126 research outputs found

    Formação de Treinadores Desportivos

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    O Jogo e o jogador de pólo aquático português : Estudo das exigências do jogo e das características morfo-funcionais do jogador

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Ciência do Desporto, área de especialização em Treino Desportivo, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e de Educação Física da Universidade do Port

    Impact of bacterial cellulose on the physical properties and printing quality of fine papers

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    Bacterial nanocellulose (BNC), due to its inherent nanometric scale and strength properties, can be considered as a good candidate to be used in papermaking. This work explored the possibility of using it in the production of fine paper as a wet-end component and for the paper coating. Filler-containing handsheet production was performed with and without the presence of common additives typically used in the furnish of office papers. It was found that, under optimized conditions, BNC mechanically treated by high-pressure homogenization could improve all the evaluated paper properties (mechanical, optical and structural) without impairing the filler retention. However, paper strength was improved only to a small extent (increase in the tensile index of 8% for a filler content of ca. 27.5%). On the other hand, when used at the paper surface, remarkable improvements in the gamut area of >25% in comparison to the base paper and of >40% in comparison to only-starch coated papers were achieved for a formulation having 50% BNC and 50% of carboxymethylcellulose. Overall, the present results highlight the possibility of using BNC as a paper component, particularly when applied at the paper substrate as a coating agent aiming at improving printing quality.Fundacão para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal is acknowledged by SFRH/BDE/108095/2015 grant and Strategic Research Centre Project (UIDB/00102/2020). This work was also carried out under the Project Inpactus - innovative products and technologies from eucalyptus, Project N.º 21874 funded by Portugal 2020 through European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the frame of COMPETE 2020 nº246/AXIS II/2017info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perceções de lideranças sobre a atuação das autarquias locais no desenvolvimento do desporto em Portugal

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    Purpose: Describe the primary perceptions of associative leaders, politicians, and entrepreneurs about the performance of local authorities and other sports agents with whom they relate to the development of sport in Portugal.Methodology/approach: A qualitative approach was used, based on the heritage of ethnomethodology, whose collection instruments were: participant observation, focus group, and semi-structured interviews.Originality/Relevance: It was found that municipalities' role in the development of sport in Portugal is substantial. However, when looking for their relationship with the productive sector and universities, there is a big gap.Main results: The findings aim to recognize the importance and need to strategically plan, observing the necessary and fundamental relationship that municipalities must assume with the productive sector, the State, and universities.Theoretical/methodological contributions: In this study, the triple helix model contributes to the reflections on autarchies' role and their relations with different network actors. The use of the critical concept of indexicality brings an approach little used in studies of this nature.Development clusters include universities' fundamental participation in the creative and innovation process. They are sources that generate ideas, actions, products, technologies that move the cumulative and spiraling process of knowledge. Emphasizing universities' role contributes to improving management and society's perception of this area of expertise.El objetivo del estudio: describir las percepciones primarias de los líderes asociativos, políticos y empresarios sobre el desempeño de las autoridades locales y otros agentes deportivos con quienes se relacionan con el desarrollo del deporte en Portugal.Metodología/enfoque: se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo, basado en la herencia de la etnometodología, cuyos instrumentos de recolección fueron: observación participante, grupo focal y entrevistas semiestructuradas.Originalidad/Relevancia: se descubrió que el papel de los municipios en el desarrollo del deporte en Portugal es sustancial. Sin embargo, cuando se busca su relación con el sector productivo y las universidades, existe una gran brecha.Resultados principales: Los resultados apuntan a reconocer la importancia y la necesidad de planificar estratégicamente, observando la relación necesaria y fundamental que los municipios deben asumir con el sector productivo, el Estado y las universidades.Contribuciones teóricas/metodológicas: en este estudio, el modelo teórico de los anclajes de triple hélice refleja el papel de las autarquías y sus relaciones con los diferentes actores de la red. El uso del concepto crítico de indexicalidad trae un enfoque poco utilizado en estudios de esta naturaleza.Contribuciones sociales/de gestión: los grupos de desarrollo incluyen la participación fundamental de las universidades en el proceso creativo y de innovación. Son fuentes que generan ideas, acciones, productos, tecnologías que mueven el proceso acumulativo y en espiral del conocimiento. Hacer hincapié en el papel de las universidades contribuye a mejorar la gestión y la percepción de la sociedad de esta área del conocimiento.Objetivo do estudo: Descrever as principais perceções de dirigentes associativos, políticos e empresários sobre a atuação das autarquias locais e dos demais agentes desportivos com quem se relacionam sobre o desenvolvimento do desporto em Portugal.Metodologia/abordagem: Utilizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa, com base na herança da etnometodologia, cujos instrumentos de recolha foram: a observação participante, o focus group e entrevistas semiestruturadas.Originalidade/Relevância: Constatou-se que o papel das autarquias no desenvolvimento do desporto em Portugal é substancial. Entretanto, quando se busca a relação destas com o setor produtivo e com as universidades, verifica-se uma grande lacuna.Principais resultados: Os achados vão no sentido de reconhecer a importância e necessidade de planear estrategicamente, observando a relação necessária e fundamental que as autarquias devem assumir com o setor produtivo, o Estado e as universidades.Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: O modelo teórico da hélice tríplice ancora, neste estudo, as reflexões sobre o papel das autarquias e suas relações com diferentes atores da rede. A utilização do conceito-chave de indicialidade traz uma abordagem pouco utilizada em estudos desta natureza.Contribuições sociais/para a gestão: Os clusters de desenvolvimento incluem a participação fundamental das universidades no pleito criativo e de inovação. Elas são fontes geradoras de ideias, ações, produtos, tecnologias que fazem movimentar o processo cumulativo e em espiral do conhecimento. Realçar o protagonismo das universidades contribui para o aprimoramento da gestão e da perceção da sociedade sobre esta área do conhecimento

