448 research outputs found

    Memórias do cacumbi: cultura afro-brasileira em Santa Catarina, século XIX e XX

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, Florianópolis, 2015.Esta dissertação aborda a história e a memória do cacumbi, dança afro-brasileira com características associadas à devoção a Nossa Senhora do Rosário e a São Benedito, registrada em Santa Catarina desde o século XIX. O objetivo é analisar como o cacumbi foi visto e avaliado em diferentes contextos históricos: pelos viajantes estrangeiros, pelas autoridades civis e eclesiásticas, pelos estudos dos folcloristas catarinenses e pelas memórias dos próprios capitães do cacumbi; e perceber também o que hoje permanece nas memórias sobre uma a época em que esta celebração existiu em Tijucas/SC. Por trás de uma aparente linearidade que aponta as origens e o fim da dança do cacumbi, existiram memórias, negociações e anseios em disputas, nem sempre lembrados nas principais referências sobre o tema das festas afro-brasileiras em Santa Catarina. Em algumas ocasiões analisados, observamos que esses festejos, muitas vezes vistos em diferentes épocas como algo ?incivilizado?, ?bárbaro?, ?esquisitas danças típicas? ou que ?nada tinham a ver com a religião?, foram e continuam sendo uma manifestação social e cultural de união e lembrança sobre a história da população africana e afro-brasileira no Estado.Abstract : This thesis addresses the history and memory of cacumbi, an afro-Brazilian dance with characteristics associated with the devotion of Our Lady of the Rosary and Saint Benedict, recorded in Santa Catarina state since the XIX century. The objective of this thesis is to analyze how the cacumbi was seen and evaluated in different historical contexts: by foreign travelers, by civil and ecclesiastic authorities, by studies of folklorists from Santa Catarina and by the memories of cacumbi captains themselves; as well as to realize what stands today in the memories about a time in which this celebration occurred in Tijucas/ SC. Behind an apparent linearity that points to the origins and end of cacumbi dance, there were memories, negotiations and yearnings in disputes, not always remembered in the main references about the theme of afro-Brazilian parties in Santa Catarina. In some occasions analyzed in this study, we observed that these celebrations, often seen in different times as something ?uncivilized?, ?barbarian?, ?weird typical dances? or as ?having nothing to do with religion?, were and still are a social and cultural manifestation of union and remembrance about the history of the African and afro-Brazilian population in the state

    Ayahuasca: what mental health professionals need to know

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    Background Ayahuasca is a psychoactive ethnobotanical concoction that has been used for decades by indigenous groups of the Northwestern Amazon and by syncretic religious organizations for ritual and therapeutic purposes. In the last two decades, it is being used worldwide in evolving practices. Ayahuasca seem to therapeutic effects, but controlled studies are lacking. Moreover, its safety and toxicity are not completely understood. Objectives To present an overview of the effects of ayahuasca based on the most recent human studies. Methods Narrative review. Results Ayahuasca administration in controlled settings appears to be safe from a subjective and physiological perspective, with few adverse reactions being reported. More frequent adverse reactions occur in non-controlled settings. Prolonged psychotic reactions are rare and seem to occur especially in susceptible individuals. Ayahuasca showed antidepressive, anxiolytic, and antiaddictive effects in animal models, observational studies, and in open-label and controlled studies. Discussion Ayahuasca administration in controlled settings appear to be safe. Moreover, ayahuasca seem to have therapeutic effects for treatment-resistant psychiatric disorders that should be further investigated in randomized controlled clinical trials. However, medical complications and cases of prolonged psychotic reactions have been reported, and people with personal or family history of psychotic disorders should avoid ayahuasca intake


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    This research was conducted in a greenhouse from Department of Fitossanity at São Paulo State University, Jaboticabal, SP, to evaluate the reaction of four Amazon’s native fruits tree species [“Abiu” (Pouteria caimito), “Araça Pera” (Psidium acutangulum), “Camu-camu” (Myrciaria dubia) and “Bacuri” (Platonia insignis)] and one from Central America, Sapodilla (Achras zapota) to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii Yang & Eisenback, 1983 (Meloidogynidae: Heteroderidae). Seedlings of each fruit trees averaging 12 months of age were planted in ceramic pots containing autoclaved soil and sand. They were inoculated, with addition of 10 cm3 of 400 eggs and J2 in suspension per cm3 to the root system, with a total initial population (IP) of 4000 eggs and J2 of M. enterolobii. The nematode population was obtained from roots of guava tree (Psidium guajava) in the city of Vista Alegre do Alto, SP. The assessment was carried out after 150 days at inoculation with the recovery and counting of the final nematode population (FP) in the root system of the fruit trees. The reaction of the fruit species was given by the factor of nematode reproduction (RF) according to the equation FP / IP, where RF > 1 was considered susceptible and RF < 1, resistant. The “Araça Pera” was susceptible to M. enterolobii and the others fruits plant were not favorable host to M. enterolobii. This study reports the first infection in P. acutangulum by M. enterolobii in greenhouse conditions

