196 research outputs found

    Technological style, chaîne opératoire, and labor investment of early Neolithic pottery

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    Se presentan los datos tecnológicos derivados del muestreo del conjunto cerámico del Neolítico antiguo de las comarcas centrales valencianas. A través de ellos se realiza una aproximación al estilo tecnológico a través del concepto de "cadena operativa" al tiempo que se discute el grado de inversión de trabajo en algunas de las producciones específicas que definen este horizonte cultural. Todo ello nos permite, entre otros aspectos, aproximarnos a la relación entre secuenca productiva, tecnología y estilo decorativo

    Canyoles archaeological survey project. Resultados preliminares

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    En aquest treball presentem els primers resultats d’un intens projecte de prospeccions sistemàtiques dut a terme a la part occidental de la comarca de la Costera (València). Amb la informació obtinguda, es fa una primera aproximació a l’evolució del poblament prehistòric de la zona. Es presta una atenció especial als moments corresponents a la introducció i desenvolupament de les economies productores. Paraules clau: La Costera. Prospeccions sistemàtiques. Poblament. Paisatge. Neolític-Edat del Bronze.In this paper we present the preliminary findings of an extensive survey conducted in the western portion of the La Costera region of Valencia, Spain. This project explores patterns of prehistoric settlement and land use through time with an emphasis on the first farming populations and subsequent cultural developments until the Bronze Age. We discuss the results of this research within a broader regional context. Key Words: La Costera. Sistematic survey. Settlement. Landscape. Neolithic-Bronze Age.En este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados de un intenso proyecto de prospecciones sistemáticas en la zona occidental de la comarca de La Costera (València). A través de la información obtenida, se realiza una primera presentación de la evolución del poblamiento prehistórico en la zona. Especial atención se presta a los momentos correspondientes a la introducción y desarrollo de las economías productoras. Palabras Clave: La Costera. Prospecciones sistemáticas. Poblamiento. Paisaje. Neolítico-Edad del Bronce

    Rare Earth Elements to identify archaeological strata in the Cocina Cave

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    Rare earth elements (REE) have been employed in a variety of different scenarios in order to identify the natural or anthropogenic nature of archaeological soils [1,2] . In this study, REE signatures were employed to better understand the layers formation in a cavity called Cocina cave, a large cavity of 300 m2 located at Barranco de la Ventana, one of the ravines flowing southwards from La Canal valley, a little plateau located in the municipality of Dos Aguas (Valencia, Spain). Cocina cave is characterized of very homogenous sediment deposition where it is difficult to understand layers formation processes just employing the traditional archaeological methods and the standardized soil analyses. The archaeological sequence encompasses last hunter-gatherer Holocene occupations in the regional sequence (Mesolithic) followed by several levels attributed to the Neolithic, Bronze Age and historic occupations until the XX century, these last regarding the use of the cavity as a pen. In order to understand the development history of the strata and the anthropogenic or natural formation of soils a total of fifty samples were taken across six different sections (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) and from each section the sampling was carried out at different depths through 1-2m deep sections. All samples were recovered from current pits excavated at the cavity corresponding with some profiles that encompass different strata including natural deposits and hunter and penning activities together with other possible uses not well defined from archaeological data. Several radiocarbon dates confirm the anthropogenic use of the cavity from the IX millennium cal BP to the contemporary times. Major, minor and trace elements including REE were determined employing XRF and ICP- MS. Results were then statistically processed and cross-referenced with archaeological data to aid interpretation. The results show that REE provide interesting details regarding the strata development history, and therefore help archaeologists to better understand the occupation, use and abandonment phases of the cave. [1] Pastor et al., TrAC 78 (2016) 48. [2] Gallello et al., JAS 40 (2013) 799

    Increasing contextual information by merging existing archaeological data with the state of the art laser scanning in the prehistoric funerary deposit of Pastora Cave, Eastern Spain

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    In this paper we present a virtual reconstruction of prehistoric funerary practices in Pastora Cave,a collective burial site in Eastern Spain that dates from the Late Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age. Modern data of the cave was captured by 3D laser scanning techniques and added to recorded archaeological data and 3D graphic information. The combination of these data sets allowed us to create a hypothetical reconstruction to analyze the material excavated in the 1940s and 50s in greater spatial context. A 3D model of the current cave was created in order to serve as a basis for modeling the relative stratigraphic information available. We present the methodology employed and the results and implications of the analysis for Pastora Cave with particular emphasis on the spatial and chronological data

