1,382 research outputs found

    Combined Effects of Citrulline Plus Nitrate-Rich Beetroot Extract Co-Supplementation on Maximal and Endurance-Strength and Aerobic Power in Trained Male Triathletes: A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Citrulline (CIT) and nitrate-rich beetroot extract (BR) are ergogenic aids and nitric oxide (NO) precursors. In addition, both supplements seem to have other actions at the level of muscle metabolism that can benefit strength and aerobic power performance. Both supplements have been studied in numerous investigations in isolation. However, scientific evidence combining both supplements is scarce, and to the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no current study of endurance athletes. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of 9 weeks of CIT plus BR supplementation on maximal and endurance-strength performance and aerobic power in male triathletes. This study was a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial where participants (n = 32) were randomized into four different groups: placebo group (PLG; n = 8), CIT plus BR group (CIT- BRG; 3 g/kg/day of CIT plus 3 mg/kg/day of nitrates (NO3−); n = 8), CIT group (CITG; 3 g/kg/day; n = 8) and BR group (BRG; 3 mg/kg/day of NO3−; n = 8). Before (T1) and after 9 weeks (T2), four physical condition tests were carried out in order to assess sport performance: the horizontal jump test (HJUMP), handgrip dynamometer test, 1-min abdominal tests (1-MAT) and finally, the Cooper test. Although, no significant interactions (time × supplementation groups) were found for the strength tests (p > 0.05), the CIT- BRG supplementation presented a trend on HJUMP and 1-MAT tests confirmed by significant increase between two study moments in CIT-BRG. Likewise, CIT-BRG presented significant interactions in the aerobic power test confirmed by this group’s improve estimated VO2max during the study with respect to the other study groups (p = 0.002; η2p = 0.418). In summary, supplementing with 3 g/day of CIT and 2.1 g/day of BR (300 mg/day of NO3−) for 9 weeks could increase maximal and endurance strength. Furthermore, when compared to CIT or BR supplementation alone, this combination improved performance in tests related to aerobic power

    A Ciência da informação e o mercado de trabalho na era digital. Desafios na Formação do Profissional da Informação

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    Reflete-se sobre as características do momento atual e os desafios que este representa para a Ciência da Informação no que diz respeito aos impactos da tecnologia e à formação profissional, discutindo-se também as competências e habilidades do profissional da informação na gestão do conhecimento. Enfatizam-se os valores que devem permear a atuação profissional na era digital, dando-se ênfase especial a questões de criatividade e ética. Finaliza-se apresentando uma reflexão sobre aspectos da formação profissional em ambiente digital, refletindo-se sobre as competências informacionais e digitais, bem como sobre a necessidade das organizações de ensino se aparelharem para as mudanças, aperfeiçoando seus processos de formação pela incorporação das demandas e expectativas tanto das organizações como do mercado de trabalho

    Timing uncertainty in collective risk dilemmas encourages group reciprocation and polarization

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    Social dilemmas are often shaped by actions involving uncertain returns only achievable in the future, such as climate action or voluntary vaccination. In this context, uncertainty may produce non-trivial effects. Here, we assess experimentally — through a collective risk dilemma — the effect of timing uncertainty, i.e. how uncertainty about when a target needs to be reached affects the participants' behaviors. We show that timing uncertainty prompts not only early generosity but also polarized outcomes, where participants' total contributions are distributed unevenly. Furthermore, analyzing participants' behavior under timing uncertainty reveals an increase in reciprocal strategies. A data-driven game-theoretical model captures the self-organizing dynamics underpinning these behavioral patterns. Timing uncertainty thus casts a shadow on the future that leads participants to respond early, whereas reciprocal strategies appear to be important for group success. Yet, the same uncertainty also leads to inequity and polarization, requiring the inclusion of new incentives handling these societal issues.Xunta de GaliciaFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. PTDC/CCI-INF/7366/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. PTDC/MAT/STA/3358/2014Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50021/202

    The development of learning ecologies through online tools

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    El artículo que se presenta a continuación analiza una experiencia escolar en el nivel de enseñanza secundaria, instrumentada con diversos medios TIC en Red, entre los que destaca especialmente la herramienta de marcado social Diigo. Dicho análisis se articula bajo la óptica de la llamada teoría ecológica del aprendizaje que presta especial atención al juego de relaciones mutuas e interdependencias entre los diversos elementos y contextos que intervienen y enmarcan el aprendizaje, como son, por ejemplo, los recursos y actividades de aprendizaje, las relaciones sociales, los ambientes de aprendizaje (formal, informal y no formal) y otros aspectos de índole subjetiva, como la motivación o la autorregulación, poniéndose de relieve factores que pueden indicar la presencia o carencia de oportunidades de aprendizaje en el conjunto de contextos que forman cada ecología y, de esta forma, evaluar sus resultados o la pertinencia de su puesta en práctica realThe article analyzes an experience at the level of secondary school, employing a range of ICT tools and the Internet, among which the Diigo social marking tool stands out. This analysis is made from the perspective of the theory of learning ecology, that pays special attention to the network of mutual relationships and interdependencies between the various elements and contexts that frame learning, such as, for example, resources and learning activities, social relations, learning environments (formal, informal and non-formal) and other aspects of a subjective nature, such as motivation or self-regulation. It also highlights factors that may indicate the presence or lack of learning opportunities in those contexts that form each ecology and, in this way, evaluate their results or the relevance of their real implementationS