    Pesquisar é preciso

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    A discussão central que apresentamos neste artigo trata do desafio da pesquisa como horizonte político-pedagógico da educação contemporânea. Diante de um contexto social que nos apresenta um mundo em permanente transformação, a educação deve transmitir e oportunizar o acesso cada vez mais amplo aos saberes que potencializam a leitura crítica do mundo em seus diferentes aspectos. Ler e interpretar o contexto, que muda rapidamente, requer um novo perfil na docência e estratégias mobilizadoras dos educandos para se sentirem estimulados no paradigma do aprender a aprender, ou seja, aprender a pesquisar. Isso porque aprendemos a vida toda e, nesse desafio, cada vez mais o direito à vida vai se confundir com o direito de aprender. Vida e conhecimento estão implicados mutuamente. A metodologia deste estudo se restringe a uma pesquisa bibliográfica e, entre as principais conclusões, podemos destacar que a perspectiva da pesquisa como paradigma pedagógico requer o redimensionamento da vida e das rotinas escolares, para que todos os sujeitos sejam estimulados e mobilizados à construção de uma sociedade aprendente e comprometida eticamente com o futuro sustentável da vida em nosso planeta, com respeito ao pluralismo cultural e à dignidade da pessoa humana

    Diallel analysis in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) for water stress tolerance

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    Information about combining ability is important in determining breed- ing strategies. The objective of this study was to estimate the general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities among twenty cotton hybrid combinations submitted to water stress, based on agronomic traits. The trails were carried out in semiarid environment (Barbalha, CE), during two years, in dry season under irrigation, and submitted to 23 days of water suppression. Wide variability was verified among parents and their hybrids, with additive effects to seed yield, lint percentage, blooming and boll weight. Dominance effect was found only to plant height. The combinations BRS 286 x CNPA 5M, BRS RUBI x CNPA 5M, FM 966 x CNPA 5M and BRS 286 x BRS Seridó showed the best SCAs and aver- ages for the majority of the traits. In addition, at least one of their parents had high CGA. These combinations must be advanced in cotton breeding program

    O uso do canabidiol (CBD) no tratamento da doença de Parkinson e suas comorbidades

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    Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor (bradykinesia, tremors, stiffness) and non-motor (psychotic, mood and sleep disorders) symptoms. The available pharmacological treatments are not effective for a significant portion of the patients. Recent research suggests that the phytocannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) could be effective in treating some PD symptoms. Objectives: To review the preclinical and clinical studies of the effects of CBD on the symptoms of PD. Methods: Narrative review of the main basic and clinical studies on the effects of CBD on the symptoms of PD. Due to the small number of clinical studies, research with other cannabinoids was also included. Results: A total of 15 articles were included in the review: 5 preclinical studies involving the administration of CBD and 10 studies with patients involving the administration of different cannabinoids (cannabis, nabilone, CBD). Most of the basic studies reported a positive effect of CBD on PD-related behavior or biochemical changes. Observational and clinical studies using smoked cannabis, oral cannabis extract, nabilone (synthetic cannabinoid) and CBD suggest that these cannabinoids can reduce motor (bradykinesia, tremors, stiffness) and non-motor (psychotic, mood and sleep disorders, quality of life) symptoms of PD. Moreover, they are well tolerated substances with few significant adverse effects. Conclusion: Although CBD has shown favorable results in both preclinical and clinical studies, this evidence is not yet sufficient to indicate the use of this cannabinoid in patients with PD. New controlled studies should be performed with different dosages of CBD to replicate this data.Fundamento: A doença de Parkinson (DP) é um transtorno neurodegenerativo crônico caracterizado por sintomas motores (bradicinesia, tremores, rigidez) e não motores (transtornos psicóticos, do humor e do sono). Os tratamentos farmacológicos disponíveis não são eficazes para uma parcela significativa dos pacientes. Pesquisas recentes sugerem que o fitocanabinóide canabidiol (CBD) poderia ser eficaz no tratamento de alguns sintomas da DP. Objetivos: Revisar os estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos dos efeitos do CBD nos sintomas da DP. Métodos: Revisão narrativa dos principais estudos básicos e clínicos sobre os efeitos do CBD nos sintomas da DP. Devido ao número pequeno de estudos clínicos, pesquisas com outros canabinóides também foram incluídas. Resultados: No total, 15 artigos foram incluídos na revisão: 5 estudos pré-clínicos envolvendo a administração de CBD e 10 estudos com pacientes envolvendo a administração de diferentes canabinóides (maconha, nabilona, CBD). A maioria dos estudos básicos mostraram um efeito positivo do CBD em comportamentos ou alterações bioquímicas relacionadas à DP. Estudos observacionais e clínicos com uso de maconha fumada, extrato oral de maconha, nabilona (canabinóide sintético) e CBD sugerem que estes canabinóides podem reduzir sintomas motores (bradicinesia, tremores, rigidez) e não motores (transtornos psicóticos, do humor e do sono, qualidade de vida) da DP. Além disso, são substâncias bem toleradas e com poucos efeitos adversos significativos. Conclusão: Embora o CBD tenha demonstrado resultados favoráveis tanto em estudos pré-clínicos como em estudos clínicos, estas evidências ainda não são suficientes para indicar o uso deste canabinóide em pacientes com distúrbios do DP. Novos estudos controlados devem ser realizados com diferentes dosagens de CBD para replicar estes dados

