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    150 research outputs found

    The Effect of Replacing Sorghum Grains with Corn Along with Phytase and NSP Enzymes on Yield and Blood Parameters of Broilers

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    In this research, the effects of replacing grain sorghum with corn along with phytase and NSP enzymes on the performance and blood parameters of broiler chickens were investigated. Different levels of grain sorghum (0, 5, and 10%) and two levels of phytase enzyme and NSP (0 and 0.1%) were used in feeding broilers. At the end of the period (42 days old), blood samples were taken and blood serum parameters were measured. During the test period, the amount of feed consumed, daily weight gain, food conversion ratio, and carcass characteristics were measured. The experimental treatments include 1- control diet (without sorghum and no enzyme), 2- control diet + without sorghum + 0.1 enzyme, 3- control diet + 5% sorghum + without enzyme, 4- control diet + 5% sorghum + 1 0. enzyme, 5- control diet + 10% sorghum + no enzyme and 6- control diet + 10% sorghum + 0.1 enzyme. The statistical design used in this experiment was a 2x3 factorial method in the form of a completely random design, with 6 treatments and 3 repetitions (15 chickens in each repetition), and a total of 270 Ross 308 strain broiler chickens were used. The results of the feed consumption showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the main effect of sorghum in the first and sixth weeks and in the main effect of enzyme only in the last week (p<0.05). The results of live weight gain showed that a statistically significant difference was observed only in the main effect of sorghum in the fifth and sixth weeks (p<0.05), (p<0.05) so the ratio without sorghum had the highest amount of live weight. The results of food conversion ratio showed that only in the main effect of sorghum, a statistically significant difference was observed in the fifth week (p<0.05), so the diet without sorghum showed the highest food conversion ratio. The results of the carcass traits showed that a statistically significant difference in the weight of the liver, spleen, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine and, cecum was observed only in the main effect of sorghum (p<0.05). The results of blood tests at the end of the experiment showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the amount of cholesterol, HDL, and LDL in the main effect of sorghum (p<0.05). The general results of the research showed that the addition of different levels of sorghum and enzymes in the diet did not have a favorable effect on the amount of feed consumption, live weight, and carcass traits, but the level of 10% sorghum improved the food conversion ratio in some weeks of the experiment

    Various Methods of Reducing Calcium Oxalate Levels in Tubers: a Review

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    Tubers, as a highly promising agricultural commodity with distinctive flavors and nutritional content, pose health challenges due to the presence of calcium oxalate. Excessive consumption can lead to mechanical disturbances in the digestive and renal tubule systems. This complicates processing techniques to ensure that tubers, before being used as raw materials in the food and other industries, do not contain calcium oxalate. The research method involves a literature review, in-depth exploration of theories and concepts, and identification of variables related to the research method and context. From the literature study, it is evident that focusing on understanding fermentation parameters, such as time, temperature, pH, and the type and concentration of microorganisms, is crucial. This information is expected to provide insights into potentially effective methods for reducing calcium oxalate content in tubers, supporting the development of safer and healthier agricultural and food processing practices

    Root Colonization by Microorganisms and The Effects of PGPR On Plant Growth: A Mini-Review

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    This brief review provides a concise overview of the impact of microorganisms that colonize roots on plant growth, with a particular focus on plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). At the root-soil interface, microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi interact with plants, providing various advantages, including nutrient acquisition, pathogen protection, and stress tolerance. PGPR, which are bacteria that promote plant growth through mechanisms such as nitrogen fixation, potassium solubilization, induction of plant stress resistance and siderophore production, are among the most beneficial of these microorganisms. The colonization process entails chemotaxis, adhesion, and colonization of both the rhizosphere and endosphere, which are facilitated by exopolysaccharides, biofilm formation, and signaling molecules. PGPR has been shown to boost root and shoot growth, enhance nutrient and water use efficiency, and enhance plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors. These effects are mediated by direct and indirect interactions between PGPR and plants, which involve modulation of plant immune responses and systemic resistance. Understanding these mechanisms is critical to the exploitation of PGPR in sustainable agriculture. PGPR can reduce reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but further research is required to unravel the complex interactions between microorganisms and plants, identify key signaling molecules in root colonization, and optimize the use of PGPR in various crops. This brief review underlines the importance of root colonization by microorganisms, particularly PGPR, in promoting plant growth and sustainable agriculture

