271 research outputs found

    Al Anochecer / At dusk

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    Al anochecer es un ensayo audiovisual sobre paisaje, en el que el atardecer y la noche van cayendo sobre distintas ciudades. Es el resultado de un proyecto que trata sobre las conexiones interdisciplinares entre dos medios creativos: la pintura, un lenguaje tradicional, y la videocreación, un medio de expresión más actual y tecnológico. Me propuse indagar en la posibilidad de generar un diálogo entre ambas disciplinas, empleando el motivo del anochecer en la ciudad como eje estructural del discurso. En el vídeo, aparecen lugares y escenarios que guardan una estrecha relación con los motivos que empleo en mi pintura. Imágenes de ciudades que tienen para mí un vínculo personal, en las que quise retener ese momento efímero en el que la noche va cayendo y el cielo va tiñéndose de un azul cada vez más intenso, mientras se encienden las primeras luces. Tanto por sus posibilidades plásticas como por su significado, me sentí seducida por la representación del ocaso del día, un intervalo de tiempo que invita a la reflexión y que evoca una sensación de tiempo suspendido, indefinido entre el día y la noche. A través de este proyecto, tanto en su desarrollo pictórico como en su práctica audiovisual, he podido ahondar en las posibilidades de un género clásico como es el paisaje, descubriendo su capacidad de constante renovación.At duskAt dusk is an audiovisual project on landscape in the moment when the sunset and the night are falling on different towns. It is the result of a project about the interdisciplinary links between two creative ways of expression: painting as a traditional language, and videocreation as a more current and technological tool. I decided to investigate the possibility of generating a dialogue between both disciplines, using the issue of dusk in town as a structural axis of the speech. The video shows places and scenarios that keep a close relationship with the topics I use in my paintings. These are images of some towns which have a personal link to me, when I wanted to retain that ephemeral moment at which night is falling and the sky is blue dyeing increasingly intense, and while the first lights turn in town. Both due to its plastic possibilities and to its meaning I felt seduced by the representation of the decline of the day, a time that invites to reflection and evokes a sense of time suspended, not definitive, between day and night. Through this project, both in its painting development and in its audiovisual practice, I have been able to go into the possibilities of a classic painting issue as it is landscape, discovering its capacity for constant renewal

    Fortalecimiento del consumo sostenible en el campus de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira a partir de la promoción del mercado agroecológico UTP "Alimentos para la vida"

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    El Mercado Agroecológico UTP “Alimentos para la vida” es un espacio universitario que se gestó hace diez (10) años, el cual es dinamizado por el Centro de Gestión Ambiental de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Encaminado a la construcción de soberanía alimentaria, consumo sostenible y diálogo de saberes en la ecorregión Eje Cafetero. La práctica realizada se llevó a cabo en el marco del proyecto denominado “Articulando educación, mercadeo y agroecología, para la promoción del consumo sostenible” entre el Mercado Agroecológico de la UTP y la Feria agroecológica UNIMINUTO sede Bogotá entre el año 2019 y 2020. Este tenía por objetivo desarrollar una campaña educativa y de mercadeo en torno al consumo sostenible de productos agroecológicos..

    Evening in the City: from Painting to the Audiovisual Format

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    [EN] At Dusk is an audiovisual project on landscape in the moment when the sunset and the night are falling on different towns. The video shows places and scenarios that keep a close relationship with the topics I use in my paintings. These are images of some towns which have a personal link to me, when I wanted to retain that ephemeral moment at which night is falling and the sky is blue dyeing increasingly intense, and while the first lights turn in town...[ES] La noche va cayendo sobre la ciudad y se empiezan a encender sus primeras luces. Paisajes que me sirven para conectar antiguas y nuevas formas de expresión como parte de un mismo proyecto, la pintura y el formato audiovisual. Lugares y escenarios que reinvento a través de mi lenguaje personal, que parte del medio pictórico y abre camino a nuevas posibilidades interdisciplinares.Moyano Reina, S. (2015). El anochecer en la ciudad: de la pintura al formato audiovisual. En ILUSTRAFIC 2015. 2º CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE, ILUSTRACIÓN Y CULTURA. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 30-41. https://doi.org/10.4995/ILUSTRAFIC/ILUSTRAFIC2015/999OCS304

    Diseño de subsidios cruzados para la tasa por el servicio de agua potable. Estudio de caso y propuesta para la ciudad de Macas.

