651 research outputs found

    Kinetics of Eucalypt Lignosulfonate Oxidation to Aromatic Aldehydes by Oxygen in Alkaline Medium

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    The oxidation kinetics of lignosulfonates (LS) from acidic magnesium-based sulfite pulping of Eucalyptus globulus wood with oxygen under alkaline conditions was studied. The analysis of oxidation products in the reaction system O(2)/NaOH revealed a predominance of aromatic aldehydes (vanillin and syringic aldehyde) though small amounts of vanillic and syringic acids and acetophenone/phenylacetaldehyde derivatives have also been detected. The rate constant of syringic aldehyde formation was roughly twice of that for vanillin. The effective activation energies for the oxidation of LS to aromatic aldehydes (ca. 60-70 kJ/mol) were rather different to those found for the formation of aromatic acids (ca. 110 kJ/mol) indicating different mechanisms involved in the rate-determining reaction step. The addition of catalyst (copper salt, 20% w/w) promoted the LS oxidation with increments of aromatic aldehyde yields by 25-50%. The maximum yields of syringic aldehyde and vanillin upon LS oxidation were 16.1 and 4.5%, respectively (150 degrees C, 20 min, P(O2) = 10 bar, 0.9 M NaOH solution). The highly negative effect of concomitant sugars in sulfite liquor to the yield of aromatic aldehydes was highlighted

    Efectos de la salinidad sobre el crecimiento, la fluorescencia de clorofila y el drift de la microalga bentónica Cylindrotheca closterium

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    Trabajo presentado en el XVII Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, celebrado en San Sebastián del 11 a 14 de septiembre de 2012.En el presente trabajo se evaluó el efecto de la salinidad sobre el crecimiento poblacional, la fluorescencia de clorofila y el drift (desplazamiento pasivo en la corriente de agua) de Cylindrotheca closterium. C. closterium es una microalga bentónica que habita zonas estuarinas formando parte del microfitobentos. Entre los factores de estrés que pueden afectar a la especie C. closterium se encuentran los cambios de salinidad. En una primera fase, estos efectos se evaluaron en base al crecimiento poblacional en ensayos de toxicidad estándar realizados en matraz. Las células de C. closterium fueron expuestas a diferentes salinidades, que variaron de 37 (control) hasta 5, durante 72 h, bajo condiciones controladas temperatura y luz constante. El drift y la fluorescencia de clorofila se midieron simultáneamente como marcadores de exposición al estrés. Para ello se diseñó y construyó un sistema de flujo continuo (Figura 1) que permitiera examinar la capacidad de C. closterium de evitar los efectos de la salinidad mediante el drift. El sistema estaba compuesto de 3 compartimentos interconectados de 35 mL cada uno. Los dos compartimentos iniciales fueron usados para reducir la turbulencia del agua y evitar el arrastre de las microalgas colocadas en el tercer compartimento. Un flujo de agua constante de 480±15 mL min-1 era generado mediante una bomba contenida en un recipiente donde era recogida el agua una vez salía del sistema, creando así un circuito cerrado y continuo. La entrada de agua de la bomba fue cubierta con un filtro de 5 µm de luz de malla para evitar que las microalgas que realizaban drift retornaran al sistema. El circuito contenía 500 mL de agua de mar filtrada a la que se añadió medio f/2 y silicatos. Seis horas antes del inicio del ensayo se colocaban las microalgas, con una concentración de 104 células mL-1, en el tercer compartimento del sistema para garantizar que estas decantaran en el fondo. A continuación el sistema era puesto en marcha durante 12 h y en oscuridad para evitar el crecimiento de la población de microalgas. Se realizaron ensayos a diferentes salinidades (37, 30, 24, 19, 15, 12 y 9) que fueron repetidos cuatro veces en el tiempo. El número de células que hizo drift fue determinado en función de la fluorescencia de clorofila de modo que ambas respuestas, drift y reducción en la fluorescencia de clorofila fueron integradas en una misma medida. Los datos de inhibición de crecimiento indican que la salinidad que causa una reducción en la población del 50% (ES50) fue de 19±4; por otro lado la ES50 calculada a partir del sistema de drift integrando la fuga y la fluorescencia de clorofila fue de 15±3. Los resultados del estudio mostraron que un descenso de la salinidad provoca una disminución en el crecimiento de C. closterium, además produce una disminución en la fluorescencia de clorofila y desencadena la respuesta de drift.Peer Reviewe

