asignatura Ingeniería y Sociedad. Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías y Servicios de TelecomunicaciónDesde la revolución industrial, la sociedad está en constante cambio. La aparición de las TIC y la red global Internet han acelerado este cambio hasta convertirlo en un desafío para el Derecho tradicional. Los vacíos legales existentes debido al desconocimiento de la moderna tecnología por parte de la normativa, suponen la aparición de nuevas dimensiones para la injusticia ¿Es posible que se estén viendo afectados los derechos básicos, tales como la Libertad de Expresión o el Derecho al Olvido? Se analizan tanto las implicaciones de un Estado que desconoce las realidades de las nuevas tecnologías así como, en el otro extremo, las posibles consecuencias de la implantación de un Estado tecnocrático. Se revisa además otro dilema moral: La negociabilidad de la información personal en contraste con la Privacidad por Defecto, y la fuerte componente económica característica de las Redes Sociales. Finalmente se trata de dar respuesta a la cuestión ¿Hasta qué punto está preparada la sociedad para hacer frente a las nuevas realidades tecnológicas

    Life satisfaction determinants in OECD countries

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    Treball Final de Grau en Economia. Codi: EC1049. Curs acadèmic: 2018-2019The objective of this work is to analyse the main determinants that affect people's life satisfaction. In this paper, we review the main ways of measuring life satisfaction in recent times and we criticize the use of GDP in these measurements. We will use the OECD Better Life Index database to perform an empirical analysis of the various aspects that influence life satisfaction. The data used belong to 36 different countries and encompass 10 different objective welfare dimensions. Throughout the work, we made a comparison between the objective welfare data and the life satisfaction data and we delve into which dimensions have the most influence on life satisfaction and whether they affect positively or negatively

    Cooperative strategies for the detection and localization of odorants with robots and artificial noses

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    En este trabajo de investigación se aborda el diseño de una plataforma robótica orientada a la implementación de estrategias de búsqueda cooperativa bioinspiradas. En particular, tanto el proceso de diseño de la parte electrónica como hardware se han enfocado hacia la validación en entornos reales de algoritmos capaces de afrontar problemas de búsqueda con incertidumbre, como lo es la búsqueda de fuentes de olor que presentan variación espacial y temporal. Este tipo de problemas pueden ser resueltos de forma más eficiente con el empleo de enjambres con una cantidad razonable de robots, y por tanto la plataforma ha sido desarrollada utilizando componentes de bajo coste. Esto ha sido posible por la combinación de elementos estandarizados -como la placa controladora Arduino y otros sensores integrados- con piezas que pueden ser fabricadas mediante una impresora 3D atendiendo a la filosofía del hardware libre (open-source). Entre los requisitos de diseño se encuentran además la eficiencia energética -para maximizar el tiempo de funcionamiento de los robots-, su capacidad de posicionamiento en el entorno de búsqueda, y la integración multisensorial -con la inclusión de una nariz electrónica, sensores de luminosidad, distancia, humedad y temperatura, así como una brújula digital-. También se aborda el uso de una estrategia de comunicación adecuada basada en ZigBee. El sistema desarrollado, denominado GNBot, se ha validado tanto en los aspectos de eficiencia energética como en sus capacidades combinadas de posicionamiento espacial y de detección de fuentes de olor basadas en disoluciones de etanol. La plataforma presentada -formada por el GNBot, su placa electrónica GNBoard y la capa de abstracción software realizada en Python- simplificará por tanto el proceso de implementación y evaluación de diversas estrategias de detección, búsqueda y monitorización de odorantes, con la estandarización de enjambres de robots provistos de narices artificiales y otros sensores multimodales.This research work addresses the design of a robotic platform oriented towards the implementation of bio-inspired cooperative search strategies. In particular, the design processes of both the electronics and hardware have been focused towards the real-world validation of algorithms that are capable of tackling search problems that have uncertainty, such as the search of odor sources that have spatio-temporal variability. These kind of problems can be solved more efficiently with the use of swarms formed by a considerable amount of robots, and thus the proposed platform makes use of low cost components. This has been possible with the combination of standardized elements -as the Arduino controller board and other integrated sensors- with custom parts that can be manufactured with a 3D printer attending to the open-source hardware philosophy. Among the design requirements is the energy efficiency -in order to maximize the working range of the robots-, their positioning capability within the search environment, and multiple sensor integration -with the incorporation of an artificial nose, luminosity, distance, humidity and temperature sensors, as well as an electronic compass-. Another subject that is tackled is the use of an efficient wireless communication strategy based on ZigBee. The developed system, named GNBot, has also been validated in the aspects of energy efficiency and for its combined capabilities for autonomous spatial positioning and detection of ethanol-based odor sources. The presented platform -formed by the GNBot, the GNBoard electronics and the abstraction layer built in Python- will thus simplify the processes of implementation and evaluation of various strategies for the detection, search and monitoring of odorants with conveniently standardized robot swarms provided with artificial noses and other multimodal sensors

