189 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan intensitas sholat Dzuhur berjamaah dan aktivitas membaca Al-Qur’an dengan kecerdasan emosional siswa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah peserta didik di MTs sekecamatan Gunung Sahilan sebanyak 138 peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analis data menggunakan Regresi Linier Berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa intensitas sholat Dzuhur berjamaah berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kecerdasan emosional siswa. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil nilai signifikan 0,000 < 0,05. Sementara itu, aktivitas membaca Al-Qur’an juga berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kecerdasan emosional siswa. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil nilai signifikan 0,022 < 0,05. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara intensitas shalat Dzuhur berjama’ah dan kegiatan membaca Al-Qur’an dengan kecerdasan emosional siswa. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil nilai Fhitung > Ftabel (12,345 > 3,063) dengan besar konstribusi 15,5%. Ini berarti sumbangan hubungan variable independen terhadap variable dependen adalah sebesar 15,5%

    Historia Inquisitionis, P. Pauli Veneti. Cvi Adjuncta est Confessio Fidei, Quam ex Italicâ Linguâ Latinam fecit Andreas Colvius.

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    En la port. viñeta calc. con la leyenda "Labore et vigilantia"Biblioteca Emil van der Vekene. - Van der Vekene I, 1872. #124

    Historia dell'origine, forma, leggi, ed uso dell'Ufficio dell'Inquisizione nella Città, e Dominio di Venetia

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    Biblioteca Emil van der Vekene. - Van der Vekene III, 6606. #126#Sign.: A-I1

    Macroglossia as initial clinical manifestation of primary amyloidosis

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    Amyloidosis is a rare disease caused by pathological deposit of an amyloid extracellular proteinaceus material. We report a case of a 50-year-old man with history of lips and tongue swelling associated to periorbital ecchimosys for 6 months. At the physical examination an important macroglossia was observed. Complementary tests were accomplished, and the pathological examination of the tongue biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. The patient was treated with prednisone and melphalan with an unsatisfactory response. Along the follow up the patient developed heart failure, and died 7 months after diagnosis of pulmonary infection and sepsis.A amiloidose é uma doença rara causada pelo depósito patológico de substância amilóide no meio extracelular. Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 50 anos de idade, masculino, com história de edema de lábios e língua associado à equimose periorbitária bilateral há 6 meses. Ao exame físico, observamos importante macroglossia. Foram realizados exames complementares, e o diagnóstico foi confirmado pela análise histopatológica da biópsia de língua. O paciente recebeu tratamento com prednisona e melfalan com resposta insatisfatória. Evoluiu com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e infecções urinárias e respiratórias de repetição. Após 7 meses do diagnóstico, o paciente foi internado com infecção pulmonar complicada com sepse e evoluiu a óbito.Universidade Metropolitana de SantosCentro Universitário LusíadaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaSociedade Brasileira de ReumatologiaUNIFESP-EPMHospital Ana Costa Clínica MédicaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Uncovering temperature-tempted coordination of inclusions within ultra-high-strength-steel via in-situ spectro-microscopy

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    Funding Information: Authors acknowledge Academy of Finland grant #311934 and Kvantum Institute, University of Oulu (Project CLEAN2STEEL) for the financial support. We also thank the crew of the MAX IV laboratory for their support during the beamtime operation. Authors would like to thank Mr. Tun Nyo for the assistance in sample preparation for SEM and X-PEEM, Mr. Jaakko Hannula for insightful discussions, and the Centre for Material Analysis, University of Oulu is also acknowledged for in-house characterizations. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)Despite the common challenge of investigating non-metallic inclusions within ultra-high-strength-steel (UHSS) at sub-micrometer scale via conventional methods, probing nitride inclusions at elevated temperatures is vital for guiding steel’ performance. Herein, an in-situ spectro-microscopic determination using advanced Synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) coupled with photoelectron emission microscopy (PEEM) is employed to explore the local structure and electronic properties of selective h-boron nitride (h-BN) containing inclusions (A1 and A2) embedded within steel matrix. While the variation in the relative intensity of π∗/σ∗ excitonic peaks at spatially different locations refers to the polarization and or thickness effects. Several minute features observed in the 192–195 eV energy range show oxygen (O) substituted nitrogen (N) defects (ON,2N,3N), which are more dominant in A2 inclusion. The observed dominance further explains the relatively high intense π∗ peak in A2 due to increased localization. Weak shoulder on the left side of π∗ peak in both room and high-temperature XAS spectra is ascribed to the interaction between h-BN and the local environment, such as Ca-based inclusion or steel matrix. Defects are commonly found in h-BN, and precise identification of the same is vital as they affect the overall physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. Moreover, significant changes in high-temperature B K-edge XAS spectra, such as relative intensity of π∗/σ∗ excitonic peaks at the same location and reduced intensity of defects, suggest the adjusting nature of BN inclusion, complicating their precise prediction and control towards clean steel production.Peer reviewe

    In comparison to the myocardial perfusion scintigraphy, a treadmill stress test is a viable, efficient and cost effective option to predict cardiovascular events in elderly patients

