45 research outputs found


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    Qual é o papel da Universidade na contemporaneidade? Como ela vem desempenhando esse papel do ponto de vista das políticas afirmativas a exemplo as cotas e outras assemelhadas? Estas são algumas das questões levantadas a partir das leituras, discussões e análises ocorridas durante a realização da disciplina Estudos Avançados em Educação e Contemporaneidade do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação e Contemporaneidade da Universidade do Estado da Bahia, categoria Doutorado. O presente trabalho busca refletir sobre a função social da Universidade na contemporaneidade na perspectiva da promoção da inclusão social por meio do ensino, pesquisa e extensão, abordando a relação entre a Educação Superior, inclusão social e as políticas públicas para essa etapa de educação, tendo como cenário as bases filosóficas, políticas e epistemológicas nas quais estão sendo construídas e sustentadas a contemporaneidade. Como base metodológica foi feita uma pesquisa bibliográfica a partir de autores que discutem temáticas necessárias ao apoio às reflexões ora apresentadas. Os resultados obtidos revelam uma universidade, ainda caminhante, mas que já se conscientiza de seu papel social, como proponente de políticas públicas para melhoria de qualidade de vida na sociedade

    Media design in the strategy of emotional relationship with elderly people: Case study – “Volto Já” project

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    This article reports a case study through the description of the communication process and definition of graphic identity, production, and broadcast media made for the multidisciplinary scope of a project ("VOLTO JÁ" project) for an elderly audience. The project VOLTO JÁ aims to implement a senior social exchange program in social economy organizations, seeking to promote tourism experiences for the elderly and highlighting active aging. The business model was based on the sharing of resources to enhance the value proposition and will be supported by an information and communication technologies (ICT) platform. The project, financed under the FCT program: Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects (2016), was completed in February 2021, involving a multidisciplinary team, with different skills, to achieve the objectives initially stipulated, highlighting four areas of knowledge that were fundamental to its success, namely, the areas of Management, Tourism, Computer Engineering, and Design. A research and development team from two polytechnics higher education institutions (Polytechnic Institute of Santarém and Polytechnic Institute of Beja) also had a Social Economy Organization, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santarém as a partner. In this article, we will focus on the work done by the team responsible for the Design and Communication of the project belonging to the Polytechnic Institute of Beja. Thus, the research carried out within the scope of VOLTO JÁ intending to validate a business model proposal based on a service provided by an online technological platform, which promotes: in a first phase, contact between residential structures for the elderly; and, in a second phase, the mobility of the institutionalized elderly according to tourist packages provided by the platform, led us to the need to problematize the communication strategy and the means to be used in the relationship with target audience and all stakeholders. According to the business model validation methodology adopted by the team, namely the Business Model Canvas proposed by Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010), we start from the problematics: 1- How to create and maintain the relationship and the level of involvement of all stakeholders involved with the service offered by the platform? In this case, a platform that allows contact between the residential structures for the elderly, it facilitates the planning of tourist packages, as well as the programming of the mobility of the elderly; 2 - What are the aspects to be taken into account in a communication more oriented to a more senior public, aiming to define aesthetic, cognitive, but also emotional factors? In this way, the team established the main objectives to be achieved, taking into account the project’s characterization: a) to define the communication plan; b) to implement the communication channels that would activate the project simultaneously with its validation; c) to define a graphic identity for effective communication, adaptable to various communication materials required for project development and dissemination; d) to implement digital communication channels and the production of content that would simultaneously allow the involvement of the “elderly” and those responsible for the institutions; e) to schedule web marketing campaigns to activate the project, and consequently, the respective validation through the collection of metrics appropriate to verify the interest in the project/platform; f) to define an user interface and user experience design of the software platform enabling social economy institutions to join senior exchange program, seeking to continue the graphic identity created for the project. The research took on an exploratory case study based on the VOLTO JÁ project, ensuring the validity of the research construct by adopting different sources of chained evidence. We propose to present activities’ outcomes trying to answer the anticipated objectives, through a methodology based on literature review in Communication and in Design fields. Thus, the study was based on a project methodology in design and in the guidelines for the applicability of the design thinking method, based on the recommendations of the Design Council and Interaction Design Foundation. The Design Council describes the design process in five stages and considers that all designers must comply with them when carrying out a project (first steps, research, planning, communication, and implementation), in order to determine, in an initial phase, the design problem and then research the needs that are implied, always bearing in mind the user and its behaviors and, thus, give an effective and reasoned answer at the end of the whole process (Visocky O'Grady & Visocky O'Grady, 2006). The creation of the graphic identity and the brand VOLTO JÁ followed the guidelines of Budelmann et al. (2010), Gomez-Palacio, & Vit (2009), Lupton (2011), and Olins (2010), but also some pertinent reflections highlighted by Norman (2004), oriented to the levels of emotional processing and Design strategies. A communication strategy more oriented to the target audience followed some guidelines previously defined by some authors, such as Silva et al. (2015), by giving Facebook a social support environment for the elderly. Literature review and empirical knowledge allowed the creation of quantitative data collection protocols which analysis ensured the reliability of the case study and its transferability. A web-based service implementation, with a value proposition aimed at promoting a business model in the field of senior tourism, requires the study of the digital communication strategy appropriate to the growing involvement of the target audience in the service development. Adopting appropriate metrics to assess the effectiveness of digital communication strategy also provides data for the development and validation of the business model. Consequently, it is intended to demonstrate activities carried out and that were put into practice, responding to the main objectives and challenges of the project, taking into account its specific target audience and stakeholders. We tried to focus on the fact that design and communication can be channels to promote social interaction. Through this case study and applying a user-centered strategy, we seek to contribute with particular solutions that can be applied in future projects in the social tourism area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Volto Já:um modelo de negócio na área do turismo social de intercâmbio sénior

