54 research outputs found

    Moving North: Intra-Racial Conflicts, White Resistance, And Radicalism of New Negroes in Harlem and Chicago

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    In the early twentieth century there was an essential period in the history of the United States called the Great Migration, during which a large number of Blacks from the southern states of America and the islands in the Caribbean moved to northern cities of the country. These black people migrated simply because 'of the impact of the war on the labor market' which 'stopped the flow of European immigrants' and of the fact that jobs in northern cities had a better pay than those in the South. From many destinations, Harlem and Chicago were among the most favored ones. This essay aims to examine the motivations and experiences of New Negroes in Harlem and Chicago as these two cities drew much attention to Blacks in the Southern cities of America as well as in the Caribbean. This essay argues that the influx of Blacks to Harlem and Chicago created intra-racial conflicts within black communities and resistance from white people. Yet all the disputes and problems faced by New Negroes in Harlem and Chicago inspired them to fight actively by organizing themselves in order to find workable solutions


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    The idea of democratic rule requires that democratically elected civilian government should have effective authority over the army. The role of national army is purely for defence. Army’s direct involvement in politics will undermine its capability to cope with external threats. Indonesia is an example where the army was deeply involved in the country’s political affairs. This article shows that Indonesian national army has already possessed political orientation since the beginning of Indonesia’s independence. Military and political functions performed by the Indonesian army during revolutionary war has been influential factor in shaping army’s doctrine and self-perception of his role as not only the guardian of the state but also political force of the country. The weakness of civilian institutions, elite conflicts and national culture especially Javanese tradition has contributted as well to this situation. The role of Indonesian army in politics has gradually decreased since the reform of Indonesia’s political system initiated in 1998


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    Bak-bak penampungan air yang dimiliki oleh warga di Kelurahan Srondol Wetan yang jarang dikuras menyebabkan bak penampungan air tersebut dijadikan tempat perindukan Aedes aegypti. Angka bebas jentik rata-rata pada tahun 2010 di Kelurahan Srondol Wetan sebesar 76,79% masih berada di bawah standar nasional yaitu sebesar > 95%. Hal ini memperbesar peluang terjadinya transmisi virus DBD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tempat perindukan nyamuk Aedes aegypti di Kelurahan Srondol Wetan Kecamatan Banyumanik Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh warga di Kelurahan Srondol Wetan yaitu sebesar 19.889 jiwa. Dengan sampel sejumlah 100 orang responden yang diambil dengan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Data penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis kontainer yang paling banyak digunakan adalah bak mandi 93 unit (33,5%) dan ember 79 unit (28,4%). Sedangkan kontainer positif jentik lebih banyak terdapat di dalam rumah (93,5%). Dalam penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa tempat penampungan air yang tidak dikelola dengan baik dapat dijadikan tempat perindukan nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan menyebabkan populasi nyamuk Aedes aegypti semakin tinggi. Kata Kunci: Tempat perindukan nyamuk Aedes aegypt

    Adopsi Payment Gateaway Syariah: Peran Pengetahuan Riba Sebagai Moderasi

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    ABSTRACT Research Aims: This research aims to determine the adoption of Sharia Fintech services in the field of payment gateways using the UTAUT model with modifications to add knowledge of riba as a moderation variable. Design/methodology/approach: This research used an online survey method. The population this research are all users of Sharia payment gateway services. The sampling using the purposive sampling method with a total sample of 116 respondents. The analysis technique used is SEM-PLS using Smart PLS 3.3.3 software. Research Findings: The results of this research presented that Social Influence and Facilitating Condition have an effect in determining interest in using Sharia payment gateway services. Performance expectancy and effort expectancy have no effect on the interest in using Sharia payment gateway services. Meanwhile, in this research only in Effort Expectancy moderated by Knowledge About Riba


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    The thesis focuses on determining the application of Electronic Voting used for the General Election of Regional Heads in Indonesia. Electronic Voting is a system that utilizes electronic devices and processes digital information to create ballots, cast votes, calculate vote acquisitions, display vote acquisitions and maintain and generate audit trails. E-voting is considered to be applied for utilization on the scale of General Elections to Regions that one may achieve election effectiveness and efficiency. Aside from that,  it can decrease costs of realization, shorten the voting time to the vote-counting process, and certain other advantages obtained from the realization of Electronic Voting. The problem of this research is how to follow up the juridical regulation on the realization of e-voting in the utilization of Regional Head Election based on the laws and regulations in Indonesia, furthermore find out the legal problems of implementing e-voting in the Regional Head Election in Indonesia. The type of research used is normative juridical, namely legal research methods execute by examining library materials or secondary materials. The previous section has broadly described that there is a vacuum of Electronic Voting system in the application of the General Election to the Regions. After all, there is no KPU regulation whichever would be used as the basis for applying this Electronic Voting system, as much as this system demand to be reviewed It be implemented yet because there are deficiencies in the application of the Electronic Voting System process that would eventually fail the implementation