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    The following work presents a cross subsidy design for the rate of potable water service in the city of Macas, with an alternative proposal for the socioeconomic stratification of households through the cadastral appraisal. A brief description is given of the importance of drinking water for the sustainable development of the countries as well as of the stratification mechanisms applied in other countries to grant subsidies to the potable water service. Likewise, it presents the results of the proposed tariff design that allows the recovery of the financial costs incurred in granting the subsidy to the families considered poor through the application of a solidarity rate that must be covered by the subsidizers.El siguiente trabajo presenta un diseño de subsidio cruzado para la tasa del servicio de agua potable en la ciudad de Macas, con una propuesta alternativa para la estratificación socioeconómica de los hogares mediante el avalúo catastral. Se realiza una breve descripción de la importancia del agua potable para el desarrollo sostenible de los países como también, de los mecanismos de estratificación aplicados en otros países para otorgar subsidios al servicio de agua potable. Así mismo, se presentan los resultados del diseño tarifario propuesto que permiten la recuperación de los costos financieros incurridos, al otorgar el subsidio a las familias consideradas pobres mediante la aplicación de una tasa solidaria que debe ser cubierto por los subsidiantes

    Techno-economic assessment of a Multi-effect Distillation plant installed 1 for the production of irrigation water in Arica (Chile)

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    In the context of a regional Chilean project (FIC Taltape project, BIP code 30158422-0), a multi-effect distillation (MED) pilot plant has been built and installed in a small community in the north of Chile (Taltape, Arica) in order to supply treated water for agricultural and domestic purposes. The aim of this paper is to assess the techno-economic feasibility of this system for supplying water with the required quality to the population. The characterization of the feed water and the effluents from the MED pilot plant (distillate and brine), obtained during five months of operation, has been firstly performed. Then, the prediction of the operation of the water treatment system with solar energy has been carried out using a typical meteorological year and the design of a static solar field that cover the thermal energy needs of the water treatment plant


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    A mensuração a Valor Justo tornou-se, obrigatória a partir do ano de 2013, para as empresas brasileiras de capital aberto. Esta mensuração, busca assegurar que os itens estejam registrados por seus respectivos valores justos, sendo necessário que a estrutura para a mensuração seja seguida conforme as exigências estabelecidas pelo CPC 46. Assim, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal, investigar como as empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, pertencentes ao Novo Mercado, têm divulgado as informações referentes a mensuração a valor justo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, que utiliza a técnica de pesquisa documental; com abordagem qualitativa dos dados; com uma amostra de 133 empresas, listadas no segmento Novo Mercado da BM&FBOVESPA. Os resultados demonstraram que grande parte das empresas que informaram reconhecimento a valor justo, não evidenciam as informações necessárias; além de as informações divulgadas, serem pouco claras e objetivas; das 133 empresas analisadas, apenas 1 empresa, não realizou a mensuração a valor justo, porém, grande parte delas não divulgaram as premissas pré-estabelecidas pelo CPC 46; e apenas 56% das empresas, divulgaram as razões das mensurações, apesar da obrigatoriedade para as empresas de capital aberto, inclusive, as listadas  no segmento Novo Mercado da BM&FBOVESPA que possui maior nível de Governança Corporativa

    Towards an efficient generalization of the online dosage of hydrogen peroxide in photo-fenton process to treat industrial wastewater

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    This work addresses the dosage of H2O2 in photo-Fenton processes and the monitoring of Dissolved oxygen (DO) that can be used to drive the dosage of H2O2. The objective of this work is to show that a smarter monitoring of a process variable such as DO (for which on-line measurement can be inexpensively obtained) enables the proposal and implementation of efficient dosage strategies. The work explores the application of a recent proposed strategy consisting of: (i) initial H2O2 addition, (ii) continuous H2O2 addition until a DO set up is reached, and (iii) automatic H2O2 addition by an on-off control system based on DO slope monitoring, and applies it to the treatment of different individual contaminants and their mixtures (paracetamol and sulfamethazine). The assays performed following this dosage strategy showed improved values of TOC removed per H2O2 consumed. For the case of sulfamethazine, this improvement increased up to 25–35% with respect to the efficiency obtained without dosage. Furthermore, a deeper analysis of the results allowed detecting and assessing the opportunity to redesign the dosage scheme and reduce its complexity and the number of control parameters. The promising results obtained are discussed in regard of future research into further increasing the simplicity and robustness of this generalized control strategy that improves the applicability of the photo-Fenton process by reducing its operating costs and increasing automationPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Analysis of the independent power of age-related, anthropometric and mechanical factors as determinants of the structure of radius and tibia in normal adults: a pQCT study