    Perfil do Gestor de Instalações Esportivas do Norte de Portugal

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    Em Portugal os espaços destinados a prática esportiva estão definidos em lei federal além de possuir um Regime Jurídico proposto pela Confederação do Desporto de Portugal (Portugal, 2009). As Câmaras também possuem regulamentos que estabelecem as normas de funcionamento e utilização das instalações esportivas do município (Castro Marim, 2003)) o que acaba por influenciar o modo como esta instalação será gerida, pois este regulamento é um instrumento administrativo (Cunha, 2007) e muitas das ações e atividades que devem ocorrer na instalação são determinadas por este instrumento. Tendo em vista o crescimento da área de gestão do esporte e considerando-se que o desenvolvimento esportivo se dá pelas condições para a prática esportiva, acreditamos ser relevante a reflexão a respeito dos profissionais que estão encarregados das tarefas de planejamento e administração destes espaços esportivos. Portanto, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender o perfil do gestor de instalações esportivas do norte de Portugal através do levantamento, identificação e comparação de pontos relativos a características pessoais, de formação e funcionais. Os resultados encontrados apontam que majoritariamente os ocupantes destes cargos são do sexo masculino, possuem em sua maioria formação em educação física ou desporto e concentram a maioria de suas tarefas em atividades ligadas às áreas de manutenção e oferta e exploração da instalação enquanto que atividades de administração financeira, marketing e promoção são realizadas com menor frequência pelos gestores

    Gestão de equipamentos esportivos: análise dos equipamentos do Recife-PE

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    O desporto constitui uma das grandes construções culturais da humanidade, e seus valores estão agregados à sua prática. Os equipamentos desportivos são fundamentais na malha urbana de qualquer cidade, pois o acesso à prática desportiva perpassa por espaços adequados e diversos para a população. Este estudo analisa a gestão dos Equipamentos Desportivos da Cidade do Recife-PE, Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo qualitativa, que, utiliza a entrevista semiestruturada, com procedimentos de análise de conteúdo do discurso dos gestores entrevistados e da Lei Orgânica e do Plano Diretor da Cidade, interpretados a partir da literatura comum das Ciências Sociais e do Desporto. O estudo conclui, entre outros aspectos, que os equipamentos desportivos do Recife são geridos por um modelo de gestão direta. Há ausência de procedimentos gerenciais fundamentais para a eficácia na gestão dos equipamentos, decorrente da falta de uma equipe especializada e multidisciplinar

