704 research outputs found

    Capitalismo estatal o convergencias populares

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    Este artículo analiza las interacciones entre el gobierno actual y el movimiento anti-minero para el periodo 2006-2009, bajo la hipótesis de que el modelo neo-desarrollista adoptado por el primero ha generado un nuevo escenario de conflictividad social, donde la correlación de fuerzas está signada por la abrumadora popularidad del gobierno, por un lado y por el otro, por los problemas de organización, direccionalidad y estrategias que han dificultado la consolidación y fortaleza del movimiento anti-minero.This article analyses the interactions between the current government and the anti-mining movement between 2006 and 2009. The main hypothesis of the article holds that the neo-developmentalist model adopted by the government has given way to new forms of social conflict. On the one hand, the nature of this social conflict is marked by the overwhelming popularity of the government. On the other hand however, the anti-mining movement has been weakened by problems related to its organisation, leadership and strategies, which have, in turn, prevented its consolidation

    the politics of an environmentally dispossessed group

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    In recent years the Latin American region has become a stage for the emergence of new indigeneities, that is, the organization of new political subjects based on new typologies of indigenous identities that challenge the narrow constructions of indigeneity that require fixed geographic or cultural-racial characteristics. This paper aims to contribute to this growing research and literature as it presents a case study in which an environmentally dispossessed group has implemented a novel ethnic strategy based on the concepts of “ancestrality” and “peoplehood” in order to demand collective mangrove land titles, and thus, gain more control over their natural resources. In particular, it addresses the reasons explaining why the mangrove gatherers’ grassroots movement in Ecuador has declared itself to be the Pueblos Ancestrales del Ecosistema Manglar (Ancient People of the Mangrove Ecosystem). This paper argues that this ecosystem-based ethnic identity responds to a total lack of recognition and valuing of a cultural way of life with nature (mangroves). This case study highlights how current natural resource depletion is pushing novel deployments of indigeneity by the fact that this legal category entails rights to collective land and at the same time highlights the dangers of exclusion resulting from granting collective land titles exclusively in terms of indigeneity

    State Capitalism or Popular Convergences

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    Este artículo analiza las interacciones entre el Gobierno actual y el movimiento anti-minero para el periodo 2006-2009, bajo la hipótesis de que el modelo neodesarrollista adoptado por el primero ha generado un nuevo escenario de conflictividad social, donde la correlación de fuerzas está signada por la abrumadora popularidad del Gobierno, por un lado, y por otro, por los problemas de organización, direccionalidad y estrategias que han dificultado la consolidación y fortaleza del movimiento anti-minero.This article analyses the interactions between the current government and the anti-mining movement between 2006 and 2009. The main hypothesis of the article holds that the neodevelopmentalist model adopted by the government has given way to new forms of social conflict. On the one hand, the nature of this social conflict is marked by the overwhelming popularity of the government. On the other hand however, the anti-mining movement has been weakened by problems related to its organization, leadership and strategies, which have, in turn, prevented its consolidation

    Effect of fungal endophytes on plant growth and nutrient uptake in Trifolium subterraneum and Poa pratensis as affected by plant host specificity

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    [EN[ The introduction of well-adapted species, such as Trifolium subterraneum (subclover) and Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), might enhance the forage yield and quality of dehesa pastures for feeding livestock. However, the climatic hardness and poor soils in these agrosystems may limit plant establishment and development. Since fungal endophytes have been found to alleviate the environmental stresses of their host, the aim of this study was to assess the effect of five isolates on forage yield, nutritive value, and plant mineral uptake after their inoculation in the two abovementioned plant species. Two experiments were established (under greenhouse and field conditions) using plants inoculated with two isolates in 2012/2013 (Epicoccum nigrum, Sporormiella intermedia) and three isolates in 2013/2014 (Mucor hiemalis, Fusarium equiseti, Byssochlamys spectabilis). Fusarium equiseti (E346) increased the herbage yield of T. subterraneum under greenhouse conditions, and B. spectabilis improved the forage quality of T. subterraneum by reducing fiber content and of P. pratensis by increasing crude protein. S. intermedia increased the mineral uptake of Ca, Cu, Mn, Pb, Tl, and Zn in subclover, and M. hiemalis increased the uptake of K and Sr in Kentucky bluegrass. These results evidence the potential of the studied fungal endophytes to enhance herbage yield and nutritional value of forage, although further studies should include all of the target forage species as certain host specificity in the effect was observed.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was funded by Project AGL2011-27454, granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (the former Ministry of Science and Innovation) and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Environmental justice and the SDGs: from synergies to gaps and contradictions