    Evaluación de la soya integral cocida y de harina de yuca en la alimentación de aves de postura

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    Se localizaron poblaciones de la planta en los municipios de Santa Rosa-Cauca y de Mocoa-Putumayo y se hicieron observaciones fenológicas discontinuas entre abril de 1984 y agosto de 1986; simultáneamente se realizaron ensayos de propagación sexual y asexual (estacas y acodos). La floración, fructificación y emisión de follaje se presentaron con cierta periodicidad durante el período de observaciones, en tanto que la caída de follaje no ocurrió en volúmenes apreciables. Los ensayos de propagación sexual fracasaron, mientras que el enraizamiento de estacas, aún utilizando enraizadores, fue muy bajo (6.5 %); las únicas estacas que enraizaron fueron las terminales sembradas con yema foliar y hojas apicales. Todos los acodos formaron callo pero enraizaron más los tratados con enraizadores (75 %).This paper presents phenological, sexual and asexual propagation observations of Elaeagia pastoensis Mora, furthermore some botanic and ecology aspects of the plant were conssidered. The plant was found growing in Santa Rosa-Cauca and Mocoa-Putumayo municipalities where discontinual phenological observations were made; sexual and asexual (stem cutting and aereal layer) propagation experiments were made too. The field work carried out through april 1984 and august1986. Flowering, fruiting and leaf flushing appeared with some regularity during the observations period; the leaf fall was not observed in siqnificant quantyties. The sexual propagations was not sucesfully. The percentage of root setting taken from terminal of the branch with resinal bud leaves and apical leaves set roots. AII aerel layer formed callus, however the hi- ghest percentage of root setting (75%) was reached with treated ones with hormones

    Profile and agriculture bromatological corn silage sw of Parana

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    Objetivou-se com o presente estudo descrever as silagens de milho, de diferentes genótipos do ciclo centro precoce normal, quanto as suas características bromatológicas e agronômicas. O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Câmpus Dois Vizinhos em dois anos agrícolas (2009/2010 e 2010/2011). Em ambos anos de experimentos, as sementes de milho foram fornecidas pela Embrapa Milho e Sorgo (Sete Lagoas, MG). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de lattice simples com 49 genótipos (2009/10) e alfa látice com 39 genótipos (2010/2011), ambos com duas repetições. Os resultados das características observados foram submetidos à análise de variância e comparadas pelo teste de SNK, em nível de 5% de significância. As características dos genótipos no primeiro ano de experimento não diferenciaram em proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, porcentagem de colmo e folha da planta do milho, com teores de boa qualidade nutricional. Para as características produção de matéria seca, fibra em detergente neutro e ácido, porcentagem de espiga na planta de milho e produção de grãos os genótipos apresentaram diferença significativa. Para o segundo ano experimental, baseados nas características produção de matéria seca, nutrientes digestíveis totais, fibra em detergente neutro e ácido, porcentagem de colmo folhas verdes e espiga todos os genótipos apresentaram características adequadas para produção de silagem. Entre as características de produção de matéria seca, nutrientes digestíveis totais, fibra em detergente neutro e ácido, porcentagem de colmo, folhas verdes e espiga em relação à planta de milho, apresentaram diferença estatística entre os genótipos. Concluindo que para a produção de MS ha-1 o genótipo GNZX 9505 apresentou os maiores rendimentos.The objective of this study characterizes the corn silages of different genotypes cycle center early normal as their chemical characteristics and agronomic. The experiment was conducted at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Campus Dois Vizinhos in two growing seasons (2009/2010 and 2010/2011). In both years of experiments, maize seeds were supplied by Embrapa Milho e Sorgo (Sete Lagoas, MG). The experimental design was used simple lattice with 49 genotypes (2009/10) and alpha lattice design with 39 genotypes (2010/2011) both with two replications. The results of the observed variables were subjected to analysis of variance and compared by SNK, at the 5% level of significance. The characteristics of the genotypes in the first year of experiment no differences in crude protein, crude fat, percentage of stem and leaf of the maize plant, with levels of good nutritional quality. For the characteristics of dry matter production, neutral detergent fiber and acid concentration ear in maize and grain yield significantly different genotypes. For the second experimental year, based on the characteristics of dry matter production, total digestible nutrients, neutral detergent fiber and acid concentration stem and green leaves all genotypes spike characteristics suitable for silage production. Among the characteristics of dry matter, total digestible nutrients, neutral detergent fiber and acid concentration stem, green leaves and cob in relation to plant corn, present statistical difference between genotypes. Concluding that for the production of MS ha-1 GNZX 9505 genotype had the highest yields.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Profile and agriculture bromatological corn silage sw of Parana