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    OBJETIVO: Definir o valor prognóstico e a custo-efetividade do teste ergométrico (TE) em comparação à cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica com dipiridamol (DIP) em indivíduos com > 75 anos de idade. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados, consecutiva e prospectivamente, 66 pacientes (40% homens), com média de idade de 81 ± 5 anos. Desses pacientes, 57% eram hipertensos, 38% eram dislipidêmicos e 28%, diabéticos. O protocolo de Bruce para rampa foi adaptado, obtendo-se o valor prognóstico do TE pelo escore de Duke. RESULTADOS: A duração do TE, o porcentual da freqüência cardíaca máxima preconizada e o duplo produto no pico do exercício foram, respectivamente, de 7 ± 3 minutos, 95 ± 9% e 24.946 ± 4.576 (bpm x mmHg). O TE e a DIP apresentaram resultados positivos para isquemia miocárdica similares (21% vs 15%, respectivamente). A concordância entre os testes foi de 88% (Kappa 0,63, p 75 years of age. METHODS: Consecutive and prospective assessment of 66 patients (40% male) aged 81 ± 5 years of which 57% were hypertensive, 38% had dyslipidemia and 28% were diabetics. The Bruce protocol was adapted for a tilt treadmill and the TST prognostic value was obtained using the Duke treadmill score. RESULTS: The TST duration, recommended maximum heart rate percentage and double product at peak exercise were respectively: 7 ± 3 minutes, 95 ± 9% and 24,946 ± 4,576 (bpm x mmHg). The TST and DIP presented similar positive results for myocardial ischemia (21% vs 15%, respectively). The correlation between the tests was 88% (Kappa 0.63, p<0.01). During 685 ± 120 days of follow-up, nine major events occurred: 6 deaths, 2 acute coronary syndromes and 1 myocardial revascularization. The variables associated with the major events were: age (83 ± 6 vs 80 ± 4 years; p=0.048), male gender (78% vs 33%; p=0.02), ST segment depression (1 ± 1 mm vs 0.25 ± 0.6 mm; p= 0.01), high or intermediate risk determined by the Duke treadmill score - combined in one group (44% vs 2%; p=0.001) and abnormal DIP (44% vs 10%, p= 0.02). CONCLUSION: For this elderly population, the TST was an efficient and viable option with a similar diagnostic value in comparison to the DIP. However, the TST was more accurate in the prediction of major events and offers a lower cost


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    RESUMO Objetivo: analisar os conteúdos sobre aleitamento materno veiculados por revistas femininas de circulação nacional. Métodos: pesquisa documental, exploratória, com análise qualitativa dos dados pelo método de análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. Os resultados foram coletados entre 2015 e 2016 e interpretados à luz da perspectiva de gênero. Resultados: nos 72 exemplares publicados no período proposto, houve 66 ocorrências do tema aleitamento materno. Da análise emergiram cinco temas: benefícios do aleitamento materno - destaque para o recém-nascido; trabalho materno e amamentação em público; marketing de alimentação infantil; profissionais de saúde versus família - apoio ao aleitamento materno?; e sexualidade e estética durante a amamentação. Conclusão: embora as revistas perpassem por variados contextos que inserem a amamentação, a abordagem ocorre de maneira superficial e aleatória, não sustentada pelas evidências cientificas e carregada de estereótipos e mitos que podem comprometer as escolhas das mulheres e a adesão a essa prática

    Readout of a antiferromagnetic spintronics systems by strong exchange coupling of Mn2Au and Permalloy

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    In antiferromagnetic spintronics, the read-out of the staggered magnetization or Neel vector is the key obstacle to harnessing the ultra-fast dynamics and stability of antiferromagnets for novel devices. Here, we demonstrate strong exchange coupling of Mn2Au, a unique metallic antiferromagnet that exhibits Neel spin-orbit torques, with thin ferromagnetic Permalloy layers. This allows us to benefit from the well-estabished read-out methods of ferromagnets, while the essential advantages of antiferromagnetic spintronics are retained. We show one-to-one imprinting of the antiferromagnetic on the ferromagnetic domain pattern. Conversely, alignment of the Permalloy magnetization reorients the Mn2Au Neel vector, an effect, which can be restricted to large magnetic fields by tuning the ferromagnetic layer thickness. To understand the origin of the strong coupling, we carry out high resolution electron microscopy imaging and we find that our growth yields an interface with a well-defined morphology that leads to the strong exchange coupling.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Phase coexistence and transitions between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic states in a synthetic antiferromagnet

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    In synthetic antiferromagnets (SAFs), antiferromagnetic (AFM) order and synthesis using conventional sputtering techniques is combined to produce systems that are advantageous for spintronics applications. Here we present the preparation and study of SAF multilayers possessing both perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. The multilayers have an antiferromagnetically aligned ground state but can be forced into a full ferromagnetic (FM) alignment by applying an out-of-plane field ∼100mT. We study the spin textures in these multilayers in their ground state as well as around the transition point between the AFM and FM states at fields ∼40 mT by imaging the spin textures using complementary methods: photoemission electron, magnetic force, and Lorentz transmission electron microscopies. The transformation into a FM state by field proceeds by a nucleation and growth process, where skyrmionic nuclei form and then broaden into regions containing a ferromagnetically aligned labyrinth pattern that eventually occupies the whole film. Remarkably, this process occurs without any significant change in the net magnetic moment of the multilayer. The mix of antiferromagnetically and ferromagnetically aligned regions on the micron scale in the middle of this transition is reminiscent of a first-order phase transition that exhibits phase coexistence. These results are important for guiding the design of spintronic devices whose operation is based on spin textures in perpendicularly magnetized SAFs
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