UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: E-Journal Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam
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    441 research outputs found

    Relevansi Aplikasi Peer To Peer (P2P) Lending Student Loan pada Mahasiswa dalam Lingkup Hukum Islam

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    Advances in financial services technology in the form of Peer to Peer (P2P) Lending have had an impact on facilitating the public in financing activities and have penetrated all sectors, one of which is the education financing sector in tertiary institutions in the form of Student Loans. This study aims to analyze the contracts contained in P2P Lending Student Loans. This study uses qualitative methods by reviewing previous literature. The results of this study are that the credit agreement on P2P Lending Student Loans has a Qardh contract in it. However, in the Qardh contract, there are conditions for the addition of both additional loan principal and late fees that are given if the borrower cannot repay the loan in accordance with the agreement which is prohibited by Islamic law

    The The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance with Financial Disstress as a Moderation Variable

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    Increase performance company is objective main for company For attract investors. Financial performance can be used by management to make decisions. Financial performance information is very important for investors as a tool for choosing investments (Rambe, 2020). The company's financial performance shows its ability to use the existing resources of the company as well as possible in order to generate profit or income. Objective from study This is For know influence of intellectual capital, sales growth and leverage to performance finances, and know is financial distress can moderate relationship between independent and dependent variables. Population in study This is company registered manufactures _ in Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) and obtained sample as many as 20 companies. Study This using multiple linear regression techniques and Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA) with application eviews . Research results This showing that influential intellectual capital positive significant to performance finance , sales growth No influential to performance finance , leverage significant negative effect to performance finance , financial distress capable moderate influence intellectual capital to performance finance , financial distress No capable moderate influence sales growth to performance finance, financial distress No capable moderate influence leverage to performance finance

    Productive Zakat Empowerment Analysis In BAZNAS Institutions

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    The problem of this research leads to the distribution of productive zakat funds to mustahiq and human resources who do not yet understand both the community and BAZNAS of Ciamis Regency regarding this zakat. In its distribution, it has not been able to fulfill the objectives of productive zakat.After receiving assistance to the mustahiq. The purpose of channeling zakat funds is to increase the business of mustahiq and hope that these mustahiq will not always be mustahiq but will be able to become muzakki in the future. This type of research is a descriptive qualitative research, with the specification of field research. Descriptive qualitative research is writing that aims to describe the status of phenomena in a systematic and rational manner. Qualitative research methods in practice depend on the ability of the research, in explaining the phenomena studied in a descriptive form. This research was conducted at Baznas Ciamis Regency. The data obtained are from interviews with informants. The results of this study indicate that the distribution of productive zakat funds to increase mustahiq business in Ciamis Regency has not been running effectively, where there are several problems including the problem of human resources at BAZNAS which are few, mustahiq who do not understand the concept from productive zakat and lack of commitment when managing zakat funds, and the absence of a clear system resulting in less precise targeting in determining mustahiq and inaccurate distribution. The solution for solving this problem is where the informants agreed that BAZNAS should provide education and assistance to productive zakat mustahiq so that their businesses can develop, and make guidelines in the management of productive zakat both in determining mustahiq and its distributio

    Determinan Investasi Asing Langsung di Negara Berkembang-8

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    The flow of foreign capital (FDI) into a country can be beneficial to the host country and for multinational companies as a form of external financing for the host country. This study aims to analyze and explain the factors that influence the foreign direct investment inflow of Developing-8 countries from 2012 to 2021 using a panel data regression model through fixed-effect approaches. This study found that the size of markets and trade openness have a significant positive impact on FDI in developing eight countries. Meanwhile, the availability of natural resources has significantly negative effects, but inflation and infrastructure have no significant impact on the flow of FDI into developing eight countries. To boost the inflow of FDI, it is also important for governments to be able to make appropriate and profitable policies for countries and companies that are beneficial to countries and domestic firms

    Pengaruh Aspek-Aspek Demokrasi Indonesia Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia Periode 2016-2020

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    This research aims to find out how aspects of democracy presented through civil liberties, political rights, and democratic institutions influence Indonesia's economic growth from 2016 to 2020. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) provided the data and researchers used secondary data for this research from 2016 to 2022. The random effect model (REM) is the model selection test most commonly found in this research approach, which uses panel data regression analysis tools. It was found that variables related to democratic institutions positively and significantly influence economic growth. However, civil liberties and political rights did not affect Indonesia's economic growth from 2016 to 2020