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    To compare the independent influence of mechanical and non-mechanical factors on bone features, multiple regression analyses were performed between pQCT indicators of radius and tibia bone mass, mineralization, design and strength as determined variables, and age or time since menopause (TMP), body mass, bone length and regional muscles’ areas as selected determinant factors, in Caucasian, physically active, untrained healthy men and pre- and post-menopausal women. In men and pre-menopausal women, the strongest influences were exerted by muscle area on radial features and by both muscle area and bone length on the tibia. Only for women, was body mass a significant factor for tibia traits. In men and pre-menopausal women, mass/design/strength indicators depended more strongly on the selected determinants than the cortical vBMD did (p<0.01-0.001 vs n.s.), regardless of age. However, TMP was an additional factor for both bones (p<0.01-0.001). The selected mechanical factors (muscle size, bone lengths) were more relevant than age/TMP or body weight to the development of allometrically-related bone properties (mass/design/strength), yet not to bone tissue “quality” (cortical vBMD), suggesting a determinant, rather than determined role for cortical stiffness. While the mechanical impacts of muscles and bone levers on bone structure were comparable in men and pre-menopausal women, TMP exerted a stronger impact than allometric or mechanical factors on bone properties, including cortical vBMD.Fil: Reina, Paola Soledad. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.medicas. Centro de Est.de Metabolismo Fosfocalcico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cointry, Gustavo Roberto. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.medicas. Centro de Est.de Metabolismo Fosfocalcico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Nocciolino, L.. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.medicas. Centro de Est.de Metabolismo Fosfocalcico; ArgentinaFil: Feldman, Sara. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.medicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ferretti, Jose Luis. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.medicas. Centro de Est.de Metabolismo Fosfocalcico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rittweger, J.. German Space Center. Institute of Aerospace Medicine; AlemaniaFil: Capozza, Ricardo Francisco. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Cs.medicas. Centro de Est.de Metabolismo Fosfocalcico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Editorial: Advances in the Biology and Conservation of Marine Turtles

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    (First Paragraph) Marine turtles have been the subject of research over many decades, inspired by their unique life history and necessitated by their declining populations from a suite of human impacts including direct harvest, bycatch in marine fisheries, pollution, and climate change. Despite this, much about marine turtle biology has remained a mystery (Godley et al., 2008; Rees et al., 2016; Wildermann et al., 2018), but the rate of scientific discovery is increasing rapidly. As research techniques and conservation practices expand, the marine turtle research community has kept abreast of these developments and their application to marine turtles. In this special Research Topic, researchers submitted articles related to cutting-edge work in biology and conservation. The resulting 10 articles bring new insights across marine turtle movement, conservation, and methodological and analytical techniques, as well as other understudied areas and issues

    pQCT-assessed relationships between diaphyseal design and cortical bone mass and density in the tibiae of healthy sedentary and trained men and women

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    In a pQCT study of running-trained and untrained men and women we had shown that bone mass distribution along the tibia was adapted to the usage-derived stress pattern. To study the possible association between the efficiency of diaphyseal design and bone material stiffness, we extend the analysis of the same sample to correlate pQCT indicators of the distribution (CSMIs), mass (BMC), and density (vBMD) of cortical bone tissue as descriptors of “distribution/mass” (d/m) or “distribution/quality” (d/q) relationships. The d/m and d/c curves followed positive (exponential) and negative (hyperbolic-like) equations, respectively. Distribution curves of r coefficients throughout the bone were all bell-shaped, reaching a maximum towards the mid-diaphysis. The CSMIs and BMC were higher, and vBMD was lower in men than women and in runners than non-runners. The d/m relationships were described by unique curves for all groups while d/q relationships were better adjusted to separate curves for men and women. Results support that: 1. diaphyseal design reflects the relative influence of bending/torsion stress along the bones, tending to minimize bone mass; 2. there is a trade-off between cortical bone “quality” and distribution; 3. d/m and d/q relationships are related to bone mechanical environment, and 4. d/q relationships are affected by sex.Fil: Capozza, Ricardo Francisco. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Estudios de Metabolismo Fosfocálcico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rittweger, J.. German Aerospace Center ; AlemaniaFil: Reina, Paola Soledad. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Estudios de Metabolismo Fosfocálcico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Mortarino, P.. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Estudios de Metabolismo Fosfocálcico; ArgentinaFil: Nocciolino, Laura Marcela. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Estudios de Metabolismo Fosfocálcico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Feldman, Sara. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Osteoarticular, Ingeniería Tisular y Terapias Emergentes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ferretti, Jose Luis. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Estudios de Metabolismo Fosfocálcico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cointry, Gustavo Roberto. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Centro de Estudios de Metabolismo Fosfocálcico; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin