3,034 research outputs found

    Consistent high-energy constraints in the anomalous QCD sector

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    The anomalous Green function and related form-factors (pi^0 to gamma^* gamma^* and tau^- to X^- nu_tau vector form-factors, with X^-=(KKpi)^-, phi^- gamma, (phi V)^-) are analyzed in this letter in the large-N_C limit. Within the single (vector and pseudoscalar) resonance approximation and the context of Resonance Chiral Theory, we show that all these observables over-determine in a consistent way a unique set of compatible high-energy constraints for the resonance couplings. This result is in agreement with analogous relations found in the even intrinsic-parity sector of QCD like, e.g., F_V^2 = 3 F^2. The antisymmetric tensor formalism is considered for the spin-one resonance fields. Finally, we have also worked out and provide here the relation between the two bases of odd intrinsic-parity Lagrangian operators commonly employed in the literature.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. Comparison with the phenomenology extended. Matches version to be published in PL

    Pseudoscalar pole contribution to the hadronic light-by-light piece of aμa_\mu

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    We have studied the P→γ⋆γ⋆P\to\gamma^\star\gamma^\star form factor in Resonance Chiral Theory, with P=π0,η,η′P = \pi^0,\eta,\eta', to compute the contribution of the pseudoscalar pole to the hadronic light-by-light piece of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. In this work we allow the leading U(3)U(3) chiral symmetry breaking terms, obtaining the most general expression for the form factor of order O(mP2)\mathcal{O}(m_P^2). The parameters of the Effective Field Theory are obtained by means of short distance constraints on the form factor and matching with the expected behavior from QCD. Those parameters that cannot be fixed in this way are fitted to experimental determinations of the form factor within the spacelike momentum region of the virtual photon. Chiral symmetry relations among the transition form factors for π0,η\pi^0,\eta and η′\eta' allow for a simultaneous fit to experimental data for the three mesons. This shows an inconsistency between the BaBar π0\pi^0 data and the rest of the experimental inputs. Thus, we find a total pseudoscalar pole contribution of aμP,HLbL=(8.47±0.16)⋅10−10a_\mu^{P,HLbL}=(8.47\pm 0.16)\cdot 10^{-10} for our best fit (neglecting the BaBar π0\pi^0 data). Also, a preliminary rough estimate of the impact of NLO in 1/NC1/N_C corrections and higher vector multiplets (asym) enlarges the uncertainty up to aμP,HLbL=(8.47±0.16stat±0.09NC−0.0asym+0.5)a_\mu^{P,HLbL}=(8.47\pm 0.16_{\rm stat}\pm 0.09_{N_C}{}^{+0.5}_{-0.0_{\rm asym}})Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings for the workshop QCD@Wor

    Design and Manufacturing of an APTF to Test Fluid Behaviour in Microgravity Environment

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    The present paper deals with the design and manufacturing of an APTF (Advanced Plateau Tank Facility) in order to carrying out earth experiments, previous to space experiments, of fluid behaviour in microgravity environment. This work has been done in collaboration between Manufacturing and Microgravity Laboratories in the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and analyses the requirements and restrictions that must be considered for an APTF design and manufacture. Mechanism employed in each part of the prototype are described in detail, emphasising those that suppose new solutions rather previous designs

    The Environmental Impact of International Trade: Measuring How Changes in Trade Lead to Different Levels of Polluting Emissions

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    Treballs Finals del Màster d'Economia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-2016, Tutor: Mónica Serrano GutiérrezIn the recent years, the awareness of the negative impact that economic activity has on the environment has increased enormously, and countries in the international community are realizing that such environmental degradation is an urgent issue that demands immediate and convincing solutions. However, despite a common interests in the environmental preservation, countries also face economic interests, and push international negotiations to be able to increase their production and, consequently, their emissions. In front of such challenge, academic research has tried to better understand the economic drivers hiding behind environmental degradation to provide international institutions with new solutions, and one special issue that has received much attention has been international trade. In particular, the present study delves into this question, addressing the particular relation that exists between trade and global emission of polluting gases. Based on the application of Input-Output Analysis and the use of Environmentally Extended World Input-Output Tables, this study provides a measure of the impact that actual trade has on emissions of greenhouse and local gases by considering the situation of total reduction in international trade (counterfactual). Finally, results rise important considerations in terms of economic and environmental efficiency, as well as some important policy implications