    La vigilancia en la democracia monitorizada: la irrupción del big data

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    Treball Final de Master Universitari en Ètica i Democràcia. Codi: SBI019. Curs: 2019/2020La temática de este Trabajo Final de Máster trata sobre las principales tendencias nocivas de la revolución de la comunicación y como estas perjudican a la democracia monitorizada. Dentro de estas tendencias nocivas, profundizaremos especialmente en los asuntos vinculados con la vigilancia y extracción de información de la vida privada de las personas para la manipulación de la sociedad. A lo largo del trabajo se pretende reflexionar sobre cómo afectan la decadencia mediática, la utilización de nuevas técnicas de manipulación dentro del actual contexto tecnológico y el uso del big data para vigilar e influir a la ciudadanía en los sistemas democráticos de nuestras sociedades y cuáles pueden ser sus consecuencias futuras para las democracias

    Rehabilitación protésica del paciente adulto parcialmente edéntulo.

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    El tratamiento interdisciplinar del edentulismo parcial exige la cooperación de todas las ramas de la odontología para conseguir el mejor resultado a largo plazo. Debemos planificar nuestro tratamiento para alcanzar a restaurar la salud periodontal y restablecer la estética y funcionalidad perdidas mediante la rehabilitación protésica. El fin de este trabajo es presentar dos casos clínicos tratados en el Servicio de Prácticas Odontológicas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, para su rehabilitación protésica. Mediante la realización de una correcta historia clínica y una exploración exhaustiva, estableceremos un diagnóstico y pronóstico, y con ello, elaboraremos las distintas posibilidades terapéuticas según el estado del paciente y respaldadas en la evidencia científica. El caso 1, es una paciente con periodontitis crónica leve generalizada, buena higiene oral y edentulismo parcial con pérdida de soporte posterior. El caso 2, es un paciente sordomudo que presenta higiene oral deficiente, periodontitis crónica severa generalizada y colapso de mordida posterior.<br /

    Exploiting hybrid parallelism in the kinematic analysis of multibody systems based on group equations

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    Computational kinematics is a fundamental tool for the design, simulation, control, optimization and dynamic analysis of multibody systems. The analysis of complex multibody systems and the need for real time solutions requires the development of kinematic and dynamic formulations that reduces computational cost, the selection and efficient use of the most appropriated solvers and the exploiting of all the computer resources using parallel computing techniques. The topological approach based on group equations and natural coordinates reduces the computation time in comparison with well-known global formulations and enables the use of parallelism techniques which can be applied at different levels: simultaneous solution of equations, use of multithreading routines, or a combination of both. This paper studies and compares these topological formulation and parallel techniques to ascertain which combination performs better in two applications. The first application uses dedicated systems for the real time control of small multibody systems, defined by a few number of equations and small linear systems, so shared-memory parallelism in combination with linear algebra routines is analyzed in a small multicore and in Raspberry Pi. The control of a Stewart platform is used as a case study. The second application studies large multibody systems in which the kinematic analysis must be performed several times during the design of multibody systems. A simulator which allows us to control the formulation, the solver, the parallel techniques and size of the problem has been developed and tested in more powerful computational systems with larger multicores and GPU.This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO, as well as European Commission FEDER funds, under grant TIN2015-66972-C5-3-

    Differential expression of circulating miRNAs as a novel tool to assess BAG3-associated familial dilated cardiomyopathy.