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    Apresenta-se o modelo de negócio do PROJETO VOLTO JÁ, cujo objetivo geral consiste na operacionalização de um programa de intercâmbio social sénior, entre organizações de economia social, procurando promover experiências turísticas aos idosos. O modelo de negócio proposto baseia-se na partilha de recursos como forma de potenciar a proposta de valor acrescentado. O VOLTO JÁ desenvolve um conjunto de ações com impacto direto na mobilidade e inclusão social dos idosos, enquadrando-se nas abordagens conceptuais do turismo social e do turismo para todos. Esta investigação apresenta um processo de recolha de dados com duas fases. Na primeira fase, foi aplicado um questionário a uma amostra de 134 indivíduos seniores institucionalizados, de 8 instituições na região do Alentejo, para caraterizar o perfil dos idosos e os interesses associados à prática de turismo. Na segunda fase, realizaram-se dois focus groups junto de uma amostra de 6 diretores técnicos de Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social, de modo a perceber as condições e a disponibilidade de participação dos seniores. Os resultados serão utilizados para desenvolver uma plataforma web para disponibilizar/comercializar, a baixo custo, as ofertas ao nível de pacotes turísticos de turismo social, num trabalho concertado com os agentes da oferta turística.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    I'll be right back:senior exchange program

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    Modern society presents an unprecedented ageing process and an increasing number of elderly people. In tourism industry, the increase of active ageing practices, as well as the importance of improvement of the quality of life of elderly, increase their interest and readiness to participate in various touristic activities. It encourage, as well, one market segment–the senior tourism–that enhances the creation of employment and can help to fight the seasonal nature of the tourism sector.Considering the characteristics of this age group, some limitations relative to the autonomy, and alower purchasing power, touristic packages have to be adapted to take into account the specific profile of elderly. The public that this project addresses is the institutionalized elderly in the Sector of Social Economy organisations.Considering the characteristics of this age group, some limitations relative to the autonomy, and a lower purchasing power, touristic packages have to be adapted to take into account the specific profile of elderly. The public that this project addresses is the institutionalized elderly in the Sector of Social Economy organisations.In Portugal, this public has a lack of economic and financial resources, and is growing in number, as well as in economic and social difficulties. This project focuses in Social Tourism for low-income groups, particularly institutionalized seniors, who would not otherwise go on holiday. Special focus will be put on the elderly population motivations to experiment new cultural expressions and on the impact that this process may have on their cognitive abilities and culture.N/

    Volto Já - Programa de Intercâmbio Sénior:Projeto na Área do Turismo Social Sénior

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    O Volto Já pretende operacionalizar um programa de cooperação entre organizações de Economia Social que promova o intercâmbio de seniores institucionalizados, proporcionando lhes experiências culturais, turísticas e artísticas. Os seus principais objetivos são: (i) fomentar o envelhecimento ativo e melhorar a qualidade de vida (bem estar, satisfação com a vida, felicidade, etc.) dos seniores institucionalizados; (ii) desenvolver um modelo de negócio de turismo social dirigido aos seniores institucionalizados em lares ou centros de dia, na região do Alentejo; (iii) desenvolver uma plataforma informática que permita às instituições de Economia Social aderir ao programa de intercâmbio sénior, divulgar as experiências socioculturais oferecidas e estabelecer parcerias que efetivem o intercâmbio. A participação no Volto Já permite aos seniores: (a) terem acesso a experiências turísticas e culturais de elevada qualidade, demasiado dispendiosas se adquiridas individualmente; (b) expandirem o seu círculo social; (c) combaterem o isolamento social; (d) contactarem com a cultura e as tradições de outras regiões do país; (e) promoverem a estimulação cognitiva; (f) melhorarem a sua qualidade de vida; (g) contribuírem para práticas de consumo sustentáveis. Para as instituições de Economia Social, participar no projeto permite-lhes: (a) acederem a uma oferta de serviços diferenciada a baixo custo; (b) expandirem a sua rede de parceiros; (c) melhorarem o reconhecimento social; (d) fortalecerem a ligação à academia; (e) inovarem socialmente; (f) aumentarem o seu capital reputacional. O projeto é suportado por uma equipa multidisciplinar do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém e do Instituto Politécnico de Beja, com a colaboração da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santarém. Os outputs previstos são: (a) diversas parcerias entre a academia e as instituições de Economia Social; (b) um modelo de negócio de turismo social sénior; (c) realizar uma prova de conceito/teste piloto; (d) uma plataforma informática para dinamização do modelo de negócio; (e) uma conferência internacional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of circulating tumor DNA mutant allele fraction on prognosis in RAS -mutant metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Despite major advances in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), the survival rate remains very poor. This study aims at exploring the prognostic value of RAS -mutant allele fraction (MAF) in plasma in mCRC. Forty-seven plasma samples from 37 RAS -mutated patients with nonresectable metastases were tested for RAS in circulating tumor DNA using BEAMing before first- and/or second-line treatment. RAS MAF was correlated with several clinical parameters (number of metastatic sites, hepatic volume, carcinoembryonic antigen, CA19-9 levels, primary site location, and treatment line) and clinical outcome [progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS)]. An independent cohort of 32 patients from the CAPRI-GOIM trial was assessed for clinical outcome based on plasma baseline MAF. RAS MAF analysis at baseline revealed a significant correlation with longer OS [Hazard ratios (HR) = 3.514; P = 0.00066]. Patients with lower MAF also showed a tendency to longer PFS, although not statistically significant. Multivariate analysis showed RAS MAFs as an independent prognostic factor in both OS (HR = 2.73; P = 0.006) and first-line PFS (HR = 3.74; P = 0.049). Tumor response to treatment in patients with higher MAF was progression disease (P = 0.007). Patients with low MAFs at baseline in the CAPRI-GOIM group also showed better OS [HR = 3.84; 95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.5-9.6; P = 0.004] and better PFS (HR = 2.5; 95% CI: 1.07-5.62; P = 0.033). This minimally invasive test may help in adding an independent factor to better estimate outcomes before initiating treatment. Further prospective studies using MAF as a stratification factor could further validate its utility in clinical practice


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    Introdução: A pandemia do COVID-19 atingiu todas as populações do mundo levando a morte mais de 1.178.475 pessoas e contaminando outras 44.888.869 até outubro de 2020. Um efeito desproporcional causado pelo Sars-CoV-2 decorre das desigualdades sociais. No Brasil, onde a pandemia causa efeitos distintos nas periferias, favelas e no interior do país a pandemia revelou a grande diferença entre as classes sociais. O Distrito Sanitário Cabula-Beirú nº 9 engloba comunidades que enfrentam estas desigualdades. Objetivo: Viabilizar o isolamento social das famílias do Distrito Sanitário Cabula Beirú nº 9 através de ações sociais desenvolvidas por professores da UNEB. Método: Um grupo de quatro professores convidou alunos, outros docentes e servidores para participarem de um projeto de extensão voluntário, com atividades presenciais e não presenciais entre maio e setembro de 2020. Resultados: Houve adesão de 25 membros ao grupo, entre professores, discentes e servidores técnicos administrativos. A maioria deles optou por atuar de forma remota por pertencerem a grupo de risco frente à pandemia. Diferentes campanhas de doações por meio de drive thru foram desenvolvidas para arrecadação de alimentos, materiais de limpeza, roupas e calçados, e óleo usado, além de doações financeiras. As doações em dinheiro (62%) e a realização de um drive thru (32%) se mostraram estratégias eficazes, pois capitanearam 94% das doações. O uso de redes sociais foi uma ferramenta essencial no desenvolvimento do projeto para arrecadação de donativos, divulgação e retroalimentação das ações. As articulações intersetorial da UNEB e interinstitucional tornaram o projeto exequível. Conclusão: Foram contempladas 165 famílias, distribuídas 10,5 toneladas em cestas básicas, kits de limpeza e material de higiene, 1.500 máscaras, 300 unidades de sabão ecológico, 150 cartilhas educativas. O projeto foi mantido em caráter assistencialista por 5 meses.Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all populations in the world, leading to the death of over 1,178,475 people and has infected another 44,888,869 by October 2020. A disproportionate effect caused by Sars-CoV-2 stems from social inequalities. In Brazil, where the pandemic has different effects in the suburbs, favelas and in the interior of the country, it reveals the great difference between social classes. The Cabula-Beirú Sanitary District nº 9 encompasses communities that face these inequalities. Objective:  To enable the social isolation of families in the Cabula-Beirú Sanitary District nº 9 through social actions developed by UNEB teachers. Method: A group of four professors invited students, other professors and civil servants to participate in a voluntary extension project, with face-to-face and off-site activities between May and September 2020. Results: There was 25 members joining the group, including teachers, students and technical servers. Most of them chose to act remotely, claiming to belong to a risk group facing the pandemic. Differents donation campaigns through drive thru were developed to collect food, cleaning materials, clothes and shoes, and used oil, in addition to financial donations. Donations in cash (62%) and conducting a drive thru (32%) proved to be effective strategies, as they led 94% of donations. Social networks were essential tools in the development of the project for collecting donations, dissemination and feedback on actions. UNEB's inter-sector and inter-institutional articulations made the project feasible. Conclusion: 165 families were covered, 10.5 tons were distributed in food baskets, cleaning kits and hygiene material, 1,500 masks, 300 units of ecological soap, 150 educational booklets. The project was maintained in an assistencialist nature for 5 months.Introducción: La pandemia de COVID-19 llegó a todas las poblaciones del mundo provocando la muerte de más de 1.178.475 personas y contaminando a otras 44.888.869 hasta octubre de 2020. Un efecto desproporcionado causado por el Sars-CoV-2 se deriva de las desigualdades sociales. En Brasil, donde la pandemia causa distintos efectos en las periferias, las favelas y en el interior del país, revela la gran diferencia entre las clases sociales. El Distrito Sanitario Cabula-Beirú nº 9 engloba a las comunidades que se enfrentan a estas desigualdades. Objetivo: Los profesores de la UNEB se disponen a desarrollar acciones para viabilizar el aislamiento de las familias disminuyendo el contenido del COVID-19. Método: Un grupo de cuatro profesores invitó a estudiantes, otros docentes y servidores a participar en un proyecto de extensión voluntario, con actividades presenciales y no presenciales entre mayo y septiembre de 2020. Resultados: Veinticinco miembros se unieron al grupo, entre profesores, estudiantes y funcionarios. La mayoría de ellos optaron por actuar a distancia, alegando pertenecer a un grupo de riesgo contra la pandemia. Se desarrollaron diferentes campañas de donación para recoger alimentos, material de limpieza, ropa y zapatos, y aceite usado a través de drive thru, además de donaciones económicas. Las donaciones en efectivo (62%) y el drive thru (32%) resultaron ser estrategias eficaces, ya que captaron el 94% de las donaciones. Las redes sociales fueron herramientas esenciales en el desarrollo del proyecto para recoger donaciones, acciones de difusión y retroalimentación. Las articulaciones intersectoriales de la UNEB e interinstitucionales hicieron posible el proyecto. Conclusión: se contemplaron 165 familias, se distribuyeron 10,5 toneladas en cestas de alimentos, kits de limpieza y material de higiene, 1.500 mascarillas, 300 unidades de jabón ecológico, 150 folletos. El proyecto se mantuvo con carácter benéfico durante 5 meses

