28 research outputs found

    Economic burden of vulvar and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia: retrospective cost study at a German dysplasia centre

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human papillomavirus is responsible for a variety of diseases including grade 2 and 3 vulvar and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia. The aim of this study was to assess parts of the burden of the last diseases including treatment costs. The direct medical resource use and cost of surgery associated with neoplasia and related diagnostic procedures (statutory health insurance perspective) were estimated, as were the indirect costs (productivity losses) associated with surgical treatment and related gynaecology visits for diagnostic purposes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data from 1991-2008 were retrospectively collected from patient records of the outpatient unit of the Gynaecological Dysplasia Clinic, Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany. Two subgroups of patients were analysed descriptively: women undergoing one surgical procedure related to a diagnosis of vulvar and/or vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia, and women undergoing two or more surgical procedures. Target measures were per-capita medical resource consumption, direct medical cost and indirect cost.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 94 women analysed, 52 underwent one surgical intervention and 42 two or more interventions (mean of 3.0 interventions during the total period of analysis). Patients undergoing one surgical intervention accrued €881 in direct costs and €682 in indirect costs; patients undergoing more than one intervention accrued €2,605 in direct costs and €2,432 in indirect costs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The economic burden on German statutory health insurance funds and society induced by surgical interventions and related diagnostic procedures for grade 2/3 vulvar and vaginal neoplasia should not be underrated. The cost burden is one part of the overall burden attributable to human papillomavirus infections.</p

    Quantifying and addressing the prevalence and bias of study designs in the environmental and social sciences

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    Abstract: Building trust in science and evidence-based decision-making depends heavily on the credibility of studies and their findings. Researchers employ many different study designs that vary in their risk of bias to evaluate the true effect of interventions or impacts. Here, we empirically quantify, on a large scale, the prevalence of different study designs and the magnitude of bias in their estimates. Randomised designs and controlled observational designs with pre-intervention sampling were used by just 23% of intervention studies in biodiversity conservation, and 36% of intervention studies in social science. We demonstrate, through pairwise within-study comparisons across 49 environmental datasets, that these types of designs usually give less biased estimates than simpler observational designs. We propose a model-based approach to combine study estimates that may suffer from different levels of study design bias, discuss the implications for evidence synthesis, and how to facilitate the use of more credible study designs

    Frauenbewegung - Die Schweiz seit 1968. Analysen, Dokumente, Archive

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    Sie kämpften nicht nur gegen die kapitalistische, sondern auch gegen die männlich dominierte Gesellschaft: Die Aktivistinnen der Frauenbewegung nach 1968. Diese verband die Suche nach einer anderen Gesellschaft mit neuen Auffassungen von Sexualität. Bestehende Machtverhältnisse wurden kritisch hinterfragt. Eine feministische Gegenkultur prägte sich aus, die sich als Gegenstück zur männlich dominierten Gesellschaft verstand. Basierend auf den Resultaten eines mehrjährigen Forschungsprojekts, bietet diese Überblicksdarstellung erstmals umfassend Einblick in Mobilisierung, Formen der Aktion sowie Kontroversen im feministischen Milieu von 1968 bis 2011. Neben Schlüsseldokumenten enthält der Band auch eine Übersicht über zentrale Quellenbestände in allen Landesteilen sowie eine umfassende Chronologie und Bibliografie

    Mucoviscidose: Quand les bactéries coopèrent pour mieux régner

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    Le dossier que nous présentons a été rédigé par les étudiantes et étudiants de Master 1 de Biologie de l’École Normale Supérieure de Lyon à l’issue de l’UE Microbiologie Moléculaire et Structurale (2020-2021). Le Master de Biologie de l’ENS de Lyon accueille chaque année environ 40 étudiants en M1 et en M2 et propose une formation de haut niveau à la recherche en biosciences. Chaque étudiant y construit son parcours à la carte, en choisissant ses options parmi un large panel de modules, favorisant ainsi une approche pluridisciplinaire des sciences du vivant, et cela en relation étroite avec les laboratoires de recherche du tissu local, national et international. En participant à diverses activités scientifiques liées aux UE de leur formation, les étudiants préparent également l’obtention du Diplôme de l’ENS de Lyon, qui valide leur scolarité à l’ENS. La rédaction du présent dossier, qui vise à transmettre de façon claire les messages issus d’une sélection d’articles scientifiques publiés récemment dans le domaine de la microbiologie, constitue l’une de ces activités connexes proposées aux étudiants

