16 research outputs found


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    Cahaya merah dan biru merupakan cahaya utama yang diserap tanaman dan berperan penting terhadap fotosintesis, pertumbuhan serta perkembangan tanaman anggrek Phalaenopsis hibrida. Cekaman dingin mampu memicu pembentukan organ generatif dan memperlambat pertumbuhan organ vegetatif. Namun, pengaruh intensitas cahaya rendah dan cekaman dingin terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif anggrek Phalaenopsis belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh warna cahaya intensitas rendah dan cekaman suhu dingin terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif anggrek Phalaenopsis hibrida. Anggrek berumur ± 2 tahun ditumbuhkan dalam growth chamber dengan penyinaran lampu LED putih sebagai kontrol (100 lx), merah, biru, dan merah + biru (masing-masing 30 lx) sebagai perlakuan. Perlakuan suhu air terbagi menjadi cekaman dingin (4,5oC), suhu ruang (28oC) dan kontrol negatif (tanpa penyiraman). Daun diukur panjang, jumlah daun, densitas stomata selama 60 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cahaya LED intensitas rendah dapat meningkatkan ukuran panjang daun, namun cahaya merah memberikan hasil pertambahan panjang daun tertinggi. Perlakuan cahaya LED biru memberikan densitas stomata tertinggi terhadap warna cahaya lainnya. Di sisi lain, cekaman dingin menghambat pertumbuhan daun. Berdasarkan analisis ANOVA dan Tes Duncan, diperoleh bahwa antar setiap perlakuan baik warna cahaya dan suhu air tidak berbeda nyata. Warna cahaya dan suhu air tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah daun maupun pembukaan stomata daun

    The growth improvement of Grammatophyllum scriptum (Lindl.) Bl. in vitro plantlet using photoautotrophic micropropagation system

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    To improve the growth of Grammatophyllum scriptum (Lindl.) Bl. in vitro plantlet, a photoautotrophic micropropagation system (PMS) was developed by growing in vitro plantlet on VW medium with varying concentration of sucrose (0, 5, 10, and 20 g/L) and additional carbon dioxide from the air (bottle covered with cap or filter). The result showed that the leaf length would increase up to 6.5 cm with PMS and it would keep growing by the adding of 5 g/L sucrose. Average number of leaves increased by 6.7 strands with PMS and the addition of sucrose increased the average quantity of leaves up to 7.7 strands. Average number and root length would increase with PMS and would even increase more with 5 g/L sucrose addition. PMS with 5 g/L sucrose can increase chlorophyll a and b concentration. The number of stomata per unit area in PMS was lower than closed culture. This shows that PMS can increase the growth of G. scriptum in vitro plantlet and the growth increase would be effective if it is combined with sucrose addition

    Callus Induction from Cotyledon of Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg.) Domke

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    Gyrinops versteegii is an endemic plant in eastern Indonesia that produced agarwood with high quality and economic value. This plant has been threatened by overexploitation which leads on decreasing in the natural population. This research aimed to induce in vitro callus formation to support the sustainable utilization of G. versteegii, which in the end, may support plant productivity. Callus induction was investigated using cotyledon and cultured on MS medium supplemented with several combination of plant growth regulators. The observations were done for the number of explants turned into callus and the duration for the first callus formation. The results showed that combination of 3 mg/L NAA + 0.5 mg/L BAP was recorded as the best combination for callus induction (63.63%). Callus with friable structure and bright color are obtained within nine days of incubation and showed the characteristic of embryonic callus. This result is expected to give a significant opportunity to conserve the natural population of G. versteegii

    In vitro regeneration of hybrid Dendrobium sect. Spatulata through pseudobulb segment culture

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    The low rate of Dendrobium regeneration through seed culture is a significant limitation of mass propagation development in new hybrids. An efficient protocol of in vitro regeneration through pseudobulb segment culture has been established for Dendrobium ‘Danny Dame’. Leaves and roots of seven-month-old seedlings were detached from the pseudobulb. Unsegmented pseudobulb and segments of apical, medial, and basal excised from seedlings. The four types of explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with different combinations of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzyl amino purine (BAP). The highest number of shoots was observed in 1 mg L-1 BAP and 0.1 mg L-1 NAA using unsegmented pseudobulb explant after 2 months of culture. The unsegmented pseudobulb had a higher survivability rate and the number of shoots per explant than segmented pseudobulbs. However, if accumulated, segmented pseudobulbs can produce the number of shoots 2-4 times more than unsegmented pseudobulbs. The segment that had the highest average number of shoots was the basal segment. Two types of shoots were observed, both single shoot and multi shoot.  The new shoots formation was developed from protuberance and or axillary bud. Roots were kept to grow only on the basal part of unsegmented explants and basal segment

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Sukrosa terhadap Kadar Piperin pada Kalus Cabe Jawa (Piper retrofractum Vahl.)