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    Objetivou-se com o presente estudo descrever as silagens de milho, de diferentes genótipos do ciclo centro precoce normal, quanto as suas características bromatológicas e agronômicas. O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Câmpus Dois Vizinhos em dois anos agrícolas (2009/2010 e 2010/2011). Em ambos anos de experimentos, as sementes de milho foram fornecidas pela Embrapa Milho e Sorgo (Sete Lagoas, MG). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de lattice simples com 49 genótipos (2009/10) e alfa látice com 39 genótipos (2010/2011), ambos com duas repetições. Os resultados das características observados foram submetidos à análise de variância e comparadas pelo teste de SNK, em nível de 5% de significância. As características dos genótipos no primeiro ano de experimento não diferenciaram em proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, porcentagem de colmo e folha da planta do milho, com teores de boa qualidade nutricional. Para as características produção de matéria seca, fibra em detergente neutro e ácido, porcentagem de espiga na planta de milho e produção de grãos os genótipos apresentaram diferença significativa. Para o segundo ano experimental, baseados nas características produção de matéria seca, nutrientes digestíveis totais, fibra em detergente neutro e ácido, porcentagem de colmo folhas verdes e espiga todos os genótipos apresentaram características adequadas para produção de silagem. Entre as características de produção de matéria seca, nutrientes digestíveis totais, fibra em detergente neutro e ácido, porcentagem de colmo, folhas verdes e espiga em relação à planta de milho, apresentaram diferença estatística entre os genótipos. Concluindo que para a produção de MS ha-1 o genótipo GNZX 9505 apresentou os maiores rendimentos.The objective of this study characterizes the corn silages of different genotypes cycle center early normal as their chemical characteristics and agronomic. The experiment was conducted at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Campus Dois Vizinhos in two growing seasons (2009/2010 and 2010/2011). In both years of experiments, maize seeds were supplied by Embrapa Milho e Sorgo (Sete Lagoas, MG). The experimental design was used simple lattice with 49 genotypes (2009/10) and alpha lattice design with 39 genotypes (2010/2011) both with two replications. The results of the observed variables were subjected to analysis of variance and compared by SNK, at the 5% level of significance. The characteristics of the genotypes in the first year of experiment no differences in crude protein, crude fat, percentage of stem and leaf of the maize plant, with levels of good nutritional quality. For the characteristics of dry matter production, neutral detergent fiber and acid concentration ear in maize and grain yield significantly different genotypes. For the second experimental year, based on the characteristics of dry matter production, total digestible nutrients, neutral detergent fiber and acid concentration stem and green leaves all genotypes spike characteristics suitable for silage production. Among the characteristics of dry matter, total digestible nutrients, neutral detergent fiber and acid concentration stem, green leaves and cob in relation to plant corn, present statistical difference between genotypes. Concluding that for the production of MS ha-1 GNZX 9505 genotype had the highest yields.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Hands Up! Atypical Defensive Reactions in Heavy Players of Violent Video Games When Exposed to Gun-Attack Pictures