    Stillbirth 2010-2018: A prospective, population-based, multi-country study from the global network

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    Background: Stillbirth rates are high and represent a substantial proportion of the under-5 mortality in low and middle-income countries (LMIC). In LMIC, where nearly 98% of stillbirths worldwide occur, few population-based studies have documented cause of stillbirths or the trends in rate of stillbirth over time.Methods: We undertook a prospective, population-based multi-country research study of all pregnant women in defined geographic areas across 7 sites in low-resource settings (Kenya, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Pakistan, and Guatemala). Staff collected demographic and health care characteristics with outcomes obtained at delivery. Cause of stillbirth was assigned by algorithm.Results: From 2010 through 2018, 573,148 women were enrolled with delivery data obtained. Of the 552,547 births that reached 500 g or 20 weeks gestation, 15,604 were stillbirths; a rate of 28.2 stillbirths per 1000 births. The stillbirth rates were 19.3 in the Guatemala site, 23.8 in the African sites, and 33.3 in the Asian sites. Specifically, stillbirth rates were highest in the Pakistan site, which also documented a substantial decrease in stillbirth rates over the study period, from 56.0 per 1000 (95% CI 51.0, 61.0) in 2010 to 44.4 per 1000 (95% CI 39.1, 49.7) in 2018. The Nagpur, India site also documented a substantial decrease in stillbirths from 32.5 (95% CI 29.0, 36.1) to 16.9 (95% CI 13.9, 19.9) per 1000 in 2018; however, other sites had only small declines in stillbirth over the same period. Women who were less educated and older as well as those with less access to antenatal care and with vaginal assisted delivery were at increased risk of stillbirth. The major fetal causes of stillbirth were birth asphyxia (44.0% of stillbirths) and infectious causes (22.2%). The maternal conditions that were observed among those with stillbirth were obstructed or prolonged labor, antepartum hemorrhage and maternal infections.Conclusions: Over the study period, stillbirth rates have remained relatively high across all sites. With the exceptions of the Pakistan and Nagpur sites, Global Network sites did not observe substantial changes in their stillbirth rates. Women who were less educated and had less access to antenatal and obstetric care remained at the highest burden of stillbirth.Study registration: Clinicaltrials.gov (ID# NCT01073475)

    Informed choice about breast cancer prevention: randomized controlled trial of an online decision aid intervention

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    Abstract Introduction Tamoxifen and raloxifene are chemopreventive drugs that can reduce women's relative risk of primary breast cancer by 50%; however, most women eligible for these drugs have chosen not to take them. The reasons for low uptake may be related to women's knowledge or attitudes towards the drugs. We aimed to examine the impact of an online breast cancer chemoprevention decision aid (DA) on informed intentions and decisions of women at high risk of breast cancer. Methods We conducted a randomized clinical trial, assessing the effect of a DA about breast cancer chemoprevention on informed choices about chemoprevention. Women (n = 585), 46- to 74-years old old, completed online baseline, post-test, and three-month follow-up questionnaires. Participants were randomly assigned to either an intervention group, a standard control group that answered questions about chemoprevention at baseline, or a three-month control group that did not answer questions about chemoprevention at baseline. The main outcome measures were whether women's intentions and decisions regarding chemoprevention drugs were informed, and whether women who viewed the DA were more likely to make informed decisions than women who did not view the DA, using a dichotomous composite variable 'informed choice' (yes/no) to classify informed decisions as those reflecting sufficient knowledge and concordance between a woman's decision and relevant attitudes. Results Analyses showed that more intervention than standard control participants (52.7% versus 5.9%) made informed decisions at post-test, P <0.001. At the three-month follow-up, differences in rates of informed choice between intervention (16.9%) and both control groups (11.8% and 8.0%) were statistically non-significant, P = 0.067. Conclusions The DA increased informed decision making about breast cancer chemoprevention, although the impact on knowledge diminished over time. This study was not designed to determine how much knowledge decision makers must retain over time. Examining informed decisions increases understanding of the impact of DAs. A standard for defining and measuring sufficient knowledge for informed decisions is needed. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00967824http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112557/1/13058_2013_Article_3282.pd