    Schools and sociological imagination in pandemic times

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    Este projeto originou-se da ação de extensão Ciências Sociais nas Escolas e ancora-se em referênciaS clássicas e contemporâneas da teoria sociológica. Os objetivos se orientam pela capacidade reflexiva das ciências sociais de lidar com a diversidade da população jovem em idade escolar. Voltada tanto a professoras/es quanto a estudantes do ensino médio, a pesquisa visa aprofundar o conhecimento acerca do contexto social da pandemia

    Adoptive NK cell transfer as a treatment in colorectal cancer patients: analyses of tumour cell determinants correlating with efficacy in vitro and in vivo

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    6 figures.-- Supplementary material available.Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a heterogeneous disease with variable mutational profile and tumour microenvironment composition that influence tumour progression and response to treatment. While chemoresistant and poorly immunogenic CRC remains a challenge, the development of new strategies guided by biomarkers could help stratify and treat patients. Allogeneic NK cell transfer emerges as an alternative against chemoresistant and poorly immunogenic CRC.Methods: NK cell-related immunological markers were analysed by transcriptomics and immunohistochemistry in human CRC samples and correlated with tumour progression and overall survival. The anti-tumour ability of expanded allogeneic NK cells using a protocol combining cytokines and feeder cells was analysed in vitro and in vivo and correlated with CRC mutational status and the expression of ligands for immune checkpoint (IC) receptors regulating NK cell activity.Results: HLA-I downmodulation and NK cell infiltration correlated with better overall survival in patients with a low-stage (II) microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) CRC, suggesting a role of HLA-I as a prognosis biomarker and a potential benefit of NK cell immunotherapy. Activated allogeneic NK cells were able to eliminate CRC cultures without PD-1 and TIM-3 restriction but were affected by HLA-I expression. In vivo experiments confirmed the efficacy of the therapy against both HLA+ and HLA− CRC cell lines. Concomitant administration of pembrolizumab failed to improve tumour control.Conclusions: Our results reveal an immunological profile of CRC tumours in which immunogenicity (MSI-H) and immune evasion mechanisms (HLA downmodulation) favour NK cell immunosurveillance at early disease stages. Accordingly, we have shown that allogeneic NK cell therapy can target tumours expressing mutations conferring poor prognosis regardless of the expression of T cell-related inhibitory IC ligands. Overall, this study provides a rationale for a new potential basis for CRC stratification and NK cell-based therapy.Work in the JP laboratory is funded by ASPANOA, CIBER (CB 2021; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación and Union Europea.NextGenerationEU), Fundacion Inocente, Carrera de la Mujer Monzón, FEDER/Gobierno de Aragón (Group B29_17R), and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades (MCNU), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (SAF2017‐83120‐C2‐1‐R and PID2020-113963RB-I00). Predoctoral grants/contracts from Gobierno de Aragon (IU-M and JP) are supported by ARAID Foundation. EG is funded by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCNU), and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2020-113963RB-I00). MA and LS are funded by Postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva Contract. SR, LC, SH, and IU-M are funded by predoctoral contracts from Aragon Government. PL is funded by FPU predoctoral grants from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades. Work at the Catalan Institute of Oncology is funded by the entity, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, and co-funded by FEDER funds—a way to build Europe (PI20/00767), CIBERESP (grant CB07/02/2005), H2020 grant MoTriColor, and the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) of the Catalan Government grant 2017SGR723. This work is supported by COST Action CA17118.Peer reviewe