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    Threatening cues and surrounding contexts trigger specific defensive response patterns. Posturography, a technique for measuring postural strategies, has been used to evaluate motor defensive reactions in humans. When exposed to gun pointed pictures, humans were shown to exhibit an immobility reaction. Short and long-term exposure to violent video games was shown to be a causal risk factor for increased violent and aggressive behavior. Assaultive violence with a gun is a major trigger for motor defensive reactions, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the most characteristic psychiatric sequelae. Recent studies point to links between PTSD symptoms and emotional shortfalls in non-clinical trauma-exposed samples. The present study investigated defensive reactions to gun threat and PTSD symptoms in heavy players of violent video games compared to non-players. Male university students were screened according to use of violent video games and divided in three groups: non-players, moderate players, and heavy players. Stimuli were pictures depicting a man pointing a gun directed at the participant. In matched control pictures, non-lethal objects replaced the gun. Posturography was recorded and PTSD symptoms were assessed. When exposed to the threat pictures, non-players exhibited the expected reduction in amplitude of body sway (immobility), heavy players presented atypical augmented amplitude of body sway, and moderate players showed intermediate reactivity. Heavy players presented a significant distinct reaction compared to non-players. They also scored significantly higher in PTSD symptoms than non-players. Disadvantageous defensive reactions and higher vulnerability to PTSD symptoms, revealed in the present study, add to other shortcomings for heavy players

    Estratégias de coping utilizadas por familiares de indivíduos em tratamento hemodialítico

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    This descriptive, qualitative study aims to identify the coping strategies used most by the family members of patients with chronic kidney disease receiving hemodialysis. The data were collected through interviews, with the Coping Strategies Inventory questionnaire administered to ten family members, and were submitted to descriptive statistics and to thematic content analysis. The strategy used most was escape-avoidance, demonstrating that the family members prefer not to face the situation. The second most-used strategy was social support, ratified by the fact that they stated that they talk with other persons and professionals, seeking information about the problem, and because they accept the support received positively. The third was problem resolution, represented by the attitude of accepting responsibility for the care, either through strong affective bonds or through a feeling of responsibility established prior to the disease. The families use coping strategies of different intensities, while, nevertheless, indicating involvement and major participation in the care for the patient.Estudio cualitativo, que trató de identificar las estrategias de afrontamiento empleadas por las familias de los pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica en hemodiálisis. Se aplicó el Inventario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento y una questión abierta con diez familiares. Los datos cuantitativos fueron sometidos a procedimientos estatísticos y análisis de contenido cualitativo. La estrategia de mayor utilización fue el escape y evitación (oito), lo que demuestra que los miembros de las familisa preferían no tener que enfrentar esta situación. La siguiente estrategia fue utilizada más apoyo social, ya hablé con otras personas y profesionales que buscan información sobre el problema, y aceptar el apoyo positivo recibido. A terceira foi resolução de problemas, representada pela atitude em assumir o cuidado, seja pelo forte vínculo afetivo ou pelo sentimento de responsabilidade já estabelecido antes da doença. Familias de las estrategias de afrontamiento empleadas con diferentes intensidades, pero mostrando una gran implicación y la participación en el cuidado del paciente crónico.Estudo descritivo, de natureza quali-quantitativa, que objetivou identificar as estratégias de enfrentamento mais utilizadas por familiares de pacientes com doença renal crônica em hemodiálise. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista, com aplicação do Inventário de Estratégias de Coping a dez familiares, e submetidos à estatística descritiva e à análise de conteúdo temática. A estratégia mais utilizada foi fuga e esquiva, demonstrando que os familiares preferiam não enfrentar a situação. A segunda estratégia mais usada foi suporte social, ratificada ao afirmarem que conversaram com outras pessoas e profissionais buscando informações sobre o problema, e por aceitarem positivamente o apoio recebido. A terceira foi resolução de problemas, representada pela atitude em assumir o cuidado, seja pelo forte vínculo afetivo ou pelo sentimento de responsabilidade já estabelecido antes da doença. As famílias empregaram estratégias de enfrentamento com intensidades diferentes, porém indicando envolvimento e grande participação no cuidado ao doente.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)aff2Universidade Estadual de MaringáUEMUNIFESPSciEL

    Ultrafast photochemistry produces superbright short-wave infrared dots for low-dose in vivo imaging

