366 research outputs found

    Canonical Analysis of Algebraic String Actions

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    We investigate the canonical aspects of the algebraic first order formulation of strings introduced two decades ago by Balachandran and collaborators. We slightly enlarge the Lagrangian framework and show the existence of a self-dual formulation and of an Immirzi-type parameter reminiscent of four-dimensional first order gravity. We perform a full Hamiltonian analysis of the self-dual case: we extract the first class constraints and construct the Dirac bracket associated to the second class constraints. The first class constraints contain the diffeomorphisms algebra on the world-sheet, and the coordinates are shown to be non-commutative with respect to the Dirac bracket. The Hamilton equations in a particular gauge are shown to reproduce the wave equation for the string coordinates. In the general, non-self-dual case, we also explicit the first class constraints of the system and show that, unlike the self-dual formulation, the theory admits an extra propagating degree of freedom than the two degrees of freedom of conventional string theory. This prevents the general algebraic string from being strictly equivalent to the Nambu-Goto string.Comment: Title changed. Presentation improved. Typos correcte

    Spin-Foam Models and the Physical Scalar Product

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    This paper aims at clarifying the link between Loop Quantum Gravity and Spin-Foam models in four dimensions. Starting from the canonical framework, we construct an operator P acting on the space of cylindrical functions Cyl(Γ\Gamma), where Γ\Gamma is the 4-simplex graph, such that its ma- trix elements are, up to some normalization factors, the vertex amplitude of Spin-Foam models. The Spin-Foam models we are considering are the topological model, the Barrett-Crane model and the Engle-Pereira-Rovelli model. The operator P is usually called the "projector" into physical states and its matrix elements gives the physical scalar product. Therefore, we relate the physical scalar product of Loop Quantum Gravity to vertex amplitudes of some Spin-Foam models. We discuss the possibility to extend the action of P to any cylindrical functions on the space manifold.Comment: 24 page

    Epistemic Injustice in the Age of AI

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising our practices of distributing and producing knowledge. Though promising, these technologies also harbour the potential for corruption - a rising problem in this domain is that of injustice committed against women in the epistemic sphere. In our social framework, being regarded as a credible knower has become synonymous with the potential for self-actualisation: the realisation of one’s potential. As such, the gender bias perpetrated by some AI systems is harming women in this domain. Additionally, biased software is barring them from accessing hermeneutical resources relevant to the understanding of their lived experience. Though still in its infancy, the problem should be urgently addressed by conceptualising ways in which a fairer AI could be engineered. Egalitarian ideas, specifically focused on equality of opportunity, seem to be promising avenues for future research and thought

    A Lorentz-Covariant Connection for Canonical Gravity

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    We construct a Lorentz-covariant connection in the context of first order canonical gravity with non-vanishing Barbero-Immirzi parameter. To do so, we start with the phase space formulation derived from the canonical analysis of the Holst action in which the second class constraints have been solved explicitly. This allows us to avoid the use of Dirac brackets. In this context, we show that there is a "unique" Lorentz-covariant connection which is commutative in the sense of the Poisson bracket, and which furthermore agrees with the connection found by Alexandrov using the Dirac bracket. This result opens a new way toward the understanding of Lorentz-covariant loop quantum gravity

    Los refranes en la clase de ELE

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    Tras un breve estado de la cuestión sobre la didáctica de los refranes en las clases de E/LE, presentamos una propuesta que se basa en la introducción de refranes en la clase de español a través de textos literarios de reciente publicación para obviar, en la medida de lo posible, la presencia o aparición de arcaísmos y estructuras sintácticas de uso restringido en el habla actual.After a brief state of the investigation on the didactics of popular proverbs in the classes of Spanish as foreign language, we present a proposal based on the introduction of popular proverbs in the class of Spanish through literary texts recently published, in order to avoid, as far as possible, the presence of archaisms and syntactic structures of restricted use nowadays.Après avoir fait un bref état de la question sur la didactique des proverbes dans les cours de E/LE, nous présentons une proposition basée sur l’introduction des proverbes dans les cours d’espagnol à travers des textes littéraires récemment publiés pour omettre, dans la mesure du possible, l’apparition d’archaïsmes et de structures syntaxiques d’usage restreint dans le langage actuel

    Las ediciones del Vocabulario de refranes y frases proverbiales (1627) de Gonzalo Correas

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    Tras un primer acercamiento a la producción literaria de Gonzalo Correas en “La producción literaria de Gonzalo de Correas en las fuentes documentales y su influencia en la investigación moderna”, nos aproximamos ahora al estudio de las ediciones de una obra de referencia en las investigaciones paremiológicas: el Vocabulario de refranes y frases proverbiales (1627).After an initial approach to Gonzalo Correas’ literary production in “La producción literaria de Gonzalo de Correas en las fuentes documentales y su influencia en la investigación moderna”, we are now carrying on a study on the editions of a work of reference in the paremiological researches: the Vocabulario de refranes y frases proverbiales (1627)

    Economic crisis, investors’ protection and tools for markets’ stability. A comparison between American and European mechanisms.