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    Cabe jawa (Piper retrofractum Vahl.) merupakan tanaman herbal yang mengandung alkaloid utama piperin. Prospek cabe jawa sebagai bahan obat belum didukung oleh ketersediaan bahan baku yang cukup, karena rendahnya produktivitas tanaman. Salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan menerapkan kultur kalus. Kalus dapat memproduksi metabolit sekunder relatif cepat dan berkelanjutan. Efektivitas produksi metabolit sekunder seperti piperin pada kalus dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan konsentrasi sukrosa dalam medium kultur. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi sukrosa pada morfologi kalus, pertumbuhan kalus, dan produksi piperin pada kalus cabe jawa. Medium Murashige and Skoog (MS), dan zat pengatur tumbuh naphtalene asetic acid (NAA) dan benzyl aminopurin (BAP) 1:2 digunakan untuk menginduksi kalus dari daun cabe jawa. Kalus yang terbentuk berwarna hijau muda dan kompak. Kalus disubkultur selama 35 hari pada medium MS dengan konsentrasi sukrosa 30 g/L, 40 g/L, 50 g/L, dan 60 g/L. Setelah inkubasi warna kalus berubah dengan tekstur tetap kompak. Berat segar dan berat kering dari kalus menurun dengan bertambahnya konsentrasi sukrosa. Piperin pada kalus diekstraksi dengan etanol 96% dan diukur kadarnya dengan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT)-Densitometri. Peningkatan konsentrasi sukrosa pada medium kulur tidak berpengaruh pada kadar piperin dari kalus cabe jawa.

    Innovation of Natural Orchid Cultivation Technology for Tourism Development in Banyunganti Hamlet, Jatimulyo Village, Girimulyo Sub-District, Kulon Progo District, Yogyakarta

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    Orchid is the best tourism icon which focused on nature-based tourism development in Indonesia. Banyunganti Hamlet is one of the tourism villages in Kulon Progo which has a high diversity of orchid species. Regarding this situation, guiding and assistance for villagers which is focused on the introduction of natural orchid species and its character, conventional propagation, and modern propagation by using household-scale tissue culture techniques (sowing seeds and planting) is important to give. The long-term goal for this activity was for empowering women in Dusun Banyunganti in line with the opening of the New Yogyakarta International Airport by the government

    Implementasi Inovasi Budidaya Stroberi di Agrowisata Banyuroto Kabupaten Magelang Melalui Education for Sustainable Development

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    The cultivation of strawberry needs of technological innovation to gain competitive advantage strawberry fruit quality and quantity. This is motivated because the decline in the production of strawberries in the area and quality of strawberry fruit is still low. Since 2012 until now, Laboratory of Genetics has identified and developed the character of phenotype and genotype of strawberry plants in Agro Banyuroto, Village Banyuroto Sawangan District of Magelang regency. Character genotypes studied through the identification of ploidy with cytogenetic approach and apply poliploidisasi technology that aims to double the number of sets of chromosomes in order to obtain a plant that has the character of superior phenotype compared with the control. The purpose of this activity was to awaken the capacity of communities that were able to develop and utilize natural resources to meet human needs while maintaining the environmental implementing action plans that lead to sustainable development in a sustainable manner. The method was executed in this activity was the cultivation of strawberries by exploiting natural resources Banyuroto village environment that was using bamboo, strawberry cultivation techniques with vertikultur systems. Moreover, the carrying capacity was also supported by the promotion of village tourism as central region Banyuroto strawberry cultivation of strawberries superior to tourists every week, promotion through Online system (in the network) by utilizing Information Technology and Computing and community empowerment with the diversification of food made from strawberries. The end result of this activity was obtained hallmarks of crops polyploidy were plant growth faster, the ability of the formation of stolons and nursery faster, leaf area and stem diameter was wider, the stem stout and roots were longer, the fruit produced was greater and a sweeter taste with more red fruit color. Innovation strawberry crop is expected to be followed by the cultivation of sustainable optimal as possible so that the results obtained are able to improve the welfare of farmers in Banyuroto strawberries

    Growth of Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix DC) Cell Line Derived from Seed Explant After Yeast Elicitation Using Pure and Technical Grade Yeast

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    The addition of elicitors in kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC.) culture is one of  strategies for obtaining and increasing the production of secondary metabolites.  Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the elicitors that can be used to increase secondary metabolites such as terpenoids. However, in its use, the pure cultures of S. cerevisiae are expensive. Therefore, the first objective of this study was to analyze the ability of technical grade (commercial baker’s yeast) to be used as an elicitor and measure the growth of kaffir lime cell line after being elicited by pure and technical grade (commercial baker’s yeast). The second objective is to determine the best time to subculture kaffir lime cell line after elicitation. We observed the morphology and measured the growth curve of pure and technical grade yeast until the 4th subculture generation. Furthermore, we used both grades of yeast for elicitation. Kaffir lime cell suspension was treated with 10 ppm pure grade or 5 ppm and 10 ppm technical grade yeast for 4 days. After elicitation, kaffir lime cell lines were subcultured and their growth was analyzed. The result showed that the morphology and growth curve of technical grade until 4th subculture generations was similar to the pure grade. On the other hand, after elicitation using pure and technical grade yeast and being subcultured, the growth of the elicitated kaffir lime cell line had the same pattern as the control group, but the cell density of the control group was higher than the elicitated group. The initial stationary phase of kaffir lime cell line was on the 17th day which is the best time to subculture. The subculturing process is important to maintain the viability of the kaffir lime cell line.