    Comparison of Two PCR Primer Sets for In-House Validation of GHSR Gene Variation Detection Employing Artificial Recombinant Plasmid Approach

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    Stunting is a significant global public health problem caused by long-term dietary deficits that affect many children worldwide. Both environmental and genetic factors, including variants in the GHSR gene, play a crucial role in stunted growth. This study used an artificial recombinant plasmid DNA method to evaluate two primer set combinations for identifying DNA variants in the GHSR gene. Selecting suitable primer sets for identifying GHSR genetic variants linked to stunting is essential, as evidenced by PCR and sequencing techniques. The target gene, based on the GHSR reference sequence, consists of eight DNA variations (ΔQ36, G57G, P108L, L118L, R159R, C173R, D246A, and A277P). A recombinant plasmid was created by inserting a 1000 bp fragment of the GHSR gene into the pUC57 backbone. Primer sets were chosen based on their capacity to amplify these eight genetic variations and were optimized and validated using PCR methods. PCR and bi-directional sequencing verified the existence of surrounding DNA and specific single nucleotide variants (SNVs). In our study, we discovered four changes in the DNA sequence (R159R G>A, C173R T>C, D246A A>C, and A277P G>C) using the E1_F2/E1_R3 primer pair. Additionally, a new combination of primers (E1_F1/E1_R3) effectively detected seven DNA sequence mutations (ΔQ36 del CAG, G57G C>T, P108L C>T, L118L C>T, R159R G>A, C173R T>C, and D246A A>C). We have developed a new combination of forward and reverse primers to identify seven SNVs in the GHSR gene, which could serve as a diagnostic tool in clinical laboratory settings

    Variasi Genetik Tanaman Adas (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) Berdasarkan Marka Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR)

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    Foeniculum vulgare Mill., commonly known as fennel, has been utilized by Indonesian community for various purposes, from culinary to medicinal applications. The primary constituent of its chemical composition is the essential oil belonging to the monoterpene class, comprising more than 80% of its content. Genetic information plays a crucial role in determining the identity of a plant species. This information can also serve as a fundamental basis for conservation and plant breeding purposes. The aim of the research to determine the genetic diversity of F. vulgare. This study utilized fennel from six different locations. DNA examination of fennels used the Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) marker. Cluster analysis of binary data on DNA fragment scores used Jaccard similarity coefficient and UPGMA method as basis. The average polymorphism was 86.11%. The study indicated that the genetic variability of F. vulgare samples from the six locations fell within the moderate category. The results of this study open opportunities for further research in finding specific molecular markers to identify F. vulgare with its potential adulterant species

    Endophytic Fungi in Cabbage Roots: Diversity and Antagonistic effects on Rhizoctonia solani

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    Root endophytic fungi that living inside the plant roots without causing any symptom, basically is part of microorganisms in the rhizosphere or soil. Considering that, the objective of this study was to examine the effect of growth media on the occurrence and variabilities of culturable endophytic fungi in cabbage roots. The growth media examined were soil from pine forest, rhizosphere of cogon grass and elephant grass, inceptisol soil mixed with goat manure, compost or vermicompost (1:1, v/v). Fungal isolates obtained were examined their effect on the growth of cabbage seedlings and their abilities to inhibit the growth of fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani in vitro. The results showed that the growth media influenced the colonization and variabilities of fungal endophytes isolated from cabbage roots. The media supporting better colonization and variabilities of fungal endophytes was soil mixed with goat manure (1:1, v/v). Among 12 isolates obtained, three isolates (PK-2, PK-4 and PK-5 isolates) tended to improve the growth of cabbage seedlings. There were also three isolates (PK-1, PK-2 and TH-1) inhibited the growth of R. solani in vitro by 56.7% -64.7%

    Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) Study for Root and Bud Induction on Stem Cuttings of Stevia rebaudiana

