88 research outputs found

    ANCOVA Study of Psychotherapy Treatment of Internet Pornography Addiction in Heterosexual Men

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    Internet pornography has grown to become a problem that exists within the United States and across the globe. For those who suffer from this problematic behavior experience individual and familial problems as well as cause damage to the psyche, professionally and sexually. Those who suffer from addiction do not possess the ability to be able to stop the behavior on their own. Treatment is needed to help internet pornography users and addicts to recover while minimizing relapse from its consumption. This research proposal is a randomized, controlled, clinical ANCOVA study that will determine the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance Commitment Therapy for reducing Internet pornography viewing and behaviors among male heterosexual Internet pornography addicts. Treatment will take place for eight week period and consist of 75 male participants who are randomly assigned to either the CBT, ACT or wait-list control groups. Participants will be assessed at pretest (week 1), posttest (week 9) and three month follow-up (week 13) on the SIS/SES SAST-R, CPUI and AAQ-II measures. The study will define Internet pornography addictive behaviors, negative consequences and explain internal, external, construct and statistical construct validity with regard to the study’s design. Success of the study would provide effective treatment protocol and lessen the destruction of Internet pornography addiction on addicts who seek treatment as well as provide a format for therapists to follow as this is a new type of addiction, which has yet to be universally defined

    Performance Analysis of a new Filter and Wrapper Sequence for the Survivability Prediction of Breast Cancer Patients

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    Feature selection is an essential preprocessing step for removing redundant or irrelevant features from multidimensional data to improve predictive performance. Currently, medical clinical datasets are increasingly large and multidimensional and not every feature helps in the necessary predictions. So, feature selection techniques are used to determine relevant feature set that can improve the performance of a learning algorithm. This study presents a performance analysis of a new filter and wrapper sequence involving the intersection of filter methods, Mutual Information and Chi-Square followed by one of the wrapper methods: Sequential Forward Selection and Sequential Backward Selection to obtain a more informative feature set for improved prediction of the survivability of breast cancer patients from the clinical breast cancer dataset, SEER. The improvement in performance due to this filter and wrapper sequence in terms of Accuracy, False Positive Rate, False Negative Rate and Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristics curve is tested using the Machine learning algorithms: Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbour, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and Multilayer Perceptron. The performance analysis supports the Sequential Backward Selection of the new filter and wrapper sequence over Sequential Forward Selection for the SEER dataset

    Perempuan Bertattoo di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted in the city of Pekanbaru. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the reason for women to wear a tattoo and whether the meaning of the tattoo for a tattoo receipts women in the city of Pekanbaru. This study, entitled "Women tattooed In Pekanbaru City Riau Province". Topics focus of this study is whether the reason women wear a tattoo in the town of Pekanbaru. informants of this study were women bertattoo in Pekanbaru. Sampling was done by accidental sampling technique. Samples are numbered 5 women tattooed. The author uses qualitative descriptive method and data analyzed qualitative. Data instrument is observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that the reason women using a tattoo on the body is due to the bandwagon, immortalize special moments, seek attention, accecories, and friendship. In addition the results of the research field known tattoo meaning for women users in Pekanbaru tattoo is an expression of feelings, art and beauty, identity, and emotional outlet.Keywords: Women tattooed, meaning Tattoo, Feminis

    Adult Learning and Motivation of Students Previously Involved in the U.S. Criminal Justice System

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    Motivation is an important factor in the overall success, achievement potential, and capabilities of students, especially adult learners. For individuals who are currently in the criminal justice system, motivator is a key factor in degree obtainment, research shows. However, there is limited research on adult learners who have previously been involved in the U.S. criminal justice system and the motivational factors that led to their academic reengagement. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of those motivational factors. The theoretical framework that underpinned this study was the transformative learning theory, which centers on how learners make meaning of their experiences. This study was qualitative in nature with a thematic data analysis approach. Purposeful sampling was used to recruit eight students for semi-structured interviews. Findings indicated the presence of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, such as a desire for self-betterment and overall care for others, that led to educational reintegration. Findings also indicated the consistent presence of negative factors in participants’ lives that led to incarceration. This research may lead to positive social change by providing policy makers and other educational stakeholders with insight into the factors that can be cultivated to prevent criminal re-offense and help decrease the overall recidivism rate

    Adult Learning and Motivation of Students Previously Involved in the U.S. Criminal Justice System

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    Motivation is an important factor in the overall success, achievement potential, and capabilities of students, especially adult learners. For individuals who are currently in the criminal justice system, motivator is a key factor in degree obtainment, research shows. However, there is limited research on adult learners who have previously been involved in the U.S. criminal justice system and the motivational factors that led to their academic reengagement. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of those motivational factors. The theoretical framework that underpinned this study was the transformative learning theory, which centers on how learners make meaning of their experiences. This study was qualitative in nature with a thematic data analysis approach. Purposeful sampling was used to recruit eight students for semi-structured interviews. Findings indicated the presence of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, such as a desire for self-betterment and overall care for others, that led to educational reintegration. Findings also indicated the consistent presence of negative factors in participants’ lives that led to incarceration. This research may lead to positive social change by providing policy makers and other educational stakeholders with insight into the factors that can be cultivated to prevent criminal re-offense and help decrease the overall recidivism rate

