652 research outputs found

    Developing oral skills in a Bilingual School: The Show & Tell

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    Study focused on how teachers come together to increase Oral Skills in their students in the context of a bilingual state school, developing different techniques and strategies, with special emphasis on the Oral Presentation works at the final stage of the Primary Education. In the last ten years of this programme, a great systematization has taken place to help new teachers who might join this innovative project. It involves a special philosophy in teachers, which is based on consultation and collaboration. Teachers are open to use new methodologies and to consider theories such as the cognitive apprenticeship or the importance of learning in a social context. Results have shown a sufficient evidence of a significant change in children who benefit from a bilingual education with a very distinct approach from the traditional focus of learning English as a second language. Likewise, the enrolment demand of the school has increased considerably in the past ten years due to its attainments in a bilingual education in the referred school, aspect considered to be very positive by the parents.Grado en Educación Primari

    Detección de consumo de alcohol y sustancias en los conductores que acuden a un Centro de Reconocimiento de Conductores tras la aplicación del protocolo consensuado DGT-SANIDAD

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    Objetivos: estudio descriptivo de la valoración de la aptitud para conducir en una muestra de 114 conductores en los que se detectaron signos y síntomas compatibles con el consumo de alcohol, sustancias y medicamentos al aplicar el protocolo de valoración consensuado Tráfi co-Sanidad. Material y metodología: la muestra se extrae del total de conductores revisados que cumplen los criterios de posible consumo, dato refl ejado en cada expediente de los conductores seleccionados a los que se les reconoce por su número de registro para cumplir con la ley de protección de datos. Resultados: el 3,47% de la muestra tiene un patrón de consumo inadecuado de algún tipo de sustancia contemplada en el apartado 11 del Anexo IV del Reglamento General de Conductores. La proporción de hombres es del 75% y 25% de mujeres. Corresponden el 17% a conductores que tienen permisos profesionales. El consumo abusivo de alcohol está presente en el 35% de los conductores, las sustancias psicoactivas en el 50,9% y las drogas en el 4,3%. Conclusiones: los datos hallados refl ejan la necesidad de prevenir riesgos derivados de estos consumos. Las medidas restrictivas impuestas a los conductores por esta causa suponen la acción preventiva encomendada a los Centros de Reconocimiento de Conductores. El grado de aplicación de esta medida con los medios actuales puede ser estudiada por los organismos encargados de velar por la seguridad vial.Objectives: A descriptive study of the driving capability assessment on a sample of 114 drivers that showed signs and symptoms which were compatible with the intake of alcohol, substances and medicines according to the jointly-arranged DGT- Department of Health assessment protocol. Materials and methodology: The sample is taken from the group of tested drivers meeting possible consumption criteria, which is shown in each fi le of the selected drivers, who are recognized by their register number in order to abide by the Data Protection Law. Results: 3.47% of the sample shows an unsuitable intake of some kind of substance covered in section number 11 of Appendix IV of the current Spanish Driving Regulations. The proportion of males is 75% whereas the female proportion stands at 25%. 17% of these are drivers with professional licenses. Excessive alcohol intake is seen in 35% of the drivers, psychoactive substances in 50.9% and drugs in 4.3%. Conclusions: the information found shows the need for preventing risks related to the previously mentioned substances. The restrictive measures imposed on drivers involve preventive action, for which driver-assessment medical centers are responsible. The degree of application of this measure with present resources can be considered by the organizations which are responsible for road safety

    ¿Se acentúan ahora las catástrofes climáticas en España?

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    «Climatic catastrophe» is defined as an extreme event (at both tails) with a recurrence period of 25 years for 6 variables (precipitation, mean temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, mean of maxima, mean of minima in annual and monthly values) in 14 Spanish observatories (1867-1995 series). Frequency histograms have been represented for decades and 5-years lasting periods and chi-square tests made which show no statistical significance in the differences between periods for precipitation, but highlight the thermal (cold and hot) anomaly at the end of the XIX century (maximal variability), as compared to other periods. Emphasis is put on the role played for the variables (as factors) in extreme values by means of multiple correlations and correlation matrices.«Catástrofe climática» se define por evento extremo (tanto superior como inferior) de un tiempo de recurrencia de 25 años para 6 variables (precipitación, temperatura media, temperatura máxima, temperatura mínima, media de la temperatura máxima y media de la temperatura mínima, valores anuales y mensuales) en 14 estaciones españolas (serie 1867-1995). Representados los histogramas de frecuencias decenales y quinquenales y con ayuda de la prueba de la ÷2, se pone de manifiesto que las diferencias entre períodos no son estadísticamente significativas en las precipitaciones, si bien se aprecia una anomalía térmica finidecimonónica (fría y cálida; máxima variabilidad), muy superior a los comportamientos de los restantes momentos estudiados. Igualmente se pone énfasis en dilucidar el papel desempeñado por cada uno de los factores (variables) en los valores extremos, mediante el uso de correlaciones múltiples y matrices de correlación