    The sculptures of the artist Villabrille y Ron for the count of Torrehermosa: The chapel Palace of Elsedo (Cantabria)

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    Se efectúa un estado de la cuestión sobre las esculturas que ornamentaban la capilla del palacio de Elsedo, levantado en las afueras de Pámanes (Cantabria); muchas de ellas al día de hoy pueden verse en la cercana iglesia de los Padres Escolapios de Villacarriedo. La fortuna crítica ha atribuido de manera paulatina tan importante elenco escultórico a Juan Alonso Villabrille y Ron (h. 1663-1732). Nuestra principal aportación consiste en elaborar un estudio de conjunto, profundizando en aspectos documentales, estilísticos e iconográficos, para así poner de relieve la trascendencia de este encargo en la carrera del maestro asturianoThis study analyzes a group of sculptures in the chapel of the Elsedo palace built in the outskirts of Pámanes in the region of Cantabria. Many of these are currently visible in the nearby church of the Escolapio Friars in Villacarriedo. Taking as our point of departure the attribution of these sculptures by a number of authors to Juan Alonso Villabrille y Ron (about 1663-1732), our aim is to study them from a combined documentary, stylistic and iconographic perspective in order to consider their importance in the context of the career of this Spanish artis

    Ampliación del Museo de Arte Moderno de Céret

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    El proyecto de ampliación del museo de arte moderno de Céret (Francia), dispone de unos terrenos situados en el interior de la manzana delimitada por las calles Marechal Joffre, Georges Clemenceau, Joseph Parayre y Jacques Souquet. La construcción tendrá una altura máxima de dos plantas y una ocupación máxima del 50% (411,9 m2) dentro de los terrenos ya mencionados

    Plan de comunicación para UNICEF Comité Español para la captación de voluntarios jóvenes

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    La competencia dentro de las ONGs ha crecido de forma considerable en los últimos años, por lo que se ha hecho necesario la elaboración de estrategias de comunicación creativas que les permitan obtener recursos para realizar sus proyectos. En el presente TFG se va a intentar reforzar uno de los recursos fundamentales para el funcionamiento de cualquier ONG: los voluntarios. Considero que UNICEF Comité Español puede conseguir este objetivo a través de la comunicación comercial. En el TFG se propone un plan de comunicación cuyo objetivo es fomentar esta forma de colaboración entre los individuos jóvenes.Competition within NGOs has grown considerably in recent years, so it has become necessary to develop creative communication strategies that allow them to obtain resources to carry out their projects. In this TFG, I will try to reinforce one of the fundamental resources for the functioning of any NGO: volunteers. I believe that UNICEF Spanish Committee can achieve this goal through commercial communications. The TFG proposes a communication plan whose objective is to promote this form of collaboration among young people.Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de MercadosGrado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercado

