489 research outputs found

    Peran PPL terhadap Pelaksanaan Program Gertakpaduka (di Kecamatan Pengabuan Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat)

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang peran PPL dalam pelaksanaan program gerakan tanam serentak padi dua kali setahun (gertakpaduka). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran PPL dalam pelaksanaan program ini. Dimana peran PPL tersebut terdiri dari memfasilitasi proses pembelajaran, mengupayakan akses pelaku utama (petani) ke sumber informasi, tehnologi, dan sumber daya lainnya, meningkatkan kemampuan manajerial dan kewirausahaan petani padi sawah, membantu petani padi sawah menumbuhkembangkan organisasinya, dan membantu petani menganalisis dan memecahkan masalah serta merespon peluang serta tantangan yang dihadapi petani. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 03 september 2012 – 03 oktober 2012 di Kecamatan Pengabuan Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data skunder. Untuk memperoleh data yang lebih mendalam dilakukan wawancara dengan bantuan kuisioner. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran PPL tersebut telah terlaksan

    Karakteristik Virgin Coconut Oil (Vco) Yang Di Panen Pada Berbagai Ketinggian Tempat Tumbuh

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    Coconut (Cocos nucifera. L) is a plant that is very useful in the life of the rural economy. Because all parts of the coconut tree could be utilized to meet human needs. One part of the coconut that has many benefits is the coconut meat in the capture milk to be made in pure coconut oil. Aim of this study was to determine the characteristics (yield, degree of clarity and composition of fatty acids) in the VCO coconut harvested at various heights a place to grow. This research was conducted in the territory high level 0-50, 100-150 and 200-250 m above sea level in the district of Parigi Moutong In the Laboratory of Agricultural Technology Faculty of Agriculture, University Tadulako. Implementation of the study began in December 2015 - March 2016. The study design was used way completely randomized design (CRD) with the treatment of the harvested fruit in 3 grades altitude growing ie 1 = 0-50 meters above sea level, 2 = 100-150 meters asl, 3 = 200-250 meters above sea level. Each treatment was repeated five times. The research were showed altitude 0-50 m above sea level provide the highest daily temperatures were significantly different from the temperature elevation 100-150 and 200-250 m above sea level

    Growth parameters and meat quality of pigs fed diets containing high oleic sunflower oil

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    The aim of the trial was to evaluate the effects of the dietary addition of a 3% sunflower oil containing high-oleic and low-linoleic acid levels (HOSO), supplemented or not with vitamin E, on heavy pig production parameters (growth, meat quality and fatty acid composition of ham subcutaneous fat). 64 Duroc x Large White pigs were allotted to four group (Control, Control plus vitamin E, 3% HOSO and 3% HOSO plus vitamin E). Regardless of vitamin E supplementation, our results indicate that a 3% addition of HOSO has no effect both on growth parameters and carcass and fresh meat quality. HOSO dietary addition resulted in a higher (P<0.001) level of oleic acid and in lower levels of palmitic and stearic acids in the subcutaneous fat. Furthermore, fat deriving from pigs on HOSO diets showed a higher (P<0.001) iodine value. Nevertheless, linoleic acid level and iodine value did not exceed the maximum allowed for long-curing PDO hams

    Economic evaluation of one case of swine fever outbreak in a commercial firm of Palmira (Valle)

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    El propósito de este estudio fue estimar las pérdidas económicas causadas por un brote de cólera porcino (peste porcina clásica) en una explotación comercial de Palmira, Valle del Cauca, dedicada a la cría, levante y ceba. El brote se inició el 19 de agosto de 1984 y terminó el 13 de septiembre del mismo año, habiéndose reducido el inventario de 607 a 52 cabezas. Las pérdidas económicas se evaluaron con base en: muerte de animales y venta de cerdos sin llegar a peso de matadero y de carne en canal, a precios inferiores a los existentes en el mercado. Para la estimación de las pérdidas se calcularon los ingresos reales percibidos por la venta de animales en pie y de carne en canal (situación 1) en la fecha del brote; los ingresos esperados, si se hubiesen vendido los animales en pie a precios de mercado (situación 2) y a precios de granja (situación 3); y los ingresos esperados, si no se hubiera presentado la enfermedad (situación 4). Posteriormente se compararon estas situaciones entre sí para estimar los ingresos brutos y netos dejados de percibir en relación con la situación 1, los cuales fueron del 33.8 y 19.7 por ciento para los ingresos brutos, y del 76.4 y 43.4 por ciento para los ingresos netos en las situaciones 2 y 3, respectivamente. Si se hubiesen vendido los animales en las épocas y pesos corporales previstos (situación 4), se habría recibido un ingreso bruto adicional de 98.2 por ciento del percibido en la situación 1. El ingreso neto dejado de recibir por la presentación del brote, se estimó en $5'448.140, sin considerar el lucro cesante por la desocupación temporal de la porqueriza.This paper was directed to estimate economic losses origined by a swine fever outbreak in a commercial firm of Palmira (Valle del Cauca), working in growing and finishing phases. Outbreak began in august 19 of 1984 and finished in september 13 of the same year; the stock of animals reduced from 607 to 52 pigs. Economics losses were calculated based on: a) dead animals; and b) selling of swine and carcase at lower prices than market price. To estimate the losses it was calculated: real income actually received for the sale of animals and carcass (situation one) at the outbreak date; income expected if animals would have been sold at market price This paper was directed to estimate economic losses origined by a swine fever outbreak in a commercial firm of Palmira (Valle del Cauca), working in growing and finishing phases. Outbreak began in august 19 of 1984 and finished in september 13 of the same year; the stock of animals reduced from 607 to 52 pigs. Economics losses were calculated based on: a) dead animals; and b) selling of swine and carcase at lower prices than market price. To estimate the losses it was calculated: real income actually received for the sale of animals and carcass (situation one) at the outbreak date; income expected if animals would have been sold at market price.Porcicultur

