1,787 research outputs found

    Alternativas energéticas ante el impacto social causado por la degradación medioambiental

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    17th Conference of the International Association for People-Environment Studies, febrero 2002, A Coruñ

    El patrimonio cultural inmaterial musical latinoamericano en su dimensión pedagógico-política

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    Partiendo de la definición de patrimonio cultural inmaterial que propone la Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, estatuida por la UNESCO en 2003, se incluye a las músicas populares dentro de tal definición. En tal sentido, y también siguiendo a la Convención, se entiende que la salvaguardia de tal patrimonio está directamente relacionada con medidas encaminadas a garantizar la viabilidad del patrimonio cultural inmaterial, a través básicamente, de la enseñanza formal y no formal. Esto nos lleva a preguntarnos sobre los modos de enseñanza de la música en nuestro país, llegando a la conclusión de que en general, hasta mediados de la década de 1990 la música enseñada se encuentra dentro de una matriz centroeuropea de la “escuela francesa”, y que es recién desde 1994 cuando comienzan a gestarse carreras universitarias de música popular, siendo la Tecnicatura de Producción Musical de la UNSL la primera carrera universitaria en Argentina con tal característica. El trabajo pretende mostrar cómo las instituciones de enseñanza formal de la música en nuestro país han jugado un papel importante en esta negación e invisibilización del patrimonio musical o música popular, a favor del Canon Musical Centroeuropeo. Finalmente se constata que la enseñanza formal de las músicas populares latinoamericanas está cobrando un papel cada vez más importante en los últimos años, con la creciente inclusión de estas músicas en las currículas escolares, terciarias y universitarias

    Análisis de Medidas de Ahorro Energético (MAES), aplicables a un edificio universitario de bajo consumo energético

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    El TFG aborda el estudio de la doble piel del Edificio Lucía, referente en sostenibilidad, buscando fomentar el ahorro mediante Medidas de Ahorro Energético (MAEs). En este sentido, se propone la circulación de aire a través de la doble piel para calentar aire y utilizarlo para calefactar el edificio. En el estudio se abordan desde la concepción de un modelo hasta la evaluación de los ahorros energéticos, pasando por la medida de datos experimentales así como la validación de datos teóricos comparándolos con resultados empíricos. Las conclusiones son que si bien existen ahorros energéticos, su cantidad es tan pequeña que no merecería la pena invertir en equipos para cantidades tan bajas. La medida propuesta solo podría ser utilizada en caso de que se combinara con otras MAEs.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaGrado en Ingeniería Mecánic

    High-Resolution Drone-Acquired RGB Imagery to Estimate Spatial Grape Quality Variability

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    [EN] Remotesensing techniques can help reduce time and resources spent collecting samples of crops and analyzing quality variables. The main objective of this work was to demonstrate that it is possible to obtain information on the distribution of must quality variables from conventional photographs. Georeferenced berry samples were collected and analyzed in the laboratory, and RGB images were taken using a low-cost drone from which an orthoimage was made. Transformation equations were calculated to obtain absolute reflectances for the different bands and to calculate 10 vegetation indices plus two new proposed indices. Correlations for the 12 indices with values for 15 must quality variables were calculated in terms of Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Significant correlations were obtained for 100-berries weight (0.77), malic acid (−0.67), alpha amino nitrogen (−0.59), phenolic maturation index (0.69), and the total polyphenol index (0.62), with 100-berries weight and the total polyphenol index obtaining the best results in the proposed RGB-based vegetation index 2 and RGB-based vegetation index 3. Our findings indicate that must variables important for the production of quality wines can be related to the RGB bands in conventional digital images, potentially improving and aiding management and increasing productivity.SIEducation Department of the Junta de Castilla y León-Spai

    The essential role of water molecules in the reaction mechanism of protein O-Fucosyltransferase 2

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    Protein O-fucosyltransferase 2 (PoFUT2) is an inverting glycosyltransferase (GT) that fucosylates thrombospondin repeats (TSRs) from group 1 and 2. PoFUT2 recognizes a large and diverse number of TSRs through a dynamic network of water-mediated interactions. By X-ray structural studies of C. elegans PoFUT2 complexed to a TSR of group 2, we demonstrate that this GT recognizes similarly the 3D structure of TSRs from both groups 1 and 2. Its active site is highly exposed to the solvent, suggesting that water molecules might also play an essential role in the fucosylation mechanism. We applied QM/MM methods using human PoFUT2 as a model, and found that HsPoFUT2 follows a classical S(N)2 reaction mechanism in which water molecules contribute to a great extent in facilitating the release of the leaving pyrophosphate unit, causing the H transfer from the acceptor nucleophile (Thr/Ser) to the catalytic base, which is the last event in the reaction. This demonstrates the importance of water molecules not only in recognition of the ligands but also in catalysis

    Bioética y Derechos Humanos en el Sur Global

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    In this paper, we analyze the origin of the links between global bioethics (which we differentiate from biomedical bioethics) and human rights. We understand that we are in a global civilizational crisis, whose roots extend to 1492 today, in which the modern-capitalist model used the discourse of human rights to justify its predatory technocracy. There are three theoretical assumptions that support our analysis: 1) The current conditions in which the technique shows its destructive power over nature (Anthropocene) indicate that none of the ethical antecedents are applicable to such circumstances. In this new context, the kantian categorical imperative has been reconverted into a moral and political duty to not instrumentalize either human beings or nature. We call this new ethical consideration bioethics. 2) The current geopolitical composition of the world must be thought in terms of the global North and the global South, as two regions that are forged in the midst of important processes of globalization of the world-system, and whose main consequence lies in the absence of equity in the distribution of wealth and well-being between the two. 3) The current environmental crisis or climate change, the product of an economic model based on extractive technology, has become one of the most serious threats against human rights

    Two-temperature model of the coronal irradiated pellets

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    A two electron-temperature, quasi-steady model of the corona of a laser-ablated pellet is considered. Ablation pressure, critical radius and mass flow rate are determined. Results are close to those obtained with heat flux saturation well below the free-streaming limit

    Estimating Soil Properties and Nutrients by Visible and Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy to Characterize Vineyards

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    [EN] Visible, near, and shortwave infrared (VIS-NIR-SWIR) reflectance spectroscopy, a cost- effective and rapid means of characterizing soils, was used to predict soil sample properties for four vineyards (central and north-western Spain). Sieved and air-dried samples were measured using a portable spectroradiometer (350–2500 nm) and compared for pistol grip (PG) versus contact probe (CP) setups. Raw data processed using standard normal variate (SVN) and detrending transformation (DT) were grouped into four subsets (VIS: 350–700 nm; NIR: 701–1000 nm; SWIR: 1001–2500 nm; and full range: 350–2500 nm) in order to identify the most suitable range for determining soil characteristics. The performance of partial least squares regression (PLSR) models in predicting soil properties from reflectance spectra was evaluated by cross-validation. The four spectral subsets and transformed reflectances for each setup were used as PLSR predictor variables. The best performing PLSR models were obtained for pH, electrical conductivity, and phosphorous (R2 values above 0.92), while models for sand, nitrogen, and potassium showed moderately good performances (R2 values between 0.69 and 0.77). The SWIR subset and SVN + DT processing yielded the best PLSR models for both the PG and CP setups. VIS-NIR-SWIR reflectance spectroscopy shows promise as a technique for characterizing vineyard soils for precision viticulture purposes. Further studies will be carried out to corroborate our findingsSIJunta de Castilla y León (LE112G18)Fundación Carolina RodríguezUniversidad de Leó