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    Through their synergies, trade-offs, and contradictions, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) have the potential to lead to environmental justices and injustices. Yet, environmental justice (EJ), and social justice more broadly, are not currently embedded within the language and spirit of the SDGs. We part from the premise that “many ‘environmental’ problems are, by their very nature, problems of justice” (Lele, Wiley Interdiscip Rev Water 4:e1224, 2017). We review progress in EJ frameworks in recent years, arguing for the need to move beyond a focus on the four principles of mainstream EJ (distribution, procedure, recognition, and capabilities) towards a more intersectional decolonial approach to environmental justice that recognises the indispensability of both humans and non-humans. EJ frameworks, and the SDGs should recognise power dynamics, complex interactions among injustices, and listens to the different ‘senses of justice’ and desires of theorists, activists, and other stakeholder from the Global South. We analyze how EJ frameworks are, or fail to be, incorporated in the SDGs with a focus on the food–water–health nexus (SDG2, 3, 6); climate-energy (SDG7, 13), conservation (SDG14, 15); and poverty and inequality (SDG1, 10). We call attention to the ‘elephant in the room’—the failure to go beyond GDP but instead include economic growth as a goal (SDG8). We argue that sustainable degrowth and intersectional decolonial environmental justices would create better conditions for the transformative changes needed to reach the broader aim of the SDGs: to leave no one behind

    Potential of fungal endophytes isolated from pasture species in Spanish dehesas to produce enzymes under salt conditions

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    Producción CientíficaEndophytic fungi have been found to produce a wide range of extracellular enzymes, which are increasingly in demand for their industrial applications. Different by-products from the agrifood industry could be used as fungal growth substrates for the massive production of these enzymes, specifically as a way to revalorize them. However, such by-products often present unfavorable conditions for the microorganism’s growth, such as high salt concentrations. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the potential of eleven endophytic fungi—which were isolated from plants growing in a harsh environment, specifically, from the Spanish dehesas—for the purposes of the in vitro production of six enzymes (i.e., amylase, lipase, protease, cellulase, pectinase and laccase) under both standard and salt-amended conditions. Under standard conditions, the studied endophytes produced between two and four of the six enzymes evaluated. In most of the producer fungal species, this enzymatic activity was relatively maintained when NaCl was added to the medium. Among the isolates evaluated, Sarocladium terricola (E025), Acremonium implicatum (E178), Microdiplodia hawaiiensis (E198), and an unidentified species (E586) were the most suitable candidates for the massive production of enzymes by using growth substrates with saline properties (such as those found in the many by-products from the agrifood industry). This study should be considered an initial approach by which to further study the identification of these compounds as well as to develop the optimization of their production by directly using those residues.Junta de Extremadura y Fondo Social Europeo - (grant PD18037

    El pago de servicios ambientales por conservación de la biodiversidad como instrumento para el desarrollo con identidad : caso La Gran Reserva Chachi, cantón Eloy Alfaro, provincia de Esmeraldas

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    Los pagos por servicios ambientales (PSA) son parte de un paradigma de conservación nuevo basado en el mercado. Éste reconoce que los ecosistemas y su mantenimiento son la base de la subsistencia humana así como del desarrollo económico y social. Asimismo, ve al mercado como el escenario y una herramienta privilegiada para la solución de los problemas ambientales

    Terapia antiangiogénica de aplicación oncológica basada en la utilización de bevacizumab

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    Los tumores requieren un aporte vascular extra de oxígeno y nutrientes principalmente y la eliminación de productos de deshecho, esto se logra gracias a la creación de nuevos vasos sanguíneos, a partir de los ya existentes. Las células tumorales secretan factores de crecimiento pro-angiogénico, destacando la familia de los VEGF. Se pensó que la inhibición de los VEGF, con fármacos como el Bevacizumab, representaría un gran avance en la terapia oncológica. Se ha demostrado que el uso de anti-VEGF combinado con quimioterapia aumenta la supervivencia libre de progresión y la supervivencia global. Este trabajo muestra los resultados obtenidos en estudios de cáncer colorrectal metastásico, cáncer de pulmón no microcítico, cáncer de ovario resistente o recurrente y cáncer de mama metastásico. El papel de la terapia anti-VEGF representa un gran avance en la era de la medicina personalizada