    TDAH en Educación Secundaria

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    En el desarrollo de toda persona influyen, tanto factores biológicos como factores ambientales. En cuanto a los factores biológicos, nuestra capacidad de cambio es limitada, a excepción de farmacológicamente. Sin embargo, sobre los factores contextuales podemos actuar de forma global y coordinada de manera muy beneficiosa para la persona. En el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad, uno de los trastornos más comunes en nuestras escuelas actualmente, una intervención planificada centrada en la persona y en el entorno puede mejorar significativamente la adaptación de la persona y, en consecuencia, su calidad de vida. En el caso de los alumnos de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria, una etapa educativa y de desarrollo vital coge vital importancia que la escuela y la familia trabajen conjuntamente.In the development of every person, both biological factors and environmental factors influence. As for biological factors, our capacity for change is limited, with the exception of pharmacologically. However, on contextual factors we can act in a comprehensive and coordinated manner in a very beneficial way for the person. In attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), one of the most common disorders in our schools today, a person-and environmentally-focused planned intervention can significantly improve the person's adaptation and, in consequence, their quality of life. In the case of high school students, an educational and vital development stage takes vital importance for the school and the family to work togetherDepartamento de PsicologíaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Tu sólo, Todos juntos, Respuesta Inmediata a los Alumnos que es la tutoría

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    Los nuevos Planes de Estudios incluyen apartados sobre las Tutorías, generalmente encaminadas hacia la adjudicación de un grupo de alumnos a un profesor Tutor/Mentor durante toda su vida universitaria. Sobre el papel queda bien, pero puede haber profesores que lo consideren “una labor más”, con el consiguiente abandono o paso a un segundo plano de este difícil quehacer, que además requiere bastante tiempo y dedicación. Consideramos que la labor del TUTOR queda poco definida. Podemos apoyarnos en la bibliografía existente sobre las tutorías, pero ninguna responde a las necesidades globales por lo que sería una misión del Centro, o mejor aún de la Institución, quienes recojan y elaboren el material adecuado para las necesidades de nuestra Universidad. Si no se logra organizar la Acción Tutorial en conjunto, habrá profesores que intenten cumplirla, sintiéndose muy solos en ocasiones, y habrá profesores que “pasen” porque no la consideran una labor propiamente académica

    Conodont content and stratigraphy of the Llessui Formation from the south central Pyrenees

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    A synthetic stratigraphic succession of the Upper Silurian Llessui Formation is established according to partial sections and conodont sampling. The lower part of the formation is considered Ludlow, while the uppermost Přídolí conodont O. e. detortus Zone is recognised at the top. Above, the shales, with some limestones of the Aneto Formation, range from the Přídolí to the middle Lochkovian L. omoalpha-A. trigonicus Zone, where the limestones of the Rueda Formation begin. The carbonate facies of the Llessui Fm are similar to the Ockerkalk facies from the Northern Gondwana. The succession is compared with other Pyrenean sequences and related with some Mediterranean neighbouring areas.Ministerio de Educación y Cultura; Project PB98-155

    Subcutaneous Sarilumab in hospitalised patients with moderate-severe COVID-19 infection compared to the standard of care (SARCOVID): a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    The main aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of a single dose of sarilumab, in subcutaneous administration, in hospitalised patients with moderate to early severe COVID-19 infection compared to the current standard of care, to prevent progression to systemic hyperinflammatory status. Our hypothesis is that use of subcutaneous sarilumab in early stages (window of opportunity) of COVID-19 moderate-severe pneumonia can prevent higher oxygenation requirements through non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation and decrease in-hospital stays, as well as death rate. The secondary objectives of the study are to evaluate the safety of sarilumab through hospitalisation and up to day 14 after discharge, compared to the control arm as assessed by incidence of serious and non serious adverse events (SAEs). In addition, as an exploratory objective, to compare the baseline clinical and biological parameters, including serum IL-6 levels, of the intervention population against controls of the same pandemic outbreak (using a propensity score) to search for markers that identify the best candidates for the treatment with subcutaneous IL-6R inhibitors and to attempt an approximation in the temporal frame of the “window of opportunity”Sanofi provides medication for the intervention arm sarilumab (Kevzara, 40 prefilled syringes

    Linear Gaussian intensity distributions synthesized by reflection on elliptic cylinders: a proposal

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    A Procedure for obtaining linear (one-dimensional) Gaussian intensity distributions over certain plane regions is proposed. The method is based on the reflection of plane beams on elliptic cylinders