    On the gonadal maturation and growth curves of females of Saguiru prata (Stewdachnenna insculpta Fernandez-Yepez, 1948), in Ibitinga reservoir, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar em que comprimento e idade ocorre a primeira maturação sexual de fêmeas de Saguiru prata Steindachnerinainsculpia, na Represa de Ibitinga (21046'S 48059'W). Os valores encontrados através da curva de maturação, ajustados pela equação de von Bertalanffy, foram: Loo= 143,5 mm e K = 0,381. A primeira maturação sexualdá-se com um comprimento total médio de 97,73 mm, aos 3 anos de idade.The purpose of this paper was to determine the average total length and the average age at which the first maturation period succeeds in the females of Steindachnenna insculpta caught in Ibitinga Reservoir, SãoPaulo State. The observed values from the maturation curve, adjusted to von Bertalanffy's equation, were the following ones: Loo = 143.5mm and K = 0.381. The first sexual maturation period was detected when they were three years old and 97.73 mm length

    Modelagem física do sistema de alimentação do processo Twin Roll para lingotamento contínuo de tiras de aço inoxidável

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    It can be understood by process modeling the development of a quantitative or qualitative representation of the physical phenomena associated to the process. Important factors in the design of a metal feeding system for thin strip casting of steels are size and shape of tundish, type and location of flow control devices. In this article, simulations concerning the Twin Roll continuous caster of steels process at IPT (Technologic Research Institute) are performed. In order to optimize steel flow a 1:1 water model was designed and constructed with components made of acrylic, water as the simulation fluid and potassium permanganate as a pigment. The use of an appropriate arrangement of turbulence inhibiting dams and weirs can provide an output fluid flow pattern suitable for input to a thin strip caster. The simulator has contributed to improve the productivity and cleanliness of the strip casting of steel.Entende-se, por modelagem de processo, o desenvolvimento de uma representação quantitativa ou qualitativa dos fenômenos físicos associados ao processo. O tipo e a forma do distribuidor, o controle do fluxo e o posicionamento de obstáculos são importantes fatores no projeto do sistema de alimentação de metal líquido para o lingotamento contínuo de tiras de aço. Nesse trabalho, são realizadas simulações do processo Twin Roll de lingotamento contínuo de tiras de aços, utilizando, como referência tecnológica, o equipamento-piloto instalado nas dependências do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo (IPT). Foi construído um simulador a frio do distribuidor do equipamento (em escala 1:1), com componentes feitos de acrílico, com água como fluido de simulação e com permanganato de potássio como corante. O simulador contribuiu para melhorias de produtividade e para a limpeza do produto.179184Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Genetic associations between reproductive and linear-type traits of Holstein cows in Brazil

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    This study aimed to estimate heritability, genetic, and residual correlations between reproductive traits such as age at first calving, calving interval, dry period, and first service period and linear type traits measured in Holstein cows born between the years 1990 and 2008 in Brazil. The (co)variance components were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood, using the MTDFREML software. The heritability for reproductive traits and linear-type traits ranged from 0.02 to 0.03 and from 0.07 to 0.40, respectively. Estimates of genetic correlations between reproductive and linear-type traits ranged from -0.23 (top line) to 0.28 (angularity) to age at first calving, from -0.54 (final score) to 0.34 (foot angle) to calving interval, from -0.23 (angularity) to 0.56 (stature) to dry period, and from -0.52 (final score) to 0.36 (height udder) to first service period. Direct selection for any of the reproductive traits implies low genetic gains by virtue of their low heritabilities. Among the linear-type traits, the final score, chest width, top line, angularity, teat length, udder attachment, rear teat placement were highlighted as good auxiliary traits to improve reproductive efficiency of Holstein cows in Brazil. The simultaneous selection for reproductive and linear-type traits can lead a higher genetic progress in the reproductive traits