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    The Stevia plant is used as a low calorie natural sweetener known as"the sweet herb of Paraguay". Stevia leaves a higher level of sweetness than cane sugar. Stevia can be propagated by stem cutting techniques. Soaked of stem cuttings in Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) auxin can promote the growth and development of Stevia. Research was conducted to determine the effect of commercial PGRs (Rootone-f) and natural PGRs from Shallot extract. This study used a complete randomized design with different concentrations, both Rootone-f (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 mg/L) and shallot extract (0, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%). Observations were made after 6 weeks (42 days) of planting on several growth parameters (height of plant, number or buds, number of leaves, number of roots and length of roots). Commercial PGRs showed a significant effect on growth parameters. While natural PGRs of shallot showed a significant effect on height of growth parameters. The recommended concentration of commercial PGRs for Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni M. stem cuttings was 300 mg/L

    Tanda-tanda Ketoksikan pada Tikus Wistar dengan Administrasi Oral Subakut Ekstrak Kloroform Daun Lidah Mertua (Sansevieria trifasciata)

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    Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) has been commonly used as traditional herbal medicine in addition to being ornamental plant and phytoremediation agent. Toxicity studies on pharmaceutical substances are required to assess the level of hazard and safety before processing as drugs. Conventional toxicity test focused on determining LD50, despite the fact that not all substances induce death in experimental animals. They might survive but suffering or get sick. This study aimed to evaluate safety level of oral administration of chloroform extract of S. trifasciata leaves (CESTL) for 28 days (subacute) in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) as model animal through the observation of clinical signs that lead to lethal and sublethal effects. The procedure referred to OECD Guideline No. 407 with the dose of CESTL was 1000 mg/kg bw (Limit Test). Adult female nulliparous Wistar rats were assigned into three groups which received CESTL, Tween 4 % (solvent for CESTL), or distilled water as control (placebo) 1 mL/individual/day. Parameters observed consisted of mortality, general physical examination, individual and social activity and behavior, body weight, body temperature, food intake, water consumption, fecal condition, and fasting blood glucose (FBG) level. Results showed that no animals died or suffered as a result of CESTL poisoning. There were no significant differences in all parameters value among three groups, indicating that CESTL did not generate adverse effects on animal normal physiological condition. Thus, it can be concluded that CESTL at the dose of 1000 mg/kg bw is relatively safe for consumption during­ subacute period.Daun Lidah Mertua (Sansevieria trifasciata) telah banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai obat herbal tradisional selain sebagai tanaman hias dan agen fitoremediasi. Uji toksisitas suatu bahan berkhasiat obat diperlukan untuk mempelajari tingkat bahaya maupun keamanannya sebelum diolah menjadi obat. Uji toksisitas konvensional terfokus pada penentuan LD50, padahal tidak semua zat menyebabkan kematian pada hewan percobaan. Hewan mungkin bertahan hidup tetapi menderita atau sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari tanda-tanda toksisitas yang mengarah pada efek letal dan subletal pada administrasi oral ekstrak kloroform daun S. trifasciata (EKDST) selama 28 hari pada tikus Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) sebagai hewan model. Prosedur mengacu pada OECD Guideline No. 407 dengan dosis EKDST adalah 1000 mg/kg bb (Limit Test). Tikus Wistar betina dewasa perawan dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yang dicekok EKDST, Tween 4%, atau air suling sebagai kontrol (plasebo) sebanyak 1 mL/individu/hari. Parameter yang diamati meliputi: mortalitas, pemeriksaan fisik umum, aktivitas dan perilaku individual dan sosial, berat badan, suhu badan, konsumsi makanaan, konsumsi air minum, kondisi feses, dan kadar glukosa darah puasa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hewan yang mati atau menderita akibat pemberian EKDST. Tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai yang signifikan pada semua parameter pada ketiga kelompok. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa EKDST tidak menimbulkan dampak buruk terhadap kesehatan hewan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa EKDST dosis 1000 mg/kg bb relatif aman dikonsumsi selama periode subakut

    Functional 3D Structure Analysis of Quasispecies Variants of Hepatitis B Virus Surface and Core Protein in Advanced Liver Disease and Chronic HBV Infection Patients in Indonesia: In Silico