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    12 p.-5 fig.Optical probes operating in the second near-infrared window (NIR-II, 1,000-1,700 nm), where tissues are highly transparent, have expanded the applicability of fluorescence in the biomedical field. NIR-II fluorescence enables deep-tissue imaging with micrometric resolution in animal models, but is limited by the low brightness of NIR-II probes, which prevents imaging at low excitation intensities and fluorophore concentrations. Here, we present a new generation of probes (Ag2S superdots) derived from chemically synthesized Ag2S dots, on which a protective shell is grown by femtosecond laser irradiation. This shell reduces the structural defects, causing an 80-fold enhancement of the quantum yield. PEGylated Ag2S superdots enable deep-tissue in vivo imaging at low excitation intensities (<10 mW cm-2) and doses (<0.5 mg kg-1), emerging as unrivaled contrast agents for NIR-II preclinical bioimaging. These results establish an approach for developing superbright NIR-II contrast agents based on the synergy between chemical synthesis and ultrafast laser processing.Authors thank Dr A. Benayas (CICECO, U. Aveiro, Portugal), Prof G. Lifante and Prof J. García Sole (UAM) for helpful discussions. This work has been founded by Ministerio de Economı́a y Competitividad-MINECO (MAT2017-83111R and MAT2016-75362-C3-1-R) and the Comunidad de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3867 RENIM-CM) co-financed by European Structural and Investment Fund. D.M.-G. thanks UCM-Santander for a predoctoral contract (CT17/17-CT18/17). We thank the staff at the ICTS-National Centre for Electron Microscopy at the UCM for the help in the electron microscopy studies and C.M. at the beamline BL22-CLAESS of the Spanish synchrotron ALBA for his help in the XANES experiments. We also thank J.G.I at the Ultrafast Laser Laboratory at UCM for his help and fruitful discussion. Y.S. acknowledges the support from the China Scholarship Council (CSC File No. 201806870023). Additional funding was provided by the European Commission Horizon 2020 project NanoTBTech, the Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal project IMP18_38 (2018/0265). Ajoy K. Kar and Mark D. Mackenzie acknowledge support from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Project CHAMP, EP/M015130/1). C. Jacinto thanks the financial support of the Brazilian agencies: CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) through the grants: Projeto Universal Nr. 431736/2018-9 and Scholarship in Research Productivity 1C under the Nr. 304967/20181; FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos) through the grants INFRAPESQ-11 and INFRAPESQ-12; FAPEAL (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas) grant Nr. 1209/2016. H. D. A. Santos was supported by a graduate studentship from CNPq and by a sandwich doctoral program (PDSE-CAPES) developed at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, Project Nr. 88881/2016-01.Peer reviewe

    Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling and Prognosis in Patients Evaluated for Heart Transplantation: Insights from the OCTOPUS-CHF Study

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    Objective: In patients with advanced heart failure, the intravascular optical coherence tomography (OCT) of subsegmental pulmonary artery measurements is correlated with right heart catheterization parameters. Our aim was to study the prognostic value of pulmonary OCT, right heart catheterization data, and the echocardiographic estimation of pulmonary pressure in patients studied for elective heart transplants. Methods: This research is an observational, prospective, multicenter study involving 90 adults with a one-year follow-up. Results: A total of 10 patients (11.1%) died due to worsening heart failure before heart transplantation, 50 underwent a heart transplant (55.6%), and 9 died in the first year after the transplant. The patients with and without events (mortality or heart failure-induced hospitalization) had similar data regarding echocardiography, right heart catheterization, and pulmonary OCT (with a median estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure of 42.0 mmHg, interquartile range (IQR) of 30.3-50.0 vs. 47.0 mmHg, IQR 34.6-59.5 and p = 0.79, median pulmonary vascular resistance of 2.2 Wood units, IQR 1.3-3.7 vs. 2.0 Wood units, IQR 1.4-3.2 and p = 0.99, and a median pulmonary artery wall thickness of 0.2 +/- 0.5 mm vs. 0.2 +/- 0.6 mm and p = 0.87). Conclusion: Pulmonary vascular remodeling (evaluated with echocardiography, right heart catheterization, and pulmonary OCT) was not associated with prognosis in a selected sample of adults evaluated for elective heart transplants. Pulmonary OCT is safe and feasible for the evaluation of these patients