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    Saputra, Beni. 2013. Studi Kasus Penanganan Siswa yang Introvert dengan menggunakan Client Centered SMK Negeri 1 Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013. Skripsi. Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muria Kudus. Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Drs. H. Sucipto, M.Pd., Kons, 2. Drs. Arista Kiswantoro. Kata Kunci : Sikap Inrovert Konseling Client Centered. Pada umumnya intovert adalah pribadi yang mengarah pada pengalaman subyektif, memusatkan diri pada dunia dalam dan privat, dimana realita hadir dalam bentuk hasil amatan, cenderung menyendiri, pendiam, tidak ramah dan anti sosial. Pada saat peneliti melakukan observasi di SMK N 1 Kudus, ditemukan fenomena anak yang sangat introvert. Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya prilaku introvert siswa terhadap lingkungan sekolahnya. Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas, maka permasalahan yang diteliti dirumuskan : 1. Faktor – faktor apa sajakah yang menjadi penyebab siswa menjadi introvert dalam pergaulannya ? 2. Apakah model konseling Client Centered dapat merubah siswa introvert menjadi siswa yang ekstrovert pada siswa kelas XI Busana Butik 2 SMK N 1 Kudus? Tujuan penelitian: 1. Menemukan faktor – faktor penyebab anak menjadi introvert dalam pergaulannya pada siswa kelas XI Busana Butik 2 SMK N 1 Kudus Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013. 2. Mendeskripsikan standard model konseling Client Centered untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang menjadikan siswa menjadi introvert. Kegunaan peneliti ini yaitu: 1. Bagi siswa: membantu siswa dalam menemukan potensi dirinya, baik kekurangan maupun kelebihan yang selama ini tertutup oleh sikap introvertnya, agar menjadi siswa yang aktif, tidak menutup diri dan mau mengeksploitasi petensi pada dirinya. 2. Guru pembimbing: agar lebih aktif dalam memberikan informasi tentang siswa yang bermasalah dan bekerja dalam menangani siswa yang mempunyai sikap introvert. Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan subjek penelitian tiga siswa yang mempunyai sikap introvert, yaitu BL, AM, KR. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dokumentasi, observasi, dan kunjungan rumah. Pembahasan faktor- fakor penyebab siswa mempunyai sikap introvert sebagai berikut: Klien 1 (BL) keadaan ekonomi keluarga yang enurun derastis membuatnya belum siap menerima kenyataan hidup dan lebih memilih berdiam dan menutup diri. Klien 2 (AM) pertengkaran yang sering terjadi antara kedua orangtuanya berimbas pada sikapnya di lingkungan lain yang lebig memilih bersikap diam saja. Klien 3 (KR) keadaan lingkungan pergaulan yang serba ada membuatnya minder dalam pergaulannya yang menyebabkan dia bersikap introvert. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang dialami ketiga klien peneliti melalui pendekatan client centered dengan berkolaborasi dengan beberapa teknik yang diambil dari model konseling lainnya yaitu menggunakan teknik asertif yang di ambil dari model konseling behavioristik, teknik konfrontasi yang diambil dari Rasional-Emotif therapy dan juga teknik reversal yang diambil dari model konseling gestalt. Tetapi dalam penerapan prosesnya tetap menggunakan model konseling client centered. Dimana dalam prosesnya klien tetap menjadi pusat dan diberi kebebasan dalam menyelesaikan dan mengambil keputusan terkait sikap yang introvert untuk merubah menjadi lebih aktif dan terbuka. Berdasarkan kesimpulan diatas peneliti memberikan saran Kepada: 1). Kepala sekolah perlu memberikan perhatian khusus untuk anak yang introvert 2). Konselor slalu memperhatikan perkembangan siswa khususnya mereka yang mempunyai sikap introvert. 3). Wali kelas hendaknya lebih peka terhadap siswa yang bersikap introvert. 4). Siswa diharapkan bisa menyadari betapa pentingnya menjadi pribadi yang aktif buat kehidupannya. 5). Orangtua hendaknya selalu memperhatikan siswa yang bersikap introvert