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    Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is an endemic virus and belongs to Hepadnaviridae family. This virus can result in variations of quasispecies due to its high rate of mutation. A quasispecies variant is a small population and develops as a result of mutation and can become a wild-type population. This research aims to study and carry out 3D modeling on 12 in-house full sequence HBV genome isolates from Indonesia and obtain predictive visualization data to become a reference for further research leading to the production of anti-virals and natural treatments for HBV. 12 in-house full HBV genome sequences obtained from previous research were used to carry out 3D modeling and structural analysis of the surface protein, core protein, and polymerase protein. Analysis was carried out in silico using programs available online. Phylogenetic analysis was carried out using MEGA11, translation of nucleotides into protein sequences using the ExPAsy Translate portal, physiochemical analysis using ProtParam portal, and functional domain testing using the MOTIF tool from GenomeNet. Then 3D modelling using Phyre2 and SWISS-MODEL. The major mutation of the S protein occurs in L21S and mutations in the C protein mainly occur in P79Q and S87G. The model for S Protein from homology structure prediction is not reliable thus it still needs more templates from experimental techniques. While C Protein structure prediction can provide information for further research in alternative natural antiviral treatment.Virus Hepatitis B (HBV) adalah virus endemik dan termasuk dalam keluarga Hepadnaviridae. Virus ini dapat menyebabkan variasi quasispecies karena tingkat mutasinya yang tinggi. Variasi quasispecies adalah populasi kecil yang berkembang sebagai hasil mutasi dan dapat menjadi populasi tipe liar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan melakukan pemodelan 3D pada 12 isolat genom lengkap HBV dari Indonesia dan memperoleh data visualisasi prediktif sebagai referensi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut yang dapat mengarah pada produksi antiviral dan pengobatan alami untuk HBV. Dua belas urutan genom HBV lengkap yang diperoleh dari penelitian sebelumnya digunakan untuk melakukan pemodelan 3D dan analisis struktural protein permukaan, protein inti, dan protein polimerase. Analisis dilakukan secara in silico menggunakan program yang tersedia secara online. Analisis filogenetik dilakukan menggunakan MEGA11, translasi nukleotida menjadi urutan protein menggunakan portal ExPAsy Translate, analisis fisikokimia menggunakan portal ProtParam, dan pengujian domain fungsional menggunakan alat MOTIF dari GenomeNet. Kemudian pemodelan 3D menggunakan Phyre2 dan SWISS-MODEL. Mutasi utama pada protein S terjadi pada L21S dan mutasi pada protein C terutama terjadi pada P79Q dan S87G. Model untuk Protein S dari prediksi struktur homologi tidak dapat diandalkan sehingga masih memerlukan lebih banyak templat dari teknik eksperimental. Sementara prediksi struktur Protein C dapat memberikan informasi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut dalam alternatif pengobatan antiviral alami

    Unraveling The Impact of Feed Protein Content on Catfish (Clarias sp.) Growth, Survival, Meat Quality and Gastrointestinal Histology

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    Catfish is a highly favored source of protein in Indonesia. Catfish farming can be carried out using various types of feed and methods. This research aims to determine the effect of two types of fish feed with high (24%) and low (4%) protein content on several aspects of catfish cultivated using the pond/bucket culture method. The methods include catfish maintenance, physicochemical measurement, morphometric measurements, survival rate measurements, proximate testing, and histological preparations of catfish intestines and stomach. The results show that the TDS and pH values in the high-protein feed are higher than in the low-protein feed, while the temperature fluctuates. At the end of the observation, there is a significant difference in the morphometry of catfish fed with high-protein feed, where the body weight, head width, and body length are higher. The difference in body weight of catfish fed with high-protein feed is significantly higher (119.58±16.72 g) compared to those fed with low-protein feed (52.20±4.80 g). The average number of surviving catfish fed with high-protein feed is lower (27.60±8.23 fish) compared to the other group (44.00±2.55 fish). Proximate testing indicates that catfish meat with high-protein feed also has higher protein, fat, and carbohydrate content.  Histological analysis shows that catfish with high-protein feed have longer villi and  higher number of goblet cells, while the length of the gastric pits is lower. This research demonstrates that high-protein feed has an impact on fish quality, while ensuring water quality to reduce catfish mortality rates in catfish pond culture


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