    Scheduler design for a satellite simulator and other software improvements

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    The main objective of this work is contributing into the development of one satellite missions’ simulator. Specifically, the main part to work in is the scheduler, the task manager that decides how the simulator must behave during the full mission. Other software improvements will be done too. The scheduler is the internal logic that the on-board computer/s of a satellite must follow in order to satisfy the mission objectives. It takes into account the requirements and constrains of the power, thermal and data budgets. Depending on the state of the budgets it evaluates if the different satellite subsystems must be: active, inactive or must change the way that they are operating. So it can take action using commands if is needed because it works in a fully-independent-way. This work will improve the current scheduler of a satellite simulator, making him more efficient, resistant and customizable. Different working modes will be implemented in the simulator in order to avoid the collapse of the budgets. The mode changes logic and the capabilities of each one of the working modes will be the key of improving the scheduler. Previous to the code implementation, a theoretical research will be done in order to understand the different components that play a roll into the different budgets. The other software improvements are functionalities added to the simulator to make him more realistic and useful for a huger range of space mission. A precision “submode” is implemented for example. Also some satellite parameters are studied in order to see its affectation to the three budgets. Examples could be the chassis paint affectation or the overvoltage of the subsystems. During the report, lots of plots and maps obtained from the simulator will be showed to the reader to see how the different improvements affect. Finally, a 90 days mission simulation will be done in order to comment the obtained results.L‟objectiu principal d‟aquest treball és contribuir al desenvolupament d‟un simulador de missions per satèl·lit. En concret, la part principal a treballar és el planificador, el gestor de tasques que decideix com ha de comportar-se el simulador durant la missió completa. També es faran altres millores en el programari. El planificador és la lògica interna que han de seguir els ordinadors de bord d'un satèl·lit per satisfer els objectius de la missió. Té en compte els requisits i limitacions dels pressupostos d'energia, de calor i de dades. Depenent de l'estat dels pressupostos, avalua si els diferents subsistemes de satèl·lit han de ser: actius, inactius o han de canviar la manera en què funcionen. Per tant, pot actuar fent servir ordres si cal, perquè funciona de manera totalment independent. Aquest treball millorarà el planificador actual d'un simulador de satèl·lits, fent-lo més eficient, resistent i personalitzable. S‟implementaran diferents modes de funcionament al simulador per evitar el col·lapse dels pressupostos. La lògica dels canvis de mode i les capacitats de cadascun dels modes de treball seran la clau per millorar el planificador. Prèviament a la implementació del codi, es farà una investigació teòrica per entendre els diferents components que apareixen els diferents pressupostos. Les altres millores de programari són funcionalitats afegides al simulador per fer-lo més realista i útil per a una àmplia gamma de missions espacials. Per exemple, s‟implementa un "submode" de precisió. També s‟estudien alguns paràmetres de satèl·lit per veure la seva afectació als tres pressupostos. Alguns exemples podrien ser l‟afectació de la pintura de xassís o la sobretensió dels subsistemes. Durant l‟informe, es mostraran al lector moltes gràfiques i mapes obtinguts del simulador per veure com afecten les diferents millores. Finalment, es farà una simulació de missió de 90 dies per comentar els resultats obtinguts

    Premelting-Induced Smoothening of the Ice-Vapor Interface

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    We perform computer simulations of the quasiliquid layer of ice formed at the ice-vapor interface close to the ice Ih-liquid-vapor triple point of water. Our study shows that the two distinct surfaces bounding the film behave at small wavelengths as atomically rough and independent ice-water and water-vapor interfaces. For long wavelengths, however, the two surfaces couple, large scale parallel fluctuations are inhibited, and the ice-vapor interface becomes smooth. Our results could help explain the complex morphology of ice crystallites.Comment: postprint plus supplemental material with details on simulation and theor

    Handling non-unique flows in macroscopic first-order intersection models by applying an equilibrium theory

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    Els models denominats Dynamic Network Loading (DNL) són algoritmes utilitzats comunament en el camp del transport per modelar el trànsit. Malgrat el seu extens ús, aquests models poden presentar diferents soluciones per a unes mateixes condicions donades. Aquest fenomen es denomina "non-uniqueness" o no-singularitat i pot generar simulacions inversemblants ja que els models DNL són determinístics. Aquesta tesi presenta i programa dues exitoses contribucions: (1) una nova teoria anomenada "Equilibrium Theory" que soluciona la no-singularitat en certs casos des d'un punt de vista completament nou i (2) un model basat en les cadenes de Markov en temps continu que combina els resultats obtinguts per "Equilibrium Theory".Los modelos denominados Dynamic Network Loading (DNL) son algoritmos utilizados comunmente en el campo del transporte para modelar el tráfico. A pesar de su extenso uso, estos modelos pueden presentar diferentes soluciones para unas mismas condiciones dadas. Este fenómeno se denomina comunmente como "non-uniqueness" o no-singularidad y puede conllevar a simulaciones inverosímiles ya que los modelos DNL son determinísticos. Esta tesis presenta y programa dos exitosas contribuciones: (1) una nueva teoría denominada "Equilibrium Theory" que soluciona la no-singularidad en ciertos casos desde un punto de vista completamente nuevo y (2) un modelo basado en las cadenas de Markov en tiempo continuo que combina los resultados obtenidos por "Equilibrium Theory".Dynamic Network Loading (DNL) models are common algorithms used in transportation modelling to capture traffic dynamics. Despite their common use, DNL models could generate different possible outputs for the same given conditions in specific situations. This phenomenon is called non-uniqueness, and it could lead to completely unrealistic simulations because DNL is a deterministic model. This thesis presents and computes two successful contributions: (1) an Equilibrium Theory that eliminates some non-unique cases from a new point of view and (2) a post-process model based on a continuous-time Markov chain that combines solutions found using the Equilibrium Theory
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