    Compensation Strategies in Older Adults: Association With Cognition and Everyday Function

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    Background/rationaleCompensation strategies may contribute to greater resilience among older adults, even in the face of cognitive decline. This study sought to better understand how compensation strategy use among older adults with varying degrees of cognitive impairment impacts everyday functioning.MethodsIn all, 125 older adults (normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment, dementia) underwent neuropsychological testing, and their informants completed questionnaires regarding everyday compensation and cognitive and functional abilities.ResultsCognitively normal and mild cognitive impairment older adults had greater levels of compensation use than those with dementia. Higher levels of neuropsychological functioning were associated with more frequent compensation use. Most importantly, greater frequency of compensation strategy use was associated with higher levels of independence in everyday function, even after accounting for cognition.ConclusionUse of compensation strategies is associated with higher levels of functioning in daily life among older adults. Findings provide strong rational for development of interventions that directly target such strategies

    A new reliable, transposable and cost-effective assay for absolute quantification of total plasmatic bevacizumab by LC MS/MS in human plasma comparing two internal standard calibration approaches

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    The quantification of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) such as bevacizumab, a recombinant humanized immunoglobulin G1 (hIgG1), in biological fluids, is an essential prerequisite to any pharmacokinetic preclinical and clinical study. To date, reference techniques used to quantify mAbs rely on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) lacking specificity. Furthermore, the commercially available ELISA kit to quantify bevacizumab in human plasma only assesses the free fraction of the drug. However, the conditions of storage and analysis of plasma samples could alter the physiological equilibrium between the free, bound and partially bound forms of bevacizumab and this could result in over- or underestimation of drug concentration. We developed a new assay for absolute quantification of total fraction of bevacizumab by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) basing identification and quantification of bevacizumab on two specific peptides. In this report we compare our assay with two internal standard (IS) calibration approaches: one using a different human mAb (Trastuzumab) and the other using a stable isotope labeled specific peptide. After enrichment by affinity chromatography on protein A and concentration by ultrafiltration, human plasma samples were proteolyzed by trypsin. Linearity was established from 12.5 to 500 mu g/mL with an interday accuracy ranging from 101.7 to 110.6% and precision from 7.0% to 9.9%. This study demonstrates the importance of the choice of the IS in quantifying bevacizumab in human plasma and highlights the difficulty of reaching a reliable proteolysis with a sufficient recovery. We developed a reliable and cost-effective LC-MS/MS method to quantify total plasmatic fraction of bevacizumab in human plasma. Through our development we proposed a generic methodology easily transposable to quantify all IgG1 subclass very useful for clinical pharmacokinetics studies

    Synthetic toxic Aβ1–42 oligomers can assemble in different morphologies

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    International audienceBackground Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease associated with aggregation of Aβ peptides. Aβ toxicity is mostly related to the capacity of intermediate oligomers to disrupt membrane integrity. We previously expressed Aβ1–42 in a eukaryotic cellular system and selected synthetic variants on their sole toxicity. The most toxic mutant G37C forms stable oligomers. Methods Different biophysical methods (Fluorescence spectroscopy, cross-linking, mass spectrometry (MS), Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), calcein leakage) were used. Results The oligomers are mostly populated by a 14 mers resulting from the packing of homodimers. These homodimers come from the formation of a disulfide bridge between two monomers. This link stabilizes the multimers and prevents the assembly into amyloid fibrils. These oligomers affect the membrane integrity. The reduction of disulfide bonds leads to a rearrangement and redirects assembly of Aβ amyloid fibrils. Conclusion The toxic synthetic AβG37C mutant can assemble into an amyloid of unusual morphology through the formation of anti-parallel β-sheets. This pathway involves the formation of oligomers resulting from the arrangement of Aβ dimers linked by covalent di-sulfide link, being these oligomers harmful for the membranes. General significance The capacity to produce large amount of stable oligomers without additional detergents or extrinsic cross-linkers allow further structural and biophysical studies to understand their capacity to assemble and disrupt the membranes, a key event in Alzheimer's disease