2,840 research outputs found

    Development of a front end ASIC for Dark Matter directional detection with MIMAC

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    A front end ASIC (BiCMOS-SiGe 0.35 \mum) has been developed within the framework of the MIMAC detector project, which aims at directional detection of non-baryonic Dark Matter. This search strategy requires 3D reconstruction of low energy (a few keV) tracks with a gaseous \muTPC. The development of this front end ASIC is a key point of the project, allowing the 3D track reconstruction. Each ASIC monitors 16 strips of pixels with charge preamplifiers and their time over threshold is provided in real time by current discriminators via two serializing LVDS links working at 320 MHz. The charge is summed over the 16 strips and provided via a shaper. These specifications have been chosen in order to build an auto triggered electronics. An acquisition board and the related software were developed in order to validate this methodology on a prototype chamber. The prototype detector presents an anode where 2 x 96 strips of pixels are monitored.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Water loss in horticultural products. Modelling, data analysis and theoretical considerations

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    The water loss of individual fruit (melon, plum and mandarin) was analysed using the traditional diffusion based approach and a kinetic approach. Applying simple non linear regression, both approaches are the same, resulting in a quite acceptable analysis. However, by applying mixed effects non linear regression analysis, explicitly including the variation over the individuals, the kinetic approach was found to reflect the processes occurring during mass loss better than the diffusion approach. All the variation between the individuals in a batch could be attributed to the initial mass or size of the individuals. The fraction of the fruit mass that is available for transpiration is the key item in the water loss process, rather than the skin resistance and fruit area. Obtained explained parts are well over 99%

    Interaction of microplastics with metal(oid)s in aquatic environments: What is done so far?

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    Microplastics (MPs) are being recognized as an emergent route of contaminants to aquatic environments, which initially attracted the research interest on their interactions with organic pollutants. Lately, a turning point of attention is evident, with more published studies reporting the presence of metal(oid)s in plastics. This review assembles the mechanisms occurring on microplastics surfaces that enhance sorption of hazardous elements (i.e., metals and metalloids) over environmental exposure. Reported findings of experimental studies are of major importance to understand the factors controlling the sorption/desorption of metal(oid)s to/from microplastics as much as determination of metal(oid)s in environmental plastics. Existence or formation of oxygen-containing functional groups and complexes from surface coatings strongly allow bond of metal(oid)s on reactive surfaces while sorption dynamics are strongly controlled by water chemistry parameters. Moreover, the present work evidences the potential impacts caused by metal(oid)s-MPs interactions to aquatic organisms, prioritizing the need of environmental realistic parameters to test. Bioaccumulation of metal(oid)s desorbed from ingested MPs prove the significant influence of these plastic particles in the bioavailability of pollutants to aquatic biota. In this way, this is a comprehensive manuscript committed to the estimation of the potential ecological risk of MPs to aquatic environments due to their association with metal(oid)s.Versión del edito

    Data acquisition electronics and reconstruction software for directional detection of Dark Matter with MIMAC

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    Directional detection of galactic Dark Matter requires 3D reconstruction of low energy nuclear recoils tracks. A dedicated acquisition electronics with auto triggering feature and a real time track reconstruction software have been developed within the framework of the MIMAC project of detector. This auto-triggered acquisition electronic uses embedded processing to reduce data transfer to its useful part only, i.e. decoded coordinates of hit tracks and corresponding energy measurements. An acquisition software with on-line monitoring and 3D track reconstruction is also presented.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Respuesta de la meiofauna al pisoteo humano en los arrecifes de coral

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    Coastal environments are trampled by humans worldwide; however, there are few studies that evaluate the effect of trampling on the meiofauna of hard substrates, and none on meiofauna of reef environments. We investigated the effects of trampling due to tourism on the meiofauna of reef formations on the northeastern coast of Brazil. Samples were taken from five paired stations located in two areas on the reef: an area protected since 2004, and an area open to tourist visits. Trampling caused important changes in the meiofaunal assemblage. The densities of the total meiofauna and of the commonest groups were negatively affected in the trampled area. Among the major groups, Polychaeta proved to be very sensitive to this disturbance. The meiofauna groups showed different response patterns to trampling depending on the species of algae trampled. Reductions in animal densities were partly attributed to the loss of turf biomass and associated sand caused by trampling, and partly to the direct effect of people stepping on the animals. Considering the importance of meiofauna in the food web as well as its biodiversity, these results highlight the possible negative effects of human trampling on the ecological and economic “services” that coral reefs provide.Los ambientes costeros están sometidos a la frecuentación humana en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, los estudios que evalúan el efecto de la frecuentación sobre la meiofauna de sustratos duros son raros, y sobre la meiofauna de los ambientes arrecifales son inexistentes. Se investigaron los efectos de la frecuentación relacionados con el turismo en la meiofauna de formaciones de arrecifes costeros en la región nordeste de Brasil. Fueron recogidas muestras de cinco pares de estaciones ubicadas en dos zonas en el arrecife: un área protegida desde 2004, y un área abierta a las visitas de turistas. La frecuentación provocó cambios importantes en la comunidad de la meiofauna. Las densidades de la meiofauna total y de los grupos más frecuentes fueron afectadas negativamente en la zona pisoteada. Entre los grupos principales, la clase Polychaeta demostró ser muy sensible a esta perturbación. Los grupos de la meiofauna mostraron diferentes padrones de respuesta al pisoteo dependiendo de la especie de alga pisoteada. Las reducciones en la densidad de animales se debieron en parte a la pérdida de biomasa de algas y sedimento asociado causada por el pisoteo, y en parte al efecto directo del pisoteo sobre los animales. Considerando la importancia de la meiofauna en la cadena alimentaria y su biodiversidad, estos resultados llaman la atención sobre los posibles efectos negativos de la frecuentación humana en los “servicios” ecológicos y económicos que proporcionan los arrecifes