    Pengaruh Fintech dan Variabel Makroekonomi terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia pada saat Pandemi Covid-19

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    Pada awal tahun 2020 pandemi Covid-19 menjadi penyebab utama krisis ekonomi Indonesia. Financial Technology, dan variabel makroekonomi (Inflasi) merupakan salah satu variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganilisis pengaruh Financial Technology, dan variabel makroekonomi (Inflasi) terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia menggunakan metode Vector Error Corection Model (VECM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh Financial Technology yang dijelaskah oleh variabel Fintech P2P Lending berpengaruh positif signifikan dan variabel Fintech Payment berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan. Adapun hasil lain variabel Makroekonomi yang dijelaskah oleh variabel Inflasi berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia

    Analisis Pencabutan Izin Komersial Tiktok: Rekomendasi Ekonomi Digital Indonesia

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    TikTok experienced significant growth, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Initially, TikTok only served as an entertainment and promotional platform. In late 2021, TikTok began to diversify its services by introducing commercial functions. TikTok Shopping (Tiktokshop) provides various commercial functions, such as the ability to make transactions directly within the Tiktok app. Tiktok shop quickly gained popularity among Indonesians and created many job opportunities. However, the presence of Tiktok shop is considered to create unfair market competition. In October 2023, Tiktokshop was officially closed with the implementation of the Minister of Trade Regulation No. 31 of 2023. The main objective of this research is to investigate the revocation of Tiktok shop licenses and provide recommendations for digital economy regulation in Indonesia. This article uses a qualitative methodology with a case study technique. The research findings show that prohibiting social commerce platforms from allowing direct payments could limit innovation in Indonesia's digital economy. The rapid advancement of technology makes current regulations insufficient to accommodate change and innovation. Therefore, authorities can use a regulatory sandbox approach in regulating the digital economy. This can facilitate innovation while protecting the interests of the wider public so that Indonesia's digital economy is not left behind

    The Effect of Islamic Financial Inclusion, Urbanization, Inflation, and GDP on Poverty in Indonesia

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    This research aims to assess the influence of Islamic financial inclusion, urbanization, inflation, and GDP on the alleviation of poverty in Indonesia. The methodology employed is quantitative, utilizing secondary data in a panel data format spanning the period from 2018 to 2022. A total of 165 samples were gathered, and the data underwent processing through Eviews 10. The findings indicate that individually, the Sharia Financial Inclusion Index (IIKS), inflation, and GDP do not exhibit a significant impact on poverty reduction in Indonesia. Conversely, urbanization has a noteworthy and negative effect on poverty reduction in Indonesia. When considered collectively, the IIKS, urbanization, inflation, and GDP variables jointly exert a substantial influence on poverty reduction in Indonesia, reflected in an Adjusted R-squared value of 98%, while the remaining 2% is attributed to other unexplored factors in this study. For future research endeavors, it is advisable to introduce additional variables for a more comprehensive and profound exploration of this subject

    Pengaruh E-Commerce dan Digital Payment terhadap Pendapatan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh E-Commerce dan Digital Payment terhadap Pendapatan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada responden dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 100 orang. Metode estimasi yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa variabel E-Commerce dan Digital Payment berpengaruh simultan terhadap Pendapatan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Secara parsial variabel E-Commerce dan Digital Payment berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Pendapatan UMKM di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.

    Pengaruh Pariwisata Halal terhadap Pendapatan Ekonomi Masyarakat (Studi Kasus di Kebun Buah Mangunan, Masjid Agung Kauman, dan Taman Sari Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pariwisata halal, Lokasi wisata, dan Infrastruktur yang ada pada destinasi wisata terhadap pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat di sekitar desa wisata. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tiga objek wisata di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yaitu Kebun Buah Mangunan, Masjid Agung Kauman, dan Taman Sari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yakni analisis regresi linier berganda dengan bantuan software SPSS 25. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 135 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel pariwisata halal, lokasi wisata, dan infrastruktur secara parsial dan simultan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat desa wisata tersebut


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    UIN (Universitas Islam Negeri) Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta: E-Journal Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam is based in Indonesia
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