    Attachment and Pornography Use: The Influence of Romantic Attachment Styles, Intimacy, and Pornography Use on Marital Satisfaction

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    The current study sought to answer the following research questions: First, what is the relationship between attachment, intimacy, pornography use, and marital satisfaction? Second, in what ways does intimacy influence marital satisfaction among pornography users with insecure attachment? Finally, is pornography used to regulate attachment emotions among pornography users with insecure attachment? The study revealed that Pornography Use caused an interaction in the relationship between Intimacy and Marital Satisfaction for those higher in Attachment Avoidance. Pornography Use accounted for 3% unique variance on Marital Satisfaction after controlling for Intimacy and Attachment Avoidance. Results also revealed Intimacy had a direct effect on Marital Satisfaction. However, Intimacy accounted for nearly 65% of the variance on Marital Satisfaction. Limitations and recommendations for future research are discussed

    Pencurian akta cerai dalam pandangan hukum pidana Islam : studi putusan Nomor: 31/Pid.B/2020/PN Bla

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    Surat putusan merupakan hasil akhir yang diputus oleh majelis hakim dalam menangani perkara pidana. Sebelum memutus perkara majelis hakim mempertimbangkan putusannya daru surat dakwaan. Surat dakwaan ialah dasar utama yang digunakan penuntut umum agar pelaku tindak pidana mendapatkan hukuman yang setimpal. Adapun suarat dakwaan dalam putusan ini dibuat secara tidak cermat dan mengakibatkan pelaku tindak pidana menerima sanksi pidana ringan. Semestinya, putusan itu tidak hanya mengarah pada pelaku pencurian, tetapi juga penerima manfaat dari barang curian. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk menganalisis dengan tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perspektif hukum positif terhadap putusan Pengadilan Negeri Blora No. 31/Pid.B/2020/PN Bla tentang tindak pidana pencurian akta cerai. Kemudian, untuk mengetahui perspektif hukum pidana Islam terhadap putusan Pengadilan Negeri Blora No. 31/Pid.B/2020/PN Bla tentang tindak pidana pencurian akta cerai. Skripsi ini menggunakan jenis penelitian normatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Sehingga menghasilkan data yang deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan library research guna mendapatkan bahan kajian teoristis yang tentunya berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa tindak pidana pencurian yang berdampak pada pemalsuan akta cerai pada perkara Nomor: 31/Pid.B/2020/Pn Bla dalam perspektif hukum positif masuk dalam kategorisasi pencurian ringan yaitu pengambilan harta yang dilakukan tanpa sepengetahuan pemilik dan tanpa persetujuan pemilik dikenakan hukuman pidana penjara 2 (dua) tahun. Majelis hakim Pengadilan Negeri Blora membuat keputusan hukum yang benar secara sistematis, karena terdakwa terbukti secara sah dan menyakinkan melakukan tindak pidana yang didakwakan. Tetapi, dalam pembuatan surat dakwaan penuntut umum kurang cermat dalam membuat surat dakwaan sehingga penerima manfaat dari hasil curian tersebut bebas dari segala tuntutan yang dijatuhkan kepadanya. Dalam perspektif hukum pidana Islam perbuatan terdakwa termasuk pelaku pencurian dan termasuk ke dalam turut serta melakukan tindak pidana penadahan, dimana hukumannya tidak dapat disamakan seperti penadah. Terdakwa sebagai pelaku pencurian dan turut serta dalam tindak pidana penadahan diberikan sanksi berupa jarimah ta’zῑr. Sedangkan penerima manfaat dari barang curian tersebut atau bisa disebut dengan penadah seharusnya juga mendapatkan sanksi berupa ta’zῑr, dimana hukumannya diserahkan kepada penguasa setempat dengan tetap memerhatikan besar kecilnya tindak pidana yang dilakukan dan memerhatikan kemaslahatan umat. Jarimah, Ta’zῑr, Ḥad, Pencurian akta cerai

    Huracán de la Frontera: narcotráfico, guerrilla e inteligencia

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    La razón para los cambios en el sistema de inteligencia de la fuerza pública del Ecuador, impulsados por el Gobierno de Rafael Correa, no solo está en el bombardeo al campamento de la guerrilla colombiana de las FARC, ubicado en la zona de Angostura (Sucumbíos-Ecuador), el 1 de marzo de 2008. Las revelaciones que surgen antes y después de aquel incidente, por la ejecución de los operativos anti narcóticos “Huracán Verde ” y “Huracán de la Frontera”, muestran dos cosas: cómo había permeado el narcotráfico a la estructura del país y cómo los tres hechos mantienen una estrecha relación. En consecuencia, se puede deducir que esta también fue una razón para la reforma al sistema de inteligencia, aunque políticamente se los presentó como hechos aislados. Y que durante la transición provocada por la reforma hubo un vacío en el sistema, lo que pudo provocar que el crimen organizado sacara provecho. Si bien toda transición genera un vacío, en el Ecuador nos permitió visualizar un fortalecimiento del crimen organizado. Los conceptos básicos o nucleares que se manejan en este estudio, en consecuencia, son narcotráfico, seguridad nacional y sistema de inteligencia