    Los mapas conceptuales como puente entre contenidos y representación

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    El empleo de herramientas web 2.0 de construcción de mapas conceptuales puede resultar útil para la realización de trabajos escolares de investigación en web en enseñanza secundaria, en cuanto a que parecen ofrecer a los alumnos un medio sencillo de trasladar aquellos conceptos asimilados mediante procesos de aprendizaje significativo a formatos de presentación y comunicación tipo PowerPoint. Así lo sugieren los resultados de una investigación-acción llevada a cabo durante el segundo trimestre del curso 2016-2017, en un instituto de educación secundaria de A Coruña, por los alumnos y el profesor de la materia de Investigación e Tratamento da Información

    Projections of wind energy resources in the Caribbean for the 21st century

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    The Caribbean has suitable conditions for a significant wind energy development, which makes a good planning for the future renewable energy mix essential. The impact of climate change on Caribbean wind power has been analyzed by means of an ensemble of CORDEX regional climate models (RCMs) under the RCP8.5 warming scenario. The offshore wind energy resource was classified for the historical period and for the future considering wind energy factors, environmental risk factors and cost factors whose weights were estimated by a Delphi method. Future projections show a maximum annual wind increase, ∼0.4 ms −1 (8%), in most of the Caribbean, except in the Yucatán Basin. This increment occurs mainly during the wet season, ∼0.5 ms −1 (∼10%), associated with changes in the extension of the North Atlantic Subtropical High, which will strengthen the Caribbean low-level jet. Additionally, the moderate wind increase, ∼0.2 ms −1 (∼4%), projected during the dry season is restricted to the southeastern coast and it is associated with an increment in the land-ocean temperature difference (∼1 °C), which will intensify local easterly winds. The low-level jet region was classified as the richest wind energy resource in the Caribbean for the future with a larger extension compared to the historical period.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2017/64Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. SFRH/BPD/97320/2013Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. SFRH/BPD/118142/2016Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. SFRH/BPD/99707/201

    Water Relations in the Irrigation Scheduling of Olive Orchards

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    Olive trees (Olea europea L) are traditional Mediterranean specie. The agricultural management of olive orchards has been changed from 90’s of the last century. The most important change is the great increase of the irrigation surface. This new water demand has been produced in water scarcity areas. Such conditions and the traditional rainfed management of the orchards have produced very restrictive water used. The traditional irrigation scheduling based on water budget is a useful tool in conditions of full irrigation, but most of the olive orchards are deficit irrigated. In the last decades, plant water status measurements have been suggested in different fruits trees in order to improve the management of deficit irrigation. In this work, results of several experiments in different olive orchards using midday stem water potential and trunk daily diameter are presented. The water stress sensitivity and the real commercial utility are discusse

    Adopting a multidisciplinary telemedicine intervention for fall prevention in Parkinson’s disease. Protocol for a longitudinal, randomized clinical trial

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    Approximately 40–70% of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) fall each year, causing decreased activity levels and quality of life. Current fall-prevention strategies include the use of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. To increase the accessibility of this vulnerable population, we developed a multidisciplinary telemedicine program using an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) platform. We hypothesized that the risk for falling in PD would decrease among participants receiving a multidisciplinary telemedicine intervention program added to standard office-based neurological care.This work was supported by the project PI19/00670 of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacio´n y Universidades, Instituto de Salud Carlos II, Spain. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation and its donation of the TITAN Xp GPUs used in this research

    The role of osmolarity adjusting agents in the regulation of encapsulated cell behavior to provide a safer and more predictable delivery of therapeutics

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    [Abstract] Transplantation of cells within alginate microspheres has been extensively studied for sustained drug delivery. However, the lack of control over cell behavior represents a major concern regarding the efficacy and the safety of the therapy. Here, we demonstrated that when formulating the biosystem, an adequate selection of osmolarity adjusting agents significantly contributes to the regulation of cell responses. Our data showed that these agents interact in the capsule formation process, influencing the alginate crosslinking degree. Therefore, when selecting inert or electrolyte-based osmolarity adjusting agents to encapsulate D1 multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), alginate microcapsules with differing mechanical properties were obtained. Since mechanical forces acting on cells influence their behavior, contrasting cell responses were observed both, in vitro and in vivo. When employing mannitol as an inert osmolarity adjusting agent, microcapsules presented a more permissive matrix, allowing a tumoral-like behavior. This resulted in the formation of enormous cell-aggregates that presented necrotic cores and protruding peripheral cells, rendering the therapy unpredictable, dysfunctional, and unsafe. Conversely, the use of electrolyte osmolarity adjusting agents, including calcium or sodium, provided the capsule with a suitable crosslinking degree that established a tight control over cell proliferation and enabled an adequate therapeutic regimen in vivo. The crucial impact of these agents was confirmed when gene expression studies reported pivotal divergences not only in proliferative pathways, but also in genes involved in survival, migration, and differentiation. Altogether, our results prove osmolarity adjusting agents as an effective tool to regulate cell behavior and obtain safer and more predictable therapies.Gobierno Vasco; IT-907-16Universidad del País Vasco; UFI11/3