    Assessing Global Competence Within Teacher Education Programs. How to Design and Create a Set of Rubrics With a Modified Delphi Method

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    In today’s world, Global Competence represents a fundamental disposition for teachers who must be able to teach effectively in classrooms with students from diverse backgrounds and manage multiple learning contexts. For these reasons, it is necessary to set up educational activities during initial teacher education programs aimed at developing and assessing preservice teachers’ ability to be Global Competent. This study was aimed at designing and creating a set of rubrics that can be used by either teacher educators or preservice teachers, in this case, as a self-assessment instrument. The research design was based on a modified Delphi method composed of five rounds to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. A panel of 31 experts was involved in an iterative process until a consensus among the experts was reached. The rubrics can be employed in several contexts and situations such as: before and after an international experience, during or after a simulation or a workshop based on intercultural and real-world situations

    Uncertainty analysis of the use of a retailer fidelity card scheme in the assessment of food additive intake

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    International audienceThe feasibility of using a retailer fidelity card scheme to estimate food additive intake has been investigated in an earlier study. Fidelity card survey information was combined with information provided by the retailer on levels of the food colour Sunset Yellow (E110) in the foods to estimate a daily exposure to the additive in the Swiss population. As with any dietary exposure method the fidelity card scheme is subject to uncertainties and in this paper the impact of uncertainties associated with input variables including amounts of food purchased, levels of E110 in food, proportion of food purchased at retailer, rate of fidelity card usage, proportion of foods consumed outside of home and bodyweights and with systematic uncertainties has been assessed using a qualitative, deterministic and probabilistic approach. An analysis of the sensitivity of the results to each of the probabilistic inputs was also undertaken. The analysis was able to identify the key factors responsible for uncertainty within the model and demonstrate how the application of some simple probabilistic approaches can be used to quantitatively assess uncertainty

    Sustainable Development Policies as Indicators and Pre-Conditions for Sustainability Efforts at Universities: fact or fiction?

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    Purpose - There is a widely held belief that Sustainable Development (SD) policies are essential for universities to successfully engage in matters related to sustainability, and are an indicator of the extent to which they are active in this field. This paper examines the evidence which currently exists to support this assumption. It surveys a sample of universities in Brazil, Germany, Greece, Portugal, South Africa, United Kingdom (UK) and United States of America (USA) to ascertain the extent to which universities that are active in the field of sustainable development have formal policies on sustainable development, and whether such policies are a pre-condition for successful sustainability efforts. Design/methodology/approach –The study involved 35 universities in these seven countries (five universities respectively). A mixed-methods approach has been used, ranging from document analysis, website analysis, questionnaires and interviewing. Findings – Although only 60% of the sampled universities had a policy that specifically addressed SD, this cannot be regarded as an indicator that the remaining 40% are not engaged with substantial actions that address SD. Indeed, all of the universities in the sample, regardless of the existence of a SD formal policy, demonstrated engagement with environmental sustainability policies or procedures in some form or another. This research has been limited by the availability and ability to procure information from the sampled universities. Despite this, it is one of the largest research efforts of this kind ever performed. Originality/value – Our findings provide some valuable insights about the connections between SD policies on the one hand, and the practice of SD in higher education institutions on the other

    Identificación de garrapatas de bovinos en el municipio de Tumaco (Colombia).

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    Se realizó un estudio para determinar las especies de garrapata presentes en bovinos del municipio de Tumaco en el sur de la Costa Pacífica colombiana. El estudio identificó los especímenes recolectados en 2 períodos diferentes. En el primer período se tomaron 10 especímenes de garrapata de bovino en cada uno de los 48 predios visitados. En el segundo período, se tomaron las garrapatas presentes en 3 bovinos de cada una de 26 fincas. Adicionalmente se incluyeron unos pocos especímenes de equino. De un total de 1916 garrapatas de bovino examinadas, 1915 (99.94 por ciento) eran de la especie Boophilus microplus (Canestrini), mientras que sólo un especímen (0.06 por ciento) fue identificado como Dermacentor (Anocentor) nitens (Neumann). Todas las 84 garrapatas colectadas en equinos correspondieron a esta última especie (D. nitens)Ganadería bovin
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