    Informed choice about breast cancer prevention: randomized controlled trial of an online decision aid intervention

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    Abstract Introduction Tamoxifen and raloxifene are chemopreventive drugs that can reduce women's relative risk of primary breast cancer by 50%; however, most women eligible for these drugs have chosen not to take them. The reasons for low uptake may be related to women's knowledge or attitudes towards the drugs. We aimed to examine the impact of an online breast cancer chemoprevention decision aid (DA) on informed intentions and decisions of women at high risk of breast cancer. Methods We conducted a randomized clinical trial, assessing the effect of a DA about breast cancer chemoprevention on informed choices about chemoprevention. Women (n = 585), 46- to 74-years old old, completed online baseline, post-test, and three-month follow-up questionnaires. Participants were randomly assigned to either an intervention group, a standard control group that answered questions about chemoprevention at baseline, or a three-month control group that did not answer questions about chemoprevention at baseline . The main outcome measures were whether women's intentions and decisions regarding chemoprevention drugs were informed, and whether women who viewed the DA were more likely to make informed decisions than women who did not view the DA, using a dichotomous composite variable 'informed choice' (yes/no) to classify informed decisions as those reflecting sufficient knowledge and concordance between a woman's decision and relevant attitudes. Results Analyses showed that more intervention than standard control participants (52.7% versus 5.9%) made informed decisions at post-test, P <0.001. At the three-month follow-up, differences in rates of informed choice between intervention (16.9%) and both control groups (11.8% and 8.0%) were statistically non-significant, P = 0.067. Conclusions The DA increased informed decision making about breast cancer chemoprevention, although the impact on knowledge diminished over time. This study was not designed to determine how much knowledge decision makers must retain over time. Examining informed decisions increases understanding of the impact of DAs. A standard for defining and measuring sufficient knowledge for informed decisions is needed. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00967824http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135728/1/13058_2013_Article_3282.pd

    Hemoglobin concentrations and adverse birth outcomes in south Asian pregnant women: Findings from a prospective maternal and neonatal health registry

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    Background: While the relationship between hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations and pregnancy outcomes has been studied often, most reports have focused on a specific Hb cutoff used to define anemia. Fewer studies have evaluated pregnancy outcomes across the entire range of Hb values. Moreover, to date, most studies of the relationship of Hb concentrations to pregnancy outcomes have been done in high-income countries. Thus, we have sought to determine the relationship between the range of maternal Hb concentrations and adverse birth outcomes among South Asian pregnant women.Methods: For this study, we used data collected from two South Asian countries (Pakistan - Sindh Province and two sites in India - Belagavi and Nagpur) in a prospective maternal and newborn health registry study. To assess the association between Hb concentrations and various maternal and fetal outcomes, we classified the Hb concentrations into seven categories. Regression analyses adjusting for multiple potential confounders were performed to assess adverse pregnancy outcomes across the range of Hb concentrations.Findings: Between January 2012 and December 2018, 130,888 pregnant women were enrolled in the South Asian sites had a Hb measurement available, delivered and were included in the analyses. Overall, the mean Hb concentration of pregnant women from the sites was 9.9 g/dL, 10.0 g/dL in the Indian sites and 9.5 g/dL in the Pakistan site. Hb concentrations \u3c 7 g/dL were observed in 6.9% of the pregnant Pakistani women and 0.2% of the Indian women. In both the Pakistani and Indian sites, women with higher parity and women with no formal education had lower Hb concentrations. In the Pakistani site, women \u3e 35 years of age, women with ≥4 children and those who enrolled in the third trimester were more likely to have Hb concentrations of \u3c 7 g/dL but these associations were not found for the Indian sites. When adjusting for potential confounders, for both India and Pakistan, lower Hb concentrations were associated with stillbirth, preterm birth, lower mean birthweight, and increased risk of low birthweight. In the Pakistani site, there was evidence of a U-shaped relationship between Hb concentrations and low birth weight, and neonatal mortality, and in India with hypertensive disease.Interpretation: This study documented the relationship between maternal Hb concentrations and adverse pregnancy outcomes in women from the Pakistani and Indian sites across the range of Hb values. Both low and high Hb concentrations were associated with risk of at least some adverse outcomes. Hence, both low and high values of Hb should be considered risk factors for the mother and fetus