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    A new familial dilated cardiomyopathy (FDCM) was found related to mutations in BAG3 gene. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) represent new targets of FDCM, although no studies have assessed clinical association between Bcl2-associated athanogene 3 (BAG3)-related DCM and miRNAs. Here, we studied whether a clinical association between BAG3-related FDCM and circulating miRNAs may have diagnostic and prognostic value in a small cohort of familial related individuals carrying a BAG3 mutation (BAG3+) and/or diagnosed of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) (DCM+). The analysis of 1759 circulating miRNAs showed significant differences between BAG3+ and BAG3- individuals for miRNAs mir-3191-3p, 6769b-3p, 1249-ep, 154-5p, 6855-5p, and 182-5p, while comparisons between BAG3+/DCM+ versus BAG3+/DCM- were restricted to miRNAs mir-154-5p, 6885-5p, and 182-5p, showing significant correlation with systolic and diastolic blood pressure, A wave, left atrium length, and left atrium area. Additionally, when stratified by gender and age, miRNAs were statistically correlated with critical parameters, including left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) and ventricular diameter, in women and young men. Likewise, 56% of BAG3+/DCM+, significantly co-expressed mir-154-5p and mir-182-5p, and a slight 4% did not express such combination, suggesting that co-expression of mir-154-5p and mir-182-5p may potentially show diagnostic value. Further studies will require long-term follow-up, and validation in larger populations.post-print729 K

    Response of Fresh Food Suppliers to Sustainable Supply Chain Management of Large European Retailers

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    This article analyses new supply chain management (SCM) strategies of the largest retail distribution chains in Europe within the context of differing sustainability concepts and approaches. An analysis is carried out of the strategic plans of such retailers, as well as recent developments in the sector. We begin by identifying the priority actions of retailers and then evaluating, by means of a survey, how small horticultural marketing firms (mainly cooperatives) in southeast Spain respond to the needs of these retailers. Subsequently, an analysis is carried out on these small marketing firm exporters to identify the relative weight which they assign to the variables assessed, while also considering the existing relationships between said weighted variables and business profits. Our results show that retailers tend to establish more simplified supply chains (that is, shorter and more vertical), essentially demonstrating their interpretation of a sustainable supply chain. In contrast, horticultural marketing firms have concentrated more on tactical and operational issues, thereby neglecting environmental, social and logistics management. Thus, their success rate in meeting the sustainability demands of their customers can be considered medium-low, requiring a more proactive attitude. Improved and collaborative relations, and the integration of sustainability concepts between suppliers (marketing firms) and their clients could contribute to successfully meeting sustainability demands. From the point of view of the consumer, close supplier–retail relationships have solved food safety issues, but the implementation of sustainability in other supply chain activities and processes is a pending issue. We propose strategic approximation and collaboration to bridge the gap between the varying sustainability demands in the supplier–retail relationship within perishable supply chains. Although this article specifically addresses fresh vegetable supply chains, the results may be extrapolated to other agri-food chains with a similar structure


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    Presentación de dos casos clínicos. En el primero se estudiarán las opciones terapéuticas para un varón de 65 años camino del edentulismo total. El segundo caso versará sobre la rehabilitación oral de una mujer de 39 años con colapso posterior de mordida. La singularidad del caso reside en la acusada artrosis de la ATM y dolor orofacial que presenta la paciente, así como su animadversión al dentista