    Micromegas detector developments for MIMAC

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    The aim of the MIMAC project is to detect non-baryonic Dark Matter with a directional TPC. The recent Micromegas efforts towards building a large size detector will be described, in particular the characterization measurements of a prototype detector of 10 ×\times 10 cm2^2 with a 2 dimensional readout plane. Track reconstruction with alpha particles will be shown.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on Directional Detection of Dark Matter (CYGNUS 2011), Aussois, France, 8-10 June 2011; corrections on author affiliation

    Risk-sensitive response of soaring birds to crosswind over dangerous sea highlights age-specific differences in migratory performance.

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    Challenges imposed by geographical barriers during migration are selective agents for animals. Juvenile soaring landbirds often cross large water bodies along their migratory path, where they lack updraft support and are vulnerable to harsh weather. However, the consequences of inexperience in accomplishing these water crossings remain largely unquantified. To address this knowledge gap, we tracked the movements of juvenile and adult black kites Milvus migrans over the Strait of Gibraltar using high-frequency tracking devices in variable crosswind conditions. We found that juveniles crossed under higher crosswind speeds and at wider sections of the strait compared with adults during easterly winds, which represent a high risk owing to their high speed and steady direction towards the Atlantic Ocean. Juveniles also drifted extensively with easterly winds, contrasting with adults who strongly compensated for lateral displacement through flapping. Age differences were inconspicuous during winds with a west crosswind speed component, as well as for airspeed modulation in all wind conditions. We suggest that the suboptimal sea-crossing behaviour of juvenile black kites may impact their survival rates, either by increasing chances of drowning owing to exhaustion or by depleting critical energy reserves needed to accomplish their first migration

    Lepidópteros tortricídeos em pomares de pomóideas e de prunóideas da Beira Interior

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    Comunicação apresentada no 6.º Encontro Nacional de Protecção Integrada que decorreu em Castelo Branco, na Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Poliécnico de Castelo Branco, de 14 a 16 de Maio de 2003, no âmbito do painel sobre Prunóideas.Neste trabalho são apresentados resultados de uma prospecção relativa às espécies de tortricídeos fitófagos de pomares de pomóideas e de prunóideas, na Beira Interior. O trabalho reporta-se a dados obtidos no ano de 2002, tendo sido utilizadas armadilhas sexuais para as capturas de adultos e observação visual para a detecção de larvas. As espécies monitorizadas foram: Adoxophyes orana, Cacoecimorpha pronubana, Pandemis heparana, Pandemis ribeana (=cerasana) e Cydia molesta. Das cinco espécies monitorizadas apenas houve capturas de Cacoecimorpha pronubana e de Pandemis heparana. Relativamente a estas duas espécies são apresentadas curvas de voo. Embora tenham sido detectados frutos com a sintomatologia característica do ataque destas espécies, não foram encontradas larvas, sugerindo populações economicamente insignificantes no ano de 2002

    Drag reduction by polyethylene glycol in the tail arterial bed of normotensive and hypertensive rats

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    This study was designed to evaluate the effect of drag reducer polymers (DRP) on arteries from normotensive (Wistar) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Polyethylene glycol (PEG 4000 at 5000 ppm) was perfused in the tail arterial bed with (E+) and without endothelium (E-) from male, adult Wistar (N = 14) and SHR (N = 13) animals under basal conditions (constant flow at 2.5 mL/min). In these preparations, flow-pressure curves (1.5 to 10 mL/min) were constructed before and 1 h after PEG 4000 perfusion. Afterwards, the tail arterial bed was fixed and the internal diameters of the arteries were then measured by microscopy and drag reduction was assessed based on the values of wall shear stress (WSS) by computational simulation. In Wistar and SHR groups, perfusion of PEG 4000 significantly reduced pulsatile pressure (Wistar/E+: 17.5 ± 2.8; SHR/E+: 16.3 ± 2.7%), WSS (Wistar/E+: 36; SHR/E+: 40%) and the flow-pressure response. The E- reduced the effects of PEG 4000 on arteries from both groups, suggesting that endothelial damage decreased the effect of PEG 4000 as a DRP. Moreover, the effects of PEG 4000 were more pronounced in the tail arterial bed from SHR compared to Wistar rats. In conclusion, these data demonstrated for the first time that PEG 4000 was more effective in reducing the pressure-flow response as well as WSS in the tail arterial bed of hypertensive than of normotensive rats and these effects were amplified by, but not dependent on, endothelial integrity. Thus, these results show an additional mechanism of action of this polymer besides its mechanical effect through the release and/or bioavailability of endothelial factors