    Valoración social de funciones ecosistémicas de las quebradas en Quito, Ecuador

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    Entender cómo las personas perciben y valoran los ecosistemas es clave para su conservación y manejo sostenible. De hecho, varios procesos de pérdida y degradación de espacios silvestres en ciudades están en parte determinados por la percepción positiva o negativa que tienen sus habitantes respecto a estos espacios. Esto, a su vez, determina cambios en la provisión de servicios o funciones ecosistémicas, que puede significar mayor vulnerabilidad a desastres naturales y/o pérdida de resiliencia de estos ecosistemas urbanos. En la ciudad de Quito, Ecuador, comparamos dos territorios para entender la percepción y valoración sociocultural que sus habitantes realizan para diferentes espacios silvestres (quebradas). Asimismo, comparamos esta valoración entre distintos grupos sociales, según la edad, tipo de relación con el espacio, y lugar de residencia en la ciudad. Clasificamos las respuestas según los dominios de valor relacional, intrínseco e instrumental. Se argumenta que la "invisibilidad" de funciones ecosistémicas para la población, genera poca valoración y cuidado de los espacios que las proveen. Consideramos que esto está influenciado por el tipo de uso que se da de los espacios, lo que a su vez está condicionado por la configuración espacial y acciones de política pública incidentes en el lugar.Understanding how people perceive and value ecosystems is key for their conservation and sustainable management. In fact, various processes of loss and degradation of wild spaces in cities are partly determined by the positive or negative perception that their inhabitants have regarding these spaces. This, in turn, determines changes in the provision of ecosystem services or functions, which may mean greater vulnerability to natural disasters and/or loss of resilience of these urban ecosystems. In the city of QuitoEcuador, we compared two territories to understand the perception and socio-cultural valuation that its inhabitants carry out for different wild spaces (ravines). Likewise, we compared this assessment between different social groups, according to age, type of relationship with the space, and place of residence in the city. We classified the responses according to the domains of relational, intrinsic and instrumental value. It is argued that the "invisibility" of ecosystem functions for the population generates minor valuation and care for the spaces that provide them. We consider that this is influenced by the type of use that occurs in these spaces, which in turn is conditioned by the spatial configuration and public policies incident on these spaces.Compreender como as pessoas percebem e valorizam os ecossistemas é a chave para sua conservação e gestão sustentável. Na verdade, diversos processos de perda e degradação de espaços silvestres nas cidades são em parte determinados pela percepção positiva ou negativa que seus habitantes têm sobre esses espaços. Este, por sua vez, determina mudanças na provisão de serviços ou funções ecossistêmicas, o que pode significar maior vulnerabilidade a desastres naturais e / ou perda de resiliência desses ecossistemas urbanos. Na cidade de Quito, Equador, comparamos dois territórios para compreender a percepção e avaliação sociocultural que seus habitantes realizam para diferentes espaços silvestres (ravinas). Da mesma forma, comparamos essa avaliação entre diferentes grupos sociais, de acordo com a idade, tipo de relação com o espaço e local de residência na cidade. Classificamos as respostas de acordo com os domínios de valor relacional, intrínseco e instrumental. Argumenta-se que a "invisibilidade" das funções ecossistêmicas para a população gera pouca valorização e cuidado dos espaços que as fornecem. Consideramos que isso é influenciado pelo tipo de uso que ocorre dos espaços, que por sua vez é condicionado pela configuração espacial e incidentes de ações de políticas públicas no local

    Abnormal salivary total and oligomeric alpha-synuclein in Parkinson's disease

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    In Parkinson’s disease (PD), alpha-synuclein (a-syn) can be detected in biological fluids including saliva. Although previous studies found reduced a-syn total (a-syntotal) concentration in saliva of PD patients, no studies have previously examined salivary a-syn oligomers (a-synolig) concentrations or assessed the correlation between salivary a-syntotal, a-synolig and clinical features in a large cohort of PD patients. Is well known that a-synolig exerts a crucial neurotoxic effect in PD. We collected salivary samples from 60 PD patients and 40 age- and sex-comparable healthy subjects. PD was diagnosed according to the United Kingdom Brain Bank Criteria. Samples of saliva were analyzed by specific anti-a-syn and anti-oligomeric a-syn ELISA kits. A complete clinical evaluation of each patient was performed using MDS-Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Frontal Assessment Battery. Salivary a-syntotal was lower, whereas a-synolig was higher in PD patients than healthy subjects. The a-synolig/a-syntotal ratio was also higher in patients than in healthy subjects. Salivary a-syntotal concentration negatively correlated with that of a-synolig and correlated with several patients’ clinical features. In PD, decreased salivary concentration of a-syntotal may reflect the reduction of a-syn monomers (a-synmon), as well as the formation of insoluble intracellular inclusions and soluble oligomers. The combined detection of a-syntotal and a-synolig in the saliva might help the early diagnosis of P