808 research outputs found

    Perceptions of cultural diversity within social fraternities and sororities

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    Social fraternities and sororities have frequently been the targets of public criticism. One of the reasons for this criticism is the belief that social fraternities and sororities promote racism (Goettsch & Hayes, 1990). In this paper, perceptions of cultural diversity within social fraternities and sororities are examined. The focus is primarily on perceptions of sorority and fraternity members toward African-Americans. The first section will present an historical overview of social fraternities and sororities. Next, attitudes regarding racial prejudice in social fraternities and sororities is reviewed. The paper concludes with recommendations based on the research presented in the previous section

    Multimodal perioperative pain protocol for Gynecologic Oncology laparotomy reduces length of hospital stay

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    Our primary objective was to evaluate the impact of a multimodal perioperative pain regimen on length of hospital stay for patients undergoing laparotomy with a gynecologic oncologist

    Spatial behavior of domestic cats and the effects of outdoor access restrictions and interventions to reduce predation of wildlife

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    Domestic cats (Felis catus) that roam outdoors have increased exposure to hazards to their health and welfare. Outdoor cats can themselves present a hazard to biodiversity conservation and wild animal welfare. Approaches to reducing predation of wildlife by cats might also bring benefits to cats by reducing their roaming and associated risks. We investigated ranging behaviors of domestic cats that regularly captured wild prey, and that had restricted or unrestricted outdoor access. We tested whether interventions aimed at reducing predation also affected their spatial behavior. We evaluated cat bells, Birdsbesafe collar covers, using a “puzzle feeder”, provision of meat-rich food, object play, and a control group. Seventy-two cats in 48 households in England completed the 12-week trial in spring 2019. Home ranges were small (median AKDE95 = 1.51 ha). Cats with unrestricted outdoor access had 75% larger home ranges, 31% greater daily distances traveled, and reached 46% greater maximum distances from home, than cats with restricted outdoor access. None of the treatments intended to reduce predation affected cat ranges or distances traveled. While owners might use interventions to reduce predation, the only effective means of reducing cat roaming and associated exposure to outdoor hazards was restriction of outdoor access

    Host Biomarkers Are Associated With Response to Therapy and Long-Term Mortality in Pediatric Severe Malaria.

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    Background. Host responses to infection are critical determinants of disease severity and clinical outcome. The development of tools to risk stratify children with malaria is needed to identify children most likely to benefit from targeted interventions.Methods. This study investigated the kinetics of candidate biomarkers of mortality associated with endothelial activation and dysfunction (angiopoietin-2 [Ang-2], soluble FMS-like tyrosine kinase-1 [sFlt-1], and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 [sICAM-1]) and inflammation (10 kDa interferon γ-induced protein [CXCL10/IP-10] and soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 [sTREM-1]) in the context of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm trial evaluating inhaled nitric oxide versus placebo as adjunctive therapy to parenteral artesunate for severe malaria. One hundred eighty children aged 1–10 years were enrolled at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital in Uganda and followed for up to 6 months.Results. There were no differences between the 2 study arms in the rate of biomarker recovery. Median levels of Ang-2, CXCL10, and sFlt-1 were higher at admission in children who died in-hospital (n = 15 of 180; P < .001, P = .027, and P = .004, respectively). Elevated levels of Ang-2, sTREM-1, CXCL10, and sICAM-1 were associated with prolonged clinical recovery times in survivors. The Ang-2 levels were also associated with postdischarge mortality (P < .0001). No biomarkers were associated with neurodisability.Conclusions. Persistent endothelial activation and dysfunction predict survival in children admitted with severe malaria

    Regulator of G-protein signalling 2 mRNA is differentially expressed in mammary epithelial subpopulations and over-expressed in the majority of breast cancers

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    To understand which signalling pathways become deregulated in breast cancer, it is necessary to identify functionally significant gene expression patterns in the stem, progenitor, transit amplifying and differentiated cells of the mammary epithelium. We have previously used the markers 33A10, CD24 and Sca-1 to identify mouse mammary epithelial cell subpopulations. We now investigate the relationship between cells expressing these markers and use gene expression microarray analysis to identify genes differentially expressed in the cell populations. METHODS: Freshly isolated primary mouse mammary epithelial cells were separated on the basis of staining with the 33A10 antibody and an alpha-Sca-1 antibody. The populations identified were profiled using gene expression microarray analysis. Gene expression patterns were confirmed on normal mouse and human mammary epithelial subpopulations and were examined in a panel of breast cancer samples and cell lines. RESULTS: Analysis of the separated populations demonstrated that Sca-1- 33A10High stained cells were estrogen receptor alpha (Esr1)- luminal epithelial cells, whereas Sca-1+ 33A10Low/- stained cells were a mix of nonepithelial cells and Esr1+ epithelial cells. Analysis of the gene expression data identified the gene Rgs2 (regulator of G-protein signalling 2) as being highly expressed in the Sca-1- 33A10Low/- population, which included myoepithelial/basal cells. RGS2 has previously been described as a regulator of angiotensin II receptor signalling. Gene expression analysis by quantitative real-time RT-PCR of cells separated on the basis of CD24 and Sca-1 expression confirmed that Rgs2 was more highly expressed in mouse myoepithelial/basal mammary cells than luminal cells. This expression pattern was conserved in normal human breast cells. Functional analysis demonstrated RGS2 to be a modulator of oxytocin receptor signalling. The potential significance of RGS2 expression in breast cancer was demonstrated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis, data mining and quantitative real-time RT-PCR approaches, which showed that RGS2 was expressed in the majority of solid breast cancers at much higher levels than in normal human mammary cells. CONCLUSION: Molecular analysis of prospectively isolated mammary epithelial cells identified RGS2 as a modulator of oxytocin receptor signalling, which is highly expressed in the myoepithelial cells. The RGS2 gene, but not the oxytocin receptor, was also shown to be over-expressed in the majority of breast cancers, identifying the product of this gene, or the pathway(s) it regulates, as potentially significant therapeutic targets

    What is Microbial Dormancy?

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    Life can be stressful. One way to deal with stress is to simply wait it out. Microbes do this by entering a state of reduced activity and increased resistance commonly called ‘dormancy’. But what is dormancy? Different scientific disciplines emphasize distinct traits and phenotypic ranges in defining dormancy for their microbial species and system-specific questions of interest. Here, we propose a unified definition of microbial dormancy, using a broad framework to place earlier discipline-specific definitions in a new context. We then discuss how this new definition and framework may improve our ability to investigate dormancy using multi-omics tools. Finally, we leverage our framework to discuss the diversity of genomic mechanisms for dormancy in an extreme environment that challenges easy definitions – the permafrost

    Report on CTSA Consortium Use of the Community Engagement Consulting Service: Carter-Edwards et al. ·Community Engagement Consultation Service

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    The CTSA Community Engagement Consultative Service (CECS) is a national partnership designed to improve community engaged research (CEnR) through expert consultation. This report assesses the feasibility of CECS and presents findings from 2008–2009

    Internal construct validity of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS): a Rasch analysis using data from the Scottish Health Education Population Survey

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    Background: The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS) was developed to meet demand for instruments to measure mental well-being. It comprises 14 positively phrased Likert-style items and fulfils classic criteria for scale development. We report here the internal construct validity of WEMWBS from the perspective of the Rasch measurement model. Methods: The model was applied to data collected from 779 respondents in Wave 12 (Autumn 2006) of the Scottish Health Education Population Survey. Respondents were aged 16–74 (average 41.9) yrs. Results: Initial fit to model expectations was poor. The items 'I've been feeling good about myself', 'I've been interested in new things' and 'I've been feeling cheerful' all showed significant misfit to model expectations, and were deleted. This led to a marginal improvement in fit to the model. After further analysis, more items were deleted and a strict unidimensional seven item scale (the Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMWBS)) was resolved. Many items deleted because of misfit with model expectations showed considerable bias for gender. Two retained items also demonstrated bias for gender but, at the scale level, cancelled out. One further retained item 'I've been feeling optimistic about the future' showed bias for age. The correlation between the 14 item and 7 item versions was 0.954. Given fit to the Rasch model, and strict unidimensionality, SWEMWBS provides an interval scale estimate of mental well-being. Conclusion: A short 7 item version of WEMWBS was found to satisfy the strict unidimensionality expectations of the Rasch model, and be largely free of bias. This scale, SWEMWBS, provides a raw score-interval scale transformation for use in parametric procedures. In terms of face validity, SWEMWBS presents a more restricted view of mental well-being than the 14 item WEMWBS, with most items representing aspects of psychological and eudemonic well-being, and few covering hedonic well-being or affect. However, robust measurement properties combined with brevity make SWEMWBS preferable to WEMWBS at present for monitoring mental well-being in populations. Where face validity is an issue there remain arguments for continuing to collect data on the full 14 item WEMWBS

    BMP9 Mutations Cause a Vascular-Anomaly Syndrome with Phenotypic Overlap with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

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    Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), the most common inherited vascular disorder, is caused by mutations in genes involved in the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ÎČ) signaling pathway (ENG, ACVRL1, and SMAD4). Yet, approximately 15% of individuals with clinical features of HHT do not have mutations in these genes, suggesting that there are undiscovered mutations in other genes for HHT and possibly vascular disorders with overlapping phenotypes. The genetic etiology for 191 unrelated individuals clinically suspected to have HHT was investigated with the use of exome and Sanger sequencing; these individuals had no mutations in ENG, ACVRL1, and SMAD4. Mutations in BMP9 (also known as GDF2) were identified in three unrelated probands. These three individuals had epistaxis and dermal lesions that were described as telangiectases but whose location and appearance resembled lesions described in some individuals with RASA1-related disorders (capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation syndrome). Analyses of the variant proteins suggested that mutations negatively affect protein processing and/or function, and a bmp9-deficient zebrafish model demonstrated that BMP9 is involved in angiogenesis. These data confirm a genetic cause of a vascular-anomaly syndrome that has phenotypic overlap with HHT