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    Dalam proses pembuatan pupuk digunakan alat penukar kalor yang disebut dengan Heat Exchanger. Salah satu jenis Heat Exchanger yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Lube Oil Cooler. Di dalam pengoperasiannya, seringkali dijumpai kebocoran tube yang diakibatkan oleh sistem cooling water yang kurang baik atau material tube yang mudah terkorosi.Sehubungan dengan sering terjadi kerusakan diatas, sehingga kami mencoba melakukan penggantian material tube yang semula karbon diubah menjadi stainless ,kuningan, aluminium dan titanium. Lube oil cooler pengganti ini mempunyai konstruksi dan spesifikasi yang sama secara dimensional tetapi berbeda jenis materialnya.Setelah dilakukan perhitungan dan analisis data diperoleh pembuktian bahwa selisih temperature rata-rata logarithmic (LMTD) Lube Oil Cooler pengganti lebih rendah sedikit nilainya dari LMTD Lube Oil Cooler asli. Nilai efisiensi Lube Oil Cooler pengganti lebih besar nilainya dibanding dengan nilai efisiensi Lube Oil Cooler asli, disebabkan nilai perbandingan laju perpindahan panas actual dengan laju perpindahan panas maksimal pada Lube Oil Cooler. Press Drop sisi SHELL pada Lube Oil Cooler asli lebih rendah nilainya dibandingkan dengan Press Drop sisi SHELL pada Lube Oil Cooler pengganti dipengaruhi faktor gesekan (f) pada Lube Oil Cooler dan nilai kecepatan aliran massa melalui SHELL (Gs ) pada Lube Oil Cooler. Press Drop sisi TUBE pada Lube Oil Cooler asli lebih rendah nilainya dibandingkan dengan pengganti, disebabkan panjang TUBE, semakin panjang TUBE semakin besar nilai Press Drop yang diperoleh

    Explaining the Effects of Political Islam and Preacher toward Prabowo’s Electoral Dominance: Evidence from Pekanbaru and Kampar

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    Ulama in Indonesia have critical roles not only in religious teachings but also in socio-political affairs. The literature on voter behavior in many countries shows that religious leaders have critical roles in directing the political orientation and behavior of their followers. This article aims to examine the influence of Ustadz Abdul Somad (UAS) toward a significant increase of Prabowo's vote share in the 2019 presidential election in Riau Province. Although Prabowo lost to Jokowi with a large margin in the last election, he was able to claim electoral victory in 13 out of 34 provinces—one of them is Riau. We assume that Prabowo gained the electoral advantage over his rival in Riau due to electoral support from UAS that ultimately gave significant effect toward a sharp increase for his votes compared to the 2014 election. We apply the quantitative method to examine the phenomenon. The data are mainly collected through a survey conducted in the two most populous regions in Riau—Pekanbaru and Kampar Regency. Our study confirms that UAS has a significant effect on Muslim voters' orientation and behavior to vote for Prabowo in the last presidential election. Other findings in this study are also in line with previous studies suggesting a critical influence of religion, particularly Islam, in driving Muslim’s political behavior. The contribution of our study is to enrich the literature on voter behavior in Indonesian politics by examining the influence of political support from a popular preacher—UAS—on the distribution of electoral support for presidential candidates in the 2019 election. This is further strengthened by the presence and role of ulama figures who give their support to each presidential candidate in the political contestation in 2019

    Analisa Dan Rancang Bangun Alat Pendeteksi Gangguan Tegangan Pada Gedung Elektro Dengan Sms Berbasis Arduino

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    A sudden power outage or disturbance caused by voltage drop or voltage loss in the electrical building often occurs and is difficult to detect by PLN officers. This disorder requires information (telephone, SMS ) from the campus so that an intelligent system is needed. This study will create a voltage monitoring system in an electrical building. This study uses a voltage sensor, data logger and GSM SIM800L to provide information if there is interference with the electrical building. SIM800L GSM module is very influential on the amount of voltage and current supplied to the process of sending SMS, so that the minimum voltage in this module is 4 volts and current is 3 amperes. This monitoring system will quickly send data to the mobile phone officer of the PLN or PLN partner officer whenever there is a change in the voltage sensor status. Data stored in the data logger can also be monitored for a maximum of one month for the purpose of analyzing the cause of the disturbance and the performance of the officer (duration of time ) in repairing the electrical building. This research can also facilitate the work of PLN in monitoring and can fix it quickly if there are problems with the voltage of the electrical building so as to minimize the system of average interruption duration index (SAIDI ) so that the continuity of the distribution of electrical energy is getting better. when collecting data for 5 days in the electrical building by simulating a different room, the Power Electronics Laboratory and the Interface Laboratory with SAIDI results on phase R = 0.012 minutes/customer/5 days/phase, S = 0.010 minutes/customer/5 days/phase, T = 0.008 minutes/customer/5 days/phase
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