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    La tesi prende le mosse dall’analisi della situazione di grave crisi venutasi a creare nel 2008 per il fallimento della Lehmann Brothers a seguito della “bolla immobiliare” sviluppatasi negli Stati Uniti d’America, situazione di crisi che si è gradualmente estesa alle economie di tutto il mondo (tra cui, in primis, l’Unione europea), con effetti in molti casi devastanti e che ancora si risentono pesantemente soprattutto nei paesi strutturalmente più deboli. L’indagine intende approfondire l’effetto che le politiche adottate dai governi e dalle autorità monetarie sulle due sponde dell’Atlantico possono aver avuto nelle rispettive economie e le possibili interazioni tra le medesime, con l’analisi dei provvedimenti legislativi e di quelli amministrativi progressivamente adottati. Con specifico riferimento alle persone fisiche, si guarderà ai meccanismi di tutela del piccolo investitore, considerando l’evoluzione dei sistemi di tutela dei suoi interessi e quelli per assicurargli un’adeguata conoscenza dei mercati finanziari. Una particolare attenzione sarà dedicata alle problematiche del cosiddetto “investitore d’azzardo” con la ricerca di un delicato e quanto mai precario equilibrio tra responsabilità e tutele. In merito alle persone giuridiche, si focalizzerà l’attenzione sulla possibilità di convogliare il risparmio sulle PMI, superando il cortocircuito venutosi a creare nel finanziamento delle stesse e valutando, nel contempo, le tutele per gli investitori. Partendo dallo status quo, si cercherà di verificare le disfunzioni del sistema finanziario, i rimedi adottati e le possibili evoluzioni; ciò attraverso una analisi comparatistica - tra Europa e Stati Uniti - dei comportamenti degli operatori, dei provvedimenti legislativi ed amministrativi, delle analisi degli studiosi e dell’evolversi della situazione. Si cercherà, infine, di verificare l’eventuale esistenza di ciclicità nelle varie crisi economiche succedutesi nel tempo o, invece, la necessità del ricorso a parametri di tipo diverso, specifici per momenti storici e realtà diversificate.The thesis is based on the analysis of the serious crisis that was created in 2008 for the failure of Lehmann Brothers following the "real estate bubble" developed in the United States of America, an issue that gradually extended to the economies of all over the world (including, first, the European Union), with effects in many cases devastating and still heavily affected especially in the most weakly-structured countries. The investigation intends to deepen the effect that the policies adopted by governments and monetary authorities on the two sides of the Atlantic may have had in their respective economies and possible interactions between them, with the analysis of legislative and administrative measures progressively adopted. With particular reference to natural persons, we will look at the protection mechanisms of the small investor, considering the evolution of systems of protection of his interests and those to ensure that he has adequate knowledge of financial markets. Particular attention will be paid to the issues of the so-called "gambler" with the search for a delicate and ever-precarious balance between responsibility and protection. With regard to legal entities, attention will be focused on the possibility of channeling savings on SMEs by overcoming the shortcoming that they have come to invest in financing them and, at the same time, assessing investor protection. Starting from the status quo, we will try to verify the financial system's dysfunction, the remedies adopted, and the possible evolutions. Through a comparative analysis - between Europe and the United States - of the behavior of operators, legislative and administrative measures, scholarly analysis and the evolution of the situation. Lastly, we will try to verify the possible existence of cyclicities in the various economic downturns over time or, instead, the need to resort to different parameters specific to historical moments and diversified realities

    La producción literaria de Gonzalo de Correas en las fuentes documentales y su influencia en la investigación moderna

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    Este artículo pretende ser un intento de descripción de la producción literaria de Gonzalo Correas a través de la consulta de los catálogos bibliográficos que tenemos a nuestro alcance. Otro apartado comprenderá la relación de algunos de los artículos y ensayos más recientes acerca de sus teorías ortográficas y, sobre todo, sus estudios filológicos y paremiológicos.This article wants to be an attempt of description of Gonzalo Correas’ literary production through the information found in the bibliographical catalogues we have at hand. An other part will be composed of a list of some of the most recent articles and essays on his orthographical theories and, most of all, his philological and paremiological studies

    La producción literaria de Gonzalo de Correas en las fuentes documentales y su influencia en la investigación moderna

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    Este artículo pretende ser un intento de descripción de la producción literaria de Gonzalo Correas a través de la consulta de los catálogos bibliográficos que tenemos a nuestro alcance. Otro apartado comprenderá la relación de algunos de los artículos y ensayos más recientes acerca de sus teorías ortográficas y, sobre todo, sus estudios filológicos y paremiológicos.This article wants to be an attempt of description of Gonzalo Correas’ literary production through the information found in the bibliographical catalogues we have at hand. An other part will be composed of a list of some of the most recent articles and essays on his orthographical theories and, most of all, his philological and paremiological studies