    Rib Fracture in Buffalo with Ruminal Cannula

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    Background: Buffalos are very rustic animals that are adapted to adverse conditions, but the lack of adequate management can increase the susceptibility of these animals to several diseases. Rib fracture in this species is usually related to mineral deficiency and complications resulting from unappropriated management. Rib fractures in ruminants are rarely diagnosed and usually present conservative treatment; however, cases with presence of contaminated wounds require extra attention. The objective of this work was to report an atypical case of open fracture of the last rib in a buffalo with ruminal cannula, describing the case from diagnosis to surgical treatment.Case: An adult female water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) that was well fed and receiving minerals, with implantation of a ruminal cannula, presented a lesion around the ruminal cannula, with increasing volume, exudation, and myiasis. Thegeneral parameters and behavior of the animal were apparently normal. The animal presented normal appetite and respiration and good physical condition and nutritional state, with pain reaction to the touch in the region of the lesion andtheir adjacencies; it presented no claudication and reluctance to remain in left lateral decubitus, and no discomfort. The clinical inspection of the cutaneous lesion showed an oblique-type fracture in the body of the last left rib, with exposed bone in the lumbar region and extremity exposed to the ruminal cannula, already presenting necrosis. The region was cleaned, removing larvae (myiasis) for better exposition of the fracture; in the following day, an osteotomy was done to remove exposed bone fragments. A trichotomy, cleaning, and debridement of the lesion and their adjacencies were done, with subsequent sedation and locoregional paralumbar anesthesia with lidocaine for resection of necrotic bone fragments. Cutaneous and muscle syntheses were not done because the region presented permanent contact with the rumen content. The post-operatory management was based on daily cleanings and bandages, with administration of antibiotics every 48 h for 20 days. The total recovery of the animal occurred within 45 days after the surgery.Discussion: Despite rib fractures in buffalos are mainly related to mineral deficiency, the case of the present study showed that these fractures are not always related to pre-existent causes. The clinical signs of the lesion were focal, because they refer to an open fracture that did not caused injuries to other structures, thus not determining an associated symptomatology. Opened rib fractures are rare, and most of them are healed by second intention without veterinary intervention. Regarding open fractures, the decontamination and debridement of a lesion and their adjacencies with removal of necrotic tissuesand use of antibiotics are essential for prevention of infections. When the lesion is in a contaminated region by permanent contact with rumen content, as in this case, daily cleaning with bandages is needed for a best healing, but synthesis oftissues is not indicated because there is a possibility of contamination and formation of abscesses. Therefore, procedures that ensure the decontamination of the wound and prevention of infections with prolonged use of antibiotics are essential for a better healing of open rib fractures in regions that are subjected to constant contamination

    High accuracy monitoring of honey bee colony development by a quantitative method

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    Honey bees are key insect pollinators, providing important economic and ecological value for human beings and ecosystems. This has triggered the development of several monitoring methods for assessing the temporal development of colony size, food storage, brood and pathogens. Nonetheless, most of these methods are based on visual assessments that are observer-dependent and prone to bias. Furthermore, the impact on colony development (invasiveness), as well as accuracy, were rarely considered when implementing new methods. In this study, we present and test a novel accurate and observer-independent method for honey bee colony assessment, capable of being fully standardized. Honey bee colony size is quantified by assessing the weight of adult bees, while brood and provision are assessed by taking photos and conducting image analysis of the combs with the image analysis software DeepbeeVR . The invasiveness and accuracy of the method were investigated using field data from two experimental apiaries in Portugal, comparing results from test and control colonies. At the end of each field experiment, most of the tested colonies had the same colony size, brood levels and honey production as the control colonies. Nonetheless, continuous weight data indicated some disturbance in tested colonies in the first year of monitoring. The overall accuracy of the image analysis software was improved by training, indicating that it is possible to adapt the software to local conditions. We conclude that the use of this fully quantitative method offers a more accurate alternative to classic visual colony assessments, with negligible impact on colony development.This work was supported by European Food Safety Authority under grant OC/EFSA/SCER/2017/02; FCT provided financial support by national funds (FCT/MCTES) to CFE (UIDB/04004/2020) and CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020); NC was financed by FCT under PhD grant SFRH/BD/133352/2017; YLD by DCE (Danish Centre for Environment and Energy) under grant 21628-82105.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio